Osteology and Arthrology (L2)

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Name all bones included in upper appendicular bones.

Clavicle (2), scapula (2), humerus (2), ulna (2), radius (2), capus/ carpals (16), metecapus (10), phalanges (28)


Collar bone (ไหปลาร้า)

Vertebral notch

Concavity of vertebral arch


Coronal suture and sagittal suture intersect

What are important properties of cervical vertebrae (C2)?

Dens/ odontoid process with large bifid spine (spinous process)

Fibrous joint

Dense fibrous CNT --> connect bones without allowing any movement (like sutures)

Atlanto-axial joint

Joint between atlas (C1) and axis (C2) --> permits rotation of the head

Shoulder joint

Joint formed by humerus and clavicle

Elbow joint

Joint formed by humerus, ulna, and radius

Wrist joint

Joint formed by ulna, radius and capus


Junction of frontal, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal bones

True ribs

Ribs2 1-7 --> connected to sternum directly by costal cartilage

Transverse processes

Two lateral projections from the vertebral arch (left and right)

Hyoid bone

U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue while being attached to muscles of larynx

Basal nasal septum

Upper and lower --> vomer, perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Upper leg bone --> longest bone in the body


Upper portion of the sternum --> has a jugular notch


upper arm bone

Zygomatic bones

Cheek bones


Chest bone --> consists of manubrium, body and xiphoid process

Foramen magnum

A large opening at the base of the skull through which the brain connects to the spinal cord

Cartilaginous joints

Allow only slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage --> synchondrosis and symphysis


Anvil; middle of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear


Articular surface of vertebrae used to articulate with other bones

Xiphoid process

Attach to body body of sternum and diaphragm

Body of sternum

Attach to manubrium + costal cartilage of ribs 2-7

Sagittal sutures

Between 2 parietals bones

Coronal suture

Between frontal & 2 parietals

Lambdoidal suture

Between occipital & 2 parietals (P)

Parietal bone

Bone forming the central side and upper back part of each side of the skull (x2)

Temporal bone

Bone that forms parts of the side of the skull and floor of the cranial activity (x2)

Frontal bone

Bone that forms the forehead

Occipital bone

Bone that protrudes at the base of the skull


Bones joined by hyaline cartilage --> costal cartilage


Bones of the fingers and toes

Nasal bones

Bones that form the bridge of the nose

Vertebral foramen

Canal through which spinal cord passes

Vertebral spinous prominens

Cervical vertebra (C7)

What are the five levels of vertebrae?

Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7), thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12), lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5), sacral vertebrae (S1-S5 --> 1) and coccyx (Co1)

Vertebrochondral ribs

False ribs

Metacarpus/ metacarpals

Five bones forming the palm

Plane joints

Flat articular surfaces with single plane direction of motion; movement restricted by tight fibrous capsule


Foot bones

Inferior nasal conchae

Form part of lateral walls of nasal cavity

Palatine bones

Form part of the hard palate of the mouth and the floor of the nose

Maxillary bones

Form the upper jaw

Sphenoid bone

Forms part of the base of the skull and parts of the floor and sides of the orbit --> butterfly-shaped that forms part of the pterion


Forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum

Synovial fluid

Found in synovial membrane --> present in synovial joint


Freely movable joint

Synovial joint

Freely movable joint characterized by a joint cavity between bones consisting of synovial membrane and fluid

Name all the bones included in the cranial bone.

Frontal, parietal(x2), temporal(x2), occipital, sphenoid and ethmoid


Hammer; first of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear

What are important properties of thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)?

Heart-shaped body, circular vertebral foramen (and something with costal facets idk)

Epidural hematoma

Hematoma caused by trauma at pterion --> rupture of frontal branch of middle meningeal artery

Pelvic bone

Hip bone


Immovable joint


Increase of lumbar curvature


Increase of thoracic curvature

What are important properties of lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)?

Kidney-shaped body, triangular vertebral foramen and thickest compared to other typical vertebraes mentioned in the slide (slide 24)


Knee bone


Lateral bone of the forearm


Lateral deviation of vertebral column to either side


Layers of cell bodies that are parallel to the surface of the cortex and separated from each other by layers of fibers

Ethmoid bone

Light spongy bone between the eye sockets --> contains nerves; forms part of the nasal cavities


Lower jaw bone

Lacrimal bones

Make up part of the orbit at the inner angle of the eye

Name all bones included in ear ossicles.

Malleus, incus and stapes

Hard palate

Maxillary bones + palatine bones

Floating ribs

Ribs 11-12 --> only connected to vertebrae (no connection to sternum and costal cartilage)

False ribs

Ribs 8-10 --> merge with costal cartilage before reaching sternum

Name all the bones included in facial bones.

Nasal bones(x2), maxillary bones (x2), zygomatic bones (x2), mandible, lacrimal bones(x2), palatine bones (x2), Vomer and inferior nasal conchae(x2)

What are important properties of cervical vertebrae (C1)

No body and spinous process, contains, however, anterior arch and facet

What are important properties of cervical vertebra (C7)?

Non-bifid spinous process with a small foramen transversarium

What are important properties of cervical vertebrae (C3-C6)?

Oval-shaped body, triangular vertebral foramen, foramen transversarium and contains bifid spine(s)

Vertebral body

Part of a vertebra that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column

Name all the bones included in lower appendicular bones.

Pelvic bone (2), femur (2), patella (2), tibia (2), fibula (2), tarsus/ tarsal bones (14), metatarsals (10), phalanges (28)

Spinous process of vertebra

Projection off the posteriorly of each vertebra

Herniated disc

Rupture of anulus fibrosus --> causes posterolateral displacement of nucleus pulposus (ง่ายๆคือเกิด rupture --> leakage --> กดทับเส้นประสาท --> ไม่ไปเลี้ยง skin/ muscle)

What is the landmark for caudal epidural block?

Sacral cornu of the sacral hiatus to alleviate pain during vaginal delivery (acts as anesthesia)


Sagittal suture and lambed suture intersect

Name all carpals bones in proximal row.

Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform

Tarsus/ tarsal bones

Seven bones of the instep (ข้อเท้า)


Shoulder bone

Glenohumeral joint

Shoulder joint


Slightly movable joint e.g. pubic symphysis


Slightly movable joint held together by fibrocartilage --> intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis


Soft spots normally present on the skull of a newborn --> joints of newborn cranium; reflect pulse cerebral arteries and increased intracranial pressure

Vertebral column

Spine/ vertebrae --> 5 levels

Name all bones included in thorax.

Sternum, ribs, costal cartilages and thoracic vertebrae


Stirrup; last of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear

Vertebral arch

Structure that encloses the spinal cord


The inner (medial) and longer of the two bones of the human forearm

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

The joint between the mandibular fossa of temporal bone and the condyle mandible --> only movable joint in the skull


The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg


The medial and larger bone of the lower leg

Name all carpals bones in distal row.

Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate


Walls of the vertebral arch

Capus/ Carpals

Wrist bones (ข้อมือ)


cranial bone --> skull

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