Public speaking 1200

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aside from demographics, what are other ways to analyze your audience

1. seeking common ground with your listeners 2. body language 3. expressions

how do you manage speech anxiety

1. select a topic 2. start preparing early 3. visualize success 4. use relaxation techniques

what are the four situational characteristics of speech situation

1. size 2. time 3. location 4. mobility

what are the patterns for organizing an informative speech

1. spatial - directional 2. chronological (temporal_ -beginning to end 3. casual 4. comparison -similarities and differences 5. categorical -main points are separate topics

how do speakers accomplish each of these purposes

1. story 2. quote 3. striking statement 4. rhetorical question 5. build suspense 6. let listeners know your one of them

situational ethics

a code that shifts to say ethics can change based on what the situations -ex. telling a lie to protect the feelings of a friend


a sentence that indicates your moving from one topic to another

how is the internal best used as a research tool

advantages: -convenient, quick and has a lot of resources Disadvantages: - can't always tell if the info is credible

what elements should you include on a working outline

all elements, your full speech should be on there

sympathetic audience

already agrees with the message of the speech

ad population fallacy

believing somethings true just because others do


brief story that can be used to support main points


comparison based on similarities between two phenomena- one that is familiar to the audience and one that is less familiar

how can cultural issues impact our approach to ethics

ethics change from one society to another

culturally relative ethics

ethics that change from one society to another

how do you create a reference page

full APA citation for each source

hasty generalization

generalizing whole group because of one person that is apart of the group


helps your audience understand your speech structure

post hoc fallacy

identifies wrong cause and affect

how of demographics influence the way audience might response to a message

if message isn't targeted to them they won't care

common knowledge

info that is widely known -ex. statue of liberty is in the US

what is the primary responsibility of an ethical speaker

inform and persuade without lying, tell your thoughts based on facts


information provided by other people

what are the steps involved in developing your informative speech

- brainstorm -purpose statement -thesis -body -intro -conclusion -complete working outline -complete speaking outline -present speech

what are the steps involves in clarifying and simplifying your message

- repeat your message -less is more -presentation aids -avoid using jargon -draw analogies

Four characteristics of public speaking

1. public speaking features communication and an audience 2. public speaking is audience centered 3. public speaking emphasizes the spoken word 4. public speaking is usually a prepared presentation

what are the thirteen steps for preparing and delivery your first speech

1. analyze your audience 2. select your topic 3. determine rhetorical purpose 4. create a thesis statement 5. determine your main points 6. generate supporting materials 7. organize and outline body of speech 8. outline intro and conclusion 9. incorporate transitions 10. consider word choice 11. consider presentation aids 12. practice 13. deliver your speech

what are the five purposes of a good introduction

1. attention getter 2. thesis statement 3. relevance (why they should care) 4. credibility 5. preview of main points

what are the kinds of sources available for conducting library research

1. books 2. periodicals (scholars journals) 3. newspapers 4. governments docs

what are the six guidelines for using supporting materials

1. chose the most credible proof 2. appeal to different learning styles 3. use a variety of supporting material 4. avoid long lists 5. consider your audience 6. respect the available time

what are the steps in selecting your main points

1. consider your purpose 2. take your audience into account (which one is more interesting)

what are the steps involved In conducting an interview

1. contact a credible, high ranking person 2. plan/ use open ended questions 3. choose time and location 4.take good notes/ records

what are the qualities of an ethnical listener

1. courtesy 2. open mindedness 3. willingness to hold a speaker accountable for his statements

what are five techniques for informing

1. definiton -setting the tone so everyone is on the same page -ex. "what is leadership?" 2. explanation -explaining a process 3. description -giving audience a mental pic 4. demonstration -helping visual learners 5. narrative -"once upon a time"

what are the steps necessary for creating a research plan

1. establish research objectives 2. consider where you can find answers to question 3. generate keywords 4. don't forget to CITE

what are the six types of supporting materials

1. examples 2. definitions 3. testimony 4. statistics 5. narratives 6. analogies

how do you select the most credible sources by examining the four characteristics of a sources credibility

1. expert source 2. objective source -no bias 3. observational capacity -witnessed this topic themselves 4. recency -how recent is this info

what are the components of nonverbal delivery skills

1. eye contact 2. gestures 3. physical movement 4. proxemics (how far/ close to audience) 5. personal appearance

what four fallacies that misuse logic

1. hasty generalization 2. post hoc fallacy 3. ad hominem 4. ad population fallacy

what are the benefits and drawbacks of the four modes of delivery

1. impromtu -very little preparation, on the spot 2. extemporaneous (script) -ensures audience hears exactly what you want, can limit eye contact, end up speaking more monotone 3. manuscript -end up not interacting w/ audience, won't forget any key points, can adapt speech based on audience 4. memorized -can forget whole speech, end up being more natural

what are the three sections of a working outline

1. intro 2. body 3. conclusion

what are five types of informative speeches

1. objects 2. individuals / groups -significant of those people 3. events -ex. historical events, things happening to you 4. processes (how to) - ex. cooking videos 5. ideas -ex. pitching ideas for your job

what are the principles for organizing your supporting material

1. subordination 2. subpoints (used to develop a main point) 3. sub-subpoints (support subpoints) 4. coordination (each main point is coordinate with other main points)

What are three techniques one can use to gather information about an audience

1. survey - fixed réponse question: true/false -scaled question: strongly agree/disagree scale -open ended questions 2. interviewing 3. observing

what are the parts included in a good conclusion

1. transition into conclusion 2. summary of main points 3. finish with a memorable clincher (tying back to attention getter) 4. usually takes one minute or less

what are the types of organizing words and sentences? when is it appropriate to use

1. transitions 2. signpost 3. internal previews 4. internal summary use when you are outlining your speech

what are the components of vocal delivery skills

1. volume 2. rate (how fast you talk) 3. projection 4. articulation (clarity of your words) 5. pronunciation 6. pausing

in what situations are each outline appropriate

1. working - a long, detailed outline used to write your whole speech. full sentences 2. speaking - short bullet points, can use when your doing your speech

what are the two types of outlines

1. working outline 2. speaking outline

what are the forms of untruthful speech?

1.half truths 2. omission 3. false inference 4. lies

how can you tell if the internet is a credible source

1.little advertising 2.weighs arguments to both sides

what are the five organizational patterns listed? when is it most appropriate to use

1.spatial 2. chronological 3. casual 4. comparison 5. categorical use when are arranging your main points

why should you use supporting material in your speech

1.strengthen speech by building interest from the audience 2. enhances the understanding 3. convinces the audience the claims are true

why do you conduct research for a speech

it helps you learn about your topic and gives you credibility

what elements should you include on a speaking outline

key words, brief phases that go over the main points in your speech

false inference

leads audience to a wrong conclusion

audience disposition

likely attitude toward the speech


misleads audience by what is left unsaid

gender composition

mixed (male and female) or single gender (all male or all female) affects how the listeners will respond to your speech

neutral audience

no positive of negative thought

half truth

only talking about part of the truth

hostile audience

opposes message, or speaker. will resist listing to your speech

how do you present your research In your speech

paraphrase it and mark the situation


piece of info presented in numerical form

what is plagiarism

presenting another persons words or ideas as if they were your own

extemporaneous delivery

presenting your speech smoothly without reading it


provides meaning of a term

Rhetorical question

question that audience will answer in their head

internal summary

quick review of what you just said in your point


sample that supports a general claim

internal previews

short list of the ideas that will follow

what is the purposes of a good conclusion

showing the audience that you are wrapping up

ethical absolutism

the belief that people should display identical behavior no matter the situation like always telling the truth

body clock

time of day or day of the week when the audience will listen best

Three main components of the transactional model of communication? How does it differ from the linear model?

transactional model is communicative exchange in which all participants continuously send and receive messages.In a liner model it just includes one idea expressed

ad hominem

weaking someone argument with lies about their character

How does critical thinking influence public speaking

when you are engaged in critical thinking, you carefully value the evidence and reasoning presented in the message

how does ethics influence public speaking

you have freedom of speech, but keep it classy

How does diversity influence public speaking?

you have to be aware of the diversity and not stereotype. you want to try and account for all ethnic groups and ages

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