the ovaries and fallopian tubes PRACTICE QUIZ

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A 55-year-old patient presents to the sonography department with a history of pelvic pressure, abdominal swelling, and abnormal uterine bleeding. A pelvic sonogram reveals a large, multiloculated cystic mass with papillary projections. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. serous cystadenocracinoma b. cystic teratoma c. androblastoma d. dysgerminoma


The ovarian mass that contains fat, sebum, and teeth is the: A. cystic teratoma B. fibroma C. mucinous cystadenoma D. Yolk sac tumor


The ovarian tumor associated with an elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase is the: A) Dysgerminoma B) Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor C) Androblastoma D) Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma


the cystic mass commonly noted with a pregnancy is the: a. corpus luteum b. dermoid cyst c. dysgerminoma d. serous cystadenoma


the dominant follicle prior to ovulation is termed the: a. graafian follicle b. corpus albicans c. corpus luteum d. medulla


the fingerlike extensions of the fallopian tube are called: a. fimbria b. infundibulum c. cilia d. ampulla


the most common benign ovarian tumor is the: a. cystic teratoma b. mucinous cystadenoma c. fibroma d. sertoli-leydig cel tumor


which of the following is also referred to as a chocolate cyst? a. endometrioma b. endometroid c. cystic teratoma d. androblastoma


which of the following is associated with the "whirlpool sign" a. ovarian torsion b. hydrosalpinx c. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrom d. ovarian carcinoma


all of the following adnexal masses may appear sonographically similar to a uterine leiomyoma a. thecoma b. paraovarian cyst c. fibroma d. granulosa cell tumor


blood within the fallopian tube is termed: a. hydrosalpinx b. hematosalpinx c. pyosalpinx d. hemosalpinx


normal ovarian flow is said to be: a. low resistant during menstruation and high resistant during the proliferative phase b. high resistant during menstruation and low resistant at the time of ovulation c. low resistant d. high resistant


pus within the fallopian tube is terms: a. hematosalpinx b. pyosalpinx c. hydrosalpinx d. hemosalpinx


the inner layer of the wall of the fallopian tube is the: a. muscular layer b. mucosal layer c. myometrial layer d. serosal layer


the longest and most tortuous segment of the fallopian tube is the: a. fimbria b. ampulla c. isthmus d. interstitial


the malignant ovarian tumor with gastrointestinal origin is the: a. brenner tumor b. krukenberg tumor c. yolk sac tumor d. granulosa cell tumor


the ovarian cyst associated with gestational trophoblastic disease is the: a. corpus luteum cyst b. theca lutein cyst c. dermoid cyst d. paraovarian cyst


the sonographic appearance of an ovarian dermoid tumor in which only the anterior elements of the mass can be seen, while the greater part of the mass is obscured by shadowing is consistent with: a. whirlpool sign b. tip of the iceberg sign c. dermoid mesh sign d. dermoid plug sign


what substance does hysterosalpingography utilize for the visualization of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes? a. saline b. radiographic contrast c. water d. betadine


which of the following is the most common malignancy of the ovary? a. cystic teratoma b. serous cystadenocarcinoma c. krukenberg tumor d. sertoli-leydig cell tumor


An edometrioma most likely appears as a: a. simple, anechoic mass with through transmission b. complex mass with internal shadowing components c. mostly cystic mass with low-level echoes d. solid, hyperechoic shadowing mass


a 24-year-old female patient presents to emergency department with severe right lower quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting. The sonographic examination reveals an enlarged ovary with no detectable doppler signal. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. ovarian cystadenocarcinoma b. cystic teeratoma c. ovarian torsion d. endometriosis


after the graafian follicle ruptures, the remaining structure is termed the: a. graafian remnant b. corpus albicans c. corpus luteum d. theca lutein cyst


hairlike projections within the fallopian tube are called: a. interstitia b. fimbria c. cilia d. peristalsis


sonographically, which of the following would most likely be confused for a pedunculated fibrois tumor because of its solid appearing structure? a. serous cystadenoma b. mucinous cystadenoma c. fibroma d. techa lutein cyst


what ovarian tumor will most likely have a moth-eaten appearance on sonography? a. cystic teratoma b. serous cystadenocarcinoma c. krukenberg tumor d. sertoli-leydig cell tumor


what would be a predisposing condition that would increase the risk for suffering from ovarian torsion? a. hirsutism b. excessive exercise c. ovarian mass d. sonohysterography


which of the following is an estrogen-producing ovarian tumor? a. cystic teratoma b. fibroma c. thecoma d. endometrioma


which of the following is the correct formula for calculating ovarian volume? a. length x width x height x .6243 b. length x width x height x .3899 c. length x width x height x .5233 d. ovarian volume cannot be calculated


with what ovarian tumor is meigs syndrome most likely associated? a. dysgerminoma b. cystic teratoma c. fibroma d. yolk sac tumor


During a pelvic sonogram you visualize a small cyst located adjacent to the ovary. What is the most likely etiology of this cyst? a. dermoid cyst b. ovarian cystadenoma c. endometrioma d. paraovarian cyst


The short and narrow segment of the Fallopian tube distal to the interstitial segment is the: A) Ampulla B) Fimbria C) Infundibulum D) Isthmus


a patient with an ovarian mass presents with an elevated serum AFP. Which of the following would be the most likely? a. ovarian fibroma b. ovarian thecoma c. cystic teratoma d. yolk sac tumor


the malignant ovarian mass that is associated with pseudomyxoma peritonei is the: a. dysgerminoma b. sertoli-leydig cell tumor c. serous cystadenocarcinoma d. mucinous cystadenocarcinoma


the most distal part of the fallopian tube is the: a. cornu b. ampulla c. interstitial d. infundibulum


the ovarian cysts that are most often bilateral and are associated with markedly elevated levels of hCG are the: a. corpus luteum cyst b. paraovarian cysts c. granulosa cell cysts d. theca lutein cysts


the segment of the fallopian tube where fertilization typically occurs is the: a. cornu b. fimbria c. interstitial d. ampulla


what ovarian mass is associated with virilization? a. krukenberg tumor b. cystic teratoma c. serous cystadenoma d. sertoli-leydig cell tumor


which of the following is a tumor of ectopic endometrial tissue? a. brenner tumor b. cystic teratoma c. yolk sac tumor d. endometrioma


which of the following sonographic findings would not increase the likelihood of an ovarian malignancy? a. septation measuring >3 mm in thickness b. irregular borders c. solid wall nodule d. anechoic components with acoustic enhancement


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