Who was Albert Einstein?

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odd, a person with an unusual or odd personality; Albert's "eccentric genius look" was a big hit with Americans. With his wild hair, messy clothes, and friendly personality, Albert charmed reporters.


sense of right and wrong, An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action; German leaders kept insisting that the war would end in their favor. They ordered the country's best scientists to say that, yes indeed, Germany was doing a great job fighting the war. Albert refused to make such a statement. He said, "Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it." And he meant it.


serious, formal and dignified; "We scientists," Alber said, "must consider it our solemn duty to do all in our power in preventing ehwse weapons from being used."


to make more active, cause to be alert and energetic; "I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind,", he said.


to ruin or destroy completely, (v.) to destroy, lay waste, leave in ruins; Then Albert's father died. Albert was so devastated.


to hit, strike (someone or something), typically with the palm of the hand and as a punishment.; Think about it. You're four years old and while you're out in the yard, you shine a flashlight into the sky. Ten years later, your're fourteen, mowing the lawn, and BLAM!-the same light smacks you in the eyes. Surprise!


to make known; to state openly, announce publicly or officially; Everywhere they went, they were greeted by large, cheering crowds. Japan even declared the day of Albert's arrival there a national holiday.


(noun) unnecessary excitement; noisy confusion., a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest., trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby; All the fuss may sound wonderful. But to Albert, it meant loseing his treasured privacy. The attention, Albert wrote to a friend, was "so bad that I can hardly breathe, let alone get down to any sensible work." He was the first genius superstar.


1. terrify; 2. turn to stone, scare, frighten (석화) ; In many ways, Albert's life had come full circle. Toward the end of his life he wrote, "I am generally regarded as a sort of petrified object, rendered deaf and blind by the years."


A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes. a genetically determined characteristic.; It is a joy for me to have a son who has inherited the main trait of my personality: the ability to rise above mere existence by sacrificing oneself through the years for an impersonal goal.


A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring.


A line on a weather map that joins places that have the same air pressure; A genius who had unlocked the secreates of God's own mind. People who didn't understand a bit of his physics, who didn't know an isobar from an ice cream bar, were fascinated by Albert Einstein.


As, to consider, to respect; In many ways, Albert's life had come full circle. Toward the end of his life he wrote, "I am generally regarded as a sort of petrified object, rendered deaf and blind by the years."


Consumer willingness and ability to buy products, the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it, an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right.


To take for granted or without proof. to take for granted; to suppose; to take over; to occupy; to pretend to have; Albert's theories were startling. For example, Albert claimed that light bent as it traveled through space. This surprised scientists who assumed that light always traveled in a straight line.


a celebrity or famous person, an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting; Albert was not just a brilliant physics professor. He was a personality.


a field of cultivated and mowed grass


a fond or tender feeling, a feeling of love or liking; tender feeling; Albert to live. But one person in Berlin, Albert's cousin, Elsa, made life much more pleasant. Elsa was full of affection for Albert. They started to spend a lot of time together. Elsa was soon in love with Albert -the man, not the scientist.


a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries. , a formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries; Germany could not recover from their defeat in World War I. The treaty that ended the war left Germans hungry, proor, and feeling hopeless.


a group of animals, a group of animals of a single kind; It was not long before Mileva and Albert announced their plans to marry. "Without the thought of you," he wrote her in 1900 at the age of twenty-one, "I would no longer want to live among this sorry herd of humans."


a person who judges whether something is good or bad , a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something. , 비평가, reviewer, judge; Life with his second wife suited Albert very well. However, it is an interesting fact that Albert's very best scientific thinking was donw during his marriage to Mileva. Perhaps that doesn't mean anything. Or perhaps, as some critics say, "his" great theories might really be "their" great theories?


a tightly stretched cord or wire on which acrobats perform; A London theater offered Albert as much money as he wanted if Albert would appear on stage with fire-eaters an tightrope walkers Albert's "act" would be explaining his theories. But Albert said no. Instead of making money, he wanted to use his influence to make the world a better place. For Albert, that meant a world without war.


an animal doctor; His mother introduced him to music, which engaged his mind in a way that books could not. Just as sime kids dream of becoming machanics or veterinarians, Albert was destined to be a thinker.


an unsuccessful ending, win a victory over , to beat in a game or battle; Germany could not recover from their defeat in World War I.


cutting the grass


disadvantage, disadvantage, inconvenience , the quality of being a hindrance; It was a dream come ture... almost. The one drawback was that the university was in Berlin, Germany.


evident or obvious, (n.) exclusive rights over an invention; copyright; (v.) to arrange or obtain such rights; (adj.) plain, open to view; copyrighted, patent office (특허청)


extremely angry; The German governmant was furious with Albert. It wanted to put Albert and his ridiculous head of hair into jail. But Albert was lucky. He was still a citizen of Switzerland. I was difficult for the Germans to imprison somebody from another country, especially a pesceful on like Switzerland.


giving God thanks and praise, Adoration and honor given to God, which is the first act of the virtue of religion.; Some countries had a lot of land, but little money. Many people were not allowed to worship as they wished.


have in mind as a purpose, to plan; to have in mind, plan


intended to do, intend to convey or refer to (a particular thing); signify. "I don't know what you mean", intend (something) to occur or be the case.


lack of variation , no variation; tediously the same


someone who forgets things easily, forgetful; 1914 was still fat in the future. In the meantime, Albert continued to think, give lectures, and develop his "eccentric genius" style. Hopelessly absentminded, he often forgot his apartment key (even on his wedding night), lost luggage, forgot to eat, and used money as a bookmark (then lost the book).

boob tube



the absence of standards of absolute and universal application. A scientific theory associated with Albert Einstein. Relativity holds that time and space do not exist separately. Instead, they are a combined continuum whose measurement depends as much on the observer as on the entities being measured. ; At the time, a scientist said, "Only a dozen men in the world understand relativity, and eight of them live in Berlin."


the most frightening. Makes you the most afraid


to announce, (v.) to declare publicly or officially; Or even "her" great theories? Siome publications, even `Time` magazine (which proclaimed Albert Einstein "Person of the Century" in its December 31, 1999 issue) wondered exactly what Mileva may have contributed to her husband's scientific ideas.


to decide, Obtain the only possible answer.; With all of the energy that he had left, he was determined to do whatever he could to stop the Nazis. He played the violin at fund-rasising concerts. But that was not going to put an end to Hitler.


to run away, run away from a place or situation of danger.; As for his own children, Albert rerely saw his sons. Hans Albert had fled Nazi Germany and later moved to California; Eduard and Mileva remained safe in Switzerland where Mileva died in 1948.


to run faster than someone or something else, run faster than; "E" stands for energy, and "m" is for mass. Mass is the amount of matter in something. Mass is a little bit like weight. The third thing, "c" is for the speed fo light. Light travels really, really fast. (Ever tri to outrun it?)


to speak suddenly and with strong feeling; Musical rhythms were like counting by threes, fours, or eights. "Music's just like numbers," he exclaimed to his mother.


to stop, to bring or come to an end, come to an end or bring to an end; At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, an American military plane released an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In an instant, 80,000 people were killed. Hiroshima simply ceased to exist. People at the blast' s center were vaporized.


to take a stand and hold firmly to it, to demand; During a total solar eclipse, the moon blocks the sun's bright light from viewers on Earth. This makes it possible to photograph the light of the starts beyond the sun. Albert insisted that a study of those photos would show light bending as it passed other planets and the sun.


to turn aside sharply; a sharp or sudden turn, change or cause to change direction abruptly; And although Albert never drove a car, he loved to sail. He would take out a one-engine boar, aim it at other boats, and then-at the last moment-swerve aside.


used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is , nothing more than; only


very strong, showing great concentration or determination; Ordinarily, the intense sunlight made it impossible to see or photograph the movement of light as it passed the sun and planets. But then the moon moved in between the sun and earth. It blocked the sun's brightness and suddenly light not seend before could be photographed.

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