Properties of water

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A homogeneous mixture of two or more components whose properties vary continuously with varying proportions of the components. Example: dissolving salt to water changes the boiling and freezing point based on how much salt is dissolved


A substance dissolved in another substance, usually the component of a solution present in the lesser amount.


A substance in which another substance is dissolved, forming a solution. A substance, usually a liquid, capable of dissolving another substance.

How does water climb tall trees?

Capillary action and adhesion to the xylem. Leaves "Exhale" water and cohesion between the water molecule pull of water from the roots.

Why does water form droplets

Cohesion, water sticks to itself, minimizing surface area

What holds DNA together

Hydrogen bonds in the center make two stands of DNA stick together like a zipper/or magnet, can be pulled apart and stuck back together again


Intermolecular attraction between like-molecules. Cohesion explains phenomena such as surface tension and capillary action.

Why is swimming in cold water dangerous

It takes a lot of energy to change the temperature of water. Cold water can suck a lot of heat and energy out of you, and hypothermia can set in and can kill in a matter of minutes if the water is cold enough.

Why do we sweat?

It takes a lot of energy to change the temperature of water. The Sweat absorbs a lot of heat energy from our skin as it evaporates.

specific heat of water/ Heat capacity

It takes a lot of energy to change the temperature of water. This is why dogs pant to cool down, it takes a lot of the heat energy out of their bodies as it evaporates


Tendency of a molecule, or compound, to be attracted or repelled by electrical charges because of an asymmetrical arrangement of atoms around the nucleus.

Surface tension

The force acting in the surface of a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface. This force causes the capillary rise of liquids in fine tubes and wicks, and the curvature of free-liquid surfaces.

Why does ice float?

Water molecules spread out and lock into a matrix where the negative charge of the oxygen of one molecule is lined up with the positive charge of a hydrogen in another molecule.


a physical combination of two or more pure substances (i.e., elements or compounds). A mixture is distinguished from a compound, which is formed by the chemical combination of two or more pure substances in a fixed, definite proportion.

Capillary action

ability of a liquid to flow up a narrow tube with the help of adhesion and cohesion. The molecules stick to the sides of the tube with adhesion and the molecules climb the walls of the tube. Cohesion makes the molecules of the liquid stick together and they are pulled up as in a chain.

Why does water climb up paper towels ?

capillary action in the xylem from the wood the paper is made of


caused by the adhesion of water to the sides of the graduated cylinder or beaker.


compound made of hydrogen and oxygen H2O

Oxygen side of the water molecule

has a negative chrage

Hydrogen side of the water molecule

has a positive charge

Hydrogen bond

polar molecules, such as water have a weak negative charge on one side and a partial positive charge everywhere else. Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules. Not chemical bonds, but making them stick together like magnets.


the molecular attraction exerted between dissimilar molecules in contact. Example: Water clinging to a spider web.


tissue in trees made of thin tube like cells that transport water from the roots to the leave, via capillary action

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