Systems Engineering
Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation
2 primary parts of the Risk Management Plan
Connectors, Isolators, and Converters
3 basic types of interfaces
Operational, Logical, and Physical
3 primary Architectural Views
Operational, physical, environmental, virtual reality
4 categories of simulations
Dynamic representations of system, element, or decision
Interface Control Documents
Establish the valid need for a new system
The main purpose of the first phase of the System Life Cycle
A set of interrelated components working together toward some common objective.
Transported Passengers
A system output of a passenger aircraft.
Engineering Development
Second stage of the Systems Life Cycle
System Operational Requirements
The main deliverable out of the Needs Analysis phase which helps document the needs to be met by a new system.
Best Balance
The systems engineer seeks the ____ _______ of the critical system attributes from the standpoint of the success of the development program and of the value of the systems to the user.
Risk Management
The systems engineering approach to the early application of new technology is embodied in the practice of "____ __________."
The systems engineering viewpoint includes a combination of risk taking and risk mitigation. (T/F)
Concept Definition
The third phase of the first stage of the System Life Cycle.
Approximate Caluclations, Elementary Relationships, Statistical Distributions, and Graphs
4 types of mathematical models
Objectives, Deliverables, Schedule, Budget, and Responsibility
5 elements of a Task
Gantt chart
A chart with calendar time on the x-axis and tasks and/or milestones on the y-axis, used to show the project schedule and progress against it.
A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design or a composition.
A major province for systems engineering because of engineering specialization.
End of Life
A phase of the systems life cycle not show in the textbook
Define system architecture
A primary activity in the Concept Definition phase.
System performance requirements
A primary activity in the second phase of the System Life Cycle.
Context Diagram
A tool that displays external entities and their interactions with the system and instantly allows the reader to identify those external entities.
All organization around the world agree on the same model for the Systems Life Cycle. (T/F)
An airline reservation system and a passenger aircraft are examples of Material and Energy types of Complex Systems. (T/F)
An example of an Operational Simulation.
Trade-off Analysis
Analysis of alternatives to determine best option
Analysis of Alternatives
Decisions made in the 1st Stage of the System Development Process do not have very much impact on the costs incurred in the 2nd and 3rd Stages of the Process. (T/F)
Disposal of the system way at the end of its life is an important consideration that should be addressed during the early stages of system development. (T/F)
During the system development, what does competition cause the need for the systems engineer to drive?
Control Data
Element Function like a computer operating system
Support Systems
Environmental interactions like electric power grids and the internet.
Advanced Development
First phase of the second stage of the System Life Cycle
Concept Development
First stage of the Systems Life Cycle
For the SE, ease of maintenance and adherence to schedule are not critical attributes for the "best" system. (T/F)
Performance, Risk, Cost, and Schedule
Four major areas in which we analyze trade-offs.
In systems engineering, the driver of an automobile is part of that system's environment. (T/F)
Systems, subsystems, components, subcomponents, parts
Levels of the Model of a Complex
Measures of Effectiveness
Measures of Performance
Systems engineering domains
Management, engineering, technical, political/legal, human, social
Environmental simulation
Mechanical stress testing
Systems Engineer
Member of the SDT that is typically the team leader
One of the main categories for systems engineering products or outputs is documents. (T/F)
Engineering-oriented View
One of the objectives for the Concept Exploration phase.
Demonstrate system proof-of-concept
Primary activity in the fourth phase of the System Life Cycle
Operations research
Provision of a structure that will lead to quantitative analysis of alternatives and optimal decisions
Putting gasoline into a car is an example of an energy input into a system. (T/F)
Radios and TV's are examples of systems requiring systems engineering. (T/F)
Rapid Prototyping, Relief of Excessive Requirements, and Fallback Alternatives are 3 ways to manage and mitigate on a systems development program. (T/F)
Reading a car's speedometer is an example of information output of a system. (T/F)
Systems Engineering Management Plan
Technical depth, technical breadth, management expertise
Significant capabilities a systems engineer needs.
System of systems
Static representations of system, element, or decision
Systems Engineering typically leads the planning and control aspects. (T/F)
Systems engineering always seeks the system with the best possible technical performance. (T/F)
Systems engineering is basically project management for engineers. (T/F)
Systems engineers do not need to worry about Operation and Support costs during the Research and Development part of the systems project. (T/F)
Information, Material, and Energy
The 2 basic entities on which Systems operate
System Operational Effectiveness and System Capabilities
The 2 primary inputs for the second phase of the System Development Process.
Operational Deficiencies and Technological Oppurtunites
The 2 primary inputs into the first phase of the System Life Cycle
System Operational Effectiveness and System Capabilities
The 2 primary outputs for the first phase of the System Development Process.
System Functional Specifications and Defined System Concepts
The 2 primary outputs of the Concept Definition phase.
Candidate system concepts and system performance requirements
The 2 primary outputs of the second phase of the System Life Cycle.
Schematic, Mathematical, Physical
The 3 primary type of models.
The System Development Process is the first _ phases of the System Life Cycle.
The Systems Life Cycle and the Systems Development Process are essentially the same thing. (T/F)
The WBS shows the organizational chart for the engineering groups. (T/F)
The application of scientific principles to practical ends; the design, construction, and operation of efficient structures, equipment, and systems.
Operation & Support
The area in the typical cost profile of a system that drives the largest cost through the life cycle of a system.
Systems engineering viewpoint
The central objective is the system as a while and the success of its mission, i.e. the subordination of individual goals and attributes in favor of those of the whole system.
Needs Analysis
The first phase of the first stage of the System Life Cycle
Operations Analysis, Functional Analysis, Feasibility Definition, and Needs Validation
The four major steps in performing the needs analysis for a new system.
The main method in systems engineering to develop a project budget is to examine.
Explore alternative concepts for a new system
The main purpose of the second phase of the System Life Cycle.
Select one system concept from the candidate alternatives
The main purpose of the third phase of the System Life Cycle
Likelihood and Criticality
The main two measures in assessing risks
Reduce Risks
The major purpose of the fourth phase of the System Life Cycle
Engineering Design
The phase of the System Life Cycle that focuses on the bottom three levels of the Model for Complex Systems.
Concept Exploration
The phase of the system life cycle in which we visualize the components of the system.
Concept Exploration
The second phase of the first stage of the System Life Cycle.
Significance, Singularity, and Commonality
The tree criteria for the functional elements that may be used to ensure that each element is neither trivially simple nor inordinately complex and has wide application
The typical domain for Design Specialists is the bottom 3 levels of the Model of a Complex System. (T/F)
The typical domain for Systems Engineers is all 5 levels of the Model of a Complex System. (T/F)
Third stage of the Systems Life Cycle
Threats are considered a type of environmental interaction for systems. (T/F)
Systems Engineering
To guide the engineering of complex systems.
To lead, manage, or direct, usually based on superior experience.
Two of the attributes for systems that need systems engineering are relatively high cost and relatively high development risk. (T/F)
Typical characteristics of major systems development efforts are projects that take years to complete, involve several different disciplines, and are performed by several organizations. (T/F)
Work Breakdown Structure
Weather satellites and oil refineries are examples of systems requiring systems engineering. (T/F)
Signal, Data, Material, and Energy
What are the 4 classes of Functional Elements?
System specification
What was Noah's ark built to?
Predecessor System
When we are analyzing the needs for a projected new system, the needs are likely being met currently, in some fashion, already.
It's not a phase of the System Life
Which phase is the "Decision Analysis and Support"
Widely diverse elements which have intricate relationships with each other.