Unit 8- Ch. 1: los Dias festivos

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decorar la casa

to decorate the house


to do as a custom/habit

disfrazarse de

to dress up as

comer platos tradicionales

to eat traditional dishes

comer pavo

to eat turkey

intercambiar regalos

to exchange gifts

reunirse con amigos

to get together with friends

regular dulces

to give (as a present) candy

ir a la iglesia

to go to church

ir al templo

to go to temple

ir a la mezquita

to go to the mosque

ir a la sinagoga

to go to the synagogue

encender las velas del menorá

to light the candles on the menorah


to pray

cantan villancicos

to sing carols

la Janucá


el domingo pascua

Easter Sunday

el dia del padre

Father's Day

la Noche de Brujas


Feliz dia de la madre

Happy Mother's Day!

prospero ano nuevo

Happy New Year!

La semana santa

Holy Week (Easter Week)

dia de la independencia

Independence Day

el dia del trabajo

Labor Day

Feliz Navidad

Merry Christmas

el Ramadán


el dia accion de gracias

Thanksgiving Day

Decorate el arbol

To decorate the tree

el dia del amor y la amistad

Valentine's Day

el Yom Kipur

Yom Kippur


Affection, dear

fuegos artificiales




Felices fiestas

happy holidays



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