Sociology Exam 2

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Residential segregation has declined considerably over the past 25 years.


What does one need to fully understand and process information about health?

health literacy

Type the term that best completes the sentence. The prevalence or absence of men and women in specific career fields is known as sex ___________.


Type the name of the body responsible for representing voters in the election of the President of the United States, whose number equals the number of U.S. representatives, plus senators from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Electoral College

Using the figure shown, place the following years in order from the year with the most amount of strikes to the year with the least.

1955 1970 1960 1985

Type the value that best answers the question. For a corporation to be considered transnational, it must have branches in how many countries?

2 countries

Type the value that best answers the question. Approximately what is the percentage of Americans who do some kind of volunteer work within a given year?


What percentage of U.S. children are homeschooled?


According to the World Health Organization, approximately what percentage of women around the world have suffered from abuse by an intimate partner?


Using the chart, indicate which statements accurately represent racial and ethnic differences in median household income over time.

Accurate Statement(s) The period of time with the strongest household income growth was 1995-2000. The racial/ethnic group with the lowest median household income has an income only slightly more than half of the group with the highest median household income. Inaccurate Statement(s) Hispanics experienced the highest rate of household income growth between the early 1970s and 2013. The Great Recession (2007-2009) had little impact on median household income.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the concept of stereotype threat?

After overhearing her teacher say that "girls don't do as well in math" to a colleague, Samantha began to get anxious before taking math tests.

How is party voting associated with income in the United States?

As income increases, voters are more likely to vote for Republicans.

Place the U.S. population groups in order from highest to lowest high school graduation rates.

Asian AmericanswhitesHispanicsAmerican Indians

Look at the Globalization by the Numbers interactive graphic here. Based on the racial categorizations of people living in these countries, which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic identification across countries?

Countries base racial and ethnic categorization on different traits, including skin color, cultural group membership, regional origin, and religion.

Why does Walmart define a full-time work week as comprising 32 hours?

It gives them greater flexibility and power.

What did the 1995 Gun-Free School Zones Act change about school policy?

It mandated automatic suspension or expulsion of students possessing drugs or weapons in school.

According to the textbook, identify the reasons why more U.S. students should study abroad.

Reason(s) to Study Abroad to gain foreign language skills to learn more about other cultures Not Reason(s) to Study Abroad to save costs on schooling to advance math and science skills

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about structuralist theories.

Structuralist theories describe racism as a tool for the maintenance of white privilege through the monopolization of economic resources.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

Studies of identical twins cannot isolate the biological and social factors that determine sexual orientation. Twins share the same genes and may have a common or shared social experience.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.

The Hispanic health paradox is often attributed to a combination of cultural factors like social cohesion and methodology.

Why do researchers find it difficult to measure intelligence?

There are different forms of intelligence.

In terms of annual income for a family of four, what is the poverty line in the United States, as defined by the federal government?

about $24,000

Type the term that refers to people moving out of a country of origin to settle in another.


According to sociologists, what is the main negative outcome that could occur from genetic engineering?

existence of a "biological underclass"

How does this picture exemplify the kinds of problems that Jonathan Kozol saw in the schools he observed?

Schools in poor communities were in a state of disrepair.

Type the term that best answers the question. Lower life expectancies for both men and women are often traced to poor health choices such as smoking and drinking; however, men continue to have shorter life spans than women. What is a reason for why this occurs?


What criticisms do some observers make about the "zero-tolerance" policy in schools?

Correct Answer(s) It has unnecessarily increased the role of police in schools. It is enacted differently, dependent on a student's race. It sets students on a trajectory toward criminality and the criminal justice system. Incorrect Answer(s) It is not fully enacted; many schools allow major incidents to occur without consequence.

Place the following educational reforms in chronological order.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act Gun-Free Zone Act No Child Left Behind Race to the Top

Which of the following are Zheng's findings regarding the Gini coefficient?

Finding(s) risk of death increased by a measurable percentage over 12 years an increased perception of declining health Not Finding(s) an increase in government services that only benefit the wealthy "status anxiety" has led to a decline in health

What is the role of interest groups, according to pluralist theories of modern democracy?

They establish a balance of power.

What impact did lobbyists from pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and insurance companies have on the development of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare?

They persuaded elected officials not to support a public option.

What do sociologists mean by the term "second shift"?

This term refers to women who work a paid job and also handle housework and child-care duties.

A decrease in infant mortality is related to an increase in the average age of death in the developed world.


The English-language term two-spirit used by many Native American groups refers to what?

a male-bodied person at birth who expresses a feminine nature

Type the term that best answers the question. Disparities between groups of students on a number of educational performance measures are known collectively as what?

achievement gaps

Place the professions in order from highest to lowest social prestige score.

architect veterinarian firefighter welder child-care worker bartender

Type the term that best answers the question. What word, of French origin, does Karl Marx use as a label for the social class that owns and controls the means of production?


What do international students in the United States select as their academic major? Place the following majors in order from the major that international students are most likely to select to least likely.

business and management engineering math and computer sciences social sciences

Type the term that best answers the question. What type of illness is difficult for society to understand in relation to the sick role?


Type the value that best answers the question. Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population is comprised of first-generation immigrants?


What were the consequences of school busing practices?

Consequence(s) less segregation in U.S. public schools white families moving to the suburbs increased racial tensions Not Consequence(s) white and black families agreeing that integrated schools were better than the previous system

Which factors contribute to the increasing ability of corporations to dominate the market through merging with and acquiring other firms?

Contributing Factor(s) efficient financing advanced technology fewer regulations for businesses Not Contributing Factor(s) multilingual workers increased education across the globe

Which of the following are examples of antiracism?

Example(s) of Antiracism A university offers a pre-college program for minority students during the summer before their freshman year, helping them forge networks and learn how to juggle academics with other parts of college life. A woman objects after seeing a black customer being asked for ID to buy something with a credit card when other white customers were not. Not Example(s) of Antiracism A university admissions board drops a question asking students to report race so that the university will not inadvertently consider race when making admissions decisions. An employer ignores race while making hiring decisions.

Which of the following are expressions of nationalism?

Expression(s) of Nationalism fans singing the "Star Spangled Banner" at a sporting event belief in the possibilities of the American Dream Not Expression(s) of Nationalism a "Don't Mess with Texas" bumpersticker a citizen voting in a presidential election

Differences between males and females are always determined by biology.


Match each model of ethnic integration to its description.

Immigrants come to adopt the attitudes and language of the dominant group. Correct label: assimilation Immigrant and the dominant group's cultures exist separately, but both participate in society. Correct label: pluralism Immigrant and the dominant group's cultures exist separately, but both participate in society on an equal footing. Correct label: multiculturalism Immigrants adopt some of the dominant group's culture, while the dominant culture is also altered by immigrants' influence. Correct label: melting pot

Kelley Voelker sued Deutsche Bank for sex discrimination in 2003. Which of these possible motivations for illegally demoting Voelker is supported by a functionalist perspective on gender?

She was starting a family.

Which of the following contributed to a large decline in death rates prior to the twentieth century?

Contributing Factor(s) improved nutrition good sanitation pasteurization clean water Not Contributing Factor(s) childhood immunizations surgical advances antibiotics

According to sociologists, which factors may explain why women are twice as likely as men to report symptoms of depression and be diagnosed with major depressive disorders?

Factor(s) lower rates of self-reporting by men stressors that disproportionately strike women standard instruments used to measure depression Not Factor(s) genetic differences between men and women

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about transgender persons.

The existence of transgender persons would challenge the ideas of radical feminism, because transgender persons do not fit into the binary categories of "man" and "woman."

What form of medicine are parents practicing if they avoid having an infant child vaccinated against chicken pox and instead use herbal teas?

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

What is the term for a small number of firms that dominate the market in a given industry?


Type the value that best answers the question. What percentage of the membership in the United States House of Representatives is female?


The textbook notes that currently women earn about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. Female social workers in 2014 were found to be earning about how much on the dollar in comparison to their male counterparts in the same field?

92 cents

Place the events that lead to a newborn child being designated either a boy or a girl in order from first to last

A baby is born. The doctor examines primary sex characteristics. The baby's parents decide if the infant is a "boy" or a "girl." Family members refer to the newborn as "boy" or "girl."

Why have employers in the United States been relying more and more on part-time and temporary workers?

Corporations save money by using part-time and temporary workers.

Which of the following factors are distinctive to capitalism?

Distinctive Factor(s) private ownership of the means of production profit as an incentive free competition business expansion and individual investments Not Distinctive Factor(s) government limits on corporate practices avoidance of workers' rights organizations

A minority group is smaller in number than a majority group (e.g., Asians are a minority group in the United States, at about 5 percent of the population, compared to whites, who comprise about 63 percent of the population).


Although low-wage work does not offer workers the opportunity to save money or extensive benefits, these kinds of jobs often lead to higher paying, more stable employment.


Which of the following features are typical of flexible business structures?

Typical Feature(s) Businesses are networked together horizontally, compartmentalizing pieces of the manufacturing-to-sales pipeline. Businesses rely on advanced technology to communicate with other businesses. Not Typical Feature(s) Businesses give workers greater autonomy than ever before, including time off to develop new skills or care for family members. Businesses control a greater number of parts of the production process, from collecting raw goods to production of products to sales.

What is the primary goal of scientific management (Taylorism)?

to maximize output

According to the textbook, what was the approximate percentage of unmarried mothers with children under 18 in the paid workforce in 2013?


Fill in the blanks to complete the statement.

A democracy is a political system in which the people rule.

The occupation of clerk or office worker is a good demonstration of what sociologists call "occupational segregation." Place the steps illustrating this particular evolution in order from first to last.

Clerks held responsible, often managerial, positions requiring accountancy skills. As the typewriter and other forms of mechanization appeared in the workplace, clerks acquired new skills. Clerks increasingly performed routine tasks, ensuring that the company and its managers operated smoothly. Pay and prestige of the clerk declined as the job became routine.

Norah Vincent spent a year learning how men behave by "doing gender" as a man. Which of the following might allow a researcher who was born male and identifies as a man to "do gender" effectively enough to successfully understand the behavior of women?

Correct Answer(s) learn body language of women get a manicure with painted nails use a higher vocal register Incorrect Answer(s) shave closely wear a scent learn to flirt

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which began in 1997, differs from earlier forms of welfare assistance for the poor. Identify each statement about the TANF program as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) Families can only receive five years' worth of assistance. Recipients must begin working after two years to continue benefits. Incorrect Statement(s) More state and federal money is made available. The program is expressly meant to help families with children.

Identify the statements about how class systems differ from slavery and castes as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) Individuals have some ability to move between social classes. The main basis of class is economic. Incorrect Statement(s) Class is based on each person's unique individual combination of traits. Slavery and castes no longer exist.

Using the information in the graph, identify each statement as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) There is a smaller percentage of Americans living in poverty today than in 1960. Since 1959, the percentage of people 65 and older living in poverty has steadily declined. Incorrect Statement(s) There is a smaller percentage of Americans under 18 living in poverty today than in 1970. Since 1959, the percentage of female-headed households in poverty has steadily declined.

Among the superrich, some people are considered "old money" and others are considered "new wealth." What is the difference?

Correct choice"Old money" refers to people who own wealth passed down to them by earlier family generations, while "new wealth" refers to people who made their money as entrepreneurs.

What is Max Weber's definition of social status based on?

Correct choicethe lifestyle one is seen as leading

Which of the following factors are distinctive to capitalism?

Distinctive Factor(s) free competition business expansion and individual investments private ownership of the means of production profit as an incentive Not Distinctive Factor(s) government limits on corporate practices avoidance of workers' rights organizations

Identify which professions would be considered "glass escalator" professions for men.

Glass Escalator Profession(s) social worker nurse Not Glass Escalator Profession(s) computer programmer middle-management director

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

In the United States, many adults have occupations where they earn a regular wage or salary. Collectively, this work forms the basis of the economy.

Using the Globalization by the Numbers infographic, identify the country that has an unemployment rate closest to twice that of the United States.


Type the term that best answers the question. Government policies designed to increase the employment rate as a mechanism for improving the economy are consistent with what economic philosophy?


Match each characteristic to the correct system.

Low-Trust System Correct label: numerous conflicts with management, such as strikes Correct label: high levels of worker dissatisfaction High-Trust System Correct label: workers have autonomy over their work style and pace Correct label: characteristic of work at higher managerial levels

Which are main causes behind rising economic inequality in the United States over the past few decades?

Main Cause(s) the declining role of governments economic globalization Not Main Cause(s) increased international conflict high and rising inflation

Feminist critiques of a biological basis for the division of labor base their criticism on what idea?

Much of human activity is the result of socialization.

Identify the following as either a new or traditional social movement.

New Social Movement(s) the Black Lives Matter movement the transgender rights movement Traditional Social Movement(s) the movement to raise the minimum wage the Occupy Wall Street movement

Which of the following are objections that economists and feminists have to comparable worth policies?

Objection(s) inflation reinforcement of gender stereotypes Not Objection(s) better wages for women reduced discrimination

How does Ogbu and Fordham's "acting white" hypothesis explain black students' underachievement in schools?

Over time, black students come to doubt their own abilities and attribute academic success to "acting white."

Classify each scenario as either part or not part of the informal economy.

Part of the Informal Economy making candles for one's own home selling drugs to acquaintances Not Part of the Informal Economy working as a nanny through an online service that handles booking and payment working at a small business that records and reports its earnings

Which of the following are reasons why most Americans are more affluent than anyone in the past has ever been?

Reason(s) the globalization of the labor force technological advances Not Reason(s) a steadily strengthening social safety net increasing socioeconomic equality

Why were Kathy Witterick and David Stocker, parents of Baby Storm, internationally accused of conducting an abusive social experiment when they decided to keep the child's sex a secret?

They decided to allow the baby to freely express his or her gender.

A newly married wife can expect to do an additional seven hours of housework per week as a result of having a husband.


Using the Globalization by the Numbers Infographic, place the following countries in order from lowest to highest voter turnout.

United StatesMexicoTurkeyRwanda

Identify each description as a member of either the upper middle class or the lower middle class.

Upper Middle Class owns a small business owns a comfortable-sized home active in local politics Lower Middle Class not politically active works for hourly wages

Which of the following is an example of economic interdependence?

a woman buying meat from a butcher, clothing from a retailer, and working for a pet grooming service

Absolute poverty means, essentially, not having enough to eat. What does relative poverty mean?

being worse off than most people in one's society

Match each type of social mobility to its correct definition.

children being in a different social class from their parents Correct label: intergenerational social mobility an individual moving up (or down) the social scale in his or her own lifetime Correct label: intragenerational social mobility social change that makes the average person better (or worse) off Correct label: structural social mobility one family moving up the social ladder while another family moves down Correct label: exchange mobility

What is the key feature of a public company?

choiceA public company trades shares of its stock on the open market.

Type the term that best answers the question. What phenomena does Charles Tilly's theory of resource mobilization seek to explain?

collective action

Place the five stages of capitalism in order from the earliest to most recent type.

family capitalismmanagerial capitalismwelfare capitalisminstitutional capitalismglobal capitalism

The human capital theory suggests that we invest in our own "human capital"—education, training, and how long we commit to a job—to increase productivity and earnings. Accordingly, men choose careers that dovetail with their human capital, as do women. What strand of sociological theory would this argument support?


In Rwanda in the 1990s, hundreds of thousands of Tutsis, a minority ethnic group, were massacred by members of the Hutu group. This incident, along with other large-scale murders of members of racial, political, and cultural groups, is known as what? Type the term that best answers the question.


The rapid pace of technological changes contributes to what kind of deprivation?

information poverty

Match each profession to the correct social class, as defined by annual income.

lower middle class ($40,000 to $100,000) Correct label: registered nurse upper class (> $200,000) Correct label: university president upper middle class ($100,000 to $200,000) Correct label: engineer working class ($20,000 to $40,000) Correct label: restaurant cook lower class (< $20,000) Correct label: part-time janitor

Type the term that best answers the question. Quebéc and Palestine are examples of what concept?

nations without states

Match each concept of racism to its corresponding example. (The terms can be used more than once.)

old racism new racism apartheid in South Africa Correct label: old racism rules about the movement of racial groups based on a strict "percentage of group ancestry" rule Correct label: old racism suspicion of another racial group based on perceived cultural characteristics Correct label: new racism associating distinguishing physical characteristics as signs of lower intelligence or higher likelihood of violence Correct label: old racism prejudice based on another group's manners (e.g., the custom of greeting others, or the amount of personal space given) Correct label: new racism assumption that a minority group is immoral because it follows a different religion Correct label: new racism

Type the term that best answers the question. What theory posits that governments have acquired more responsibilities than they can reasonably handle?

state overload

Type the value that best answers the question. How many different sexual identities did Judith Lorber, social researcher, identify?


Type the value that best completes the sentence. The infant mortality rate is __________ times higher among blacks than whites.

5 times

Match each theoretical perspective to the appropriate research study.

A researcher randomly selects 30 schools, of which 15 are located in poor neighborhoods and 15 are located in wealthy neighborhoods, and compares both the curriculum of the schools and observes how teachers conduct their classrooms. Correct label: hidden curriculum A researcher surveys 7th grade students who have been in the United States for five to seven years and their immigrant parents to determine whether the children express greater affinity for and knowledge of American culture than their parents. Correct label: assimilation A researcher selects two same-aged samples of equal intelligence and ability, one of which includes all high school graduates and one of which includes only young people who dropped out of school in the 11th grade and compares their labor market success over the past year. Correct label: credentialism

Which of the following is the best example of emotional intelligence?

A third grader is disappointed when he comes in second at the regional spelling bee, but he congratulates the winner with a smile.

How does evidence about aggression and testosterone in males contradict the idea that biology alone defines the difference between male and female?

Aggressive behavior may increase testosterone levels.

Which factors may make it harder for people with college degrees to find work in the future?

Correct Answer(s) increased workplace automation increased competition from overseas workers increased competition from others with college degrees Incorrect Answer(s) increased debt burden due to the rising cost of education increased number of college-major fields

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about government.

Governments exercise authority, a form of power legitimized by a belief system that justifies its use. Those who are subject to a government's rule voluntarily consent to it.

According to the textbook and the following chart, identify the two reasons for the stagnation in Hispanics' median household income in the 2000s.

Correct Reasons Hispanics are often stuck in low-level service jobs, which do not pay well. Poor immigrant families entering the country drove down the median household income. Incorrect Reasons Hispanic youth who immigrated in earlier decades held low educational aspirations, leading to lower levels of attainment. Employers actively discriminate against Hispanic job applicants, partly out of fears about hiring undocumented immigrants.

What is one political implication of the prediction that the United States will be a majority-minority country by 2050, when whites are predicted to be about 47 percent of the total population (down from 67 percent in 2005)?

Democrats will have an electoral advantage over Republicans.

Which of the following school practices are examples of the hidden curriculum?

Example(s) Students attending school in a high-need, high-poverty area are taught the facts of history, while students in a wealthy district's school are taught to analyze primary source materials. Students are taught to raise their hand and wait until a teacher calls on them. Not Example(s) Students are taught about important figures in U.S. history. Students are taught to listen to a teacher reading, to read silently on their own, and to read aloud to classmates.

Identify whether the following groups have either higher or lower voter turnout.

Higher Voter Turnout high-income compared to low-income individuals more highly educated compared to less highly educated individuals Lower Voter Turnout younger compared to older individuals Hispanic compared to black individuals

What resources does the theory of structural strain suggest are important for organizing and sustaining a social movement?

Important Resource(s) leadership regular communication funding Not Important Resource(s) tacit government approval

Since 1970, what has happened to the percentage of people on welfare in the United States?

It has dropped significantly.

What must occur for a social movement to become a revolution?

It must overthrow the government in charge.

The lower average IQ among the burakumin of Japan supports what argument about race and IQ?

Membership in a socially deprived social group lowers IQ.

How has public opinion about the causes of poverty changed over the past two decades?

People are less likely to blame the poor for their situation.

Critics argue that it is difficult to evaluate homeschooling's efficacy because children are selected into homeschooling in ways that public school children are not. How might selection also be a problem in evaluating the role of preschool in children's public school success?

Preschool is often expensive, so children from middle-class homes are more likely to attend than those from poor families.

What are the primary characteristics of a liberal democracy?

Primary Characteristic(s) The majority of adults in a liberal democracy have a right to vote. Voters choose among representatives of a small number of political parties. Not Primary Characteristic(s) Liberal democracies ensure the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to vote. The elected government in liberal democracies manages a free market economy.

What are the primary characteristics of a liberal democracy?

Primary Characteristic(s) The majority of adults in a liberal democracy have a right to vote. Voters choose among representatives of a small number of political parties. Not Primary Characteristic(s) The elected government in liberal democracies manages a free market economy. Liberal democracies ensure the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to vote.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about poverty as a cultural phenomenon.

Sociological explanations of persistent poverty are of two broad types: those that cite structural forces and those that hold the poor themselves responsible. An example of the latter would be Oscar Lewis's description of a self-perpetuating cycle of hopelessness, which he calls the culture of poverty. Going further, Charles Murray proposes that some of the poor prefer welfare to gainful employment, a state of mind some call the dependency culture.

The 1950s study of monks and nuns that examined the problem of gender and life span sought to separate the effects of what two different aspects of human life?

biology and social environment

What change occurred for homosexuals in South Africa when apartheid was eliminated?

The black government legislated full equality.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

Some critics of the sick role theory suggest that this approach fails to understand how sickness is a lived experience, or that the concept does not apply in all cultures. These critics also point out that sick roles are less applicable in cases of chronic illness.

Why does Amy Chua argue that democracy and a free market would not solve the problem of ethnic conflicts?

The introduction of democracy may trigger a backlash from a country's ethnic majority.

The United States spends much less of its total economy on government at the federal, state, or local level than other developed countries.


Test your knowledge of educational attainment using the Globalization by the Numbers interactive graphic here. Then place in order the following countries from highest to lowest average years of schooling.

United KingdomUnited StatesJapanKenyaIndia

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about reporting sexual harassment in the workplace.

While reports of sexual harassment have increased, sociologists have found that many women who experience sexual harassment in the workplace do not report it. This is often because the woman does not see it as a legal offense or may simply fear reprisal.

Match each term representing a form of racial bias to its definition.

patterns of racial discrimination that have become structured into existing social institutions Correct label: institutional racism behavior that denies to the members of a particular group resources or rewards that can be obtained by others Correct label: discrimination holding preconceived ideas about an individual or group, ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new information Correct label: prejudice thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories Correct label: stereotyping the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population that shares inherited physical characteristics Correct label: racism

Type the term that best describes the skills taught to children of multiracial families to help them cope with racial hierarchies and to integrate multiple ethnic identities.

racial literacy

A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process. What term would be used to characterize her argument?


Type the term that refers to the use of flawed or biased data to support ideas about racial superiority and inferiority.

scientific racism

Match each type of social mobility to its correct definition.

social change that makes the average person better (or worse) off Correct label: structural social mobility one family moving up the social ladder while another family moves down Correct label: exchange mobility children being in a different social class from their parents Correct label: intergenerational social mobility an individual moving up (or down) the social scale in his or her own lifetime Correct label: intragenerational social mobility

A black student who skips class, refuses to hand in work, and talks back to the teacher repeatedly in class in order to impress his same-race peers is an example of what theoretical perspective?

the "acting white" thesis

Type the term that best answers the question. In a report from the Carnegie Council, what practice did they describe as "one of the most divisive and damaging school practices in existence"?


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