SAT Vocabulary Roots Prefix and Suffix

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Root: aud

Def: hear Ex: audible, auditorium, audience

Root: anthro

Def: human Ex: anthropology philanthropy

Root: ami, amo

Def: love Ex: amiable, amorous

Root: anim

Def: mind, soul, spirit Ex: animal, animate, and unanimous

Root: auto

Def: self Ex: automobile, autobiography, autograph

Root: belli

Def: war Ex: belligerent, rebellious, antebellum

Root: ambul

Definition: to walk, move Examples: ambulance, ambulatory, and amble

Root: ag, act

This root means do. Common examples are action, activity, and agent.

root poten

able powerful potential omnipotent potentate impotent

prefix dys

abnormal bad ex: dysfunction dyslexia dystopia

prefix trans

across ex: transfer transport transpose

suffix: able ible

adj capable of ex: edible presentable legible

suffix acious icious

adj full of ex: malicious audacious

suffix ac ic ical

adj like related ex: cardiac mythic dramatic musical

suffix ant ent

adj/n full of ex: eloquent verdant

prefix post

after ex: postpone posterity postscript posthumous

prefix re retro

again back ex: reiterate reimburse react retrogress

prefix anti

against ex: antibody antipathy antisocial

prefix contra contro

against ex: contradict contravene controversy

root viv vit

alive ex: revival vivacious vitality

root omni

all omniscient omnipotent omnivorous

prefix pan

all every ex: panacea panorama pandemic

prefix circum

around ex: circumnavigate circumspect circumscribe

prefix peri

around near ex: perimeter periphery periscope

root mal

bad malevolent malediction malicious

prefix mis

bad hatred ex: misdemeanor mischance misanthrope

prefix pre

before ex: preamble prefix premonition prediction

prefix inter

between among ex: intervene international interjection intercept

root corp

body corporation corporeal corpse

root biblio

book bibliography bible

root nat

born innate natal nativity

prefix ambi amphi

both ex: ambidextrous ambiguous ambivalent

root port

carry portable porter transport export

root civi

citizen civilization civilian civil

root urb

city ex: urban urbane suburban

root cid cis

cut kill incision homicide insecticide

root fall fals

deceive fallacious infallible falsify

root mori mort

die mortuary immortal moribund

root path pass

disease feeling pathology sympathetic apathy antipathy

root vac

empty ex: vacation vacuous evacuate vacant

root fid

faith fidelity confide confidence

root carn

flesh meat canimover carnal incarnate

prefix: pro

forward for before propulsive proponent prologue prophet

Root: ben

good benefactor beneficial and benevolence

root eu

good beautiful eulogize euphoria euphemism

root magn

great magnify magnate magnanimous

root sacr secr

holy sacred sacrilegious sacrament consecrate

root terr

land ex: terrain terrestrial subterranean

root bio

life biography biology

root luc

light elucidate lucid translucent

root phil

love philanthropist philosophy philanderer

prefix poly

many ex: polygon polygamist polyglot

root domin

master dominant domain domineering

root psych

mind psyche psychology psychosis psychopath

root nom

name misnomer nominal

root nov

new novice innovate renovate novelty

prefix un

not ex: unabridged unkempt unwitting

prefix in il im ir

not or in upon ex: inefficient inarticulate illegible irrepressible invite incite impression illuminate

prefix di dif dis

not, apart ex: digress discord differ disparity

prefix mono

one ex: monarchy monologue monotheism

prefix e ex extra extro

out beyond ex: expel excavate eject extrovert

prefix super sur

over above ex: superior supernatural supervise surtax

root pac pas pax

peace pacify pacific pacifist passive

root dem

people democracy demographic

root reg rect

rule regicide regime regent insurrection

root spec spic

see look ex: spectators spectacles retrospect conspicuous

root morph

shape form amorphous metamorphosis

root somn

sleep ex: insomnia somnolent somnambulist

root dic dict

speak dictate contradict prediction verdict

root loqu locut

talk soliloquy loquacious elocution

prefix dia

through across ex: diagonal diameter dialogue

root chron

time chronic chronology synchronize

root tang tact ting

touch ex: tactile tangent contract contingent

root ver

truth ex: veracity verify veracious

prefix sub suc sup sus

under less ex: subway subjugate suppress

suffix ate en

v make become ex: consecrate awaken strengthen eradicate

root err

wander error erratic errand

prefix co col com con

with together ex: coauthor collaborate composition commerce

prefix syn sym syl sys

with together ex: symmetry synchronize synthesize sympathize

prefix intra

within ex: intramural introvert intravenous

prefix an a

without ex: anarchy anemia amoral

root verb

word ex: verbose verbatim proverb

root scribe script


root graph gram

writing grammar telegram graphic

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