Substance Abuse

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How It Affects the BodyCategory 2: Synthetic Marijuana

It can cause the user to experience a euphoric state. It can also cause them to have a rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased sweating. They may also become mentally confused, anxious, or excitable.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItRitalin

People who abuse Ritalin show signs of hyperexcitability, irritability, dilated pupils, nervousness, weight loss, aggression, violent behavior, apathy, and depression.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by AbuseRitalin

The abuse of Ritalin can lead to long term effects such has heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, seizures, psychotic behavior, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety.

Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold MedicationsHarmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse

The abuse of over-the-counter cold medications can cause the user to go into a coma, stop breathing, or have their heart stop. It can also cause liver damage and long term depression.

How It Affects the BodyMethamphetamines

The high lasts for 2-14 hours. It causes euphoric feelings in as little as six to twelve seconds.

HallucinogensLSDHarmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse

The negative side effects can occur 30 to 90 minutes after taking the drug. The user can experience an extreme change in mood, feel several different emotions at once, or swing rapidly from one emotion to another. If the user takes enough of the medication they can experience delusions and visual hallucinations. Loss of appetite; increased blood sugar, heart rate and blood pressure; sleeplessness; dry mouth and tremors are also side negative effects.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse-Inhalants

Use of inhalants affects the heart and can cause irregular or rapid heartbeat, and heart failure. It also negatively affects the lungs and can cause partial asphyxiation or suffocation leading to brain damage, damage to the central nervous system, impaired cognition, or dementia. It can also damage the liver and kidneys. Of course heart failure and suffocation typically result in death.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItCategory 2: Synthetic Marijuana

Use of synthetic marijuana may cause a person to appear agitated, anxious, or aggressive. Some have even become violent. They may complain of tingling or numbness, have seizures or experience the inability to speak.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It- Stimulants Bath Salts

Users of bath salts sometimes exhibit strange, erratic, jittery behavior. They may exhibit signs of mental confusion or have impaired motor skills which are apparent when walking. They can have hallucinations and become very paranoid. Some people become agitated, self-mutilate, or turn violent. They may exhibit dilated pupils, or extreme mood swings. Because the use of bath salts decreases appetite, users may also lose weight or look malnourished.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItCocaine

Users often exhibit dilated pupils, constant sniffles or runny nose, and maybe even nose bleeds. They often appear excitable, with overconfidence and unusually hyperactive. Use can create a euphoric effect that leads to disorientation, paranoia, and panic. Some users even exhibit aggressive behavior.

Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold MedicationsHow It Affects the Body

Users sometime experience nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure. Some have hallucinations, numbness or feel depressed.


First marketed as a "pep pill" in the 1950's, Ritalin (methylphenidate), which is very similar in chemical composition to cocaine, was first made by the Ciba company in 1944 and was used to treat people with depression, as well as older patients who were lethargic and lacked energy. When the marketing as a pep pill wasn't profitable, it was forgotten until the early 1960's during the Cold War when there was academic competition among countries to produce top students. It had been noted in the 1930's that stimulants helped troubled students and some with academic issues. In 1962 Ritalin was brought back as a treatment for students who were not achieving in school. It had the ability to calm them down and improve focus and became the bestselling drug that year to improve academic achievement in those with behavioral and academic issues.

Drug Paraphernalia

Furthermore, parents and teachers should educate themselves not only about the types of drugs but also how drugs are consumed and stored. Cigarette papers or a glass pipe, bowl or bong would be a sign that a drug is being smoked. A rolled dollar bill, small spoon, straw, glass tube, empty pen cartridge, or a small mirror and a card with a powdery residue would be a sign that a drug is being snorted. Syringes, burnt spoons, belts, and laces are evidence that drugs are being injected. Other items such as small portable scales, small snack sized baggies, and napkin sized squares of tin foil are also suggestive of drug use and distribution. Parents and teachers should be on alert and suspicious of anyone who repeatedly has these items or a combination of these items. Parents and teachers should also be knowledgeable about hiding places for drugs. Drugs or alcohol can be hidden in cars and car trunks, in lockers, in backpacks, soda cans, or water bottles and tubes of lip balm. There have been instances where drugs were taped inside student planners or notebooks and traded among students. At home they can be concealed in stuffed animals, stereo speakers, under the mattress, the base of lamps, in books/magazines, CD cases, vents, closets, & pillows.

How the Drug Is Used - Inhalants

Inhalants can be sprayed into the nose or mouth. Some sniff or snort the fumes through the nose or mouth from containers or bags (called bagging). They can also be soaked into a rag and stuffed into the mouth (called huffing).

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by AbuseCocaine

t causes damage to the brain, lungs, heart and kidneys. Some experience seizures with use. Lung damage and breathing problems can come from smoking it. Heart attacks, stroke, cardiac arrest, and hardening of the arteries occur among abusers.

Physical Signs of Substance Abuse

A change in the size of pupils (larger or smaller) Watery or glassy eyes, red eyes or a blank stare Hyperactivity, uncharacteristically loud or fast talking Lethargy and excessive drowsiness Tremors in the hands, feet or head Changes in eating habits (increase or loss of appetite) Significant changes in weight Noticeable change in the attention to physical appearance and grooming Evidence of self-harm such as cutting Smell of substances on breath, clothes or body Unexplained needle marks or bruises on the body (typically the lower arm, leg or bottom of feet)

Behavioral Signs of Substance Abuse

A decline in motivation or energy Significant changes in mood, attitude or personality Loss of interest in family, friends, hobbies or favorite activities A change in friends; does not discuss new friends or friends are suspected drug users Isolating behavior; secretive Chronic absenteeism, skipping school, increased tardies Sleeping in class Decline in grades Irritability, agitation, nervousness, or aggressive behavior Avoiding eye contact Increased need for money Dishonesty, stealing money or items, selling personal possessions Forgetfulness or lack of concentration Uncharacteristic display of money such as new stylish clothes, jewelry, or possessions Inappropriate laughter or giddiness Possession of drug paraphernalia

Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold MedicationsSymptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It

A person may appear intoxicated with dilated pupils, slurred speech, impaired muscle coordination, impaired cognition or memory lapses. They may also appear confused or lack the ability to focus. They may also have mood swings, show signs of weight loss, smell like medicine all the time, and their grades in school may drop.

Impact of Substance Abuse on Learning

Ability to experience pleasure is reduced Problems with long and short term memory is increased Motivation is decreased Unhealthy habits are ingrained into brain circuitry Damage to connections within the brain Psychosexual/emotional development is influenced Psychomotor skills are decreased

HallucinogensEcstasy/MDMASymptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It

Abuse of ecstasy causes dilated pupils, insomnia, long streaks of energy, increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence, followed by anxiety, confusion, paranoia and depression.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse-Alcohol

Alcohol abuse can cause serious side effects such as cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis or diabetes. It can affect the heart and circulatory system causing high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure, blood clots, and strokes. It has also been linked to cancer of the liver, breast, colon and rectum.

How the Drug Is Used -Alcohol

Alcohol is a liquid, so people drink it.

Bakcground -Alcohol

Alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) which is made from fermented fruit and grains that are then distilled. When a person drinks alcohol, 20% of it is absorbed in the stomach, but 80% is absorbed in the intestines. Once it is absorbed, it enters the blood stream and is carried to other parts of the body. When it enters the brain, it affects different nerves and suppresses the excitatory nerve pathway helping a person to feel calm and relaxed. It also increases the activities of the inhibitory nerve pathways causing people to act in ways they normally would not when not under the influence

Background - Stimulants Bath Salts

An evergreen bush known as the khat plant that is found in Arabia and East Africa produces a substance called cathinone. Bath salts are made from synthetic, man-made cathinones like mephedrone, methylone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). These substances are very dangerous stimulants that are more potent than the cathinone found in the khat plant. They are usually brown or white salt-like crystals that are sold in little foil packets labeled as cleaners or plant food and "not intended for human consumption." This helps them avoid detection from law enforcement agencies. Users are able to buy them online, at smoke shops, or at drug product stores.

Background _ Inhalants

An inhalant is any substance that gives off fumes that when inhaled, produces a high or mind altering experience. Many household chemicals contain aerosol, solvents, nitrites or gasses which are all a type of inhalant. Household cleaners and personal products such as hairspray, spray deodorant, and nail polish remover can be used. Office supplies such as markers, correction fluid, and canned air to clean keyboards are often abused. In the garage, things like spray paint, paint thinners, glues, lighter fluid, gasoline, and solvents can also be used. Any product with a label that says to use in a well-ventilated area is a potential inhalant. If it has a strong, noxious odor, it can be misused. Inhalants are typically abused by younger teens from lower socioeconomic families with poor school performance and a possible history of abuse because these substances are easily obtained around their own house.

How the Drug Is Used - Stimulants Bath Salts

Bath salts can be injected, smoked, snorted or swallowed.

How It Affects the Body - Stimulants Bath Salts

Bath salts increase the level of dopamine and serotonin in the brain causing feelings of euphoria and pleasure. MDPV is actually stronger than cocaine in its release of dopamine. Many people experience an increase in energy, activity and social interaction. There is a decreased need for sleep and a loss of appetite in some.

How It Affects the BodyRitalin

Because chemically it is similar to cocaine, it has some of the same effects on the body. People become very active and sometimes are not able to sleep leading to short term insomnia which eventually leads to a "crash coma" the next day where they sleep for a long period of time. It can also cause someone to stop eating and become anorexic. Some people experience visual hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. It also speeds up heart rate and increases blood pressure in others. Several young people have died from taking too much Ritalin because it can cause increased blood pressure and heart rate causing heart attacks.

How It Affects the BodyOpiods Codeine

Codeine affects the central nervous system blocking pain and causing a feeling of euphoria.

How the Drug Is UsedOpiods Codeine

Codeine is available in both liquid and pill form and is taken orally. Morphine used in the hospital is injected.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse - Opiods Codeine

Codeine use can cause nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, constipation and fuzzy vision. Abuse of codeine medications can cause hallucinations, liver damage, seizures, shallow breathing or rapid heart beat leading to a coma or death.

BackgroundOpiods Codeine

Codeine, a derivative of opium, is a prescription drug that is prescribed by doctors for pain relief and cough suppression. Opium comes from the poppy plant and was used in elixirs in England in the early 1700's to relieve pain. In 1804, a German pharmacist figured out how to separate morphine from the opium, and it was used by doctors to treat injured soldiers in severe pain during the war and to treat dysentery. Then in 1832 Pierre Robique, a French pharmacist, discovered codeine which is the weakest and least addictive form of opium and has become the most widely prescribed form of prescription pain relief today. Other derivatives of Codeine prescribed today are Vicodin, Hydrocodone, and oxycodone.

Psychological Signs of Substance Abuse

Depression Increased anxiety, panic or paranoia A decline in self-esteem Unexplained guilt Self-hatred, which may lead to self-harm

HallucinogensLSDmptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It

Dilated pupils, sweating, tremors, insomnia, panic and depression.

HallucinogensEcstasy (MDMA)How It Affects the Body

Ecstasy has a euphoric effect and can lead to an enhanced sense of pleasure, a heightened awareness of the five senses, increased energy, self-confidence and feelings of peace, self-acceptance, and closeness to others.


Ecstasy is the name of a drug that is made up of 3,4-methylenedioxymethampetamine (MDMA). It is both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It can cause both stimulant and psychedelic effects in the brain. Although Merck pharmaceuticals first filed a patent for Ecstasy in the early 1900's as a diet pill, it wasn't used until the 1970's in the US by psychiatrists to help mental patients find insight into their problems. It gained popularity in the 1980's among teens and college students, but it was banned in the US in 1985 by the DEA. In the 1990's it was popular among the club and rave crowd.

HallucinogensEcstasy (MDMA)How the Drug Is Used

Ecstasy is usually taken in pill form but can also be injected. There is a liquid form known as GHB (though it is not chemically identical to MDMA), a nervous system depressant, that is also found in household products like drain cleaner, floor stripper and degreasing solvents. Its effects usually last 3 to 6 hours. Today Ecstasy is just a name that is used for drugs that can contain a number of ingredients such as LSD, cocaine, heroin, amphetamine and methamphetamine. It also contains substances such as caffeine as well as lethal substances such as rat poison. The users never know exactly what they will get.

How the Drug Is Used- Opoids Heroin

Heroin can be sniffed, smoked or injected.

How It Affects the Body- Opoids Heroin

Heroin is a sedative that slows the body down. The user feels warm, less anxious, relaxed, and sometimes detached. Those suffering from chronic pain feel much less pain. It clouds mental functioning, slows down heart and breathing rate which can be dangerous, leading to coma or death. It affects the brain stem where heart rate and breathing rate are controlled. It affects the limbic system where emotional responses are controlled. It also affects the spinal cord where pain messages are transmitted.

Background - Opoids Heroin

Heroin is drug made from poppies. The pods of the plant are slightly cut and the raw opium is collected into balls and taken to a crude lab where boiling water and lime is poured over the balls. The sludge that rises to the surface containing oils and resin is siphoned off. Chemicals such as calcium oxide and ammonium chloride are added. The solution is strained to create a morphine base. From there, several other chemicals are added to the base, and the base is strained again and again until the last phase where white heroin hydrochloride is the final result.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It-Marijuana

If a person has used marijuana, you may notice that their eyes are red, they may be more lethargic, and may seem to have decreased coordination or be confused.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It-Alcohol

If someone were under the influence of alcohol, you would notice such things as dilated pupils or glossy eyes. A person's speech may be slurred, too loud or too fast. They may exhibit cognitive impairment and seem confused. They may display a lack of motor coordination, dizziness, or loss of balance when walking or standing. Their skin may feel cool even though they are sweating heavily.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse - Stimulants Bath Salts

Increased heart rate and blood pressure can result in heart attacks when bath salts are abused. Users may also experience kidney and liver damage. In addition, they may experience hallucinations, delusions, panic attacks, confusion, dizziness, insomnia and swelling of the brain. Some also have break down of muscle tissue.

How It Affects the BodyCocaine

It constricts blood vessels and increases heart rate which can cause a heart attack, stroke, or cardiac arrest. Breathing rate increases and pupils dilate. The nucleus accumbens area of the brain releases dopamine into the synapse where it typically binds with dopamine receptors and is recycled back into the transmitting neurons in the nucleus accumbens. The presence of cocaine in the body blocks the dopamine from attaching to the receptors and getting recycled back, causing a buildup of dopamine in the body which translates into an intense euphoric state in the user. This can lead to brain damage. It is a stimulant that decreases appetite and can cause a hyper-stimulated state where the user feels mentally sharp. People often cannot sleep while taking this drug. While under the influence, users feel great, focused, and are able to accomplish many tasks.

HallucinogensEcstasy/MDMAHarmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse

It has long term effects on memory and alters cognition. It can also cause damage to the brain's serotonin system. It increases blood pressure and heart rate which can lead to heart disease. Increased use can lead to dehydration, hypothermia and seizures. It can cause verbal and memory problems that continue after use has stopped. It also damages the neurons in the brain that contain serotonin. Its use can also lead to kidney failure and break down of muscle tissue. Users can also suffer from seizures, heart attacks and strokes.


It is a drug derived from the leaves of the coca bush (found in Peru, Bolivia, and Columbia) and then are dried in the sun. The dried leaves are then processed using water and chemicals such as sodium carbonate and kerosene into a light brown, putty like paste. From there paste is processed into a base using more chemicals which include sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. The mixture is filtered and the liquid is cooked into a powder called the base. In the final process, acetone or ether and hydrochloric acid is added to the base, which causes the cocaine solution to crystallize into cocaine HCI. It is then dried under heat lamps.

How the Drug Is UsedMethamphetamines

It is ingested orally, snorted, injected or smoked.

How the Drug Is UsedRitalin

It is manufactured in pill and capsule form to be taken orally. However those who abuse Ritalin chop it up and snort it or dissolve it into water and inject it as well.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by AbuseTopic 3: Sedatives/Xanax

It is recommended that a person only take Xanax for six weeks; however, doctors continue to prescribe the drug which causes the patient to become dependent on it for relief of their symptoms. Long term use or abuse can cause slow cognition, slurred speech, mental confusion, disorientation or lack of concentration. It can also cause huge mood swings and violent behavior in some patients. There is actually a risk of damaging brain cells from prolonged use or misuse. It can cause depression and suicidal ideation. Withdrawing from Xanax can cause insomnia, anxiety, sweating, muscle aches and pains, and irritability.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItMethamphetamines

It produces dilated pupils, erratic behavior, excess energy, appetite suppressant, agitation, paranoia, and feelings of grandiosity or entitlement. It can also produce hypervigilence, psychosis, increased sexual arousal, reduced need for sleep, heavy sweating, tremors, violent behavior, and seizures.

HallucinogensLSDHow the Drug Is Used

LSD is usually taken orally. There was a pill form and a liquid form. Today mostly it comes on sheets of paper that are soaked with the drug. Users buy little blotting squares called tabs or hits that contain the drug. The blotters are put on the tongue where the drug is absorbed or swallowed by the user. Each little square is about the size of a postage stamp and is decorated with some type of artwork on one side.


Made in a lab, it is a synthetic chemical that affects the central nervous system. It sneaks into the neurons and forces 3 ½ time more dopamine out than cocaine. This is six times more than what our body naturally produces. The high can last up to 12 hours. Coming down from the high can be devastating to the mind and body. It ranges from a light brown to white powder or crystals. It is made up of several highly poisonous chemicals such as drain cleaner and acetone that are highly flammable and can explode during the cooking process.

Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold MedicationsBackground

Many people every year take cold medications like Robitussin, Vicks, Triaminic, and Coricidin that contain dextromethorphan (DXM). They can be purchased at any local grocery store or pharmacy. When people follow the recommended dosage, these medications are safe and help people relieve their cold symptoms. However if a person takes a much higher dose than recommended, DXM prevents the actions normally caused when a neurotransmitter called glutamate attaches to its receptor in the brain causing the user to feel euphoric or like they are having an "out-of-body" experience.

Bakcground -Marijuana

Marijuana comes from the hemp plant (cannabis sativa) that has been grown domestically in North America since at least1611. Presidents Washington and Jefferson grew it to use in clothing as it was grown for its fibers that could be used for rope, cloth, or paper. The seeds of the hemp plant could also be used for animal feed and other things. Its use as a recreational drug became popular during Prohibition in the 1920's. Today it is the most widely used illicit drug in the US. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active ingredient of marijuana. The leaves and flowers from the hemp plant are dried, combined with several other chemicals, and pressed into cakes or slabs which can be smoked in joints or special water pipes called bongs. It can also be made into edible products like brownies and cookies. Hash oil, the most potent cannabis product, is a thick oil obtained from hashish which is also smoked.

How the Drug Is Used -Marijuana

Marijuana is either rolled into a cigarette and smoked or eaten in edibles such as brownies or cookies.

Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold MedicationsHow the Drug Is Used

Most cold medications come in a liquid or pill form. It may be taken orally, crushed up and snorted, or injected.

How It Affects the Body- Inhalants

Once the chemical is inhaled, it is absorbed quickly into the blood stream causing the user to feel high or intoxicated for a few minutes. Inhalants suppress or depress the central nervous system much like sedatives and alcohol. Some actually stimulate the brain to produce dopamine.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by AbuseCategory 2: Synthetic Marijuana

Physically synthetic marijuana can cause heart attacks, strokes, convulsions, paralysis, nausea or vomiting. Psychologically it can induce hallucination, psychosis, panic attacks, and mental confusion. In extreme cases a person may even lose consciousness. It can also increase aggression and has led users to commit homicide.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse- Opoids Heroin

Regular use actually changes the structure of the brain, can cause deterioration in the white brain matter, and typically results in addiction. Long term use can lead to liver and kidney disease, and infectious diseases such as AIDS or Hepatitis C. It can also affect arteries and the heart.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by Abuse-Marijuana

Smoking marijuana is harmful to the lungs and can cause emphysema and cancer because marijuana smoke contains more cancer causing agents than tobacco. People who use marijuana for a long time can build up a tolerance and become psychologically dependent on it.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItTopic 3: Sedatives/Xanax

Someone abusing Xanax may appear sluggish, drowsy, confused, or have difficulty sustaining attention. They may also demonstrate a lack of coordination or have slurred speech as one who is intoxicated.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing ItOpiods Codeine

Someone who is abusing a form of codeine may appear sedated, confused, and dizzy, feel faint, cold, and clammy or complain of itching. They may also have tremors or seizures.

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It- Opoids Heroin

Someone who is abusing heroin may show signs of itching, nausea, vomiting, track marks on their arms, skin infections, and complain of constipation. They may appear dopey and come in and out of wakefulness.


Suspect Substance Abuse Speak privately with the student and express concern. Refer the student to the counselor. Call the parent and discuss behavioral changes you have observed such as attendance, grade changes, attitude changes and concerns. Avoid judgments or broad statements like, "I believe your child is on drugs." Under the Influence Gather information in a caring and concerned way. Document observable student's symptoms and behaviors on a nurse referral form. List only the facts, such as, student has bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Discreetly use your class phone to call for an adult escort, preferably an administrator. Keep the student under close supervision until the adult escort arrives. DO NOT allow the student to leave the room. Notify counselor. Possession/Distribution while Under Direct Supervision Do not confront the student. Immediately and discreetly call for an administrator or campus police officer. Keep student(s) under constant supervision until assistance arrives. Do not take possession of the substance or paraphernalia, only monitor. If the student runs, do not give chase. Possession/Distribution while NOT Under Direct Supervision Proceed with caution. Do not confront the student. Immediately and discreetly call for an administrator or campus police officer. Keep students under visual surveillance. Note details such as physical descriptions of student(s). If student chooses to run, do not give chase. Report to the administrator or campus police once they arrive. **If the student discards an item in a high traffic/unsafe area, only then should you pick up the item.

BackgroundCategory 2: Synthetic Marijuana

Synthetic Marijuana known as Spice or K2 is man-made and does not come from natural sources like marijuana. It was first sold in the UK in 2004. It is made of chopped herbs and dried plant materials, then sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids which can be a combination of some 700 toxic chemicals. It is 10 times stronger than marijuana and highly addictive. It is used mostly by teens and young adults because it does not show up on drug tests. It was also popular among the military until it was banned by all the branches. It has commonly been sold in smoke shops and convenience stores.

How the Drug Is UsedCategory 2: Synthetic Marijuana

The dried form can be smoked like marijuana and the liquid form can be used in a vape pen. It can also be made into a tea or put into food like brownies.

HallucinogensLSDHow It Affects the Body

The use of LSD can cause hallucinations, delusions and synesthesia where your senses get mixed up and you hear colors and feel sounds. Some experience a heightened religious or spiritual experience where they feel their truth or the truth about life is revealed.

How It Affects the BodyTopic 3: Sedatives/Xanax

The use of Xanax calms the body and reduces stress, anxiety, panic and depression. It can sometimes cause the user to feel slightly "buzzed."

How It Affects the Body-Marijuana

The use of marijuana causes a sense of mild euphoria, well-being, and relaxation in the body. It also causes an increase in heart and pulse rate, blood shot eyes, dry mouth and throat. In addition, it can impair short term memory, alter a person's sense of time, or reduce their sense of time. It sometimes decreases a person's coordination and impairs their thinking. Students who use marijuana regularly have problems with reading comprehension and math skills. In many educational situations, people have a hard time remembering what they learned when they were under the influence. The effects of marijuana use typically last for 4 to 6 hours. It can also be detected in the body for up to one month after use. People who have used marijuana should not operate a vehicle due to impaired functioning.

Harmful Side Effects to the Body Caused by AbuseMethamphetamines

The use of methamphetamines can cause high blood pressure, high body temperature, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest, and heart failure. It can also cause paranoid psychosis, psychological dependence, narcolepsy, and damage to the area of the brain that produces dopamine and serotonin, causing depression or suicidal ideation. It also produces tooth decay. It is highly potent, and with regular use, it takes more and more to reach a high. At some point, a person may not be able to reach the high, causing that person to possibly become addicted in a few uses.

How the Drug Is UsedCocaine

There are two forms of cocaine that are created. "Freebase" is a smokable form commonly known as "crack." The hydrochloride salt form is a powder substance which can be snorted or mixed with water and injected with a needle into a vein or sprayed into the nose. How It Affects the Body

Symptoms You Would Notice if Someone Were Abusing It-inhalants

Those who abuse inhalants often have slurred speech and appear disoriented or drunk right after use. Others experience a loss of appetite due to nausea. Some seem to have a lack of coordination. Others may exhibit signs of agitation, irritability or depression. Users also may smell like chemicals or have paint stains on their body or clothing. Immediately following use, a person may show signs of excitement or lightheadedness, but they will eventually become drowsy unless they use again.

How It Affects the Body-Alcohol

When someone has consumed too much alcohol, it does not get metabolized in the liver and can affect the brain. If affects the parts of the brain that control speech, movement, balance, memory, judgement, and decision making. Consuming too much alcohol in teenagers is especially dangerous because their brains have not fully developed, so it can permanently alter their brain development.

How the Drug Is UsedTopic 3: Sedatives/Xanax

Xanax comes in a liquid and a pill form that can be swallowed. The pill can also be chopped up into a powder and snorted. There is also a pill or lozenge that disintegrates or melts under the tongue.

BackgroundTopic 3: Sedatives/Xanax

Xanax is a benzodiazepine which is a type of antidepressant and antianxiety medication. It was developed in the 1960's by Upjohn Laboratories to treat anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. This new medication was successful because it worked more quickly to relieve symptoms than any other medication on the market at the time. In addition, its effectiveness did not decrease over time or with long term use in patients. It increases the effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), our body's naturally occurring relaxing agent, causing the brain to slow down or relax. Someone may feel as if they have had one or two drinks of alcohol. However, regular use of Xanax can lead to a slowing down of the body's natural production of GABA causing the user to become chemically dependent on its use. How the Drug Is Used


n the early 1900's a Swiss Chemist named Albert Hofmann working for the Sandoz lab worked on a research project involving a fungus named ergot that grew on rye. In the 1930's researchers in New York isolated lysergic acid from the ergot compound which Hofmann used to create other medications. In 1938 Hofmann derived lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD-25 that he felt would improve breathing and circulation; yet, when that did not prove to be true, Sandoz abandoned support of further study of the drug. Then in 1943 Hofmann created another batch of LSD-25 for continued study. However, he began to feel dizzy and strange. He stopped working and went home where he experienced a dream-like state. He saw incredible pictures filled with extraordinary colors and interesting shapes. Hofmann decided that he must have gotten some of the substance on his fingers and put it in his mouth. When he realized that he must have ingested some of the LSD, he decided to take more of it as an experiment. The next day he took 10 times more of it than the day before. It caused him to become delirious and have paranoia, but that soon subsided and euphoria set in. After that LSD was used in psychiatric experiments with patients and it was eventually patented as Delysid in 1947. Several articles were published in scientific and medical journals on the many uses of LSD at the time. It was only a few years later that Sandoz decided to stop making LSD.

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