Psychology - Test 2

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By _____ months, children can sit by themselves, without any help.


__________ is the defense mechanism associated with pushing threatening or disturbing thoughts, impulses, or feelings into the unconscious.


Which of the following is NOT a distinct process in short term memory?

Retrieving stored information for future use

What is the single cell that results when a sperm fertilizes an egg?


Learning is

a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.

Wakefulness is the degree in which a person is ______


The _____ rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that helps regulate the body.


The classification of ______ drugs means that their main function is to slow down the activity in the central nervous system.


You might be sleep _____ if you need an extra alarm clock to wake up, if you sleep longer on the weekends than weekdays, or if you fall asleep during lectures.


True or false: All sleep loss can be replenished.


________ is the weakening or loss of memories over time.


The rapid and innate learning of the caregivers' characteristics is considered _____ in some animals, especially birds


Over life span development, ____ spend the most amount of time in REM sleep.


In ______ reinforcement, behavior is reinforced some but not all of the time.


Classical conditioning modifies _____ behavior.


During _______ adulthood, the two challenges involve sensory and physical development.


______ adulthood refers to the ages of 40 and 60 or 65.


______ meditation encourages attention to the details of momentary experience, such as all the thoughts, feelings, and sensations available in the moment.


Freud used the term Blank ______ to describe material that is potentially accessible but not currently available to awareness


______ is a memory from a real event that was encoded, stored, but not retrieved for a long period of time until some later event brings it back to consciousness.

recovered memory

Different people will have different, unique memories of the same event because of

selective attention

________ is the process of repeatedly practicing material so that it enters long-term memory.


_____ memory is a kind of memory made up of implicit knowledge for almost any behavior or physical skill we have learned.


The monitoring of information from the environment and from one's own thoughts is considered


Sleeping longer on the weekends is one way to repay sleep _________ accumulated during the week


True or false: Psychoactive drugs are only man-made substances, like prescription drugs.


True or false: The purpose of using repression is to push the ego's impulses into the unconscious.


One study linked meditation-related changes in brain activity with _____ performance in attentional tasks.


Based on _____, will determine whether the memory is sensory, short-term or long term.

how long the memory lasts

In Erikson's model of personality development, each stage is defined by an _________ crisis or conflict


_____ is commonly considered to be the most complex form of memory.


What area of the brain may be the most plastic?

medial temporal lobe

If you were interested in improving your stress level, you might try


What behavior do rats engage in while in a "Skinner box"?

perform a behavior

______ is a basic, innate disposition that emerges very early in life and affects behavior throughout childhood.


True or false: Research indicates that the brain literally grows and changes as we learn.


The stimulus that automatically gives rise to a response is called the __________ stimulus


In order to be successful, reinforcers have to be something the learner _________


________ refers to the wide variety of practices that people use to calm the mind, stabilize concentration, focus attention and enhance awareness.


_____ is the period when sexual maturation begins.


Which of the following represents the quick movements of the eye that occur during sleep?

REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

________ is when the reactivation of a memory temporarily weakens the original memory and a new, slightly altered memory is the result.


The germinal stage begins at ______ and lasts the first two weeks.


A ______ stimulus is previous neutral stimulus that one learns to associate with the UCS.


An initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a response (because of its pairing with a stimulus that causes that response) is called the _________

conditioned stimulus

The term _____ is a form of associative learning in which a behavior becomes more likely because the organism associates that behavior with certain events in its environment.


Sleep _____ represents the amount of sleep our brains owe our bodies.


A general term that describes a loss of mental function, in which many cognitive processes are impaired, such as the ability to remember, reason, solve problems, make decisions, and use language is _______


____ is the process by which the brain attends to, takes in, and integrates new information.


The study of animal behavior is known as ______.


Divided attention and _______ interfere with the first necessary steps of memory formation.


Water, food, and sex are all considered __________ reinforcers


Identify all of the processes in working memory.

rehearsing attending storing

________ occurs when a person gets out of bed during sleep.


The type of attention that requires you to stay focused on a task and to have a high degree of concentration is


When you are multitasking, you compromise the amount of _____ you can provide to each task.

sustained attention

When are full-blown dreams LESS common?

During non-REM sleep

______ identity reflects who a person identifies as, internally.


___________ is the sensory process by which organisms adapt to constant stimulation.


Which describes a state of mind that occurs in compliance with instructions and is characterized by focused attention and suggestibility?


What is the process by which non-human newborn animals come to recognize the first moving object they see as their primary caregiver?


_____ waves are a pattern of brain activity when one is awake whereas _____ waves are a pattern of brain activity when one is relaxed and drowsy.

Beta; alpha

Sleep deprivation has which of the following effects on mental health?

Increased depression Increased anxiety Increased paranoia

______ is the general term for awareness of sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced.


_____ is a sleep difficulty characterized by difficulty falling and staying asleep, as well as not feeling rested.


How does REM sleep change across the life span?

It declines rapidly.

In the context of human development, which of the following is true of attachment?

It is a strong emotional connection that develops early in life.

Dementia has which of the following characteristics?

Loss of mental function, problem solving, and use language Difficulty in the use of language

_____ is a hormone that plays a role in relaxation and drowsiness.


_____ is a heightened awareness of the present moment, whether of events in one's environment or in one's own mind.


A deeper sleep, characterized by a slower, more regular wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of "sleep spindles" is


What is the deepest stage of sleep?


Which of the following is the process during months 3-5 of pregnancy by which neurons move from one part of the fetal brain to their more permanent home?

Neuronal migration

Dreams during _____ sleep are less detailed, less active, and more like regular thinking.


______ sleep is a form of sleep with few eye movements, which are slow rather than fast.


When a behavior is already well learned, what is the best way to reinforce it to get the behavior to continue?


Which of the following best summarizes what happened with Patient H. M. as he repeatedly practiced a tracing task?

Patient H. M. never remembered having done the task before, but his performance improved with practice.

______ ______ is the process by which events in the womb alter the development of physical and psychological health.

Prenatal programming

______ of reinforcement are arranged to follow behaviors.


______ attention is the ability to focus awareness on specific features in the environment while ignoring others.


Which Piaget stage involves infants learning their world, from their eyes, ears, and mouth?


In the three-stage model of memory, the ______ memory holds the original information, the __________-term temporarily stores limited information, and the ________-term memory holds the most information.

Sensory; short; long

_______ ______ is the distress reaction shown by babies when they are separated from their primary caregiver (typically shown at around 9 months of age).

Separation anxiety

Which of the following is true regarding sexual orientation and gender identity?

Sexual orientation and gender identity are not related.

________ ___________ is the sudden reappearance of an extinguished response.

Spontaneous recovery

The ______ _______ procedure was designed to assess the quality of attachment between infants and their primary caregivers.

Strange situation

_______ is a problem that occurs when memories are implanted or altered based on leading questions, comments, or suggestions by another source.


What part of the brain is responsible for circadian rhythms?

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

_______ begins before birth, and is the biological basis to behavior in particular ways from very early in life.


Long-term memory has ___ distinct types and ___ distinct stages of processing.

2; 4

How many stages of non-REM sleep are there?


What percentage of adults in the United States suffer from sleep deprivation?


Erikson's model of personality development consists of how many stages?


______ is memory loss due to injury or disease to the brain.


What is the central assumption to Thorndike's "law of effect?"

Any response that leads to a satisfying experience is more likely to be repeated

______ is the strong emotional connection that develops early in life between infants and their caregiver.


When you are driving, it is not possible to type a text at the same time because we cannot pay ____ to both at the same time.


____ is the limited capacity to process information that is under conscious control.


_______ allows us to filter out distractions, focus on the task at hand and develop a plan for solving a problem.


Adolescence is

the developmental stage between childhood and adulthood

What is classical conditioning?

the form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus is associated with a stimulus to which the subject has an automatic, inborn response

The consequences of an action influence the frequency with which that action is displayed. This describes

the law of effect

The best way to think about positive and negative reinforcement is that

both strengthen behavior but positive reinforcement means something is added and negative reinforcement means something is removed.

Between conception and birth, what major organ(s) form(s) first?


The _____ decides where to focus attention and selectively hones in on specific aspects of a situation.

central executive

_____ is the process of breaking down a list of items to be remembered into a smaller set of meaningful units.


An experience of a loss of consciousness by which a person is unresponsive and not woken up as if there were sleeping is called a(n)


Which step of death and dying is when one experiences a sense of utter disbelief?


List in order from first to last, the steps of death and dying according to Kubler-Ross.

denial -> anger -> bargaining -> depression -> acceptance

The process of how genotype becomes phenotype, and therefore, how we change and remain the same over the course of a lifetime is called human


The ability to differentiate between two similar stimuli, one of which is associated with a CR, the other is not, is called stimulus _______


Most individuals _______ numerous times each night, and are loosely connected by unusual associations.


Select all of the general categories of temperament in children:

easy child slow-to-warm child difficult child

We would state that ____ has occurred when a previously conditioned response decreases and eventually disappears.


True or false: When learning occurs, there is no physical evidence in the brain.


On a _____, reinforcement is given based on the number of responses.

fixed-ratio schedule

When two similar, but not identical, stimuli elicit the same conditioned response, stimulus ________ has occurred


According to _____ _______ theory, consciousness is a place where we temporarily attend to information at hand or information we deem important.

global workspace

A drug that is capable of producing pronounced changes in perception is a(n) _______


Learning that occurs without any reinforcement and isn't apparent until the reinforcement is given is known as

latent learning.

An enduring change in behavior that happens with experience is called _______ by psychologist


The rate at which learning occurs over time is called a _______ ________

learning curve

Participants with no previous meditation experience completed 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation training. At the end of the training, researchers observed significant increases in EEG activity in which region of the brains of participants?

left frontal cortex

Sleep appears to be crucial for learning, primarily because it affects


_________ is the ability to encode, store and retrieve information.


A coma is considered a ____ state of consciousness.


For autistic children who have a hard time imitating other people's behaviors, scientists might look to a deficit in _____ as an explanation for the difficulty.

mirror neurons

For some neurons, having the experience of watching someone do something is as if you are personally having the same experience. The neurons responsible for this information are called

mirror neurons

Kohlberg is most associated with

moral reasoning

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that does not bring about a response of interest is a(n) _______ stimulus.


In classical conditioning, a stimulus that itself does not bring about a response of interest is a(n) ____ stimulus


Implicit memory is also known as _____ memory


________ conditioning has occurred when the consequences of an action influence the likelihood that the behavior will be displayed again.


_________ conditioning is when you operate on your environment.


A hungry animal does something that is followed by the presentation of food. This increases the likelihood of making the behavior again in the future. This best describes _____.

operant conditioning

What are the group of people who share equal standing or status and usually at the same level in terms of age, and gender?


The _____ assists the central executive by providing extra storage for a number of digits or words for up to 30 seconds at a time.

phonological loop

According to research, which of the following benefits neural growth, as indicated by hippocampal neurogenesis?

physical exercise

When the retina senses light in the morning, the _____ gland decreases the amount of melatonin it releases.


_________ _______ is defined as the presentation or inclusion of a stimulus to a situation that increases the likelihood of a behavior.

positive reinforcement

_______ reinforcers are innate, whereas ______ reinforcers are learned

primary; secondary

A ______ drug is any substance that is naturally occurring or synthesized that produces a change in your conscious experience.


_______ is any stimulus that decreases the frequency of a behavior.


Elizabeth Loftus is a memory researcher who has systematically conducted studies examining memory distortion and which of the following topics?

recovered memories eyewitness testimony false memory

Latent learning posits that learning occurs without any ________ and is not demonstrated until later.


According to Thorndike's theory, _____ consequences can make a behavior more likely to occur again.


People have different minds with different values, attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. They select different things to pay attention to, even in the same event. This is known as ______

selective attention

Information stored in ____ memory is in its basic form and is only stored there for a very brief period of time (about a half a second or less).


_____ memory is the first stage of memory and it occurs as a consequence of our interactions with the world. Information is held in this stage very briefly.


Put these in order from shortest to the longest time information is held in memory, according to the three-stage model of memory.

sensory; short; long

When learning a list of items, people are better able to recall them at the beginning and end of the list while forgetting the items in this middle. This observation is called the

serial position effect.

A type of conditioning that involves gradually reinforcing behaviors that come closer and closer to the desired target behavior describes the process of ________


Which type of memory has a capacity of about 5-9 pieces of information?


A chamber with a food dispenser and a response lever used for operant conditioning is called a _____.

skinner box

______ is a sleep difficulty characterized by activities occurring during non-REM sleep that usually occur when one is awake, such as eating.


Theta waves are _______ than alpha waves


Longitudinal research shows that people who are less active and have poorer cardiovascular fitness have _____ brain volume 20 years later.


Imitation and modeling plays important roles in how we learn; ________ learning theory of psychology takes into account this type of learning.


The classification of ____ drugs means that their main function is to increase the activity in the central nervous system.


________ __________ is the association between a UCS and CS can be extended to include more stimuli (more stimuli related to the CS can elicit the CR).

stimulus generalization

The internal 'timekeeper' located in the hypothalamus is the _____, which regulates physiological activity on daily cycles.

suprachiasmatic nucleus

When in a hypnotic state, people are

susceptible to suggestion.

Which of the following involves electrical stimulation of the brain?


Pavlov coined the term _____ to describe the automatic, inborn response to a stimuli.

unconditioned response (UCR)

An unconditioned or ________ response is always produced by an unconditioned stimulus.


The _____ briefly provides storage for visual and spatial sensations, such as images, photos, scenes, or 3-D objects.

visuospatial sketchpad

_____ waves are the pattern of brain activity during N1 sleep.


_______ direct current stimulation is electrical stimulation of the brain.


Research shows that sleep promotes learning in infants. (T or F)


True or false: Each stage of sleep is characterized by different types of brain wave patterns.


We pass more biological milestones before birth than we will during the rest of our lives. (T or F)


The hallmark of formal operations thinking is the ability to begin to ask _______ philosophical, religious, and political questions.


Stimulants ______ the nervous system.


An ____ occurs when one piece of information from the environment is linked repeatedly with another and the organism begins to connect the two sources of information.


Which of the following is the first step in moving sensory experiences into memory?


_____ is the first step in moving from the earliest and most temporary sensory experiences, to processing for encoding, storage, and retrieval.


By ______ months, most children start taking their first steps.


Emerging adulthood spans the age range of

18-25 years old.

In this stage of sleep, we are no longer responsive to the outside world and our sensory experiences drop.


Using a laptop to take notes in class lecture interferes with learning and grades in which way?

The laptop can be a source of distraction.

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