Psychology test 1

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Research Safeguards

-Protection of partipants from physical and mental harm -The right of participants to privacy regarding their behavior -the assurance that participation in research is completely voluntary -the necessity of informing participants about the nature of procedures before their participation in the experiment -All experiments must be reviewed by an independent panel before being conducted


-Replaced structionalism -concentrated on what the mind does and how behavior functions.. Functionalist, whose perspective became prominent in the early 19002 asked what role behavior plays in allowing people to adapt to thier environments.









4 Steps of the Scientific Method

1: Identifying questions of interest 2: Formulating an explanation 3: carrying out research designed to support or refute the explanation 4: communicating the findings.

3 major roles played by psychologists in society

1: Teaher, 2: Scientist, 3:Clinical practitioner.

The stages of sleep

1: The state of transition between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by relatively rapid, low amplitude brain waves 2: A sleep deeper than that of stage 1, characterized by a slower, more regualer wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of "sleep spindles" 3: A sleep characterized by slow brain waves, whcih greater peaks and valleys in the wave pattern than in stage 2 sleep. 4: The deepest stage of sleep,during whcih we are leeast responsibe to outside stimulation


A false treatment such as a pill or other substance without any significant chemical properties or active ingrediant.

Random assignment to condition

A procedure in whcih participants are assigned to different experimental groups or conditions on the basis of chance and chance alone

Behavioral neuroscience

Behavioral neuroscience is the subfield of psychology that focuses on how the brain and the nervous system, as well as other biological aspects of the body, determine behavior.

Ciradian rhythms

Biological processes that occur regularly on approximately a 24-hour cycle... -other body function folllow this. temperature hormone productuoion blood pressure

A psychologist who studies logical reasoning is likely a ______ Psychologist


Education of Psychologist

Most psychologists have either phD (doctor of Philosophy) or, less frequently, a PsyD (doctor of psychology).

Replicated research

Research that is repeated, sometiems using other procedures, settings, and groups of participants, to increase confidence in prior findings.

REM Sleep and rapid eye movement

Sleeep occupying 20% of an adults sleeping time, characterized by increased heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate; erections; eye movemetns; and experice of dreaming

Def. of Psychology

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Clinical Neuropsychology

Unites the areas of neuroscience clinical psychology: it focuses on the orgin of psychological disorders in biological factors.

activation synthesis theory

hobsons theory that the brain produces random electrial energy during REM sleep that stimulates memories stored in the brain

Activation synthesis theory

hobsons theory that the brain produces random electrical energy during REM sleep that stimulates memories stored in the brain.

Positive Correlation

indicates that as the value of one varialbe increases, we can predict that the value of the other variable will also increase

Sleep apnea

is a condition in which a person has difficulty breathing while sleeping. The result is disturbed, fitful sleep, and a signnificant loss of REM sleep, as the person is constantly reawakened when the lack of oxygen becomes great enough to trigger a waking response

Case Study

is an in depth, intensive investigation of a single individual or a small group. Case studies often include PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING a procedure in which a carefully designed set of questions is used to gain some insight into the personality of the individual or group.


is obtained by psychologists who want to focus on the treatment of psychological disorders.

Social Psychology

is the study of how peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others.

Dependent variable

is the variable that is measured in a study . this varible is expected to change as a result of the experiments manipulaiton of the independ variable.

Free will versus determinism

key issue...... how much of our behavior is a matter of FREE WILL (choices made freely by an individual) and how much is subject to DETERMINSM (the notion that behavior is largely produced by factors beyond peoples willful control.


kids who die while sleeping

Significant outcome

meaningful results that make it possible for researchers to feel confident that they have confirmed their hypotheses.

Marry Calkins studied

memory in the early part of the 20th century, became the fist female president of the American PSy associatoin.

control group

no treatment

Nature (herdity) versus nurture (environment)

one of the major issues that psychologist address. How much of peoples behavior is due to their genetically determined nature. --how much is due to nurture the influences of the psysical and socail environment in which a child is raised.


page 136

Sleeping better tips

pg 144

Health psychology explore the relationship between ___ factors and physical ailments.



research degree that requirees a dissertation based on an original investigation.

Archibal research

research in which existing data, such as census documents, college records, online databases, and newspaper clippings, are examined to test a hypotheses.

Survey Research

sample of people chosen to represne ta larger group of interst is asked a series of questions about their behavior, thoughts, or attitudes.

Observable behavior versus internal mental process

shoudl psychology concentrate soley on behavior that can be seen by outside observers, or should it foucs on unseen thinking processes.

unconscious wish fulfillment theory

sigmund freuds theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled

Unconscious wish fulfillment theory

sigmund freuds theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled.

Dreams for survival theory

suggesting that dreams permit information that is critical for our daily survival to be reconsidered and reprocessed during sleep

Humanistic Perspective

suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behavior. Humanistic psychologists maintain that each of us has the capacity to seek and reach fulfillment.

Behavioral perspective

suggests that the focus should be on observable behavior that can be measured objectively

double blind procedure

the administror nor the participant should know which drug is being administered.


the awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings we experience at a given moment

Experimental manipulation

the change that the researcher deliberately makes in an experiment is called.

Naturalistic observation

the investigator observes some naturally occurring behavior and does not make a change in the situation. ex. researcher investitigating helping behavior might observe the kind of help given to victims in a high crime area of a city.


the researcher investigates the relationship between two (or more) variables by deliberately changing one variable in a controlled situaiton and observing the effects of that change on other aspects of the situation.

dreams for survival theory

the theory suggesting that dreams permit information that is critical for our dally survival to be reconsidered and reprocessed during sleep


trancelike state of heightened susceptibilty to the suggestions of others. cant do bad things

Operational definition

translation of a hypotheesis into specific, testable procedures that can be measured and observed.

Correlational research

two sets of variables are examined to determine whether they are associated, or "correlated". the strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables are represented by a mathematical statistic known as a correlation whcih can range form +1.o to -1.0


uncontrollable sleeping that occurs for short periods while a person is awake. No matter what the acticity holding a heated conversation, exercising or driving a narcoolptic will suddenly fall asleep.

experimental gorup

group that recieves treatment

informed consent

Before partipating inan experiment, the participans must sign a document affirming that they have been told the basic outlines of the study and are aware of what their participantion will involve, what risks the experiment may hold, and the fact that their participation is purely voluntary and they may terminate it at any time


A procedure used to study the structure of the mind in which subjects are asked to describe in detail what they are experiencing when they are exposed to a stimulus..

Conscious Versus Unconscious causes of behavior.

A second major question addressed by psychologists. READ 21

Evolutionary Psychology

Considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors. The evolutionary approach suggest that the chemical coding of information in our cells not oly determines traits such as hair color and race, but also holds the key to understanding a broad variety of behaviors that helped our ancestors survive and reproduce.

Clinical Psychology

Deals with the study, and tratment of psychoogical disorders. Trained to diagnose and treat problems that range from the crises of everyday life, such as unjappiness over the breakup of arelationship, to more extreme conditions , such as profound lingering depression

Developmental psychology

Developmental psychology studies how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death.

Gestalt Psychology

Emphasizes how perception is organized. Instead of considering the individual parts that make up thinking, gestalt psychologists took the opposite tack., studyinghow poele consider individual elements together as units or wholes. - Led by Hermann Ebbinghaus --and Max Wertheimer.. --proposed the "whole is different from the sum of its parts" menaing our perception or understing, of objects is greater and more meaningful thatn the individual elements that make up our perceptions.

Experimental psychology

Experimental psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world. (The term experimental psychologist is somewhat misleading: Psychologists in every specialty area use experimental techniques.)

Cross-Cultural Psychology

Investigates the similarities and fiferences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups.

Scientific method

Is the approach used by psychologists to systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior and otehr phenomena of interest


Wundts approach which focuses on uncovering the fundamental mental components of consciousness, thinking, and other kinds of mental states and activitees.

Seasonal affective disorder

a form of severe depression in which feelings of despair and hopelessness increase during the winter and lift during the rest of the year.


a learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness. eastern religion of Zen Buddhism.

Addictive durgs produce

a physiological or psychological dependence in the user and withdrawl form the durgs leads to a craving for the drug.


a prediction stated in a way that allows it to be tested. Hypotheses stem form theories that help test the underlying soundess of theories

Night Terrors

a sudden awakening from non-REM sleep that are accompanied by extreme fear, panic, and strong physiological arousal. Usually occuring in stage 4 sleep, night terrros may be so frightening that a sleeper awakens with a shiek.


are broad explanations and predictions cnoverning phenomena of interest. They provide a framework of understanding the relationsips among a se of otherwise unorganized facts or principles

Psychodynamic Perspective

argue that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about whcih we have little awareness or control. They view dreams and slips of the tongue as indications of what a person is truly feeling within a seething cauldron of unconscious psychic activity`


behaviors, events, or other characteristics that can change or vary in some way.

British Philosopher John Lcok

blank slates

subspecial of experimental psychology

cognitive psychology, which focuses on higher mental processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making, and language.

Independent Variable

conditon that is manipulated by an experimenter

Neuroscience Perspective

considers how people and nonhumans function biologically: how individual nerve cells are joined togother, how the inheritance of certain characteristics from partents other ancestors influences behavior, how the functioning of the body affects hopes and fears, which behaviors are instinctual, and so forth.

A psychologist interested in how people change from adolescense to adulthood is

developmental psychology

Psychoacive drugs

drugs that influcne a person emotions, perceptions, and behavior

Heal Psychology

explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailmetns or disease.

Experimental bias

factors that distort how the independent variable affects the dependent variable in an eperiment

Leta Stetter Hollingworth

focus on child development and on womens issues.

Karen Horney

focused on socail culture factorsbehind personality....woman people on page 15!!!!!!!!!!

Behavioral Genetics

focuses on biological mechanisms, such as genetics and chromosomes, that enable inherited behavior to unfold.

Cognitive perspective

focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world. Learning how pole comprehend and represent the outside world within themselves and how our ways of thinking about the world influence our behavior

Personality psychology

focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another.

Counseling Psychology

focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

REM sleep

usually accompanied by dreams, whcih-whethe or not peole rember them are expericced by everyone during some part of their nights sleep.

Margaret Floy Washburn (1871-1939)

was the first woman to recive a doctorate in psychology, and she did important work on animal behavior.

waking consciousness

we are awake and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. All other states of consciousness are considered altered states of consciousness.

Demographic and woman in Psychology

woman earn around 3/4 of new psychology doctorate degrees. Many white people as well. 16% of colored.

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