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what is another other ways incident command system is explained?

1. can be used not only for emergencies, but also for planned events. 2.enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and agencies. 3.establishes common processes for incident-level planning and resources management. 4.allows for the intergration of resources ( such as facilities, equipment, personnel) within a common organizational structure.

Which ICS functional area monitors costs related to the incident and provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analysis? a)operations b)command c)logistics d)finance/aministration


The whole community approach means that solutions serve the affected community and a variety of solution used as need. TRUE or FALSE


chain of command prevents personnel from directly communicating with each other to share information. TRUE or FALSE


the incident command system is only applicable to large, complex incidents. TRUE or FALSE


to avoid overburdening the incident command, resources should not self-dispatch. TRUE or FALSE


what does ICS stand for?

Incident Command System

The whole community approach refers to different organizations within the federal government TRUE or FALSE


an incident action plan captures and communicates overall operational and support activites. TRUE or FALSE


integrated communication includes interoperable systems that include voice and data links. TRUE or FALSE


the NIMS management characteristic of information and intelligence management may include surveillance of disease outbreaks TRUE or FALSE


the incident command system can used to manage any type of incident, including planned events TRUE or FALSE


to effective, the incident action plan should cover a specified timeframe TRUE or FALSE


which of the following activities is not an example of incident coordination? a)resolving critical resource issues b)synchronizing public information messages c)directing, ordering, or controlling d)establishing priorities among incidents

a) resolving critical resource issues

when command transferred , the process should include a(n): a)briefing b)award ceremony c)detailed lesson learned report d)intelligence report


command is: a)directing,ordering or controling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority b)based on the number of indiviuals or resources that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident c)the ability to control information exchange pwithin and across organizations involved in an incident d)assumed by the individual who is the highest-ranking person on the scene regardless of experience or training level

a)directing,ordering or controling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority

incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by: a)incident commander or unified command b)operations section chief c)planning section chief d)agency administrator

a)incident commander or unified command

which general staff member directs all responses and tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives? a)operations section chief b)planning section chief c)tactics section chief d)operations division director

a)operations section chief

major activities of the planning section include: a)preparing and documenting incident action plans b)providing technology to ensure efficient incident commmunication c)compensating for injury or damage to property d)setting up and maintaining incident facilities

a)preparing and documenting incident action plans

at the incident scene, who handles media inquires? a)public information officer b)media relations specialist c)liaison officer d)communications officer

a)public information officer

NIMS provides a consisent foundation for... what?

all incidents, ranging from daily occurrences to incident requiring a coordinated federal response.

what is incident command system used for?

all kinds of incidents by all types of organizations and at all levels of government, ICS is applicable to small incident as well as large and complex ones

which general staff member prepares incident action plans, manages information, and maintains situational awareness for the incident? a)operations section chief b)planning section chief c)logistics section chief d)finance/administration section chief

b) planning section chief

expansion of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the: a)operations section chief b)incident commander c)agency administrator d)logistics section chief

b)incident commander

selection of incident commanders is done by the: a)emergency operatiojns manager b)jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident c)public information officer d)planing officer

b)jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident

which general staff member is responsible for ensuring that assigned incident personnel are fed and have communications, medical support, and transportation as needed to meet the operational objective? a)safety officer b)logistics section chief c)public information officer d)planning section chief

b)logistics section chief

which ICS functional area establishes tactics and directs all operational resources to reach the incident objectives? a)operations b)planning c)logistics d)finance/administration


which ICS functional area tracks, resources, collects and analyzes information and maintains documents? a)logistics b)planning c)operations d)finance/administration


when partners representing multiple jurisdictions or agencies work together to establish the incident plan what type of command is being used? a)mutual command b)unified command c)multiple command d)area command

b)unified command

which NIMS component includes the incident command system? a)resource management b)communiations and information management c)command and coordination d)joint information system

c) command and coordination

which general staff member negotiates and monitors contracts, maintains documentation for reimbursement, and oversees timekeeping for incident personnel? a)logistics section chief b)planning section chief c)finance/administrations section chief d)operations section chief

c) finance/administrations section chief

establishment of the ICS modular organization is the responsibility of the ? a)local authorities b)operations seciton c)incident commander d)logistics section

c) incident commander

which NIMS management characteristic may include gathering, analyzing, and assessing weather technical specialists? a)management by objectives b)incident facilities and locations c)information and intelligence management d)integrated communications

c) information and intelligence management

to ensure efficient,clear,communication, the national incident management system characteristics include the use of: a)acronyms b)technical language c)common terminology d)agency-specific codes

c)common terminology

which one of the following activities is not an example of incident coordination? a)resolving critical resource issues b)synchronzing public information messages c)directing ordering, or controlling d)establishing priorities among incidents

c)directing ordering, or controlling

which NIMS management characteristic refers to personnel requested through appropruate authorities who establish resources management systems? a)manageable span of control b)management by objectives c)dispatch/deployment d)incident facilities and locations


depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by: a)the planning section b)the logistics section c)incident command d)local authorities

c)incident command

who has overall responsibility for managing the on-scene incident? a)agency executive b)emergency operations center director c)incident commander d)operations section chief

c)incident commander

Which NIMS management characteristics is necessary for achieving situational awareness facilitates information sharing? a)accountability b)chain of commmand and unity of command c)integrated communications d)comprehensive resource management

c)integrated communications

the number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to as? a)modular organization b)management by objectives c)manageble span of control d)unity of command

c)manageble span of control

major activities of the logistics section include: a)setting up and maintaining incident facilities b)providing technology to ensure efficient incident communications c)ordering, obtaining, maintainng and accounting for essential personnel, equipment, and supplies d)coordinates communication between all responding agencies

c)ordering, obtaining, maintaing, and accounting for essential personnel, equipment, and suppplies

what does ICS impacted incident management efforts by....?

clarifying chain of command and spervision responsibilities to improve accountability leveraging interoperable communication systems andplain language to improve communiations providing an orderly, systematic planning process implementing a common, flexbile, predesigned managment and agencies

the liaison officer: a)provides information to the public b)arranges for resources and needed services to support the incident objectives c)traces resources and maintains incident documentation d)is the point of contact for other response organizations

d) is the point of contact for other response organzations

check-in, incident action planning, personal responsibility, and resource tracking are all necessary components of: a)redundancy b)sustainability c)flexibility d)accountability


which ICS functional area monitors costs related to the incident and provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analysis? a)logistics b)command c)operations d)finance/administration


which position is always staffed in ICS applications? a)public information officer b)operations section chief c)safety officer d)incident commander

d)incident commander

Within the national incident management system chaaracteristics, the concept of common teminology include all of the following EXPECT: a)incident facilites b)resources descriptions c)organizational functions d)technical specifications

d)technical specifications

manageble span of control refers to: a)the act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explict statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority b)an orderly line of authority that exists within the ranks of the incident command management organization c)the process of moving the responsibility for incident command from one incident commander to another d)the number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can effectively manage during an incident

d)the number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can effectively manage during an incident

the whole community approach refers to different organzations within the federal government true or false


what is incident command system?

is a standardized approach to incident management

what is NIMS?

is a systematic, proactive approach to guide all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents.

what does NIMS stand for?

national incident management system

is NIMS the same as ICS?

no it's not

NIMS three major components are?

resource management command and coordination- including the incident command system communications and information management

The Whole Community ensures solutions that... what?

serve the entire community are implemented, while simultaneously making sure that the resources the different members of the community bring to the table are used efficiently.

ICS helps to ensure?

the efficent uses of resources, the safety of responders,community members and otherrs, and the achievement of the incident objectives

to be effective the incident action plan should cover a specified timeframe true or false


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