the phases of intervention and treatment pg 182-193

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what is The principles of active listening and observation?

-active listening shows interest to clients word. -its shows that you care about what is going on with the client. - it helps build a therapeutic alliance. -it can also include speaking by using mirroring techniques to paraphrase and reflect back to clients what they have jus said.

Process of engagement in SW practice

1) Engagement- building rapport, creating goals 2) Envisioning- miracle question, planning, contract for change 3) Assessment- research on goal, to justify what to do for intervention come to understanding (ecomap, ID focus for work/context for focus, timeline, geneogram, enlist scales, evaluations, etc.). Research potential interventions (evidenced based approaches) 4)Intervention- apply intervention, monitor intervention 5) Evaluate and Terminate

Some methods that can be helpful in working with involuntary clients include:1-4

1. Acknowledging client's circumstances and understanding how they came about given client's history. 2. listening to clients experience in order to try to understand how they feel about intervention 3. engaging in clear communicating because involuntary clients struggle to understand what is happening to them. for example: ( mother whose kids got taking away and she as to see counseling.) 4. making clear what the purpose of the intervention is, what clients have control over and what they do not what is going to happen next, and what the likely consequences will be if they do not participate.

when functioning as a observer, a SW can take many roles including :

1. SW can be complete participant= living the experience as a participant. 2. SW can be participants as observer: interacting with those who are participating. 3. SW can be observer as a participant : limited relationship with others participating primarily observer. 4. complete observer-removed from activity just observing **observation is also a method used in scientific inquiry to collect data.

what are the differet types of role modeling. pg 191

1. live modeling= watching a real person perform. 2. symbolic modeling=watching a film or videotaped models demstrating the desire behavior 3. participating modeling: a procedure for changing behavior in which effective styles of behavior are demonstrated step by step. and analyzed by a therapist for an individual who then partices the model behavior. 4. covert modeling=clients are asked to use their imagination visualizing a particular behavior as another describes the imaginary situation in details.

what are the 4 stages of role playing activities:

1. preparation and explanation of the activity 2. preparation of the activity 3.role playing 4. discussion or debriefing after the role play activity.

How do you obtain sensitive information from client?

1. start with asking open-ended and nonthreatening questions. to gather needed background and get client to talk this way you build trust with client. 2. SW should watch out how the client is acting verbal and nonverbal. client may avoid eye contact and laugh when nervous. (when this happens repeat the questions slowly) 3. when a client is in a couple/group or family therapy the client may worry saying sensitive things in front of people when this happens figure out if the person should be in an individual therapy where they can share everything alone with the SW. 4. clients will disclose sensitive pritvate info if they think the SW will accept and be neutral in judging them.

These are the following steps A Social Worker engages in the problem-solving process.

1.Engaging 2.assessing (includes a focus on client strengths and not just weakness). 3. planning 4. intervening 5. evaluating 6. Terminating

Method to obtain and provide feedback 1-3

1: feedback may be either verbal or nonverbal, so SW must make efforts to see what clients are trying to convey verbally or via their behavior and nonverbal cues in order to see whether interventions should be altered. 2. when SW involves consultants or others in feedback process related to client care, clients should provide "CONSENT" 3. Sw should ask for feedback in difficult circumstances not just when things are neutral or positive. it can be tempting to only ask for feedback from people who will say something positive. sometimes the best learning can be from those who will be critical. talking through difficult feedback in supervision is important.

Method to obtain and provide feedback 4-7

4. Feedback is especially critical at key decision points (such as when transferring or closing cases.) 5. it is important to guard against influencing people to respond in a particular way; this influence may be unintentional, because a sw may have more influence or power than the individual from whom feedback is south out. 6. confidentiality should be respected if the informant wants it. 7. Always be clear about why feedback is needed and what will be done with the information.

Some methods that can be helpful in working with involuntary clients include:4-9

5. Assisting an appropriate pace as progress may be slow. 6. building trust, even on the smallest scale, by consistently being honest and up-front about the situation and why social worker is involved. 7. giving clients practical assistance when needed to help them fight for their rights. 8. paying attention to what is positive in client's behavior and celebrating achievements. 9. showing empathy and viewing clients as more than the problems that brought them into services.

Method to obtain and provide feedback 8-10 pg 188

8. Documentation of feedback is very important. 9. be aware that the feedback may be very different depending upon when it solicited. it is critical to realize how recent events may have influenced information received. getting feedback repeatedly at several different times may be needed to see if response differs. 10. make sure communication is appriate for your client. for younger clients they might want texting emails or online meetings but with older generation they might want face to face. avoid jargons so that communication is clear. that also includes languges cultures of clients as well.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? what is active listening

Active listening: attentive listening. this includes commenting on client's statements asking open-ended questions, and making statements shat show listening is occurring.

when a client is coming involuntarily how should you act

As a the SW I will consider how the client is feeling. I must discuss these feelings openly, because very little in a client can be changed until negative feelings are addressed.

How do you find common ground between a client and SW

I have to be empathic and build a therapeutic alliance with my client. I will also show hopefulness that change can occur.

working with involuntary clients can be challenging because they may want to have no contact or my only participate because they have to. How should I work with these kind of clients?

I will ask for peer support or supervision to help with the struggles I will encounter, and stay professional throughout the process.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? reframing

SW shows clients that there different perspectives and ideas that can help to change negative thinking patterns and promote change.

method to engage and motivate clients/client system:

a motivational approach aims to help clients realize what needs to change and to get them to talk about their daily lives as well as their satisfaction with current situation.

what are some techniques that can help my client in therapy

clearly identify the problem or risk area explaining why change is important advocating for specific change identifying barriers and working to remove them finding the best course of action setting goals taking steps toward change preventing relapse

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? facial expressions

facial expressions include: direct eye contact if culturally appropriate, warmth and concern reflect, and varied facial expressions. whatever faces the client is making.

what happens in order for real change to occur?

in order to have a real change in someone's life, all intervention steps must occur and change must be understood in these sequential stages.

what is role modeling techniques?

it emphasizing's the importance of learning from observing and imitating and has been used successfully in helping clients acquire new skills including those associated with confidence.

what is the Goal of problem solving process

it is to Enhance client mental, emotional, and action capacities for coping with problems and/or making accessible the opportunities and resources necessary to generate solutions to problems

why should you use role playing?

it teaches empathy and understanding of different perspectives as clients take on the role of another, learning and acting as that individual would in the specific field settings.

these steps help achieve goals since change does not occur easily and there are stages of change that occur.

precontemplation: denial, ignorance of the problem contemplation: having mixed feelings, and conflicted emotions. preparation: experimenting with small changes, collecting information about change. action: finally taking direct action toward achieving a goal Maintenance-maintaining a new behavior, avoiding temptation relapse: feeling of frustration and failure. going back to the beginning.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? silence

silence from SW sometimes show acceptance of clients feelings and promotes introspection or time to think about what has been learned. ( this is very effective when you have a client who is showing a lot of emotions.)

the phases of intervention and treatment step 1

step 1: engagement with client, group, or community

The phases of intervention and treatment step 2:

step 2: assessment of strengths and needs to be used in the intervention process.

The phases of intervention and treatment step 3

step 3: planning or design of intervention to address problem

The phases of intervention and treatment step 4

step 4: intervention aimed at making changes

The phases of intervention and treatment step 5

step 5: evaluation of efforts

The phases of intervention and treatment steps 6

step 6: termination and anticipation of future needs.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? what is paraphrasing and clarifying ?

to rephrase what a client saying in order to join together info. clarification uses questions, paraphrasing and restating to ensure full understanding of clients ideas and thoughts.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? what is reflecting or validating

to show empathetic understanding of clients problems. these techniques can also assist clients in understanding negative thought patterns.

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? question

using open and closed ended format to get relevent information in a nonjudgmental way

There are many verbal and nonverbal communication methods these include? using postures or gestures?

which include appropriate arm movements and attentive gestures.

the relationship between client and SW is expressed through what?

with verbal interaction and nonverbal communications. Nonverbal interaction include posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye movements, and other reactions often express feelings and attitudes more clearly than do spoken words.

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