pre-inter vocabulary

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цаг агаарын үгсийг нэрлэнэ үү

noun adjective verb fog foggy cloud cloudy the cold cold ice icy sun sunny the sun is shining wind windy the wind is blowing snow snowy it's snowing rain wet it's raining

3 meanings of cover

"Cover can mean that something is over something else, e.g. The surface was covered in water; The ground was covered with snow. Cover can also refer to the size of something, e.g. The Amazon rainforest covers 40% of South America, or the distance you travel, e.g. We covered ten miles in one day."

You arrange to meet some friends in town at 9 am but you are twenty minutes late.

"I'm sorry I'm late but I overslept.

answering phone at home

"JOE: Hello? LILY: Is that Joe? JOE: Yeah. LILY: Hi. It's Lily."

names of continents

"The continents in the world are Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Australia [Australia and New Zealand] and Antarctica."

We also use these terms for different parts of the world:

"the Middle East (e.g. United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia), the Far East (e.g. Thailand, Japan), the Caribbean (e.g. Jamaica, Barbados), Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland)."

Answer these questions.

1 Can you see the effects of global warming and climate change in your country? What do you see? 2 What things do people recycle every week? 3 Do you think you often waste water and energy? How? 4 What more could you do to solve the problem? Does it worry you?

Тэд сонгуулийн өдрөө тодорхойлсон уу? Ажил эрхлэлт бол улс төрийн чухал асуудал Миний улс төрийн итгэл надад маш чухал Татварийн бууралт байна байх гэж найдаж байна Энэ улс төрчийн үгэнд итгэдэг үү?

1 Have they set the date for the elections ? 2 Employment is an important political issue. 3 My political beliefs are important to me. 4 The president is a very powerful man. 5 I hope there will be reduction a in my tax. 6 Do you believe what politicians say?

Answer these questions.

1 How many major political parties are there in your country? 2 Which party is in power at the moment? 3 When were they elected? 4 Who is the leader of this party? 5 Did you vote in this election?

1. шүүгч шийдвэр гаргасан уу? үгүй, тэнд тангарагтны гишүүд байх болно 2. цагдаа нар залууг барьчихсан уу? мхн, тэр баривчлагдсан байгаа 3. тэр буруутай юу? үгүй, тангарагтангууд түүнийг буруугүйг олсон 4. тэр эхнрээ алсан юм уу? тийм, тэр аллаганы хэргээр баривчлагдсан 5. ноцтой гэмт хэрэг байсан уу? үгүй ээ, зүгээр л насанд хүрээгүй хүүхдийн хэрэг

1. А: Is it being decided by a judge? B: No, there will be a jury . 2 A: Have the police caught the man? B: Yes, he's under arrest . 3 A: Is she guilty? B: No, the jury found her innocent. 4 A: He killed his wife? B: Yes, he's under arrest for murder . 5 A: Was it a serious crime? B: No, just a minor offence .

40 градус -10 градус

40 degrees Celsius 10 degrees below zero

"We use this phrase when we interrupt /speak to someone who is busy working"

A: "(I'm) sorry to disturb you. B: Don't worry. Come on in. I an finish this later."

"Terribly/really makes you sound 'more sorry'."

A: "I'm(terribly/really) sorry - I've forgotten your book. B: Never mind. That's OK."

These are some common ways of thanking people, with typical replies.

A: Thanks (very much). B: Not at all. (also That's OK.) A: I've brought your books. B: Oh, cheers. (infml) A: No problem. (infml) A: I'll post those letters for you. B: Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. (This is polite and slightly more formal.)"


BRISTOL FASHION THEFT Two men are under arrest for stealing clothes from a warehouse in Bristol. The two men broke into the warehouse late yesterday evening, attacked the guard and tied him up, then stole a collection of expensive designer outfits worth over £40,000. A passer-by saw lights on in the warehouse and rang the police, but the two men managed to escape through a back door and then drove off with the stolen clothes. However, one of the men was later caught and arested at his home, and detectives caught the second man just hours later hiding at a friend's house. Both men have now been charged with/буруутгагдах/ robbery and will appear before a judge in court on Monday. If they are found guilty , the two men will go to prison for a number of years. The guard who was attacked has now been released from hospital.

Бразил бол эрс тэсрэг улс, эрэг дагуу хотууд байдаг боловч газрын дотор хэсгээр хоосон

Brazil is a country of contrast: large empty areas inland, and cities near the coast.

Language help

Cool can either mean slightly cold in a negative way, e.g. We've had a cool summer; or slightly cold in a pleasant way, e.g. The water in the pool was lovely and cool. Mild is often used in a positive way to describe weather that is not as cold as usual, e.g. It's been a mild winter.

You have to leave a meeting to take an important phone call. What do you say to the others?

Excuse me, I have to take an important phone call.

Өнөөдөр маш хүйтэн байна

It's been extremely cold today. [very; also extremely hot/windy]

А: Софиагийн найз залуу нь ямар харагддаг вэ? Б:Тэр шаргал үстэй, дажгүй царайлаг А:Тэр өндөр үү? Б:Өндөрдүү, өргөн мөртэй. Спортлог харагддаг. Тэр спортоор хичээллэдэг байх аа А:Тэр цэвэрхэн үү? Б:мхн, тэр дажгүй хувцасладаг

Talking about someone's appearance A: What does Sophia's boyfriend look like? [Can you describe his appearance?] B: He's blond, and quite good-looking. A: Is he tall? B: Er, tallish [quite tall], but he's got broad shoulders [wide; opp narrow]. He looks very athletic [strong, healthy and often good at sports]. I think he does a lot of sport. A: Is he quite smart [clean, tidy and stylish]? B: Yeah, he dresses quite well [the clothes he wears are quite nice].

Швейцарьчууд маш зохион байгуулалттай

The Swiss are very organised.

Language help

The opposite of beautiful is ugly, but it is not very polite to describe someone as ugly; ordinary [not special or different] is more polite. It also isn't polite to say that someone is fat; overweight is more polite.

Өчигдөр үдээс хойш Мр Кравфорд гэр лүүгээ алхаж байхад эрэгтэй түүнрүү дайржээ. 2 эрэгтэй түүний нүүр лүү хэдэн удаа цохиод түүний мөнгийг авч, Бушу паркаар зугтаасан гэж цагдаа нар хэлэв.

The two men attacked Mr Crawford while he was walking home yesterday afternoon. Police say the two men hit him in the face several times, then took his money and escaped /syn got away/ through Bushy Park.

Модний бүх алимыг салхи хийсгэчихсэн

The wind has blown all the apples off the tree.

Биднийг дэмжсэнээр бид хийнэ... бүх хүүхдүүдийг хүүхдийн боловсролоор хангана настай хүмүүст илүү анхааралаар хангаж, тэднийг дэмжинэ ажилгүйдлийг бууруулна шударга татварын систем бүрдүүлнэ хамгийн түрүүнд хүн бүрийг тэнцүү авч үзнэ

VOTE FOR US AND WE WILL..... provide free nursery education for all children provide more care and support for elderly people reduce/syn cut/ unemployment create a fair/dealing with everyone in the same way; opp unfair/ tax system Above all, we will treat/behave or deal with someone in a particular way/ people as equal/adv equally/

Бид Изриалчуудтай маш их бизнес хийдэг

We do a lot of business with Israelis

Польш хүмүүс ямар үндэстэн бэ

What nationality are people from Poland? Polish

энэ амьтныг Австралийн хагас говийн бүсээс олно

You find this animal in the semi-desert regions of Australia.

хэн нэгэн миний цүнхийг хулгайлцан. Энэ бүсд дахиад орон сууцны хулгай гарсан байна

Someone's stolen/taken my handbag. There's been another burglary in the area.

Софи бид 2 нэг цагт ирсэн. Яг 9 цагт

Sophie and I arrived at the same time, 9 o'clock exactly.

Халдлага хотын төвд болсон

The attack happened in the heart / centre of the city.

камерны зай удаан үргэлжлээгүй

The battery in my camera didn't last long [continue for a long time].

Байлдаан 2 цаг үргэлжилсэн

The battle lasted for two hours.

Бөмбөг барилгыг тэр чигт нь сүйтгэсэн ч азтай нь барилга дотор тэр үед хэн ч байгаагүй

The bomb completely destroyed the building, but fortunately no one was inside at the time.

Бөмбөг кафе дотор дэлбэрсэн ба үхсэн хүн ч байхгүйч хэдэн хүмүүс гэмтсэн байна

The bomb exploded inside the café. Nobody was killed but several people were injured.

Хөвгүүн маш муу гэмтээд дараа нь үхсэн

The boy was badly injured and later died.

Байгаль орчин гэдэг нь бидний эргэн тойрон дахь агаар, газар ус юм

The environment is the air, land and water around us.

Улс төрчид юу хийх вэ гэдэг дээр сандарсан санагдаж байгаа болохоор юмс сайжрана гэдэгт тиймч найдахгүй байна

The politicians seem confused about what to do, so I'm not hopeful that things will improve.

Цэргүүд хэдэн өдрийн турш байлдаж байгаа бөгөөд одоогоор 3 нь шархдаад байна

The soldiers have been fighting for days, and so far three have been injured.

Лондонд дараа ирэхээрээ надруу залгаарай

Call me the next time you're in London. [on the next occasion]

Лиам жоохон царайлаг болцон, Белла тэр плажтайгаа дур булаам харагддаг

Liam has become quite handsome. Bella looks gorgeous in that dress.

Language help

Several words in the unit can be used as verbs and nouns with a similar meaning. They're searching for them. They're continuing their search for them. He can't escape. There is no escape. When did they attack? Where did the attack take place?

Цагдаа нарын заримд нь буу авч явахыг зөвшөөрдөггүй

Some of the policemen are not allowed to carry guns.

Хүмүүс амаараа эсвэл хамраараа амьсгалдаг. Чи минутанд 12-15 удаа амьсгал авч гаргадаг.

People breathe through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out about 12-15 times a minute.

Зарим оронд хүмүүс тийм бол толгой дохиж, үгүй бол толгой сэгсэрдэг

People in some countries nod their head [move it up and down] to mean 'yes', and shake their head [move it from side to side] for 'no'.

Хүмүүс инээдтэй зүйл рүү инээдэг

People laugh at things which are funny.

Хүмүүс ядарсан үедээ эвшээдэг, заримдаа уйдсан үедээ

People often yawn when they're tired, and sometimes when they're bored.

Хүмүүс жаргалтай үедээ инээмсэглэдэг, заримдаа тэл хүмүүс эелдэг байж инээмсэглэдэг.

People smile when they're happy, and sometimes smile at people to be polite.

Хүмүүс заримдаа жаргалгүй үедээ эсвэл муу мэдээ авахаараа уйлдаг

People sometimes cry if they're very unhappy, or receive bad news.

COLOUR can have an effect on our mood, but how do specific colours relate to our emotions?

RED can make us feel energetic, but it can also indicate anger. PINK though, is softer and more about maternal love and caring for people. GREEN is associated with nature and is good for people suffering from stress. BLUE is relaxing and helps us to be creative, but too much dark blue can make us depressed

Хараач, аадар бороо орж байна

Look, it's really pouring (with rain) now.

Нагац эгч хөгшин ээжийг хэдэн жилийн турш асрах хэрэгтэй байсан

My aunt had to care for her elderly mother for years.

Миний ах үргэлж цагтаа байдаг

My brother is always on time [not early or late].

емэйлээ тогтмол утсгадаг уу?

• Do you delete emails regularly [remove them from your computer often]?

хэрэггүй емэйл их авдаг уу?

• Do you get much spam [emails that you do not want, usually adverts; also called junk mail]?

вирусын эсрэг программ чамд байгаа юу?

• Have you got anti-virus software [a program that stops a virus entering your computer]?

7 хоног бүр хэдэн емэйл авдаг вэ? Тэднийг шууд уншдаг уу?

• How many emails do you get every week? Do you read them immediately [without waiting]?

7 хоногт хэдэн емэйл явуулдаг вэ? Тэдгээр нь чухал уу?

• How many emails do you send a week? Are they all essential [important/necessary]?

Хэр тогтмол хавсаргасан мэдээлэл явуулдаг эсвэл авдаг вэ?

• How often do you send or receive attachments?

Хүлээж авсан емэйлдээ хэр хурдан хариу өгдөг вэ?

• How quickly do you reply to [answer] the emails you receive?

Аадар бороо, шиврээ бороо г юу гэдэг вэ

For heavy rain we often use the verb pour, e.g. pour with rain. For short periods of light or heavy rain, we use the noun shower. A storm is heavy rain with strong winds.

Хүлэмжийн хийн өсөлтийн үр дүн нь дэлхийн дулаарал

Global warming is the result of an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases.

Агаар мандал дахь хүлэмжийн хий нь хүлэмжийн хийн нөлөөг үүсгэдэг

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere create the greenhouse effect.

Тэр шалгантандаа унасан, гэхдээ тэр тэнэг биш. Тэр зүгээр л юу ч хийгээгүй

He failed his exams, but he isn't stupid . He just didn't do any work.

Тэр эрэгтэй тайван өөртөө итгэлтэй байх дуртай ч энэ түүний зан чанар биш

He'd like to be relaxed and confident, but it's just not part of his character

Тэр сүүлийн үед маш их стрэсс дор байгаа, учир нь тэр маш олон тооны ажил хийх хэрэгтэй

He's been under a lot of stress recently because of the amount of work he has to do.

кино хир удаан үргэлжлэх вэ?

How long does the film last?

Хэр ойрхон емэйлээ шалгадаг вэ?

How often do you check your email [look to see if you have any messages]?

Би үеэлтэйгээ байхад дандаа инээдэг, Тэр хошин шогийн өндөр мэдрэмжтэй

I always have a laugh with my cousin - he's got a great sense of humour

би цанаар гулгадаг байсан, олон жилийн өмнө

I used to go skiing, but that was a long time ago [e.g. 5- 10 years ago; syn ages ago].

"We use this phrase when we have to leave a room or go somewhere."

A: Excuse me, I won't be a minute. B: OK. Fine."

Би танай эрэгтэй дүү шиг сайн зурдаг байхыг хүсэж байна. Тэр маш бүтээлч

I wish I could paint as well as your brother; he's so creative.

If you are late

A: I'm(really) sorry I'm late. B: Don't worry."

Common mistakes

A: What's he like? (NOT How s he like?) B: He's very nice. (NOT He's like very nice.)

Халуун цаг агаарын үе заримдаа дуу цахилгаантай бороогоор дуусдаг. Эхлээд маш чийглэг болоод тэгээд тэнгэр дуугарч, цахилгаан цахиж, араас нь хүчтэй бороо орно

A period of hot weather sometimes ends with a thunderstorm.First it becomes very humid [the air feels very warm and wet], then you hear thunder and see lightning, and it's followed by heavy rain.

Аделин энд байснаасаа хойш юу ч дуусгаагүй байна. Үнэндээ, тэр үнэхээр залхуу

Adeline hasn't done a thing since she's been here. Honestly, she's so lazy

Өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт Аурора талх барихад тусалсан. Тэр үнэхээр тусч сайхан сэтгэлтэй

Aurora helped me bake some cakes last week; she's very kind

Тайландийн нийслэл бол Банкок

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand

Хэрэв ашигтай байвал, сайн ажиллаж энерги үрэхгүй

If something is efficient , it works well and doesn't waste energy.

Найзаа тодорхойлох Хамгийн түрүүнд манай сайн найз маш ухаалаг гэж хэлмээр байна. Эмили тэнэг зүйл хийж байхыг би ерөөсөө мэдэхгүй бөгөөд би түүнд үргэлж итгэдэгээ ч мэднэ. Тэр маш бүтээлч, юмсыг хийдэг ба маш авьяаслаг уран бүтээлч. Түүний авьяас надад байсан ч болоосой

Describing a friend The first thing I would say about my best friend is that she's very sensible. I've never known Emilia to do anything silly, and I know I can always trust her. She's also very creative; she makes things, and she's a very talented artist. I wish I had her talent.

Чамд кофе уух цаг байна уу

Do you have time for a cup of coffee? [have enough time to do something]

Миагийн жаргалтай, жаргалгүй эсэхийг би хэлж чадахгүй, тэр хэзээ ч мэдрэмжээ ил гаргадаггүй

I can't tell whether Mia is happy or not; she never shows her feelings/emotions

Хэн намайг дээрэмдсэнийг мэдэхгүй ээ. Өчигдрийн банкны дээрмийн талаар сонссон уу?

I don't know who robbed me. Did you hear about the bank robbery yesterday?

Би харанхуйд гэрлүүгээ алхах дургүй. Маш их айдаг

I don't like walking home in the dark. I get very frightened/scared

ойрд ахыг хараагүй

I don't see my brother much these days [a period including the past and now; syn nowadays].

Би шалгалтын өмнө маш сандардаг, би жоохон тайвширч хичээх хэрэгтэй байна

I get very nervous before exams; I need to try and relax a bit more.

Би үргэлж л маш нөхөрсөг Япон хүн олдог

I have always found very friendly Japanese

сүүлийн үед шүдний эмч руу яваагүй байна

I haven't been to the dentist recently/lately [e.g. in the last few months].

Саяхан Томийг харсан

I saw Tom recently [e.g. a few weeks ago / not long ago].

Харри үерхлээ дуусгасан байх аа, учир нь түүний найз охин хартай болж байсан. Харин одоо тэр бүр мөсөн сэтгэлээр унасан

I think Harry ended the relationship because his girlfriend was getting jealous, but now he's quite upset

Describe your character

I think I'm very positive, I'm quite a negative person I'm usually reliable/найдвартай/, I'm quite unreliable I'm quite confident, I'm quite shy I'm hard-working, I'm quite lazy. I have a good sense of humour, I'm usually quite serious/нухацтай/ I'm usually quite patient, I'm quite impatient

Арми байшингуудаар буутай залууг олохоор хичээж байгааг ойлгож байна

I understand the army are searching houses in an effort to find the gunman.

Би зуны турш ферм дээр ажилласан

I worked on a farm during the summer. (this tells you 'when')

Би сар ферм дээр ажилласан

I worked on a farm for a month. (this tells you 'how long') (NOT during a month)

Би 4:30 хүртэл энд байна

I'll be here until 4.30. [I won't leave before 4.30]

би тэнд 8:15 гэхэд байж байна

I'll be there by 8.15. [not later than 8.15]

би 10 өдрийн дотор Бразилаас буцаж ирнэ

I'm going back to Brazil in ten days' time [ten days from now]. (NOT after ten days)

Би өглөө маш эрч хүчтэй байдаг. Үд дунд гэхэд би ядарсан байдаг

I'm much more energetic in the mornings. By the afternoon I feel tired.

You are late for an appointment because you had to wait half an hour in traffic.

I'm sorry I'm late but I got held up / delayed in traffic.

Би нэг л өдөр америк явна гэдэгтээ итгэлтэй байна

I'm sure I'll go to America one day [in the future but I don't know when].

Би хүүгийнхээ амжилтаар үнэхээр бахархаж байгаа, харин нутгийн сонин хэвлэлүүд түүхийн сонирхолтойгоор үзүүлээгүйд сэтгэл дундуур байна

I'm very proud of my son's success, but I'm a bit disappointed that the local paper hasn't shown more interest in the story

лусиаг мэддэг болоод удаж байна

I've known Lucia for ages [for a long time, e.g. many years].

Би энд 6 сар ажилчихсан

I've worked here for six months. (for + a period of time, e.g. a week, ten days, two years)

би 5 сараас хойш ажиллаад байж байна

I've worked here since May. (since + a point in time in the past, e.g. last Friday, March, 2011)

Хэрвээ Сара хийнэ гэж хэлсэн бол хийдэг. Би түүнд бүрэн дүүрэн итгэдэг

If Sarah says she'll do it, then she'll do it. I trust her completely.

Үдээс хойш аадар бороо орсон

It poured with rain this afternoon.

сургууль хүртэл хагас цаг зарцуулдаг

It takes me half an hour to get to school.

Сэтгэл гутралттай сар байнаа, гэхдээ дараа сард юм сайжирна гэдэгт найдаж байна

It's been a depressing month, but I'm hopefull things will get better next month.

Явцгаах цаг боллоо /бидний хувьд/

It's time (for us) to go. [used to say that something should happen now]

Манай залуучууд тосгоноо гадны халдлагаас хамгаалах ёстой байсан

My men had to defend the village from outside attacks.

Миний эгч юуг ч хүлээж чаддаггүй, тэр маш тэвчээргүй

My sister can't wait for anything; she's so impatient

эгч хэдэн өдрийн өмнө амьтны хүрээлэн явсан

My sister went to the zoo the other day [e.g. a few days ago, perhaps a week].

Миний эмэгтэй дүү шинэ санааг маш хурдан сурдаг. Тэр үнэхээр ухаантай

My younger sister is able to understand new ideas so quickly; she's very clever/intelligent

Оливер нэг минут баясгалантай дараа нь гунигтай, тэрний сэтгэл санаа цаг үргэлж өөрчлөгддөг

Oliver's cheerful one minute and miserable the next; his mood changes all the time.

Оливиа жоохон байхдаа хөөрхөн байсан. Тэд үнэхээр дажгүй харагддаг хосууд

Olivia was very pretty when she was younger. They're a very good-looking couple.

Нэг залуу олдсон ч бусад нь олдоогүй хэвээр байна

One man was found but the other is still missing.

Барилгуудын нэг нь бүр мөсөн сүйрсэн

One of the buildings was completely destroyed.

Манай нэг цэрэг хэн ч хаана нуугдсаныг олж чадааргүйгээр нуугдах хэрэгтэй болсон

One of the soldiers managed to hide under the house where no one could find him.

Нэг эмэгтэй зугтсан

One woman escaped / got away.

Манай байр тоногдсон ч тэд зөвхөн мөнгө л аваад явж. Хэн хүүг хөнөөснийг тэд мэдэх үү?

Our flat was burgled, but they only took money. Do they know who murdered the boy?

Сүүлд биднийг тэнд байхад цаг агаар гайхалтай байсан

The weather was wonderful the last time we were there. [on the last occasion]

Эмэгтэй жижиг буугаар буудуулсан ч ноцтой гэмтээгүй байна

The woman was shot with a small handgun, but wasn't seriously injured.

Байшингийн эргэн тойронд 20 цэрэг байгаа ба байшин доторх эрчүүд зугтаж чадахгүй

There are 20 soldiers surrounding the house, so the men inside cannot escape/get away .

Counting time

There are 60 seconds in a minute; 60 minutes in an hour; 24 hours in a day; 7 days in a week; 2 weeks in a fortnight; 52 weeks in a year; 10 years in a decade; 100 years in a century

The job of the army

These men are soldiers, and they are carrying guns. They are members of an army, and part of the responsibility of an army is to defend/хамгаалах/ their country from attack and to protect the people. Sometimes this means they have to fight the enemy. A long period of fighting is called a war, e.g. the First World War, 1914-1918, and during a war there will be a number of battles.

Хэн тэр залууг буудсаныг тэд мэдэхгүй

They don't know who shot the man.

одоохондоо энэ толь бичиг зүгээр ээ

This dictionary's fine for the time being [for now / the near future - but not for a long time].

Залуучуудаас нь гурав нь үхсэн

Three of the men are dead.

Цаг агаарын өөрчлөлтлийн 2 нөлөө нь илүү халуун зун, чийглэг өвөл

Two effect of climate change have been hotter summers and wetter winters.

Language help

Violence /хүчирхийлэл/ is when someone tries to hurt or kill someone; the adjective is violent/ширүүн догшин/. The violence has increased in recent weeks; There have been a number of violent attacks.

би алхаж болох ч урт цаг зарцуулна

We can walk, but it'll take (us) a long time.

Бид хүлэмжийн хийг үүсгэх шаардлалагүй, тэд байгальд оршдог

We don't have to create greenhouse gases; they exist naturally.

Цагаасаа өмнө хуралдаа цугларсан

We got to the meeting in time [before the meeting started].

Өглөө хэдэн удаа хүчтэй/шиврээ бороо орсон

We had a couple of heavy/light showers this morning.

Language help

We use emotion and feeling(s) for something which someone feels strongly about, e.g. love, hate or anger. Emotions are part of our character, e.g. Timo is a very emotional person. [shows his feelings easily] Feeling is often plural, e.g. She doesn't like talking about her feelings

Language help

We use kind to describe someone who wants to help people a lot, and nice, friendly or pleasant/аятайхан/ for someone who is happy to talk to people. The opposites are unkind, unfriendly and unpleasant.

Бид тэр дуу чимээг харахаар сонирхож байсан. гэвч аймар ууртай хэдэн залууг тэнд байхыг хараад түгшсэн ба тэд биднийг чиглээд ирж байхад үнэхээр их айсан

We were curious to see what all the noise was about, but I felt anxious when I saw how angry the men were, and really scared when they started coming towards us.

Цаг агаар миний мэдрэмжинд маш их нөлөөлдөг

Weather has a big effect on the way I feel.

Цагдаа нар тэр зачуудыг харахад буутай байсан уу?

Were the police carrying guns when they saw the men?

The effect of the weather on our feelings

Why do people say they feel more cheerful баясгалантай [happy] when the sun shines, and miserable/гунигладаг/ [unhappy] when it's raining? Why do some people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which makes them feel depressed /гутарсан/ [unhappy, often for a long time, and without hope for the future] during long dark winters? Can the weather really affect our mood /сэтгэл санааны байдал/ [the way we feel at a particular time], or is it just in our imaginations?

Language help

adjective noun proud pride jealous jealousy curious curiosity disappointed disappointment confused confusion anxious anxiety

гар барих энгэрээ тэврэх, үсээ самнах, даллах, хамраа чимхэх

shake hands with someone fold your arms comb your hair wave to somebody blow your nose

"We use this phrase when someone is waiting for us. I won't be long= I will be with you very soon."

A: (I'm) sorry to keep you waiting - I won't be long. B: OK. Fine."

"I beg your pardon is a more formal apology, often used if you walk into someone."

A: I beg your pardon - I didn't see you there. B: That's all right. (also That's OK.)"

Common mistakes

Remember that 'hair' is uncountable, e.g. She's got straight hair. (NOT She's got straight hairs.) Also: She's got long black hair. (NOT She's got a long black hair.)

Өтгөн манан дунд осол болсон

The accident happened in thick fog [bad fog].

Гадна үзэмж тодорхойлох үгс

Describing beauty Your appearance is the way you look, and we sometimes use different words to talk about beauty in men and women. WOMEN can be attractive or good-looking [nice to look at], and we often use pretty [attractive] to describe a girl. We use beautiful or gorgeous for women who are very attractive. MEN can be attractive and good-looking, but also handsome. If men are very attractive, we can say they are gorgeous or very good-looking, but not usually beautiful.

Мөрдөгчид өнөө өглөө дэлгүүрийн туслахын аллагад холбогдоод байгаа эрийг баривчилжээ

Detectives arrested/under arrest/ a man this morning in connection with the murder of shop assistant, Tracey Miles.

өглөө түүнрүү залгасан ч холбогдож чадаагүй, утас нь завгүй байсан

I gave her a ring this morning [phoned her], but I couldn't get through [make contact / speak to her]; the line was engaged [being used, someone was on the phone].

Би олон Герман хүн мэднэ

I know lots of German

Дэнийн автомат хариулагч дээр смс үлдээсэн ч тэр надруу эргэж залгаагүй, миний смс-ийг авсан эсэхийг би мэдэхгүй байна

I left a message (e.g. Please ring me) on Dan's answerphone as he was out [not there; syn not in], but he never phoned me back [returned my phone call], so I don't know if he got my message.

Би Москва руу явах аялалдаа олон Оросуудтай уулзсан

I met a lot of Russinas on my trip to Moscow.

Your company promised to send some information to a customer last week. You still haven't sent the information and you must now write to explain. Write the first sentence of your letter.

I must apologise for not sending the information we promised you. Unfortunately....

Өнөө өглөө би буруу дугаар луу залгачихсан, аймар ууртай хүнтэй таарсан

I think I dialled the wrong number this morning - I got a very angry person on the phone!

Би өглөө чам руу залгасан ч чи ээжтэйгээ утсаар ярьж байх шиг байсан

I tried to ring you this morning [phone you] but I think you were on the phone to your mother [using the phone].

Language help

verb noun believe in sth belief reduce reduction

You need to speak to your boss but she's working. What do you say when you enter her office?

I'm sorry to disturb you.

You are on the phone but a customer is waiting to talk to you. What can you say to them?

I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I won't be long.

You walk into someone by accident and he/she almost falls over

I'm terribly sorry. OR I beg your pardon. I didn't see you.

Олон франчуудтай ажилласан

I've worked a lot with the the French

Хүмүүс өмнөд Африкийн капе-ийг гайхалтай уур амьсгалтай гэдэг, жилийн ихэнхид нартай бас хэтэрхий халуун ч биш хүйтэн ч биш байдаг

People say Cape Town in South Africa has a wonderful climate : sunny for much of the year, and never too hot or very cold.

Улс төрийн бодлого Хүмүүс үргэлж улс төрийн намыг дэмждэг учир нь тэд намын үзэл сурталд итгэдэг бас тэдгээр үзэл нь бодлого болдог

Political policies People usually vote for a political party because they believe in the party's ideas [think the ideas are good or right], and these ideas become policies [sets of plans and ideas that a political party has agreed on]. бодлогууд

Шийтгэл /Хүн буруу хэрэг хийсэн бол зовох ёстой/ Хэрвээ чи гэмт хэрэг хийвэл цагдаа нар чамайг бариад, чи шийтгэгдэнэ. Насанд хүрээгүй хүүхдийн гэмт хэрэгт, шийтгэл нь магадгүй зөвхөн торгууль байж болох ч ноцтой гэмт үйлдэлд чи шүүхэд дуудагдах болно. Хэрвээ чи буруутайн олдвол чи шорон луу илгээгдэнэ

Punishment* /what a person must suffer if they do something wrong/ If you commit a crime and the police catch you [find you and arrest you], you will be punished. For minor offences [crimes that are not very important; opp serious], the punishment may only be a fine [money you have to pay], but for serious crimes, you will have to go to court. If you are found guilty [the judge, or a jury of 12 people, decides you committed the crime; opp innocent], you may be sent to prison (syn jail).

Тайланд ямар үндэстэн вэ

What nationality are people from Thailand?

Температур 10 цельсийн 10 градус болоход хотын бүх сургууль хаасан

When the temperature fell to minus 10 Celsius, all the schools in the town closed.

Хаан Хебрю хэлээр хүмүүс ярьдаг вэ?

Where do people speak Hebrew?

Дэлхийн хамгийн өндөр уул бол Эверест

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world

Уулс болон нуурууд нь Швейцарт түгээмэл байгалийн байдал

Mountains and lakes are typical of the landscapes in Switzerland.

Different crimes

crime person verb theft thief steal/take (something) [stealing something, e.g. a car] robbery robber rob (someone, a place) [stealing from a person or place, e.g. a bank] burglary burglar steal something burgle (a place) [getting into a building, usually someone's home, and stealing something] murder murderer murder [killing someone]

товчлол чат

"Many people use their mobile mostly/mainly [most of the time] for texting [sending short written messages from one phone to another]. Do you text your friends and family all the time? These are common text abbreviations [letters which represent words].ASAP = as soon as possible CU = see you BF = boyfriend (GF = girlfriend) IMO = in my opinion [this is what I think] B4 = before FYI = for your information 2DAY = today U = you 2MORO = tomorrow THX = thanks Y = why? LOL = laughing out loud PLS = please X = kiss"

Types of phone number

"Q: What's your home phone number? (also landline) A: 603 884 Q: What's your mobile number? A: 07723 259369 Q: What's the emergency number for the police, fire or ambulance? A: 999 Q: What's the dialling code for the UK when you are phoning from Hungary? A: 0044"

answering phone at job

"RECEPTIONIST: Good morning. Chalfont Electronics. PAUL SHARP: Oh, could I speak to Jane Gordon, please? RECEPTIONIST: Yes. Who's calling, please? PAUL SHARP: My name is Paul Sharp from Bexel Plastics. RECEPTIONIST: Right, Mr Sharp. I'm putting you through [I'mconnecting you] ... (pause) ... JANE GORDON: Hello? PAUL SHARP: Mrs Gordon? JANE GORDON: Speaking. [Yes, this is Mrs Gordon.]"

Швейцар нь гурван үндсэн газарзүйн бүсээс бүрддэг ба эрс ялгаатай газар нутагтай, бүхэлдээ өөр өөрийн байгалийн байдалтай. Уур амьсгал нь богинохон зайд өөр өөр байдаг. Жнь: Өмнө зүгийн Аскона нь газар дундын тэнгисийн уур амьсгалтай боловч Дутор нь маш хүйтэн уур амьсгалтай. Хоорондын зай нь ердөө 70 километр

"Switzerland consists of [is made or formed from] three main geographical regions [areas in a country or the world]: The Swiss Plateau, The Jura, and The Alps. Switzerland is a land of contrasts [big differences], with completely different landscapes [the appearance of an area of land]. The climate [weather conditions] can also change within a very short distance. For example, Ascona in the south has an almost Mediterranean climate, but the Dufour Peak in Valais has a very cold climate. The distance between the two is just 70 kilometres."


"Two thirds of the surface of the Earth, is covered in, water. El Azizia in Libya is the hottest place in the world, where temperatures of over 57 °C (57 degrees Celsius)have been recorded. The coldest place on earth is probably Vostok in Antarctica, which reached a temperature of minus 89 °C. The Krubera-Voronja Cave near the Black Sea coast in Georgia, is the deepest cave in the world. It is over 2000 metres deep. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the longest canal in the world. It is 1,794 kilometres long. The highest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls in Venezuela. Itis 979 metres high. The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, covering 40% of the South American continent. The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world, and is nearly twice the size of the Atlantic Ocean."

Испанид ямар хэлээр ярьдаг вэ?

"What language is spoken in Spain?"

"Excuses* We often give an explanation or excuse after an apology. An excuse is a reason for the apology, which may or may not be true. These are excuses students might give for being late for class."

- There was a delay / hold-up on the underground. [when a train, plane, etc. leaves or arrives later than you expect] - I was held up in traffic. [hold up - cause a delay and make someone late - is often used in the passive] - My train was cancelled [the train company decided not to run the train], and I had to wait half an hour for the next one. - I overslept [slept longer than I planned or wanted to]."

1. Манай нэг найз блог хөтөлдөг тийм үү, юуны тухай бичдэг вэ 2. Чи дандаа шууд хариу өгдөг үү емэйлдээ анхан, емэйл хүлээж авчихаад хариу өгөхгүй байх нь бүдүүлэг гэж боддог, чи тэгдэггүймуу үгүй, би нэг ч хариу бичдэггүй, энэ үнэхээр чухал байсан ч 3. тэдний зарж байгаа компьютерийн мэдээллэийг яаж харах вэ? линк дээр дарчих, чамайг дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл байгаа сайтан дээр аваачна 4. Танайх сургууль дээрээ интернэттэй юу хичээлийн цагаар байгаа, хичээлийн өмнө дараа бол байхгүй 5. Чам руу хавсралттай цуг емэйл дээр явуулсан, авсан уу? өө, би хараахан емэйлээ шалгаагүй байх аа. яг одоо хийчий 6. Чи интернэтээс их юм татдаг уу? ммм, ихэнхидээ хөгжим бас хэдэн клип 7. Миний ком дээр вирус байгаад байна аа яана а , чи вирусын эсрэг программтай болох хэрэгтэй юм байна 8.Емэйлээ тогтмол устгадаг уу? мхн, өдөр бүр, гэхгүй бол олон емэйл ирдэг бас ихэнхи нь чухал биш байдаг

1 A: A friend of mine has got his own blog . B: Oh yeah. What does he write about? 2 A: Do you always reply to emails immediately ? B: Yes. I think it's rude if you don't reply as soon as you receive an email. Don't you do that? A: No. I don't reply at once unless it's really essential . 3 A: How can I view information about the computers they sell? B: Just click on that link , and it will take you to the website which has the details. 4 A: Do you have Internet access at your school? B: We do in school hours, but not before or after school. 5 A: I sent you an email earlier with an attachment . Did you get it? B: Oh, I'm afraid I haven't checked my email today yet. I'll do it now. 6 A: Do you download much stuff from the Internet? B: Well, music naturally, and I also download a few video clip . 7 A: I keep getting viruses on my computer. B: Ah, you will need to get some anti-virus software. 8 A: Do you delete emails regularly ? B: Yes, every day. I have to, because I receive so many, and most of them aren't important.

Answer these questions.

1 Do you go on the Internet? If so, what are your favourite websites? 2 Do you have a blog or read other people's? Whose blog do you read? 3 Do you download material from the Internet? What do you download? 4 Do you watch video clips on the Internet? What video clips do you watch? 5 Do you use social networking sites or instant messaging? Which websites do you use? Who do you talk to?


1 Don't throw things away -recycle paper, glass, plastic, etc. so that it can be used again. 2 Save energy e.g. switch off lights when you leave a room. 3 Don't waste water, e.g. turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth. 4 Change light bulbs for more energy-efficient ones. 5 Drive less and walk more. 6 Plant trees because trees reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and so reduce greenhouse gases.

Answer these questions.

1 How often do you use a mobile phone? What do you use it for? How often do you text people? Who do you text? 2 In your country, what is the emergency number for the police, fire brigade or ambulance? 3 From your country, what's the international dialling code for the United Kingdom? 4 How do you feel about people who use their mobile phone on a train?

6. тэр шорон луу явах уу? үгүй, тэр зүгээр л торгууль ёстой 7. чи хууль зөрчиж байсан уу? мхн, гэхдээ ноцтой гэмт хэрэг хийж байгаагүй 8. тэр шийтгэгдэх үү юу гэж боджийн? ммм, энэ ноцтой гэмт хэрэг байгаагүй болохор магадгүй торгууль байна байх

6. A: Will she go to prison? B: No, she just has to pay a fine 7 A: Have you ever broken the law? B: Yes, but I've never committed a serious crime . 8 A: How do you think he will be punishment? B: Well, it wasn't a very serious crime, so it'll probably be a fine.

Хуулиар зөвшөөрөхгүй болон буруу үйлдлийг гэмт хэрэг гэнэ. Гэмт хэрэг хийсэн хүнийг гэмт хэрэгтэн гэнэ

A crime is an activity that is wrong and not allowed by law. A person who commits a crime is a criminal.

А: Ханна хир өндөр вэ? Б: Дундаж өндөртэй, би хэлсэндээ А: Марко бага зэрэг том биетэй юу? Б: үгүй ээ, дундаж

A: How tall is Hannah? B: Medium height, I'd say A: Is Marco quite big? B: No, about average.

"This is a more formal apology, and it is often used in business letters."

A: I must apologise for the noise last night. B: That's all right. I understand"

using computer

After you have switched on [turned on] your computer, you may need to log in/on (opp log out/off) with your username and enter your password [put a special word into the computer that only you know]. If you then double-click on an icon [a small picture on the screen], you can open an application [email, Internet browser, etc.]. Computers can store [keep] large amounts of information, but when you're working it is important to back up the files you are working on [make an extra copy of the files; syn make a backup], so you don't lose the files if something goes wrong. To create [make or start] a new document, select new from the File menu. You can copy and paste information from one file into another. If you save the document, you can print it out later (OR you can get a hard copy / a printout later). It is also important to save the document in case the computer crashes [suddenly stops working]. Press the Escape key to exit [stop using an application].

Elections in the UK

Elections in the UK When you vote for someone, you choose them by putting a cross (X) on an official piece of paper (called a secret ballot /нууц санал хураалт/ because no one knows who you vote for), or by putting up your hand. In the UK, a general election is when the people elect /choose by voting/the next government /the group of people who control the country/. These elections are held /organised/ at least every five years. Each constituency /an area where people vote/ elects one person from one political party /нам/. That person then becomes the MP (Member of Parliament) for that area, and the political party with the most MPs - there are 650 at the moment - forms the next government. The leader /the person in control/ of the party in power/in control (of the country)/ is the Prime Minister.

Англид олон хүмүүс гэрийн тэжээмэл амьтан тэжээдэг. Хамгийн түгээмэл нь нохой, муур гэвч хүмүүс бас шувуу тэжээдэг.Жнь: тоть, тэд үргэлж торонд байдаг. Хүүхдүүд заримдаа хулгана, туулай тэжээдэг. Зарим хүмүүс илүү онцгой амьдатыг тэжээдэг. Жнь: мэлхий, могой, аалз

In the UK, many people keep pets. The most common are dogs and cats, but people also keep birds, e.g. parrots, that are usually in a cage. Children sometimes keep mice and rabbits. Some people keep more unusual animals as pets, e.g. frogs, snakes and spiders.

Намар газар унасан навчисаар хучигддаг

In the autumn, the ground is covered in leaves that have fallen off the trees.

Өглөө бороо орсон ч өдрийн цайны цагаар тэнгэр цэлмэг байсан

It rained in the morning, but the sky was clear by lunchtime. [no clouds]

Сар дэлхийг тойроход 28 өдөр зарцуулдаг

It takes the moon just under 28 days to go round the Earth

хүйтэн шөнө байсан ба температур 0 -ээс доош байсан

It was a freezing night. The temperature was well below zero.

Өглөө маш үүлэрхэг байсан ч үдээс хойш нар гарсан

It was very cloudy this morning, but the sun came out after lunch. [appeared]

Хүмүүс Англи хүмүүсийг ихэвчлэн хямсгар гэдэг

People often say that British are very reserved

Your car has broken down. You're pushing it to the side of the road and a man offers to help.

Oh, thank you very much. That's very kind of you.

Лондонгоос Парис хүртэл зай нь 340км энэ нь Лондонгоос Эдинбүрг хүртэлх зайнаас бага юм

The distance from London to Paris is 340 kilometres; that's less than the distance from London to Edinburgh.

Биднийг завин дээр байхад хүчтэй салхитай байсан

There was a strong wind when we were on the boat. [a lot of wind]

Getting started on the Internet

To go on the Internet, you need an ISP (Internet service provider) that will connect [join or link] your computer to the Internet and give you access to [the ability to use] email and other services. When you go online [use the Internet], you can then send and receive emails, or you can browse the Internet [look at websites]; you do this using a browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. Many websites also have links: if you click on a link, it will take you to a different website, or move you from one part of the website to another.

Дэлхийн цаг агаарийн дулаарлыг багасгахад дэлхийн бүх улс үндэстэнгүүд хамтдаа шийдэх хэрэгтэй. Тэр хүртэл хувь хүмүүс бас тусалж чадна.

To reduce global warming, the nations of the world will have to act together [do something to solve a problem; syn take action]. In the meantime, individuals can also help.

Өнөө өглөө зүүн Лондонгийн үнэт эдлэлийн дэлгүүрийг 2 эмэгтэй дээрэмджээ. Тэд өглөө 7 цагын үед эвдэлж нэвтэрч ороод 10,000 паундын үнэ өртөг бүхий үнэт эдлэлийг хулгайлсан байна

Two women robbed a jeweller's shop in West London early this morning. They broke in around 7 o'clock and stole jewellery worth over £10,000

Using the Internet

Using the Internet Many people now have Internet access and Internet use is changing all the time. These are common uses. • Students search the Internet [look for information on the Internet; also do an Internet search] to help with their studies. • People download [copy onto their computer; opp upload] information, pictures, music, video clips [small parts of a video recording], etc. • People buy books, clothes and food online, book their holidays online, take out insurance online, etc. People go to a website, select the item [product, e.g. a book] they want and click add to basket/bag. When they have finished shopping they go to checkout and pay for their items, usually with a credit card. • Some people have a personal website to provide news about a particular subject, or just write about events in their life. These are called blogs, and people who write them are bloggers. • Some people just like to spend hours surfing the web [looking at different websites]. • Some people spend a lot of time on social networking sites [places on the Internet where you can have a discussion with other people, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.]. On these sites people post comments [leave messages] to their friends. • Some people do a lot of instant messaging [send and receive messages in real time].


WHAT IS THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT? Many greenhouse gases, e.g. carbon dioxide, methane and ozone, exist naturally and are needed to create the greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth warm enough to support human life. However, the use of fossil fuels, e.g. oil, natural gas and coal, has produced excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, and the result is global warming: an increase in the average temperature on Earth. Of the 15 warmest years on record, 14 have occurred since 2000. The effects of climate change can already be seen in our everyday lives. Summers are getting hotter and winters are getting wetter, so drought and floods are becoming more common. With it, animal and plant life is suffering - some species will disappear altogether - and certain illnesses, e.g. hay fever, asthma and skin cancer, are becoming more common. To stop global warming from destroying our environment, we need to act now.

хүний Size ярихдаа

We can talk about a person's height and their weight. e.g. I'm roughly [about; syn approximately] one metre eighty (tall), and I weigh just under eighty kilograms. If someone is not tall or short, you can describe them as medium height. If a person is very similar to most other people in height and weight, you can say they are average.

Language help

We can use the suffix -ish at the end of some adjectives to mean 'quite', e.g. She's got longish hair, and at the end of some numbers to mean 'more or less', e.g. He's twentyish.

Амралтын өдрөөр хүчтэй бороо орсон

We had some heavy rain at the weekend. [a lot of rain; opp light rain]

Хэдэн зэрлэг амьдыг зураг харуулж байна. Хэрвээ чи азтай бол тэдгээр амьдатыг байгаль дээр харна, гэхдээ магадгүй амьтны хүрээлэн дээр ч харна. Тэдгээр амьтадын зарим нь, жнь: барнууд одоо маш ховор. Бид ховордсон амьтадыг хамгаалах нь чухал.

Wild animals The pictures show a number of wild animals [animals that normally live in natural conditions]. If you are lucky, you may see these animals in the wild [living free], but you will probably see them in a zoo. Some of these animals, for example tigers, are now quite rare [not often seen or found]. It is important that we protect [keep safe] these endangered animals.

Hair өнгө хэлбэрүүд

blonde (or blond) fair brown dark black straight wavy curly

температурын нэршил

boiling [very hot] hot warm not very warm(also cool) cold(also chilly) freezing[very cold]

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