TEPC 5000

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A school district may hire individuals who have not yet demonstrated content competency.


All assignments are graded on a scale of 1 Unacceptable, 2 Acceptable, 3 Target.


When you are hired, you should submit your Plan of Study to the hiring principal.


iteachLOUISIANA provides study guides for Praxis content tests.


How often should you log into program-related emails and the iteachLOUISIANA instructNET homepage?

Daily or on a frequent consistent basis for program updates and announcements

What does the acronym POS represent?

Plan of Study

What exam is required to be issued a Level 1 Professional Certificate that is not required for application?

Praxis II PLT

When the lesson says to "dress professionally," which item is actually listed as something to not do in an interview?

No gum chewing

A deep analysis of something is a


Content Area refers to which of the following descriptions.

The subject matter in which you are certified or teaching

According to the Master Course Syllabus, which of the following is NOT a course objective for course 5100?

The teacher will apply principles of learner motivation to lesson planning.

Fill in the blank: You should prepare a Personal folder and take it with you when ___.

You interview for a teaching position

Your next instructional course is opened for you by which means?

instructNET system automation

You must make corrections and resubmit an assignment when your assignment is graded with which of the following grades?


During your Field Experience, how many times will your field supervisor be on campus to meet with and observe you?

At least 5 times

Which of the following is the provider of state certification tests?


Relevant terms and their definitions are included at the end of each course under what heading?


How are assignments submitted to your instructor?

In the box on the assignment page in instructNET

When is a candidate allowed to move to the next instructional course?

Midnight of the day all course components are successfully completed with a course average of 2.5 or better

Things not to put on a Resume is found in which section?

Section 4

Upon being hired, who will apply for your Practitioner License?

The hiring school

'Staff Development' is defined as which of the following?

Training teachers to stay current and improve professionalism

At any time prior to obtaining a field experience position, you are eligible to increase your marketability by taking additional content tests in content areas that do not appear on your initial message.


Course work, comments, and emails are professional communication and should be written using rules of good grammar.


If you experience a problem on The Road to Certification, you should contact the iteach office or your field supervisor.


If you have been hired to teach full time in the classroom, you are said to be the Teacher of Record.


In the event you do not hear from your Field Supervisor within one week of the start of school or from the time you are hired, contact the iteachLOUISIANA office.


Instructor feedback on an assignment can be accessed by clicking on the arrow by the assignment grade.


The Residency (when you are hired as the Teacher of Record) is completed over two semesters.


The candidate must make copies of his/her Prescription Plan of Study (POS) form to provide to the school districts as s/he applies and interviews.


You must email [email protected] to update your name in the event of a name change.


You will need to contact your instructor for review and reset of an assignment or assessment if you are unsuccessful in more than three attempts.


Once you are accepted into the iteachLOUISIANA program, how long do you have to complete ALL certification requirements, including the Field Experience?

Two complete school years

If you receive a grade of 1 on an Assignment that indicates that your work has been determined to be which of the following?


On your resume, you SHOULD NOT include which of the following items?

Your reasons for leaving your previous position

A question about content area certification testing should be sent via email to which of the following accounts?

[email protected]

For candidates enrolled after July 1, 2018, which courses must be completed prior to accessing the Plan of Study form?


With the exception of this assessment, you will have to RETAKE an assessment if you have a grade less than which of the following grades?


Which of the following is a required text for the iteachLOUISIANA program?

A Framework for Understanding Poverty, by Ruby Payne; or Other People's Children, by Lisa Delpit; or For White Folks who Teach in the Hood, by Christopher Emdin

What should be included when sending an email to your instructor?

A and B

If you must retake an assessment, when will the computer reset the assessment for you?

After 24 hours

When is the ideal time to take your Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Praxis exam?

After passing the content area test and completing the instructional coursework

What must be accomplished prior to applying for full licensure?

All of the above

When preparing for an interview (Lesson 4), you should do which of the following?

All of the above

Once you begin your field experience, when should all program requirements be completed?

By the end of your Field Experience which is two semesters

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