PrepU Chapter 39: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

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The nurse working at the blood bank is speaking with potential blood donor clients. Which client statement requires nursing intervention?

"I received a blood transfusion in the United Kingdom."

A nursing instructor is explaining the difference between infiltration and phlebitis to a student. Which statement is most appropriate?

"infiltration occurs when IV fluid escapes into the tissue, while phlebitis is inflammation vein."

What is the rate of administration for packed red blood cells?

1 unit over 2 to 3 hours, no longer than 4 hours

Total parenteral nutrition is hypertonic. What is the percentage of dextrose in these solutions?

50% dextrose

A home care nurse is teaching a client and family about the importance of a balanced diet. The nurse determines that the education was successful when the client identifies which of the following as a rich source of potassium?


What is the lab test commonly used in the assessment and treatment of acid-base balance?

arterial blood gas

A client's most recent blood work indicates a K+ level of 7.2 mEq/L (7.2 mmol/L), a finding that constitutes hyperkalemia. For what signs and symptoms should the nurse vigilantly monitor?

cardiac irregularities

A client loses consciousness after strenuous exercise and needs to be admitted to a health care facility. The client is diagnosed with dehydration. The nurse knows that the client needs restoration of:


Which individual with diarrhea for three days is most likely to suffer from fluid and electrolyte imbalance?


A student nurse is selecting a venipuncture site for an adult client. Which action by the student would cause the nurse to intervene?

placing the tourniquet on the upper arm for 2 minutes

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