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form achieve goals change disintegrate

4 aspects of group dynamics: how groups ....


this type of research is less concerned with interviewer or observer bias and is usually quick and economical.

C. Wright Mills

Name attached to social imagination

Robert Putman

Worries about the effects of social media on social engagement are an extension of whose earlier research?

Stanley Milgram

led research subjects to believe they were shocking another individual in a different room when the person got a question incorrect


micro or macro? What types of religious organizations are most effective at lobbying political entities for support?

open system

a social system with ample opportunities to move from one class to another

closed system

a social system with very little opportunity to move from one class to another


a theoretical statement explaining the relationship between two or more phenomenon


accepts society's approved goals but rejects the means to achieve those goals


acts as a lens through which individuals view the world


all of the people watching Saturday Night Live on television last Saturday

Phillip Zimbardo

assigned research subjects to play either a prisoner or a guard for a two-week mock-prison simulation.

positive devienne

The way that the My Lai massacre ended during the Vietnam War is an example of what?


When people living in poverty are less likely to vote or participate in political life, they are victims of political __________.

norms group reactions

Which 2 things are necessary for a behavior or characteristic to be defined as deviant?

Talcott Parsons

Which American sociologist's work closely embodies the functionalist concept of how best to analyze society?


Which Greek word does "stigma" come from?


Which concept refers to a state of normlessness that is kept in check by group membership?

ideal culture

Which cultural concept correctly describes the idea of equality in the United States?


Which international business chain is referenced by George Ritzer's theory of spreading bureaucratic rationalization and increased efficiency?

Abraham Lincoln

Which leader or organization relied on a "team of rivals" to challenge groupthink?

Rosa Parks

Which of the following is an example of positive deviance?


Which of the following is not a major system of stratification?


Which social class category is comprised of people who live in poverty conditions and typically earn $15,000 or less per year?


Which term refers to positive or negative means of enforcing norms?

Emile Durkheim

Who coined the term "anomie"?

Robert Putnam

Who says Americans have drastically reduced their levels of civic engagement over time.

Nicholas and James

what two names are attach to ... Social networks can influence not only an individual's health but also can spread everything from obesity to smoking and substance abuse.

white collar

what type of crime - is committed by high social status individuals - does not involve force - is policed and typically punished less strenuously than other types of crime


what type of social mobility results from losing a job?


what type of social mobility? A retail store cashier gets a job as a manager.


which social class category comprises people who live in poverty conditions and typically earn $15,000 or less per year?

blue collar

which types of jobs are usually available to members of the lower middle class?

spoiled identity

According to Erving Goffman, when one is labeled a deviant and experiences stigma, what does that individual acquire?

target population sample respondents Informed consent

Before collecting data, social researchers must identify a __________ __________ from which to select their ______. After that, if they want to interview __________, sociologists must first get ________ _________, which means that participants agree to be interviewed and know what they are getting into.

South Asian

Honor killings are primarily seen in Middle Eastern and ____________ cultures.


Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema" is about what group of people?

habitat for humanity boy scouts boys and girls club

Identify 3 organizations that Robert Putnam's research might argue would keep anomie at bay


Most individuals from which social class category generally depend on income from salaried work but often are financially stable?


Most large retailers such as Target, H&M, and Old Navy carry similar clothing styles, and thus there is not extreme variation in what most Americans wear. Which sociological concept best explains this phenomenon?

symbolic interactionism

Values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained, and changed through ongoing socia

structural functionalism

Values and norms are widely shared and agreed upon; they contribute to social stability by reinforcing common bonds and constraining individual behavior.


rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society

symbolic interactionism

the school of social thought that insists all social structures, including systems of stratification, are built out of everyday interactions called


true or false - Although American culture is highly visible worldwide via the media, the moral and political values of the country are not highly visible.


true or false - Modern cultural imperialism is closely linked to the proliferation of Western media.


true or false - Most Americans value the equality and individual freedoms of democracy.


true or false - Sociologist Matthew Desmond's Eviction Lab provides the only nationwide data on eviction rates.


true or false - in the United States, the denial of citizenship rights such as voting to convicted felons, who are disproportionately African Americans has born compared to the caste system


true or false - Someone who admits that he has a problem, such as alcoholism, but wants to shake the stigma associated with it and change his life for the better, is experiencing tertiary deviance.


true or false - The term "deviant" refers to a moral, not a social, judgment.


true or false- there have been many societies throughout history with no social stratification

Sherry Turtle

who says Societies value technology over relationships. ** think Crossy Road animal --> technology"

Duncan Watts

who says, Social networks can shape our actions, such as voting behavior, because of which individuals make up those social networks

Auguste Comte

wrote introduction to positive philosophy

Solomon Asch

examined how research subjects responded when multiple other individuals clearly answered a question incorrectly


neck stretching


passing a law that states that anyone caught stealing an item or items valued at $1,000 or more will have one hand cut off


passing a law that states that anyone committing fraud will be imprisoned for a minimum of twenty years


passing a law that states that first-time offenders for any violent crime will be submitted to a psychological evaluation and given mental health treatment

Peter Berger

passionate about human affairs, intellectually curious, intellectually daring


The ______________ perspective assumes that society's larger structures are shaped through individual interactions


breast augmentations

Karl Marx Emile Durkeim

classical theorist

Harriet Martineau Herbert Spencer

early theorist

Jane Addams

founded the ACLU and NAACP

Jane Addams

founded the hull house


the ____________- perspective assumes that society's larger structures shape those individual interactions.


this type of research can challenge our notions about groups we thought we knew and has driven methodological innovation.

Herbert Blumer

was a graduate student and later a professor at the University of Chicago.

open-ended leading

what are two types of research questions?

upper - middle

what class? College and University degrees, some graduate degrees

under working poor

what class? some highschool

American Dream

"Rags to riches"

Herbert Blumer

"down and dirty" with the dynamics of social life.

secret society

Group cohesion is likely to be highest among which group?

American Dream

- Anyone can go from rags to riches if they work hard enough. - Living the good life: yacht, vacation, money! ... is an example of the _________ __________-

Jacques Derrida Michael Foucault Jean Bauddrillard

3 major figures of postmodernism (JMJ)

ideal and real culture

We occasionally see stories in the media about a high-profile individual, such as a religious or political leader who gets caught doing something the society views as wrong, despite the individual often being seen as a moral leader.These are examples of a disconnect between which two cultural concepts?


What country? A great number of social services are provided by the government in this country.


What country? The top tax rate in this country is 60 percent.


What country? This country was transformed from a constitutional monarchy to a theocracy in 1979.


What country? Religion is a primary factor for maintaining social and economic positions in this country.


butt augmentations

Auguste Comte

coined the term "sociology"


concentrates on traditional, small, or indigenous cultures

material and nonmaterial

culture includes both _______ and __________ elements


social mobility that occurs over the course of an individual's lifetime is called ________ mobility

secondary group

the cast members of Saturday Night Live


plates in lip

Harriet Auguste Karl

put Harriet, Karl, and Auguste in order

Jane Addams

put theory into practice


renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and instead works toward their own goals using new means


renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and lives outside the conventional norms altogether


Amish punishment


Colonial American punishment

Society in America

Harriet Martineau wrote


What type of social mobility? A registered nurse leaves nursing to become a high school teacher

therapeutic policing

- ticketing a homeless person for loitering - arresting a homeless person for jaywalking ... are both examples of __________ _________-

symbolic interactionism

Blumer gave Mead's theory the name it now goes by: ___________________


After watching a commercial that claimed that wearing Nike brand clothing makes amateur athletes perform better, Alfonso followed the prescription by purchasing Nike sneakers. By expecting this behavior to produce a positive reward, Alfonso is demonstrating ________________-


An educator is disgusted with standardized testing and teaching methods that lead students to simply gain a credential rather than actually learn about the world. She decides to start a charter school that employs innovative teaching methods, doesn't give students grades, and encourages creative thinking over rote learning. How would Robert Merton's strain theory of deviance classify this educator?


Anonymous is a ____________ group

cultural relativism

opposite of ethnocentrism


In the United States, imprisonment as a method of punishment was rare until what century?

social loafing

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a rule that if a team cannot be fed by two pizzas, the team is too large. The "two pizza" rule exemplifies the concept of ____________.


Native American punishment


Otaku culture originated in what country?

Brahman Ksatriya Vaisya Sudra Dalit

Place each category of the Hindu caste system in order from top to bottom stratum. Brahman - Sudra - Dalit - Vaisya - Ksatriya think "Brian Kills Very Stupidly Duh"

Architect Vet Firefighter Social worker Auto repairman

Place the professions in order from most to least social prestige architect, firefighter, social worker, vet, auto repairman think "Andy Violently Fights Sexual Assault"


Robert Merton called for a style of sociology that avoids extremes: it focuses on institutions, not tiny groups and not whole societies, and it holds theory and empirical observation in balance. This type of study is called _________ theory.


Robert Merton, Talcott Parsons, and Émile Durkheim are _______

Mark Granovetter

Social ties follow social-class lines and link high socioeconomic status (SES) individuals with a vast array of high-SES contacts who can provide job leads

society sociology systematic

TV shows like Queer Eye, Naked and Afraid, and Love Is Blind reflect how we are all part of the same ________, and for that reason we are curious about how the others live. ___________, however, is slightly different than reality television. It is the _____________ or scientific study of human society and social behavior, from large-scale institutions and mass culture to small groups and individual interactions.

in-group orientation

The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is an example of what stigma-related concept?

Joseph Conti

The United States is one of the most powerful members of the WTO not because of its outcome in disputes but because of its centrality.

everyday actor social analyst

The __________ approaches their social world with practical knowledge, whereas the ___________ approaches the world by using reasoning and questions to gain deeper insights.

culture wars

The controversy surrounding the "bathroom bills" of North Carolina and other states is an example of which of the following concepts?

reference group

The phrase "keeping up with the Joneses," which means to display wealth more than one's neighbors, is an example of what group concept?

moral holiday

The slogan "What happens here, only happens here" is an example of what cultural concept?

wealth power prestige

What thee variables does Max Weber consider the ultimate basis of class divisions?

horizontal vertical

What two terms represent measurements of intragenerational mobility?

conflict theory

Values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained, and changed through ongoing socia


What country? Enslaved people were trafficked to this country through the mid-1800s.


What is another name for the methodology that Auguste Comte called "social physics"?

it is easy to take one's culture for granted

What is one of the main points of Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema"?

institutional review board

What is the name of the governing body within a university that decides whether or not to approve research proposals?

feudal system

What is the name of the system of social stratification based on a hereditary nobility who were responsible for and served by a lower stratum of forced laborers called serfs?


What is the systematic scientific study of crime, criminals, and criminal justice known as?

beginner's mind

What practice did Bernard McGrane suggest that individuals adopt to better understand the world around them?

positive devience

What term describes "actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic"?

social inequality

What term describes the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of a society?

primary group

a group of close friends and family members who get together to watch Saturday Night Live on television each week

generation to generation

culture is handed down from ____________

Emile Durkheim

dealt with solidarity and positivist sociology

social imagination

enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history


gives up on achieving society's approved goals but accepts the means to achieve those goals

ISIS Black Lives Matter

members of anonymous undermine operations of _______ and help _________


micro or macro? How do the organization of education systems around the world affect the percentage of individuals who go to college?


micro or macro? How does giving children different types of toys to play with affect their performance of gender roles?


micro or macro? What types of language and gestures do students use when interacting with teachers?

intergenerational mobility

movement between social classes that occurs from one generation to the next

George Simmel

one of the first to do work in the area of social network analysis (SNA)

Auguste Comte

sought to bring the scientific method to sociology


systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior

tv internet smartphones virtual assistants

technological changes in chronological order


the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live

intragenerational mobility

the movement between social classes that occurs during the course of an individual's lifetime


true or false - If two variables are correlated, a change in one must directly produce a change in the other

manifest latent

two functions Robert Merton theorized

connection contagion

two principles that were explained in Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler's 2009 work on social networks.


what class? Two- and four-year college degree "and is in the MIDDLE of 'two' and 'four'

working / lower middle

what class? highschool degrees


what class? some prestigious university degrees?


what country? Intermarriage has eliminated clearly defined racial groups, but skin color still largely defines an individual's place in society in this country.

level of education

what generational predictions can sociologists make about a person's life prospects if that is known In the person's social class?


what is a society called if social mobility is highly restricted by formal or informal rules like those of a caste system?


what percentage? middle class


what percentage? underclass


what percentage? upper - middle


what percentage? working / lower - middle


what percentage? working poor


what percentage? upper class


what theory consisted of the role of the Protestant religion in transforming European economies and verstehen

deception confidentiality

what two areas may present ethical concerns for individuals conducting social science research?

Emile Durkheim

who says Group membership prevents a state of normlessness.

Max Weber

wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

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