Quiz: Teen Detectives

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Summer says "C'était le plus effrayant tour d'avion I've ever pris dans ma vie !" What does effrayant mean?


Summer says"D'abord le caméra guy looks like le conducteur de l'autobus et maintenant this gars. Do you vraiment think we're being watched par le même man?" What does gars mean?


Where does Summer find the plans for King Tut's tomb?

her computer

Summer says "They can't be horses. Les chevaux don't have bosses." What does bosses mean?


Jake says "Let's seulement espérons Ali can réellement faire voler a plane. C'est our seule chance to get there à temps ! What is Jake worried about?

Ali not being able to fly a plane

Who was Tut?

king of Egypt

What is Summer nervous about?

twisting her ankle

Summer says "Jake, if I had des ailes I volerais to the top, but malheureusement, I have to grimper." What does ailes mean?


Summer says "Go ahead sans moi !" What does sans moi mean?

without me

How long do Jake and Summer have before the bus leaves?

15 minutes

How much money do Jake and Summer pay to get a ride to Giza?

40 American dollars

Who said the following? "Bonjour. Je peux vous aider ?"

A Vendor

What unusual activity happens in the museum?

A man takes a photo.

What is this quote about? Regarde closely. I recognize son visage. It's definitely familiar.

A strange man

Who said the following? "Le musée is behind you. You are standing in front of it. But le bâtiment is fermé for notre visite privée."

A tourist

Summer says "D'après my research, des archéologues have found many artifacts here in l'énorme pyramide El Castillo." What does D'après mean?

According to

Where are Jake and Summer now?


Why does the man do that makes Summer suspicious?

He takes a picture of Jake and Summer.

Who do the Teen Detectives see sneaking around the Maya ruins?

The Bus Driver

Summer says "Well réveille-toi, sleepyhead. I've made a liste of choses we need to do aujourd'hui and we need to move quickly!" What does réveille-toi mean?

Wake up!

This episode takes place . . .

in the desert.

What does Summer want to do?

investigate all night long

What does Jake want to do?

listen to music in the park and eat dinner

One of the Detectives says "No, I don't think I'll find le chat in mes légumes, but at least I won't be too hungry pour réfléchir. Come on. What do you say?" What are mes légumes?

my vegetables

The policeman says "I'm going to have to demander you to partir now." What does demander mean.

to ask

True or False: Summer trades her computer for a tire.


True or False: The bus hits a rooster.


What does Jake feels like next to the buildings?

He feels like a tiny insect

Summer says "Absolument. And now il sort. Let's follow him!" What does il sort mean?

He is going out.

Who says "No, I don't think I'll find le chat in mes légumes, but at least I won't be too hungry pour réfléchir. Come on. What do you say?"


Who says "The seule couleur I want to see is le noir on the inside of mes paupières."


Who says "Work all night? I thought maybe we could listen to some musique in le parc."


Which of the following does NOT happen in this episode of Teen Dectives?

Jake and Summer arrive at the Pyramid and speak with a police officer.

What city are Summer and Jake in?

Mexico City

Summer says "Aucune idée, but if he's not watching nous, then why would he take our photo ?" What does Aucune idée mean?

No idea

What is the job given to the teen detectives by their agency?

Prevent an art theft.

Why does Jake look like a tourist?

He's carrying a map and with a group of tourists.

Where do the Teen Detectives find the vieux chat rouge ?

In a pyramid on a throne.

What happens to the bus?

It gets a flat tire.

What does Jake think happened to the jaguar throne?

It was stolen.

What is the problem at the end of this episode?

The bus Jake and Summer are riding gets a flat tire.

Why does Summer think they're going to end up in a hospital?

The bus is driving really fast.

What is the problem the Teen Detectives encounter in this episode?

The museum is closed.

Summer says "Don't be so sure about that, Jake. Besides, everyone knows les chats are nocturnal. Maybe la nuit is the best time to find the answer to notre énigme!" What is la nuit?

The night

Summer says "Rien n'a encore disparu ! Quelqu'un may be waiting la fermeture du musée." What is she worried about?

The thief may be waiting for the museum to close.

Who said "Please remember as you enter le musée -- le silence est d'or !"

The tour guide

Why doesn't Jake think the animals are camels?

They don't have two humps.

How do the detectives find the tourists?

They see a tour bus.

What did the agency say has been happening to important works of art all over the world?

They're disappearing.

Who did the Mayans fight with over the land for many years?


True or False: Jake is on the track team at school.


Who said "No way am I trading mon ordinateur for un pneu!"

Who said "No way am I trading mon ordinateur for un pneu!"

What do the Teen Detectives think is the vieux chat rouge ?

a jaguar

What is "El Castillo"?

a large pyramid

What do Summer and Jake knock over in the museum?

a lion

Where is the Valley of the Kings?


Summer says "Nous également don't avons much de temps avec these lampes-torches. Les piles will be dead in quelques minutes." What does piles mean?


Summer says "I don't want to imagine living dans l'antiquité, with all of les batailles. Even if I lived in un palais." What does batailles mean?


Summer says "Super ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à trouver a museum. J'espère seulement que we're not trop tard." What does she say they need to do now?

find a museum.

Summers says "If le chauffeur keeps conduire so fast . . . " What does "conduire" mean?


Jake says "There may not be un trottoir, but avec tous the farmers on le bus, we have assez d'œufs!" What does "œufs" mean?


Summer says "What ont causé les tragédies was unfortunate maladies et de terribles accidents. Pas une malédiction. " What does malediction mean?

A curse

How long do Jake and Summer have left to stop the Egyptian treasure from being stolen?

3 hours

How do Jake and Summer get to Luxor?

By airplane

Where does Summer think the Teen Detectives should go if they find an empty tomb?


What does the Egyptian man ask the Teen Detectives?

If they have seen a young king

What does Jake want to do in this episode?

Investigate the crypt.

What's wrong with the crypt door?

It's unlocked.

Why isn't Summer convinced it's the same man following them?

She could only see his eyes.

Why does Summer want to go to Greece?

She thinks the thieves are going to Greece.

What is Jake worried about in this episode?

Somone is following them.

What do the Teen Detectives decide to do at the end of the episode?

Split up

Summer says "Et si le gardien revient pendant we're à l'intérieur et enferme us in?" What is Summer worried about?

The guard coming back and locking them in.

Why are Summer and Jake in the wrong place?

The rooms are empty.

Who said "Oui, bien sûr, mes amis. I will emmènerai vous à son avion !"

The taxi driver

What does Summer find confusing when the Teen Detectives arrive at the tomb?

Things are too quiet.

Summer says "Tu peux attendre. I'm going to Grèce par moi-même. What does attendre mean?

To wait

Summer says "Je sais. Une fois de plus, we're trop tard! So far, des trésors anciens have been disparaître from d'endroits anciens. " What does trop tard mean?

Too late

Jake asks "Où est le tombeau of King Tut ?" What is he looking for?

a burial site

What's in Chichen Itza?

big pyramids

Summer says "Le roi Tut ! Bien entendu ! Il was only 9 ans âgé when il est devenu roi. They enterré him avec toute of sa richesse." What does enterré mean?


Jake says "Des heures de marche in the brûlant desert? This isn't a mistake, this is un désastre!" What does brûlant mean?


Jake says "Je don't want to acheter your chameau." What does acheter mean?


How are Summer and Jake going to get to Luxor?

by plane

Summer says "Peut-être. But we're not just being watched. I pense we've just been given a indice !" What does indice mean?


Jake says "Does la noirceur/le noir make you nerveuse ou do les escaliers te rendent nerveuse?" What does noirceur/le noir mean?


What does Jake hear?


What do the Teen Detectives find in the pyramid?


Jake says "I just want to monter your camel to the ville." What does monter mean?


Summer says "Où ? Ces maisons with the flat toits ?" What are toits?


Summer says "Do you penses que les trésors anciens have déjà been volés?" What does "volés" mean?


What are Jake and Summer inside of?

the Great Pyramid

What is missing at King Tut's tomb?

the guard

What is the old red cat?

the king's jaguar throne

What is Jake afraid of in the tomb?

the mummy's curse

What does the Egyptian man ask about?

the young king

Summer says "I'm not peur of la noirceur. I'm nervous about tordre ma cheville encore une fois." What does "tordre ma cheville" mean?

to twist my ankle

Why doesn't Jake want to keep exploring the ruins?

It's too dark to see much.

Summer says "Perfect! Les touristes and le guide won't see us when they walk past and then we'll run vers la sortie." Whom is she speaking to?


Who said the following? "I'm on l'équipe de course in school, remember? Now come on jambes courtes !"


What do Jake and Summer buy?

a map

What are Summer and Jake looking for?

a museum

What animal is everywhere on the road as they drive?


What has Jake never ridden on a bus with before?


What do Jake and Summer do to increase their chances of finding the bus driver?

split up

Summer says "According to mes recherches, these ancient ruines were temples, palaces, markets... even terrains de jeu." What is a terrain de jeu?

sports field

Jake says "If I tombais de ces escaliers, I'd break more than just my jambe!" What does escaliers mean?


Jake says "Summer, ton ordinateur won't help us if we're coincés in la jungle." What does coincés mean?


Summer says "We have a lot of ruines to explore and not a lot of temps before le coucher du soleil." What is le coucher du soleil.


What is NOT part of the ruins at Chichen Itza?

swimming pools

Jake says "We can't hit une poule or un coq if we're not able de rouler" What is he talking about?

the bus

Who do Jake and Summer see by the stairs?

the bus driver

Summer says "Perfect! Les touristes and le guide won't see us when they walk past and then we'll run vers la sortie." What is la sortie?

the exit

Jake says "I see. Merci for le renseignement !" What is "le renseignement?"

the information

What are Jake and Summer hoping to find at Chichen Itza?

the old red cat

Why does Summer have a hard time climbing up the stairs?

She's short.

Which group was the last to take over the Mayan villages?


Jake says "You're not sensé to be chercher me, you're sensé to be chercher l'homme in the blue golf shirt." Who is he talking to?


Who said this? "You're not peur du noir, are you?"


How do the Teen Detectives solve their problem in this episode?

They trade a sheep for a spare tire.

What kind of museum do the detectives go to?

a natural history museum

What kind of museum have the Teen Detectives entered?

a natural history museum

Why is the museum closed?

a private tour

Jake says "Those aren't poules. They have crêtes rouges on their heads -- they must be des coqs." What is a "coq?"

a rooster

What do they trade for a tire?

a sheep

Summer says "It says here it was rouge with yeux verts. Hey... wait une minute !" What is she talking about?

a throne

Jake asks "Did they give us des indices ?" What are indices?


Jake says "While you were doing des recherches on your ordinateur last soir, I went to the kiosque and saw this petite brochure on Chichen Itza." What is ordinateur?


Jake says "It's une affaire. You give us un pneu and we'll give you un mouton." What does affaire mean?


Summer says "Yes, but if it hasn't disparu, it may give us another indice. Watch out for any chose de bizarre." What does disparu mean?


Where does Jake think the man in the blue golf shirt went?

disappeared into a group of tourists

What was Summer doing all night?

doing research

What do Jake and Summer do when the man leaves?

follow him

Where does Jake find a clue to help the Teen Detectives on their quest?

in a brochure

What clue did the detective agency give to Summer and Jake?

old red cat

Jake says "Noisy or not, we have to penser, et vite !" What does penser mean?


How long do the detectives have left to investigate?

three days

Summer says "Enfin nous sommes à Chichen Itza. We would have run out of temps if you hadn't traded for ce pneu." What does temps mean?


The museum tour guide says "Attention, s'il vous plaît. The tour is about commencer." What does commencer mean?

to begin

One of the detectives says "You go listen to la musique in un parc or whatever you want to do. I'm going to do some more enquêter." What does enquêter mean?

to investigate

Jake says "Summer, this isn't helping. We may be good pour résoudre des indices, but visiblement we aren't very good at reading les plans! Let's just put down le plan and think about this." What does résoudre mean?

to solve

Jake says "Je vais leur parler." What does leur mean?

to them

Summer says "Brilliant thinking! Now all we need is a fast moyen out of this ville bruyante." What is moyen?


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