Abdomen Mock sono topics ch 1-14, Sono Topics Physics ch 1-6, Sono topics OB/GYN 22-32

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How is sonography utilized to analyze the bowel

Compressible bowel is considered normal, non-compressible bowel abnormal.

Which of the following is a lung mass primarily found in pediatric patients

Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation

Which adrenal disorder presents with hypernatremia, hypertension, excessive thirst, and excessive urination

Conn syndrome

Which of the following is commonly associated with Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome


What imaging plane is used for measuring the nuchal translucency

Midsagittal plane with fetal head in neutral position

A patient presents with jaundice, right upper quadrant pain, an elevated serum bilirubin and a fever. Sonogram demonstrates a common hepatic duct measuring 12 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis

Mirizzi syndrome

A 3-week-old infant presented with projectile vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, and insatiable appetite. Sonography demonstrated a cervix sign in the long axis. What is the most likely diagnosis

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

What is the normal sonographic appearance of a muscle

Hypoechoic tissue with linear echogenic strands

What is a risk associated with fasting for an abdominal ultrasound for a diabetic patient


The four-chamber view is best for demonstrating which of the following

Hypoplastic right heart

It will be zero.

If the interrogation angle is increased from 45° to 90°, what will happen to the measured velocity of the blood flow

It increases by a factor of 2.

If the operating frequency is increased by a factor of 2, what will happen to the Doppler shift frequency

It will decrease to maintain continuity.

In a non-hemodynamically significant stenosis, what will happen to the velocity of blood flow at the exit to a stenosis

How does the function of the spleen differ in infants/children and adults

In infants/children, its primary function is defense against infection, whereas in adults, it is production of lymphocytes and monocytes.

Vertical calibration

In the multipurpose phantom, there are a group of pins spaced equally apart along the depth of the phantom. What are they used to demonstrate

A sonogram revealed a heterogeneous mass within the scrotum that demonstrates peristalsis. What pathology does this describe

Inguinal hernia

Which of the following is often found with a triploid fetus

Molar pregnancy

What does the T sign represent

Monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy

What is the most common reason for maternal hydronephrosis in the third trimester


A 2-year-old male presents with a palpable abdominal mass with abdominal and back pain. A 10-cm heterogeneous ill-defined mass with calcifications is identified in the RT abdomen. Mets were identified in the liver. What is the most likely diagnosis


A patient presents with hypercalcemia. Sonography demonstrated a hypoechoic mass adjacent to the thyroid gland. What is the most likely diagnosis

Parathyroid adenoma

What feature below is consistent with a malignant adrenal tumor originating from the adrenal cortex

Invasion of adrenal vein and IVC

What is a common complication of Wilms tumor, renal transitional cell carcinoma, and Budd-Chiari syndrome

Invasion of the IVC

What is the effect of increasing the thickness of the damping material in transducer design?

It acts to decrease the spatial pulse length, increasing the bandwidth, resulting in better axial resolution.

If the sector width is increased by a factor of 2, what happens to the frame rate?

It decreases by a factor of 2.

What is the purpose of using a backing layer in the transducer?

It decreases the PD, resulting in an improvement in the axial resolution.

What conclusion should the sonographer draw if their patient is demonstrating symptoms of cold clammy skin, decreased urine output, increased respiration, and increased anxiety

Patient is in shock.

What information should be included on every sonographic image

Patient's name, facility, date, and image orientation

Which maternal population has a higher risk for developing preeclampsia and/or eclampsia

Patients with hypertension

Which statement below is false with respect to shadowing

It is useful in identifying areas of decreased attenuation.

A patient presents with a history of medically treated migraines, back/flank pain, weight loss, and vomiting. What retroperitoneal pathology should the sonographer consider

Retroperitoneal fibrosis

Which hormone is produced in the greatest abundance by the thyroid gland


What is the cause of poor elevation resolution?

Too large an beam width in the elevation plane

Echoes will appear inside cystic or fluid-filled structures.

What is the result on an image if the slice thickness phantom shows a failure

Phantom, transducer, transducer frequency, and preset

What parameters must be kept constant each time detail resolution is tested

Flow conduit, blood mimicking fluid, and fluid reservoir

What parts make up a Doppler testing phantom

Aligned with decreasing distance along the axial plane

What pin orientation in a tissue equivalent phantom is used to test axial resolution

Document the result and contact a service engineer to investigate further.

What should be done if a variance is demonstrated during testing with a Doppler flow phantom

Sample gate is placed in the bend of a vessel.

When is it considered a normal finding to demonstrate spectral broadening

Which of the following artifacts can be helpful in identifying air in the biliary tree

Ring down

Which of the following is created by an air-filled structure


What are typical symptoms of a work-related musculoskeletal disorder

Swelling, numbness, and tingling in affected area

When assessing the sonographic appearance of an adult kidney, what echogenicity comparisons are typically used

The cortex should be hypoechoic or isoechoic to the liver or spleen.

Which statement below is true with respect to the liver ligaments

The ligamentum venosum divides the left lobe from the caudate lobe.

AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine)

Which of the following is an accrediting agency in the field of sonography

Viscous loss

Which of the following is an energy loss that occurs as blood flows through vessels, resulting in a release of heat into the tissues

Which solid pediatric malignancy occurs in the kidney

Wilms tumor

If the crystal diameter is 4 mm, what is the minimum distance, perpendicular to the transducer, that two objects need to be to be defined as two separate reflectors on the image?

2 mm

If wavelength is 0.5 mm, number of cycles in the pulse is 4 cycles, and dead time is 2 ms, calculate SPL.

2 mm

Calculate the pulse duration for a wave that has a frequency of 2 Hz and a cycle length of 4 cycles?

2 s

Where does fertilization usually occur

Ampulla of fallopian tube

A sonogram demonstrates bilaterally enlarged echogenic fetal kidneys, no detectable urinary bladder, and oligohydramnios. What is the most likely diagnosis

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Which sonographic feature is not consistent with gallbladder carcinoma

Avascular mass within gallbladder lumen <1cm

Which of the following correctly orders the normal organs from least echogenic to most echogenic

Gallbladder, renal cortex, pancreas

A patient presents with fever, leukocytosis, and rebound tenderness. What should the sonographer expect to find on the sonogram

Noncompressible blind-ended tubular structure in the RLQ measuring >6 mm.

Which of the following disorders is caused by an ischemic event or vascular occlusion within the fetal brain


What is the most common cause of splenomegaly

Portal hypertension

What is the most common complication of a wandering spleen

Splenic torsion

What is the term used to describe safety measures used when handling blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, and mucous membranes

Standard precautions

What is the cause of gallbladder sludge

Stasis of bile in the gallbladder

What normal structure most often demonstrated with sonography in pediatric patients appears as an echogenic solid mass with linear and punctate echogenicities


What is the term used to describe the inner layer of the aorta wall

Tunica intima

CCI (Cardiovascular Credential International)

Which of the following offers only certification exams in cardiac and vascular testing

Crack in transducer housing

Which of the following problems requires immediate removal of a transducer from service

Increase in sonification angle

Which of the following will improve or eliminate color aliasing

Slice thickness phantom

Which phantom is responsible for calibration of elevation resolution

Tests ability to observe reflectors in first centimeter of the sound beam

Which statement below best describes dead zone testing

Ultrasound waves are best described as:

high-frequency longitudinal mechanical waves

If the color bar is set as RABT, what will a vessel demonstrating blood flow away from the transducer be represented as

hues of red

What does advanced maternal age represent

≥ 35 years old

Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses are a mitigating factor in the development of which gallbladder pathology


At what time during development must division of an egg take place for a monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy to occur

After day 8

Absence of the cavum septum pellucidum is suggestive of which of the following conditions

Agenesis of the corpus callosum

What is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis

Alcohol abuse

Which frequency range is used for intravascular ultrasound

20 to 30 MHz

How often is a two-vessel cord associated with other abnormalities


If the frequency of a wave is 5 MHz and the wavelength is 5 µm, calculate the propagation velocity.

25 m/s

If a patient has an human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level of 100, in how many days should it be possible to visualize a gestational sac

4 days

What is the upper limit of normal for renal pelvis diameter in an 18-week fetus

4 mm

What does G4P2 represent

4 pregnancies, 2 births at ≥20 weeks gestation, 1 failed gestation

Which of the following best equates to the value 7,500,000 Hz?

7.5 MHz

A patient presents with weight loss, jaundice, and epigastric pain. The sonogram demonstrates a hypoechoic mass in the pancreatic head and a dilated CBD. What is the most likely diagnosis


Echoes from the same reflector will be demonstrated with different levels of brightness.

If a beam uniformity test fails, what will be demonstrated on the image

What is tachycardia

Increased heart rate above normal range

Which artery arises from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta just inferior to the gonadal arteries

Inferior mesenteric artery

What does the term cholangitis refer to

Inflammation of the bile ducts

Why is it important to demonstrate blood flow in the thyroid lobes

Inflammatory disorders of the thyroid demonstrate increased vascularity.

What measure is used to determine hypotelorism

Interocular diameter

Why is it contraindicated to run over the transducer cord with the ultrasound machine?

It increases the risk of transducer malfunction due to wire breakage.

The lateral ventricle measurement on a 21-week fetus is 13 mm, what is the implication of this measurement

It indicates ventriculomegaly.

When scanning a patient's pelvis, a cystic structure is demonstrated adjacent to the urinary bladder with a small connection to the bladder identified. What is this abnormality consistent with

Bladder diverticulum

Which of the following typically presents in a patient whose history includes chronic bladder UTI and sonographic appearance of diffusely thickened bladder wall with septations and internal debris

Bladder diverticulum

Which of the following are in order of decreasing propagation velocity?

Bone, water, lungs

A breast sonogram on a lactating female demonstrated a focal fluid collection with internal echoes and enlarged lymph nodes. What is the most likely diagnosis

Breast abscess

Where is the gastroesophageal junction demonstrated on a sonogram

Bull's eye structure between the left lobe of the liver and the proximal aorta in a sagittal plane.

How does the matching layer improve transducer efficiency?

By decreasing the impedance mismatch between the crystal material and the patient's skin

What gallbladder pathology is described as a projection of tissue from the gallbladder wall caused by an accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides


What is a secondary method for detecting absence of fetal kidneys

Color Doppler will demonstrate absence of renal arteries

How is the level of echogenicity of bowel determined

Compared to the echogenicity of the pelvic bones

What term describes a lesion with cystic and solid components


How is pelvocaliectasis diagnosed with sonography

Dilation of the calices and renal pelvis

What disorder is demonstrated by the separation of the two lobes of the thalamus on ultrasound

Dilation of the third ventricle

What is the typical sonographic appearance of an intestinal obstruction

Distended fluid-filled loops of bowel

A patient presents with diarrhea, fever, nausea, and vomiting with crampy LLQ pain. Sonogram demonstrated a segment of thickened bowel with an inflamed outpouching of the intestine. What is the most likely diagnosis


What is the most common type of twinning

Dizygotic twinning

What divides the cerebral right hemisphere from the left hemisphere

Falx cerebri

If the speed of sound in the tissue is less than the speed of sound assumed by the machine, how will a reflector in this tissue be displayed on the image

Farther away from the transducer than it is in reality

A fetal sonogram demonstrated a heterogeneous mass on the anterior neck. Maternal history included an iodine deficiency. What is the most likely differential for this finding

Fetal goiter

Which of the following is consistent with a finding of Turner syndrome

Fetuses present with cystic hygroma.

How can you distinguish a focal myometrial contraction from a leiomyoma

Fibroids consistently alter the shape of the myometrium whereas contractions disappear over time.

Which of the following disorders presents with congenital muscular torticollis and a palpable mass in the sternocleidomastoid muscle that contains calcifications

Fibromatosis colli

Which of the following exams would require the sonographer to practice surgical asepsis

Fine needle aspiration of liver nodule

What is Charcot triad

Fever, right upper quadrant pain, and jaundice

If echogenic bowel is diagnosed, what other abnormalities should be investigated

Gastrointestinal obstruction

Which of the following presents as a tender, palpable retroareolar mass in a male patient


Which splenic pathology is often associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome


What sonographic sign indicates a female fetus

Hamburger sign

What is the most effective method for preventing the spread of bacterial infection in the healthcare setting

Hand hygiene with use of gloves

Which patient population is most prone to developing hepatic candidiasis

Immunocompromised patients

Where is the abdominal aorta located

Inferior to the diaphragm, just anterior to the spine, and slightly to the left of the midline

Dead zone

In the very near field of a tissue equivalent phantom, there are pins equally spaced apart but graduated in depth. What is being tested by these pins

If the power of a wave is increased by a factor of 10, what happens to the intensity of the wave?

It increases by a factor of 10.

Which of the following best describes M-mode imaging

It is a variation of B-mode imaging.

If the depth of the image is increased from 5 cm to 10 cm and the sector width is decreased from 100 lines/frame to 50 lines/frame, what happens to the frame rate?

It remains unchanged.

How does an ultrasound system determine the depth of a reflector

It uses the range equation.

What is exudate ascites in the subhepatic space

Malignant form of ascites found between the liver and the kidney

Which of the following is a feature of automated 3D imaging but not of manual 3D imaging?

Measurements are possible in all three planes.

What term is used to describe the likelihood of cavitation

Mechanical index

Which of the following renal disorders presents sonographically with echogenic renal pyramids due to accumulation of calcium in dilated collecting ducts

Medullary sponge kidney

What is the term used to describe an abnormally small chin


Which gastrointestinal tract abnormality presents with nonbilious vomiting and transposition of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA)

Midgut malrotation with volvulus

Which of the following best describes the sequence of events a sonographer should take prior to starting the ultrasound exam

Take patient history, review previous reports, review images from previous studies of relevance.

What is the typical sonographic pattern demonstrating an intussusception

Target shaped mass in the transverse plane and pseudokidney sign in the longitudinal plane

Which of the following is not a typical use of amniocentesis in the third trimester

Test for fetal lung maturity

A fetal sonogram demonstrates a cloverleaf-shaped skull, hydrocephalus, and telephone receiver-shaped long bones. What skeletal dysplasia is most likely

Thanatophoric dysplasia

Which of the following is a false statement about the renal arteries

The LT renal artery is longer than the RT.

What is the most common chromosomal abnormality

Trisomy 21

What is a possible role of sonography in the evaluation of lung masses

Ultrasound-guided biopsy


Who is responsible for maintaining quality assurance records in an ultrasound department

Accrediting agencies

Who is responsible for publishing guidelines for QA standards in sonography

Hydrostatic pressure is greatest in the feet and ankles.

Why do venous ulcers occur in the feet and ankles but not in the thighs

The heart creates pulsatility in the arteries

Why does Poiseuille's law not accurately describe what happens in the body

What part of the ultrasound system is responsible for converting the return analog signal to a digital signal


What are the sonographic features of caudal regression syndrome

Absent sacrum, clubfeet

Which mode of ultrasound represents depth on the x-axis and amplitude or signal strength on the y-axis


A 50-year-old patient presents with an acute episode of choledocholithiasis and thickening of the bile duct walls. If the patient is presented with Charcot triad clinically, what is the most likely diagnosis

Acute bacterial cholangitis

Which of the following is not consistent with testicular torsion

Acute testicular pain localized to the superior pole of the testis is the main clinical finding for testicular torsion.

Which of the following are often associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing syndrome

Adrenal rests

Maternal exposure to which of the following can cause growth restriction, mental impairment, malformed ears, microcephaly, and immune dysfunction in the fetus


What is the purpose of having a patient fast for 8 hours prior to an abdominal ultrasound

Allows for maximal distension of the gallbladder

A fetus is demonstrated to have a horseshoe shaped monoventricle, fused thalami and absent falx. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis

Alobar holoprosencephaly

Which statement below best describes a nosocomial infection

An infection acquired while in hospital for an unrelated problem.

What term describes a form of distributive shock resulting from a severe allergic reaction

Anaphylactic shock

Which fetal brain structures should be visualized in the axial plane used to measure the biparietal diameter

CSP, thalamus, and falx cerebri

If a multifetal pregnancy results from assisted reproduction, what can be done to maximize the success rate of live birth

Careful assessment of amnionicity and chorionicity

What organs should be closely interrogated if the common bile duct is dilated

Complete biliary tree, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas

What is the cause of a pancreatic pseudocyst

Encapsulation of digestive enzymes that leak out of the pancreas to form a cystic structure

Which artifact is the result of sound traveling through a structure that is a weak attenuator


What defines a Grade II placenta

Moderate indentations in the chorionic plate with "comma-like" calcifications in the placenta

When does preprocessing of the ultrasound image occur

Prior to scan conversion but after beam transmission

When should the sonographer discuss clinical history with the patient

Prior to starting the procedure

What does the term anechoic refer to

Produces no echoes

What is the function of the white pulp in the spleen

Production of lymphocytes

What is the endocrine function of the testis

Production of testosterone

Which of the following artifacts causes a laterally displaced duplication of the real structure


Which imaging plane will best demonstrate fetal kyphosis

Sagittal spine

What is the most common renal mass demonstrated on sonography

Simple renal cyst

What sonographic feature is consistent with a benign mass

Smooth borders

Which of the following abdominal arteries have high-resistance flow when a fasting preparation is followed

Superior mesenteric artery

How is arterial blood supplied to the thyroid gland

Superior thyroid artery and inferior thyroid artery

Which of the following is a naturally occurring piezoelectric material?


If esophageal atresia is diagnosed, what tracheal abnormality may also be present

Tracheoesophageal fistula

What part of the transducer provides protection from electric shock and reduces the effects of electrical interference?

Transducer housing

Which of the following has the potential to cause the most biologic damage

Transient cavitation

What is the term used to describe a disorder where there is an extra copy of a chromosome


An echogenic focus is demonstrated in the left ventricle of the fetal heart. What is this most likely associated with

Trisomy 21

Which of the following conditions is easiest for a health care worker to contract

Tuberculosis (TB)

A patient presents with epilepsy and skin lesions. The sonogram demonstrated bilateral renal cysts and angiomyolipoma. What is the most likely diagnosis

Tuberous sclerosis

Which of the following is most accurate when describing Klatskin tumors

Tumors are generally located at the junction of the RT and LT hepatic ducts.

The second trimester is considered which of the following

Weeks 13-26

Doppler sensitivity, velocity accuracy, and depth resolution

What can be tested by a Doppler flow phantom

Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy minus energy lost to heat.

What happens to the energy profile as blood flows through a narrowing

It minimizes the error introduced when the machine calculates the Doppler shift frequency.

Why is it important to match the Doppler angle correction on the instrument panel parallel to the wall of the vessel interrogated

An increase in the amplitude of the transmit voltage will result in __________

an increase in the acoustic power.

If the transmit beam of a system is 6 MHz, which of the following transducers will be able to receive its harmonic signal

5-12 MHz

Calculate duty factor for a system with a pulse length of 5 cycles, a period of 2 ms, and a dead time of 10 ms?


What is the upper limit of normal for a nuchal fold measurement

6 mm

A patient is scanned for a biophysical profile (BPP). The fetus demonstrates 3 gross movements, 1 episode of tone, absent fetal breathing and a largest vertical pocket measurement of 4 cm. What is the BPP score


it ensures a lab is producing high-quality work with particular emphasis on high-quality accuracy and patient care.

A quality assurance program is essential for all ultrasound labs because

Which of the following best describes a hydrophone?

A special transducer used to measure beam PRP, PD, period, pressure amplitude, and intensity

What is the main form of attenuation leading to tissue heating in the body


A fetus is demonstrated to have very close set orbits and a small nose with a single nostril. What does this represent


In what part of the gastrointestinal tract is the vermiform appendix connected


What is the least common cause of bile duct obstruction


What is the likely diagnosis if echogenic foci are seen in the right abdomen that produce acoustic shadowing


How does ultrasound contrast agent differ from those used in CT and MRI

Ultrasound contrast agents utilize microbubbles that are very small.

How does blood get from the placenta to the fetal heart

Umbilical vein > Ductus venosus > IVC > Right ventricle

When percutaneous umbilical cord sampling is performed under ultrasound guidance, what segment of cord is most often accessed

Umbilical vein at placental cord insertion site

What term is used to describe dilation of the ureter as it enters the bladder


What is the half-intensity depth for a 10-MHz transducer in soft tissue?

0.6 cm

What is the wavelength of a 2-MHz transducer?

0.77 mm

To obtain the best lateral resolution, where should the focal zone be located?

At or just deep to the reflectors to be resolved

How is an arteriovenous fistula best demonstrated sonographically

Color Doppler imaging

In which planes should the infant hip be imaged to determine if developmental dislocation of the hip is present

Coronal and transverse of the hip in both the resting and flexed positions with and without applied stress.

What is the most common ovarian mass associated with pregnancy

Corpus luteal cyst

A patient presents with RUQ pain, weight loss, jaundice, and hepatomegaly. What is the most likely diagnosis in the presence of an asymmetrically thickened gallbladder wall

Gallbladder carcinoma

Which organs should be interrogated if the patient is diagnosed with Budd-Chiari syndrome

Liver and IVC

In what image is the crus of the diaphragm typically demonstrated on sonography

Transverse image of the kidney

Inspection should ensure electrical cords, membrane, and casing are intact and do not present electrical hazard.

Which of the following best describes appropriate preventative maintenance for transducers

Ability of the system to display weak echoes

Which of the following best describes sensitivity of the ultrasound system

What type of resolution is not adequately tested by the multipurpose phantom

elevation resolution

Which of the following best describes a pyogenic hepatic abscess

A complex cyst with thick walls and internal debris producing dirty shadow is noted in the dome of the liver.

What is a pyramidal lobe

A superior extension of the thyroid isthmus

What is the term used to describe a condition where there is an abnormal number of whole chromosomes


Where is the best angular resolution?

At the natural focus

What is the term used to describe absence of the middle fifth phalanx (often observed in trisomy 21)


What term describes the inward curvature of the fifth digit towards the fourth digit


A sonographer noted the following findings in their fasting patient; tachycardia, blurred vision, and excessive thirst. What is the likely explanation for these symptoms

Complications of diabetes

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of the damping material in a pulsed wave transducer?

Decreased sensitivity

What is the easiest method for distinguishing the esophagus from a mass

Have patient swallow, saliva can be visualized passing through the esophagus.

If the amplitude of a wave is increased by a factor of 3, what happens to the intensity?

It increases by a factor of 9.

A 45-year-old female patient with a history of chronic dieting presents with acute abdominal pain after fatty meals that radiates to her shoulders. Which of the following sonographic presentations do you expect to find

Multiple mobile echogenic masses that produce acoustic shadowing

Which of the following best describes a splenic granuloma

Multiple small echogenic masses with acoustic shadowing

Which of the following best describes the cause of obstructive shock

Poor heart pumping

What is a disadvantage of read zoom

Poor perceived resolution

Which of the following acoustic variables will change due to sound travel through a medium?


What is the function of the bile ducts

Provide a conduit for bile to get from the liver to the digestive system

Which of the following best describes a chronic condition that results in fibrotic replacement and atrophy of the spleen

Sickle cell anemia

Why should spatial compounding be turned off if you want to demonstrate edge shadowing

Spatial compounding images an object by creating frames utilizing multiple scan angles, then averages the frames together, eliminating the refraction artifact.

Which of the following statements with respect to the placenta is false

The placenta produces progesterone to maintain the corpus luteum.

Which is the current risk for bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound

There are no documented bioeffects to date

When the observer and the reflector are moving toward each other

When will a positive Doppler shift be recorded

Small sample gate placed in center of test area

Which will demonstrate the most accurate Doppler signal

Calculate the frequency of a wave with a period of 10 ms.

0.1 kHz

If the axial resolution of a transducer is 0.5 mm, what is the closest together 2 objects can be in the axial plane and still be differentiated as separate reflectors?

0.5 mm

Which of the following beams will require the most compensation

10 cm maximum depth

At what gestational age should the amnion and chorion be fused

16 weeks

How many ossification centers should be present for each vertebra


Calculate the time taken by ultrasound to image a structure at a depth of 5 cm in soft tissue

65 s

Calculate the distance to a reflector if the round-trip time is 10 s

7.7 mm

What are the normal measurements for a fasting gallbladder

8 to 10 cm length, ≤5 cm diameter, ≤3 mm wall thickness

What is the normal measurement of the cisterna magna

<10 mm and >2 mm

What is the most ergonomic scanning position for the arm

<30° abduction

What measurement describes an enlarged lymph node

> 10 mm

A motor vehicle patient from the emergency room presents with LUQ pain and decreased hematocrit. What should the sonographer look for on the abdominal scan

A complex or hypoechoic mass in the spleen with posterior enhancement and an echogenic line within the spleen demonstrating the laceration

Output power is controlled by which of the following


What should the sonographer do for their patient if they are suffering from supine hypotensive syndrome

Put patient into left lateral decubitus position.

What is the term used to describe conjoined twins that are joined back-to-back in the sacral region


The image produced is too dark. Which of the following would be the first thing a sonographer should adjust to increase the overall brightness

Receiver gain

Which of the following disorders is caused by abdominal trauma

Rectus sheath hematoma

Which lab results will be elevated when gallbladder disease is present

ALT, ALP, GGT, and white blood cells

Which of these is the greatest contributor to attenuation in tissue?


A patient presents with a palpable enlarged thyroid gland, dysphagia, and intermittent coughing. Sonogram demonstrated an enlarged heterogeneous gland with multiple focal nodules. What is the most likely diagnosis

Adenomatous goiter

What does Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulate

All patient records

A G1P0 patient presents for nuchal translucency ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation. She commented to the technologist that she was already feeling fetal movement. maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein bloodwork was elevated. What will likely be demonstrated on ultrasound


A fetus demonstrates absence of the cornea on a coronal view of the fetal face. What abnormality does this represent


What is the most common cause of fetal bowel obstruction

Anorectal atresia

A patient presents with intense chest and abdominal pain radiating to the lower back. A mildly dilated area of the aorta is identified with demonstration of an intimal flap with color Doppler. What is the most likely diagnosis

Aortic dissection

A 23-week pregnant patient presents with right lower quadrant pain, fever, nausea, and leukocytosis. The fetus is normal. What else should be considered as a cause for the pain


If Ebstein anomaly is present in a fetus, what sonographic finding will be demonstrated

Atrialized right ventricle

What benign renal mass is described sonographically as a hypervascular, hyperechoic mass with internal echoes producing acoustic shadowing

Renal adenoma

What part of the ultrasound system is responsible for assigning the phase delay profiles and apodization

Beam former

A patient presents at 18 weeks gestation for a sonogram, what is a possible reason for performing a transvaginal scan

Better assess placenta location

What disorder is characterized by neonatal jaundice, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and the triangular cord sign

Biliary atresia

Which sonographic exam is used to assess fetal hypoxia

Biophysical profile

What is the most inferior structure in the male pelvis


A fetal sonogram reveals a lower abdominal wall mass inferior to the umbilicus, absence of the urinary bladder, and normal amniotic fluid. What disorder does this represent

Bladder exstrophy

How does a boundary with a very large impedance mismatch appear?

Boundary will be very echogenic.

Which term describes a fetal head that is very round (short and wide)


What is the origin of the splenic artery

Branch of celiac axis

On a transverse image of a fetus, the spine is on the left side of the screen with the stomach to the bottom of the screen (transducer was transverse on maternal abdomen). What is the lie of the fetus


How does a linear sequential array transducer produce its characteristic image shape?

By sequencing

How does the use of harmonics improve slice thickness artifact

By utilizing a narrower beam width on the return signal, the image slice thickness is reduced.

What was the first use of contrast agents in sonography

Research protocol for general and vascular procedures

What pathology is best described as a small hyperechoic mass usually found in the right lobe of the liver with through transmission with female predominance

Cavernous hemangioma

Which sonographic sign is associated with Caroli disease

Central dot sign

Sonography demonstrated a complex mass in the uterus that appears to invade the myometrium. The patient demonstrated elevated hCG and an enlarged UT; her doctor was unable to detect a fetal heartbeat. What is the most likely diagnosis

Chorioadenoma destruens

How does an umbilical cord hemangioma present on ultrasound

Solid hyperechoic mass in the umbilical cord near its attachment site in the placenta

Who benefits most from the utilization of good ergonomics


Which part of the brain produces cerebrospinal fluid

Choroid plexus

How does chronic cholecystitis differ from acute cholecystitis

Chronic cholecystitis presents with a WES sign but no Murphy's sign.

A patient presents with a history of chronic alcohol abuse and hyperparathyroidism. The sonogram demonstrates a small pancreas with a complex cystic mass demonstrated along the border of the pancreatic tail. What is the most likely diagnosis

Chronic pancreatitis

An elevation of albumin, alkaline phosphatase, and aspartate aminotransferase would lead the sonographer to investigate which of the following conditions


When a sonographer explains a procedure to the patient, what form of communication is most appropriate

Clear concise language at a level understood by the patient utilizing both verbal and nonverbal communication

Sonographic features of narrowing of the aortic arch, enlargement of the right ventricle, and enlargement of the pulmonary artery are characteristics of what heart defect

Coarctation of the aorta

How can comet tail artifact be differentiated from ring-down artifact on an ultrasound image

Comet tail produces a series of distinct bright lines that taper as they get deeper to the small specular reflector, whereas ring-down produces a much smoother tapered echo deep to the reflector.

What imaging plane is able to be imaged with a two-dimensional array transducer that cannot be imaged using a standard array transducer?


A patient presents with obesity, hirsutism, and a buffalo hump. Sonography identified a mass in the RT adrenal gland. What is the most likely diagnosis

Cushing syndrome

What does compression and rarefaction change in the medium?


What does "A transducer's inability to recognize the depth of origin of a return sound wave due to inadequate time delay between transmit pulses" best describe?

Depth ambiguity

Which patient population is most susceptible to emphysematous cholecystitis

Diabetic patients

When imaging the liver, in which image are you likely to note fluid around the lung

Dome of liver

What is the most common renal anomaly

Duplex collecting system

Sonographic features of choroid plexus cysts, micrognathia, rockerbottom feet, omphalocele, and single umbilical artery are consistent with what chromosomal abnormality

Edwards syndrome

What is the most significant lab result indicating acute pancreatitis

Elevated lipase

A 65-year-old male patient presents with nocturia, increased urinary frequency, constant feeling of bladder fullness, and elevated PSA. What is most likely demonstrated on ultrasound

Enlarged diffusely heterogeneous gland with calcifications and cystic changes

Which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of an enlarged lymph node that is likely benign

Enlarged oval node with decreased echogenicity

What is the sonographic appearance of Addison disease in the acute stage

Enlarged, hypoechoic adrenal glands bilaterally

What is the most common cause of acute testicular pain in adults


What term is used to describe the scientific study of creating tools and using equipment effectively to minimize strain on the human body


What is the cause of immune hydrops

Erythroblastosis fetalis

What is the recommended preparation for a bile duct scan

Fasting for a minimum of 4 hours

How is a subluxed hip demonstrated on a sonogram

Femoral head rests laterally in the acetabulum.

Arterial blood supply to the pancreas is supplied by which of the following arteries

Gastroduodenal artery, splenic artery, and superior mesenteric artery

What term is used to describe enlargement of the abdominal lymph nodes located within the abdomen

Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy

What is the most common mass found in the spleen


Which of the following best describes a superficial hypoechoic mass that demonstrates blood flow when interrogated


A patient presents with elevated liver function tests and the sonogram reveals diffuse increase in echogenicity, hepatomegaly, and a poorly visualized diaphragm. Which of the following conditions is most likely

Hepatic steatosis

A male patient presents with a history of chronic hepatitis and Wilson disease. Sonography reveals a heterogeneous mass in the right lobe that appears to invade the IVC and the hepatic veins appear to be narrowed. What is the most likely diagnosis

Hepatoma with Budd-Chiari syndrome

If a fetus is diagnosed with Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome, which abdominal abnormality should be investigated


What is the most common abnormality of the fetal liver


Which of the following is a nonlethal skeletal dysplasia that presents with rhizomelia, macrocrania, frontal bossing, and trident hands

Heterozygous achondroplasia

A patient presents with a nuchal fold measurement of 8 mm. What does this result indicate

High risk for Down syndrome

What type of sterilization is required for a transvaginal transducer

High-level sterilization

Why do higher frequency transducers have better axial resolution?

Higher frequency transducers have a shorter wavelength which equates to a shorter spatial pulse length (SPL).

What other disorder should be investigated for if pancreatic cysts are noted on a sonogram

Hippel-Lindau disease

What is the most common cause of hypotelorism


Brightness of the waveform

How does the spectral display demonstrate the relative number of red blood cells demonstrating a particular velocity

Pulsatile with a multiphasic pattern

How would you describe a waveform taken from a normal resting extremity artery

A male fetus presents with a large fluid collection in the scrotum. What is the term used to describe this finding


A patient presents with a lateral ventricle measurement of 22 mm, dangling choroid, and the BPD and HC measure 3 weeks greater than the gestational age. What is the most likely diagnosis


Which of the following describes the sonographic appearance of a normal parotid gland

Hyperechoic homogenous tissue that is elliptical in long and round in transverse, anechoic duct may be visualized.

What is the term used to describe orbits that are widely spaced apart


What feature allows the sonographer to distinguish porcelain gallbladder from WES sign

Identification of the calcified back wall of the gallbladder

Solid objects in the phantom with different contrast levels will be imaged with the same shades of gray.

If contrast resolution fails during quality assurance testing, what will be demonstrated on the image

A male patient presents with history of acute scrotal trauma. Bloodwork revealed a decreased hematocrit. What should the sonographer expect to find on the scan

Ill-defined margins of the testicle with a complex fluid collection in the scrotum

Under which of the following conditions will refraction occur?

Incident beam with oblique incidence and mediums with different propagation velocities

What is the most common cause of an abnormal triple screen test

Incorrect dates

Which of the following renal cystic diseases presents sonographically as a smooth thick-walled cyst with internal debris

Infected renal cyst

A decreased hematocrit indicates which of the following

Internal bleeding

A 2-year-old male patient presents with intermittent RLQ pain, vomiting, palpable abdominal mass, and red currant jelly stool. What gastrointestinal disorder is most likely


What is the most common cause of IVC enlargement

Right heart failure

What patient position typically allows for best visualization of the spleen

Right lateral decubitus with deep inspiration

What is the purpose of damping material in a pulsed wave transducer?

It decreases the spatial pulse length of the pulse, leading to improved axial resolution.

Why is a glutaraldehyde-based solution used for in the sonography department

It is used as a high-level sterilizing agent for disinfecting endocavity transducers.

What is the significance of a very bright dot on a B-mode image

It was produced from an interface with a large impedance mismatch.

A patient presents with acute left pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, low hCG for gestational age, and low hematocrit. Sonography demonstrates a small irregular shaped cystic area in the endometrial canal, an adnexal ring sign in the left adnexa, and free fluid in the cul-de-sacs and adnexas. What is the most likely diagnosis

Left ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following abnormalities is associated with Arnold-Chiari Type II malformation

Lemon sign, banana sign, obliterated cisterna magna, and hydrocephalus

What is the main advantage of fusion imaging

Lesions may be seen better with CT but biopsy is easier with ultrasound guidance.

Which of the following findings are consistent with a diagnosis of hydatid liver cyst

Leukocytosis, obstructive jaundice, and anechoic liver mass described as mother cyst with daughter cyst

Which of the following best describes the flow of bile

Liver - RT or LT hepatic ducts - common hepatic duct (CHD) - cystic duct - gallbladder - common bile duct (CBD) - ampulla of Vater - sphincter of Oddi - duodenum

A patient presents with pulmonary edema. On sonography, an area of lung has the same echotexture as the liver but with areas of linear pattern echogenicities. What is the most likely diagnosis

Lung consolidation

Two things contribute to the efficient transmission of sound from the transducer into the patient. What are they?

Matching layer and gel

What is the most common risk factor for intracranial hemorrhage in utero

Maternal platelet disorders

Which of the following pregnancy tests can be completed in the first trimester


Which of the following measurements is used to estimate gestational age in the first trimester

Mean sac diameter

Which of the following transducers does not utilize electronic focusing?

Mechanical sector

Which of the following transducers utilizes a motor to steer the piezoelectric element and produce an image frame?

Mechanical sector

Which of the following syndromes is associated with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, occipital encephalocele, and polydactyly

Meckel-Gruber syndrome

What area of the adrenal gland produces epinephrine and norepinephrine


What does the chorionicity determine about a pregnancy

Number of placentas

If the spatial pulse length is 3 mm, what is the smallest distance apart that two objects will be displayed as two separate structures on the image in the axial plane?

Objects 1.5 mm apart

Which of the following is most likely to correlate with chromosomal abnormalities

Omphalocele containing only bowel

What is a complication associated with large ovarian cysts or masses

Ovarian torsion

What is the cause of Conn syndrome

Overproduction of aldosterone by a functional adrenal tumor

Which portion of the pancreas lies in the C-loop of the duodenum

Pancreatic head

Which of the following disorders includes omphalocele, ectopia cordis, cleft sternum, diaphragmatic hernia, and pericardial defects

Pentalogy of Cantrell

Which of the following changes as sound travels from soft tissue to bone?


What is the most common form of storage for ultrasound images today

Picture archiving and communication system (PACS)

A female hair stylist presented with pain, erythema, and edema in the gluteal cleft. Sonography revealed a complex subcutaneous mass with hyperemia and a hypoechoic tract to the skin surface. What pathology does this represent

Pilonidal cyst

A G2P1 patient presents with a history of previous cesarean section. Sonography demonstrates loss of the normal interface between the placenta and the myometrium and what appears to be placenta along the maternal bladder wall. What does this represent

Placenta percreta

A 60-year-old male patient presents with elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA), macroscopic hematuria, and a decrease in the amount of ejaculated fluid. Sonogram demonstrates a hypervascular enlarged prostate gland. What is the most likely diagnosis

Prostate cancer

Bilateral renal agenesis, inadequately functioning kidneys, or obstruction of the urinary tract can lead to which of the following

Pulmonary hypoplasia

What artifact requires the presence of an interface with mediums of differing propagation velocity and an incident beam with an angle of incidence other than 90°

Refraction artifact

What signals the adrenal gland to release hormones

Release of adrenocorticotropic hormone by the anterior pituitary gland

A hemophiliac patient presents with low hematocrit and RT back pain. A complex mass is demonstrated in the muscle between the kidney and the spine. What is the most likely diagnosis

Retroperitoneal hematoma

Which of the following best describes the adult kidney

Retroperitoneal location with cortex responsible for blood filtration and medulla responsible for absorption

Which of the following best describes the location of the left adrenal gland

Retroperitoneal, located medial to the superior pole of the LT kidney

What imaging plane(s) is best for demonstrating a Bochdalek hernia

Sagittal and coronal views of the left abdomen/chest

What imaging plane best demonstrates the disparity in chest to abdomen size found in thanatophoric dysplasia

Sagittal image through chest and abdomen

What imaging plane is best to demonstrate absence of the nasal bone

Sagittal midline image through the fetal face

What is the term used to describe a cystic structure located in the fetal head in an 8 week gestation


What sonographic findings when grouped together indicate Arnold Chiari II malformation

Scalloping of the frontal bones, posteriorly displaced cerebellum, obliteration of the cisterna magna, and enlarged occipital horns of lateral ventricles

Which of the following situations will have the least total attenuation?

Scanning at a depth of 10 cm through tissue using a 2-MHz transducer

What is the term used to describe a lateral curvature of the spine


What is the difference between side lobe artifact and grating lobe artifact

Side lobe artifact is produced by a single element transducer, and grating lobe by an array transducer.

On a 7-week sonogram, the presence of which of the following structures confirms a monoamniotic twin pregnancy

Single yolk sac with two fetal poles

How is splenomegaly diagnosed from ultrasound

Spleen extends beyond inferior pole of left kidney and measures >13 cm length or >6 cm thickness.

What acute disorder is best described sonographically as a hypoechoic wedge-shaped mass within the spleen

Splenic infarct

Which imaging situation will have the shortest pulse repetition period (PRP)?

Scanning at a depth of 2 cm using a 3-MHz transducer

Which method of elastography is most operator dependent

Strain elastography

What is the term used to describe an additional small lobe of placenta separate from the main segment

Succenturiate lobe

What posterior landmark can the sonographer use to aid in delineation of the pancreas

Superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein

How does pulse inversion technology declutter the return signal

The fundamental frequency is eliminated by destructive interference with a second transmit signal that has undergone a 180° phase shift.

How does acute renal failure differ from chronic renal failure

The most common cause of chronic renal failure is diabetes mellitus and it presents as small kidneys with cortical thinning on sonography whereas acute renal failure is most commonly caused by acute tubular necrosis and presents as normal appearing kidneys.

What is the purpose of standard precautions

To decrease the spread of infection

A 6-year-old female patient presents with low-grade fever, mild leukocytosis, complains of right hip pain, and a reluctance to walk. Sonography demonstrated a hypoechoic fluid collection in the right hip joint that measured 7 mm in width. What is the most likely diagnosis

Transient synovitis

What imaging plane will best demonstrate the abdominal cord insertion to rule out abdominal wall abnormalities

Transverse abdomen just superior to the kidneys

What is the normal Doppler waveform appearance of the distal aorta

Triphasic, high-resistant pattern with flow reversal in early diastole

When urolithiasis is suspected with sonography but difficult to visualize, what can the sonographer do to better define it

Turn on color Doppler

An amniocentesis returns results of 45,X, what disorder does this represent

Turner syndrome

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is associated with which of the following

Turner syndrome

What is a life-threatening complication resulting from the death of a monochorionic twin

Twin embolization syndrome

A 35-year-old male patient presents with infertility and a palpable extratesticular mass on the LT side. Sonogram demonstrates multiple anechoic tubular structures in the LT adjacent to the testicle. What can the sonographer suggest to help solidify the diagnosis

Valsalva maneuver will cause the veins to fill with blood and become more dilated with increased blood flow.

Measurement accuracy

What do calibration test objects evaluate

Resistiveness of distal vascular bed

What information is obtained from the resistive index


What is the main limitation of pulsed wave Doppler

Quadrature detection

What is the process used by the machine to determine the direction of blood flow in a vessel

The pressure is increased.

What will happen to the pressure across a vessel if the resistance is increased and the flow volume is unaffected

Remove equipment from service until service engineer can correct calibration problem.

When a calibration problem is identified with the ultrasound equipment, what is the process that should be followed

Calibration of detail resolution, contrast resolution, and Doppler flow

When a new transducer is introduced to a system, what testing should be completed prior to use on patients

Which statement below is false with respect to the normal gallbladder

When a patient fasts, the duodenum secretes cholecystokinin which causes contraction of the gallbladder.

Poor axial resolution

When imaging a multipurpose phantom, two pins perpendicular to the transducer face are demonstrated as a single blurred image. What does this indicate

The study considered most accurate for the particular disease process

When statistical analysis is conducted for an ultrasound exam, what is the gold standard

Which of the following is a question a sonographer should always ask a symptomatic patient

Where is your pain located?


Which artifact below is improved or eliminated by increasing the wall filter

Axial resolution

Which imaging property is limited by the accuracy of the spatial pulse length

Fast Fourier transformation breaks the signal down into its individual frequency shift components.

Which of the following best describes the breakdown of the Doppler signal, allowing it to be recorded as a Doppler waveform

Contrast resolution

Which of the following can be tested by a general-purpose phantom

63% decrease in diameter of the vessel

Which of the following is most likely to cause a hemodynamically significant change in blood flow

Measured in the ankle with the patient standing

Which of the following situations will demonstrate the greatest effect from hydrostatic pressure

Color Doppler is less accurate than spectral Doppler, providing only a mean velocity profile.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the comparison of color Doppler imaging and spectral Doppler imaging

Plug flow

Which type of blood flow profile results in the least frictional forces


Which type of resolution controls the ability to resolve structures along the range plane

To ensure scan policies and protocols are complete and consistent across the nation

Why is credentialing important in the field of sonography

Image degradation is often not noticed as it occurs gradually, so routine testing will catch small changes in image quality.

Why should detailed performance testing be scheduled on a routine basis

What type of injuries can be prevented with utilization of good ergonomics

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

Which of the following is considered the most accurate patient identifier


What term describes the number of eggs that are fertilized


What measurements are correlated to determine an estimated fetal weight

biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference, abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL)

What is the most common cancer found in a patient with cryptorchidism


What is the term used to describe an enlarged spleen


What is the most likely method of exposure to hepatitis B for a health care worker

Stick from contaminated needle

What is the term used to describe a twin that is in close association with the uterine wall

Stuck twin

How is blood supplied to the adrenal glands

Suprarenal branches of aorta, suprarenal branches of inferior phrenic arteries, and suprarenal branches of main renal artery

If two mediums have the same stiffness, which of the following will have the greater propagation velocity?

The medium with the lower density

If two mediums have the same stiffness, which of the following is correct?

The medium with the lower density will have the greater propagation velocity.

What is the definition of period?

The time taken for a cycle to occur

When trying to differentiate which reflection on an image is the true representation of the reflector and which is the artifact, which of the following is most helpful

The true reflector is always brighter than the artifact.

Contrast resolution

The ultrasound display relies heavily on which of the following

If colitis is suspected, what sonographic finding is most consistent

Thickened hypoechoic colon wall with hyperemia

Which of the following is a function of the pulser

Maximum depth penetration

In a linear array transducer, which of the following functions utilizes electronic steering?

Color Doppler

On a transverse sonogram of the mid abdominal aorta, what vessels make up the seagull sign

Common hepatic artery makes up left wing, splenic artery makes up right wing, and celiac axis makes up body.

Which of the following effectively increases the signal strength of an ultrasound wave?

Constructive interference

What are the major limiting factors of temporal resolution?

Depth, sweep angle, line density, and pulse repetition frequency

What finding can right-sided enlargement of the heart cause on an abdominal sonogram

Enlargement of the IVC

If polyhydramnios is demonstrated on fetal ultrasound, what gastrointestinal abnormalities are most likely

Esophageal or duodenal atresia

Which of the following is a current use of elastography

Evaluation of chronic liver disease

Which of the following is an indication for a first-trimester sonogram

Evaluation of suspected ectopic pregnancy

What is the main use of intravascular ultrasound

Evaluation of the vessel wall

Which of the following is false with respect to the pancreas

Exocrine function of the pancreas is performed by the islets of Langerhans.

What does the term polydactyly describe

Extra digits on hands and/or feet

Which of the following is an example of how ergonomics can be utilized in an ultrasound department

Instruct sonographers on proper body mechanics.

If the power of a wave remains unchanged but the area is increased by a factor of 2, what happens to the intensity?

Intensity is decreased by a factor of 2.

Which artifact is displayed as an erroneous object on the opposite side of a specular reflector

Mirror image

What pathology is diagnosed by the sonographic demonstration of worms in the bile ducts


Which of the following best describes a simple splenic cyst

Asymptomatic, round, smooth-walled mass with posterior enhancement

Which of the following disorders is associated with uncontrolled pre-gestational maternal diabetes

Caudal regression syndrome

What part of the blastocyst implants in the endometrium during implantation

Chorionic villus

What is the path of venous drainage of the LT adrenal gland

LT suprarenal vein drains into the LT renal vein

What does the twin peak sign indicate about a pregnancy

Dichorionic diamniotic pregnancy

How does the ultrasound system create 256 different shades of gray

Each pixel utilizes an 8-bit system.

How does a vector transducer produce an image frame?

Each scan line is produced by different electronic phase profiles steering the beam in different directions across the frame.

Which of the following heart anomalies is associated with pentalogy of Cantrell

Ectopia cordis

What is the normal situs and lie of the fetal heart

Left chest with apex forming a 45-degree angle with the fetal spine

What is M-mode used to demonstrate

Motion of reflectors

What renal anomaly is caused by obstruction of the fetal ureter, usually in the first trimester

Multicystic dysplastic kidney

Which of the following best describes a mucinous cystadenocarcinoma

Multilocular cystic mass with mural nodules and internal echoes with dilation of the duct of Wirsung

What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism

Graves disease

What thyroid disorder presents with bulging eyes, nervousness, weight loss, and hair loss

Graves disease

What symptoms are typically associated with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

Gross hematuria and passing blood clots

A 30-year-old female presented with puffy eyes, slight weight gain, increased cold sensitivity, elevated cholesterol, and decreased thyroxine levels. Her sonogram demonstrated a coarse textured thyroid gland with increased vascularity. What is the most likely diagnosis

Hashimoto thyroiditis

A first-trimester ultrasound is performed at 9 weeks gestation and herniation of bowel is demonstrated into the base of the umbilical cord. What does this most likely represent

Physiologic midgut herniation

What is the measurement used to determine if pyloric stenosis is present

Single-walled muscle thickness of 3 mm or greater and 17 mm or greater length

If fusion of the lower extremities, renal agenesis, and oligohydramnios are demonstrated on sonography, what abnormality is indicated


What criteria should be observed when assessing both left and right ventricular outflow tracts

The aorta and pulmonary artery should crisscross each other.

Which of the following statements is false with respect to developmental dysplasia of the infant hip (DDH)

The cause of DDH is thought to be degeneration of the acetabulum caused by maternal hormones.

What is the most common cause of ureteropelvic junction obstruction


Which of the following steps will most likely cause the sonographer to miss something changing quickly in time?

Use of five focal zones

Turbulent flow does not always indicate a disease process.

Which of the following is true with respect to turbulence

Which of the following measurements is only used in the first trimester

mean sac diameter

How does an elastogram demonstrate tissue stiffness

Variations in grayscale or color are used according to a legend to indicate the level of stiffness represented.

Pressure gradient

What is the force that drives blood through the vessels

Venous valves prevent the blood from flowing back into the foot and maintain its course toward the right atrium.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the return of blood to the heart in diastole

What renal disorder presents with decreased renal function in the 3rd to 4th decades of life, and bilaterally enlarged kidneys containing multiple cortical cysts

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

What type of resolution is defined as the ability to differentiate between two structures in the lateral plane?


Which abdominal wall defect causes a drastic increase in maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein


Which of the following pathologies has clinical presentation that includes hyperemesis, extremely elevated hCG, enlarged uterus and heavy vaginal bleeding

Gestational trophoblast disease

Which is an example of a barrier technique used to prevent the spread of infection


Which of the following artifacts can be reduced or eliminated by the use of tissue harmonics, apodization, and subdicing

Grating lobes

Medium 1 has an impedance value of 3 Rayls and medium 2 has an impedance value of 2 Rayls, calculate the amount of transmission that will occur at this boundary.


What criteria is used to classify placentomegaly

> 4 cm

What abnormality of the fetal neck is often associated with chromosomal abnormalities

Cystic hygroma

Which of the following best describes the location of the spleen

Intraperitoneally located in the left upper quadrant (LUQ)

Which of the following statements is false with respect to abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

Marfan syndrome is considered the most common cause of AAA.

What is the function of the parathyroid glands

Regulation of calcium levels

What modification to the received beam is made in the receiver to reduce the effects of electrical interference


What is the most frequent cause of oligohydramnios

Renal anomalies

Which of the following correctly identifies the path sperm take from origin to the seminal vesicles

Seminiferous tubules > straight tubule > efferent duct > epididymis > ductus deferens > seminal vesicle

What are the criteria of a simple cyst

Smooth borders, anechoic, through transmission, and round shape

Why should the gallbladder be imaged in multiple patient positions

To provide proof of pathology mobility/nonmobility

The official statement by the AIUM with respect to bioeffects indicates that focused beam intensities below _____ SPTA have demonstrated no observable effects

1 W/cm2

What frequency transducer will have the best range resolution?

10 MHz

If the incident beam strikes a boundary at an angle of 35°, what would be the angle of reflection?


Which of these ranges of frequencies would be considered for diagnostic ultrasound?

4 to 10 MHz

At what gestational age should abdominal wall defects be visualized

>12 weeks

At what gestational age is the nuchal fold measurement no longer of analytic utility

>22 weeks gestation

What is the Graf technique

A technique used to measure the relationship of the femoral head and acetabulum to determine if developmental hip dysplasia is present.

What is a complication of hepatic hematoma

Arteriovenous fistula

What can be done to reduce or eliminate reverberation in an image

Change the scan window.

What are the complications associated with choledochal cyst

Cholangitis, portal hypertension, pancreatitis, and liver failure

A 1-year-old patient presented with a palpable abdominal mass, jaundice, and fever. A cystic mass is noted in the area of the porta hepatis with sonography. What is the most likely diagnosis

Choledochal cyst

Which abdominal muscle is demonstrated posterior and slightly medial to the kidney on a transverse image

Psoas muscle

What lung pathology is described as a separate mass of nonfunctioning lung tissue with its own blood supply

Pulmonary sequestration

What part of the ultrasound system is responsible for coded excitation


If a patient presents with elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and elevated creatinine, what disease process is most likely

Renal failure

What is the function of the aqueduct of Sylvius

Connects the third and fourth ventricles

Which of the following disorders presents clinically with the "olive sign"

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

During a fetal heart scan, a hyperechoic mass is identified in the left ventricle; multiple hyperechoic masses were also demonstrated in the renal cortex of both kidneys. What is the most likely diagnosis

Rhabdomyoma with tuberous sclerosis

Which of the following forms of shock leads to capillary permeability and vasodilation

Septic shock

Which are the most common areas that sonographers suffer from repetitive strain injury

Shoulders, elbows, wrists, and neck

A diagnosis of chronic cirrhosis is consistent with which of the following sonographic findings

Shrunken echogenic right lobe, nodular contour, hepatofugal flow in the portal veins, and ascites

What is the classic sonographic appearance of a pancreas demonstrating chronic pancreatitis

Small, hyperechoic, heterogeneous, atrophic gland with ill-defined borders

What is the shape of the footprint produced by a curved sequential array transducer?

Smaller convex near field and larger convex far field

Why is a 2- to 5-MHz transducer generally utilized for imaging the liver

The lower frequencies allow for better penetration because the liver is a large organ.

What classification of placenta previa describes a placenta that symmetrically covers the internal os

Complete previa

What is the purpose of a transmit/receive (T/R) switch

It ensures that the pulser voltages go to the transducer, and the received voltages from the transducer go to the signal processor.

What is the term used to describe a salivary gland that presents sonographically with an echogenic foci within a dilated duct producing shadowing


What is a possible complication of a thoracentesis


Which of the following falsely describes an accessory spleen


A patient presents with a history of diverticulitis. On ultrasound, small bright reflectors are noted within the portal vein producing ring-down artifact. What condition is most likely

Portal venous gas

If the period of a wave is increased by a factor of 2, what happens to the propagation velocity?

Propagation velocity remains unchanged.

What is term used to describe the death of a twin fetus in the first trimester that is reabsorbed

Vanishing twin

Which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of the IVC

Variable diameter that changes with respiration, pulsatile waveform close to the heart with a phasic waveform at its origin.

A sonogram demonstrates a placental cord insertion at the edge of the placenta with the vessels lying over the internal os. What is this disorder

Vasa previa

What is the most common cardiac defect

Ventricular septal defect

Which of the following clinical symptoms is a common feature of colitis

Watery and/or bloody diarrhea

The tunica media is much thicker in arteries than in veins.

What is the main difference between arteries and veins

Power Doppler can give information only about amplitude of the blood flow signal and not about flow velocity or direction, as color can, and hence is better for slow flow states.

What is the main difference between color Doppler and power Doppler


What is the normal flow pattern for an extremity vein

At the exit of a stenosis

Where is turbulence most likely to occur

Mirror image

Which of the following artifacts is best described as the reproduction of a spectral waveform or color Doppler signal on the opposite side of a specular reflector

Increase color priority.

Which of the following best describes how to improve color Doppler signal strength in a vessel

Which ultrasound modality utilizes the highest Q-factor?

CW Doppler

If a patient's lab results indicate increased amylase, increased lipase, and increased bilirubin, which of the following organs is likely diseased


Pressure decreases when velocity increases.

How is the pressure across vessel walls affected by changes in velocity

What layer of the breast tissue contains the ducts and glandular tissue

Mammary layer

What maternal conditions are linked to development of placental abruption

Maternal smoking

What type of twin gestation is most likely to incur complications

Monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy

If transducer frequency remains constant but wavelength was shown to increase, which of the following is correct?

Propagation velocity increased.

Which of the following principles is the basis for elastography

Tissue stiffness

What flow pattern is expected in an endovascular aortic stent graft repair


Proximal stenosis

What does a tardus parvus waveform indicate

Which statement is false with respect to the difference between the wall of an artery and a vein

Artery walls have a thicker tunica adventitia layer with greater elasticity.

Which of the following is most likely to increase the risk of multiple gestations

Assisted reproductive therapy

Which of the following is not a sonographic finding for acute pancreatitis

Atrophic hypoechoic pancreas

If multicystic dysplastic kidney disease is bilateral, what are the associated sonographic findings

Bilateral multiple smooth-walled noncommunicating cysts of varying sizes in the area of the renal fossa, absence of bladder, and oligohydramnios.

Which pulse transmission technique allows for speckle reduction, multiple focal zones, and improved contrast resolution

Coded excitation

Nuclear medicine demonstrated a hot nodule, what is likely to be demonstrated on thyroid sonography

Colloid cyst

Which tendon pathology is described as an anechoic or heterogeneous area within a tendon with refractive shadowing

Complete tendon rupture

What imaging plane(s) are most effective for diagnosing cleft lip/palate

Coronal and axial images of fetal face

Which of the following best describes sonographic appearance of an abnormal lymph node

Enlarged, hypoechoic mass with absence of echogenic hilum and irregular wall contour

What does the term "pixel interpolation" refer to

Extrapolation of pixels based on surrounding shades of gray to accommodate gaps between scan lines.

Sonographic features of gallbladder sludge include which of the following

Hepatization of the gallbladder

Which of the following is a disadvantage of increasing the acoustic power

Increasing the output power increases the likelihood of bioeffects occurring in the tissue.

What benign pediatric tumor presents clinically with hepatomegaly and skin hemangiomas

Infantile hemangioendothelioma

What are the sonographic features of a pheochromocytoma

Large hyperechoic mass adjacent to the superior pole of the kidney

Which of the following procedures performed by a sonographer requires sterile technique

Liver biopsy

Which of the following best describes malignant disease of the spleen

Lymphoma is the most common malignancy of the spleen presenting as multiple hypoechoic masses throughout the spleen.

Which of the following maternal problems is at increased risk for mothers expecting multiple gestations

Preeclampsia and anemia

ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers)

Professional certification for practicing sonographers is provided by which of the following agencies

Which of the following can cause the appearance of false hydronephrosis

Prominent renal vein

Which of the following assumptions made by the machine that results in the creation of artifacts is false

Propagation speeds are varied throughout the tissues in the body.

Correct placement and measurement of reflectors indicate the beamwidth is within allowable parameters.

What does lateral resolution testing demonstrate about the sound beam

Why is it necessary for analog to digital conversion to occur prior to the signal reaching the scan converter

The scan converter can process signals only in binary.

Which of the following bowel disorders presents with a bowel wall thickness greater than 5 mm and hyperemic bowel wall

Crohn disease

What are the sonographic features of achondrogenesis

Micromelia, absent mineralization of the fetal bones, enlarged skull, and polyhydramnios

What is an ovarian complication of a molar pregnancy

Theca lutein cyst

What is the frequency of a wave that has four episodes of compression and rarefaction occurring over 2 seconds in time?

2 Hz

Which of the following transducers will produce an image with the deepest dead zone

2-5 MHz

What sonographic feature definitively identifies transposition of the great vessels

Outflow tracts are parallel to each other

If the operating frequency is decreased, what will happen to the pulse repetition frequency (PRF)?

PRF will remain unchanged.

What is a subluxated hip

Partial dislocation of the hip

A complex cystic mass is demonstrated in the spleen with posterior dirty shadow in a febrile patient. What is the most likely diagnosis

Splenic abscess

Which of the following best describes a liquid crystal display (LCD)

The image is produced by light shining on liquid crystals sandwiched between two polarized filters.

Why are radial and anti-radial planes preferred for breast imaging

The lactiferous ducts are arranged in a radial pattern, so will be better demonstrated if scanned along the same planes.

Which of the following phase delay profiles will result in a deeper focus?

Crystal elements on either side of the array are excited slightly sooner than those in the center of the array.

Ability to place echoes in their proper location in the lateral plane

What is horizontal registration

Thickness of sound beam perpendicular to imaging plane

What is tested by a slice thickness phantom

A fetus is demonstrated to have a mass in the lung that has both cystic and solid components. Pleural effusion is also present. What disorder is indicated

Cystic adenomatoid malformation

A patient presents with a painless scrotal mass and elevated hCG levels. On sonographic examination, a solid, hypoechoic mass is demonstrated within the testicle. What is the most likely diagnosis


Why is it important for the sonographer to be able to identify imaging artifacts

Tissue composition is often confirmed by the presence of an artifact.

What is the main disadvantage of a phased array transducer?

A damaged element will result in erratic steering and focusing.

A fetal ultrasound demonstrates a large protruding tongue, hepatoblastoma, and an omphalocele. What syndrome does this represent

Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome

Which part of the transducer contributes most to the decreased sensitivity of a pulsed wave transducer?

Backing material

An infant patient presents with a history of a breech birth, asymmetric skinfolds on the legs, and a difference in length between both lower limbs. What tests should be conducted as an initial assessment of developmental dislocation of the hip

Barlow and Ortolani test

Poor contrast resolution

If an object with -10dB in the tissue equivalent phantom is no longer visible on the produced image, what does this represent

What is the proper method for measuring the common bile duct

Measure the segment on the extrahepatic side of the cystic duct with an inner-to-inner measurement.

What is an isolated enlargement of the cisterna magna termed

Mega cisterna magna

Which disorder of the testicle demonstrates tiny echogenic foci throughout the testicular tissue and is often associated with Klinefelter syndrome


What type of twinning is most likely to result in conjoined twins

Monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy

Which of the following disorders results from persistent bladder outlet obstruction

Prune belly syndrome

Which of the following is a vascular complication associated with acute pancreatitis

Pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery

Which of the following functions will result in an increase in the signal strength of the received beam


Which of the following disorders presents with vaginal bleeding, low hCG, decreased symptoms of pregnancy, and a poor decidual reaction with an empty gestational sac

Anembryonic pregnancy

What is the term used to describe a fluid collection around the lung

Pleural effusion

A male fetus is demonstrated to have bilateral hydronephrosis with hydroureter, dilated bladder, and dilated urethra. What is the cause of these findings

Posterior urethral valves

Which patient population has a predisposition for placenta previa

Previous cesarean sections

Which renal tumor has an asymptomatic presentation in its early stages but over time patients complain of gross hematuria, weight loss, and palpable flank mass

Renal cell carcinoma

Flow is directly proportional to the pressure gradient across the vessel.

What is the relationship between the amount of blood flow in a vessel and the pressure in the vessel

Negative predictive value

What term represents the number of normal patients the imaging test correctly identifies as normal

All transducers must be tested that are used on the system at all frequency settings.

When performing quality assurance testing for detail resolution, which of the following must be tested

Decrease the operating frequency.

When scanning, what can the sonographer do to eliminate aliasing in the spectral waveform

A fetal sonogram demonstrates a normal left kidney but the right has a severely dilated renal pelvis and dilated proximal ureter, the rest of the urinary system is normal. What is the most likely cause

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction

Which of the following is often linked to microtia

Down syndrome

What is a complication of acute cholecystitis if it is not treated

Gangrenous cholecystitis

Which type of islet cell tumor causes patients to develop peptic ulcers


A fetus is shown to have bowel floating around in the amniotic fluid herniated through a defect on the right side of a normal cord insertion. What is the likely diagnosis


What releases thyroid-stimulating hormone into the bloodstream

Anterior pituitary

How is the frequency of a pulsed wave ultrasound transducer determined?

It is the result of dividing the propagation velocity of the crystal material by 2 times the thickness of the crystal.

A 3-year-old patient presents with nausea, LUQ pain, and abdominal distension. On sonographic exam, multicystic masses with hypoechoic locules and hyperechoic septations are demonstrated. What is the most likely diagnosis


If medium 1 has an impedance value of 15 Rayls and medium 2 has an impedance value of 3000 Rayls, what is likely to occur at the interface?

Majority of the sound wave will be reflected.

What hepatic pathology demonstrates the sonographic findings of multiple target lesions within the liver parenchyma

Metastatic disease from lung or colon cancer

Which patient population is most likely to demonstrate an adrenal hemorrhage


Which of the following is a false statement about sonography of the penis

Peyronie disease can be diagnosed when thickening of the tunica albuginea is filled with anechoic fluid.

Which of the following best describes elevation resolution?

The ability to accurately differentiate between two structures in the slice-thickness plane

Which of the following best describes a specular reflector?

The border is large and smooth with an impedance mismatch.

What is the most common cause of painless vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimesters

Placenta previa

What is the most likely explanation for painful vaginal bleeding in the second trimester

Placental abruption

Which of the following best describes two waves that are in phase?

Peaks and troughs from both waves line up with each other.

What is the most appropriate plane to obtain an intraorbital distance

Transverse plane at level of orbits

What fetal presentation is observed if the fetal buttocks are at the cervix and the legs are extended in front of the fetal face

Frank breech

What happens to the frequency of a sound wave if the wavelength is increased by a factor of 5?

Frequency decreases by a factor of 5.

What distinguishes a cystic hygroma from nuchal thickening

A cystic hygroma has a midline thick fibrous band of tissue dividing it into two separate spaces.

What is a ganglion cyst

A fluid-filled mass arising from the tendon found most often on the dorsal aspect of the hand or wrist.

A patient presents with an elevation in the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein. Sonography demonstrates a normal fetus and a solid hypoechoic mass within the placenta. What is the likely diagnosis


Which of the following procedures can determine fetal karyotype at the earliest gestational age

Chorionic villi sampling

If the gallbladder wall is demonstrated as symmetrically thickened, what is the most likely pathologic cause

Chronic cholecystitis

What sonographic feature is the classic presentation for duodenal atresia

Double bubble sign

What is the first definitive sonographic sign of an intrauterine pregnancy

Double sac sign

A 38-year-old patient presents for routine ultrasound; triple screen showed low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP), elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and low estriol. Sonographic findings included absent nasal bone, macroglossia, and clinodactyly. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis

Down syndrome

What is the shunt in the fetal circulation allowing blood to bypass the fetal lungs after passing through the right ventricle

Ductus arteriosus

What is the most common complication associated with annular pancreas

Duodenal obstruction

How can the radial resolution of a transducer be maximized?

During transducer construction, use the thickest possible damping layer.

How can the sonographer protect sensitive patient information

Ensure all patient identifiers are removed from images for publication or educational use.

What heart structure contains a natural opening to allow blood to shunt from the right side of the heart to the left side of the heart in the fetus

Interatrial septum

In a transverse image of the right lobe of the thyroid gland, what is the most lateral structure typically demonstrated

Internal jugular vein

What is a tumor marker

Substances produced by cancer cells or organs when cancer is present

Which of the following is an indication for completing a bowel sonogram

Suspected intussusception

Which of the chromosomal abnormalities typically presents with bilateral theca lutein cysts


When scanning a twin gestation, what is the appearance of the T sign

Twin membrane separating gestations that terminates at the junction of the placentas in a perpendicular formation

A twin gestation demonstrates a 25% difference in fetal weight between the two gestations, what is the most likely explanation


Consult the owner's manual for troubleshooting instructions.

What is the first step a sonographer should take when the trackball stops functioning

Reduces noise from an image by ignoring low-frequency shift signals

What is the function of the wall filter

In the center of the vessel

Where is the fastest flow usually demonstrated in a normal artery


Where is the largest proportion of the blood volume found in the human body

ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers)

Which of the following is utilized by countries around the world to offer professional certification exams in multiple modalities

The vessels on the venous side of the heart get progressively larger as they approach the heart, leading to a decrease in the resistance.

Why is vascular resistance lower on the venous side of the circulatory system

Acoustic properties of the phantom can change if excessive heating or cooling occurs.

Why must storage temperature be monitored for tissue equivalent phantoms

A patient presents for a dating ultrasound at 7 weeks gestation with right lower quadrant pain and a palpable right adnexal mass. Sonography demonstrates an intrauterine pregnancy and an ovarian cyst with a thickened wall and internal echoes. What is the most likely diagnosis

Hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst

Which vessel in the liver normally demonstrates a pulsatile low-resistant waveform

Hepatic artery

A 3-year-old patient presents with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, a palpable right-sided abdominal mass, and elevated alpha-fetoprotein. What it the most likely diagnosis


Which of the following disorders occurs due to the abnormal development of the endocardial cushion

Atrioventricular septal defect

Which of the following best describes a piezoelectric material?

It has the ability to produce a mechanical wave when stimulated with an electric current, and also produce an electric current when stimulated by a mechanical wave.

How does compensation change the received ultrasound beam

It increases the amplitude of return echoes incrementally to correct for attenuation of the beam at varied depth.

What is the term used to describe premature fusion of the cranial sutures


Which of the following statements is false with respect to transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedures

It is considered an abnormal finding post stent placement for the flow to reverse within the right and left portal veins.

The relationship between volume of blood flow and resistance to flow in a vessel

What does Poiseuille's law describe

What plane of the fetal heart will best demonstrate Tetralogy of Fallot

Four chambers, LVOT and RVOT are all required

Which intensity value is used to determine the maximum heating of tissue

Spatial pulse temporal average (SPTA)

How does the patient population differ for acalculous cholecystitis

Typically occurs in children or immunocompromised patients

Which of the following best describes direction of motion of the particles in a sound wave?

Particle motion is parallel to the direction in which the waves are travelling.

Which of the chromosomal abnormalities often presents with an inconclusive triple screen with sonographic features of holoprosencephaly and facial anomalies

Patau syndrome

Which imaging plane of the fetal heart is best for assessing continuity of the interventricular septum and aortic valve

Aortic outflow tract

What is the typical cause of a quadruplet pregnancy

Ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization

Which of the following systems will have the greatest PRF?

PD = 1 ms with a dead time of 1 ms

Which of the following will have the higher impedance value if, for the sake of argument, they all have the same density?


What is the leading cause of first-trimester vaginal bleeding in the presence of a closed cervix

Subchorionic hemorrhage

Which of the following is true with respect to the cerebellum

The cerebellum is a bilobed structure that is shaped like a dumbbell in the posterior fossa of the cranium.

How is the piezoelectric property instilled in a man-made crystal material?

The crystal is heated to 328 to 365°C in the presence of a magnetic field and then cooled.

What does the term "phased excitation" mean?

The electrical impulse to each element in the crystal array is excited at a slightly different time, resulting in a summated wave that has a wave front with varied direction and focal depth.

What measurement can be used in conjuction with the biparietal diameter (BPD) to give a "shape-corrected" BPD

Occipitofrontal diameter

Which of the following studies would typically be performed with a curved sequential array transducer?

Second trimester obstetric scan

What lethal skeletal dysplasia has the distinct characteristic of deformation of the skull with transducer pressure

Osteogenesis imperfecta type II

Which of the following parameters is affected by a change in the transducer frequency?


The drive voltage of the electric current

What determines the operating frequency of a continuous wave transducer

Difficulty demonstrating flow with a weak signal

What does poor Doppler flow sensitivity indicate about the machine

Which of the following would be the least likely sonographic finding of hepatitis

Enlarged coronary vein

Which type of interference pattern will result in the resultant wave having an amplitude of 0?

Out of phase, destructive interference

How is the biparietal diameter measured

Outer edge of temporal skull - inner edge of temporal skull

How do you measure the true lumen of an AAA

Outer to outer including wall thrombus

Which of the following disorders will demonstrate a normal maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein value

Spina bifida occulta

Which of the following is a false statement with respect to spina bifida

Splaying of the vertebral laminae is easiest to demonstrate on a sagittal image of the spine.

Decreased resistance in the peripheral arteriole beds

What is the cause of the change in waveform pattern seen when there is a distal stenosis in a vessel


How often should ultrasound equipment be calibrated

What are the symptoms of a nonfunctioning adrenal adenoma


What part of the testicle produces sperm

Seminiferous tubules

What is the main feature of Potter syndrome

Bilateral renal agenesis

What is a heterotopic pregnancy

Twin gestation, where one gestation is implanted in the uterus and the other has an ectopic implantation.

What is the most common mode of transmission of TB


Which of the following is an example of an endocrine organ

Adrenal gland

If the intensity in a system is decreased by a factor of 4, what is the change in decibel (dB)?

-6 dB

What is an advantage of harmonic imaging

Elimination of grating lobes

What is the cause of hypospadias

Shortened urethra

Which of the following is most likely a malignant tumor


Which of the following statements is false with respect to as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)

Receiver gain settings should be minimized to keep exposure as low as possible.

What is the term used to describe fusion of the orbits


What is the most common benign solid tumor of the adrenal gland

Adrenal adenoma

A 3-day-old patient presented with jaundice, an acute drop in hematocrit, and a broken clavicle. What is the most likely diagnosis for a triangular shaped mass in the area of the adrenal gland

Adrenal hemorrhage

What disorder of the scrotum presents with increased levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone in patients with a history of adrenal hyperplasia

Adrenal rests

A 3D ultrasound is performed on a 30-week fetus. Facial clefting is demonstrated and the left arm demonstrates an abnormal hand. What disorder is likely the cause

Amniotic band syndrome

Which type of transducer can produce a vector or trapezoid-shaped image?

Linear array

What term describes shortening of the proximal portions of the limbs


Which of the following will have the best temporal resolution?

30-Hz frame rate

What is the accepted propagation velocity of soft tissue?

1540 m/s

At what gestational age should physiologic bowel herniation be resolved

16 weeks

Which of the following crystals will produce the highest pulsed-wave frequency pulse?

2-mm thickness

What is the normal diameter of the proximal abdominal aorta

2.5 cm or less

What is a common cause of pneumobilia

Emphysematous cholecystitis

What is the most common scrotal mass


What disorder is characterized as failure of the cervical end of the neural tube to fuse


What is Snell's law used to determine?

The angle of transmission that will occur at a boundary

What produces the characteristic tissue texture appearance on an ultrasound image?

Acoustic speckle

What is the most common cause of hydrocephalus in utero

Aqueductal stenosis

Which of the following patient populations is at greater risk of complications from a thoracentesis


What is the most common acute vascular complication associated with pancreatic transplants

Elevated resistive index

Which of the following is a form of personal protective equipment


A fetal heart sonogram demonstrates a small left ventricle, aortic stenosis, and absent mitral valve. What do these findings suggest

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

A female fetus presents with a cystic mass in the left pelvis. The bladder and both kidneys are normal as is the amniotic fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis

Left ovarian cyst

What is a possible cause of a thin placenta

Placental insufficiency

How is an aortic rupture diagnosed

Presence of an AAA with adjacent hematoma.

What scan planes are typically used to image the fetal spine

Sagittal, coronal, and transverse

Which of the following best describes the footprint of a phased array transducer?

Small field of view in the near field, sector shaped

How does blood drain from the testicles

The pampiniform plexus empties into the RT and LT testicular veins; then the RT testicular vein drains into the IVC and the LT drains into the LT renal vein.

What is the effect of increasing the compression of an ultrasound beam

Decreased dynamic range

What is the most common primary pancreatic malignancy


Which of the following parameters will result in a change in the PRF?


What branches make up the celiac axis

Hepatic artery, LT gastric artery, and splenic artery

Which of these transducers will result in greatest total attenuation?

12 MHz


Where in an erect body is the hydrostatic pressure the greatest

Spectral broadening

How is turbulence demonstrated in a spectral waveform

What is the upper limit of normal for a measurement of the common bile duct in an 80-year-old female who has had a cholecystectomy

10 mm

Which of the following will have the deepest natural focus?

10-MHz transducer with 5-mm aperture

If two mediums have the same impedance value, what will occur at the interface between them?

100% transmission

At what gestational age should the stomach always be visualized

14 weeks

At what gestational age should the kidneys always be visualized on transabdominal sonography

15 weeks

What is the result of abnormal anastomoses of placental vessels

Acardiac twin

What is the Thompson test used to help diagnose

Achilles tendon rupture

A male athlete presented with pain between the heel and the calf. The area was warm to the touch. Sonogram demonstrated a focal thickened hypoechoic area within the tendon with hyperemic flow. What is the most likely diagnosis

Achilles tendonitis

A patient presents with hypotension, weakness, hyperkalemia, and hyperpigmentation. Which adrenal disorder is most likely

Addison disease

A patient presented with abdominal pain, weight loss, and vomiting. Sonography revealed a 10-cm hypoechoic irregular shaped mass in the LLQ. What is the most likely diagnosis


Which of the following is used to describe the relative amount of off axis energy present in a sound beam?

Beam uniformity ratio

Which of the following is false with respect to the nuchal translucency (NT) exam

Crown rump length must be between 40 mm and 80 mm at time of exam.

What is the most accurate sonographic method for dating a pregnancy

Crown rump length prior to 14 weeks gestation

Which of the following transducers would demonstrate an area of dropout in the image as a consequence of a damaged wire in the transducer cable?

Curvilinear array transducer

Inspection of transducer cords, transducer face, keyboard and trackball function

Daily preventative maintenance should include which of the following

What makes up the maternal portion of the placenta

Decidua basalis

What function of the receiver is responsible for rectification and smoothing


What is the main disadvantage of continuous wave (Pedof) transducers?

Depth ambiguity

What procedure is used to remove fluid from around the lung in order to determine if it has a malignant origin

Diagnostic thoracentesis

Which of the following is a differential diagnosis for porcelain gallbladder

Emphysematous cholecystitis

Which of the following complications of chronic pyelonephritis demonstrates gas or air within the renal parenchyma with dirty shadowing

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

What is the preparation required for a transvaginal sonogram for early pregnancy

Empty bladder

What does the sonographic "sandwich sign" describe

Enlarged abdominal nodes surrounding the aorta and the IVC

What is the main role of sonography post abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair

Evaluate for graft patency and leakage at attachment sites.

When would you most likely use an ultrasound contrast agent

For targeted delivery of drugs

Which of the following should the sonographer carefully examine in the urinary bladder of a patient who has undergone a pancreatic transplant

Formation of an urinoma secondary to a bladder anastomosis.

A fetal ultrasound demonstrated ethmocephaly, cyclopia, and cleft palate. Which of the following disorders is most likely


Waveform is below the baseline when positive is at the bottom and negative is on the top.

How does a spectral waveform demonstrate blood flow toward the transducer

Specificity is the ability of a test to determine if an examination is normal, whereas sensitivity is how good the test is at diagnosing positive examinations.

How does specificity differ from sensitivity

It develops collateral vessels connected in parallel to the stenotic area that act to decrease the resistance, allowing more flow to get to the distal beds.

How does the body alter itself to accommodate a chronic critical stenosis

CW transducers always have a duty factor of 100%, and PW transducers have a much lower duty factor.

How does the duty factor of a continuous wave (CW) transducer differ from that of a pulsed wave (PW) transducer

1540 m/s speed of sound and attenuation rate similar to soft tissue.

How is a grayscale phantom designed

CW utilizes a very large sample volume.

How is it possible for a continuous wave Doppler probe to pick up signal from more than one vessel at the same time

QA programs are responsible for determining the validity of the scans performed.

How is statistical analysis part of a QA program

Which statement below is true with respect to the normal liver

Intraperitoneal organ located in right upper quadrant (RUQ) responsible for bile synthesis

Sonographic examination demonstrated multiple enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The patient indicated having had fever for over a week. What is the most likely cause for the lymphadenopathy


What are the sonographic findings associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis

Large, hypoechoic mass surrounding the abdominal aorta

If a breast mass is annotated as LT 4:00 1 C, what does this tell you about its location

Left breast, lower outer quadrant, midway from nipple deep to the pectoral muscle

A sonogram demonstrates a fetus with the abdominal surface connected to the placenta, scoliosis, and no evidence of an umbilical cord. What abnormality does this represent

Limb-body wall complex

Which of the following can cause a false-positive diagnosis for placenta previa

Myometrial contractions in the lower uterine segment

Which of the following correctly describes acute cholecystitis

Nausea and vomiting, positive sonographic Murphy's sign, symmetric gallbladder wall thickening, and gallstones

What is the term used to describe an umbilical cord that is around the fetal neck

Nuchal cord

What congenital anomaly of the pancreas causes a functional obstruction leading to pancreatitis

Pancreatic divisum

Where is the most common location for a retroperitoneal hematoma to occur

Psoas muscle

If the patient history includes inflammatory bowel disease, fibrotic thickening of the bile ducts, and cholangiocarcinoma, what is the most likely diagnosis

Sclerosing cholangitis

What does the highest peak on an A-mode trace represent

The strongest reflector along the path of the sound beam

How is testicular echotexture described

The testicles are isoechoic to each other and similar to that of the thyroid gland.

Which of the following is false with respect to how sonography can be used to demonstrate a foreign body

The vibration of the sound waves will help to dislodge the foreign body.

Which of the following is an advantage of a mechanical sector transducer?

They are inexpensive to build.

A 90-year-old patient presents with painless bilateral scrotal swelling over a period of 2 years. What findings should the sonographer anticipate

Thickened scrotal wall with bilateral hydrocele

Which of the following terms describes an anechoic, smooth-walled cyst located inferior to the hyoid bone but superior to the thyroid isthmus

Thyroglossal duct cyst

What is the classic sonographic presentation of adenomyomatosis

Tiny comet tail artifacts projecting from the gallbladder wall into the gallbladder lumen

What is the most common complication of amniocentesis

Uterine contractions and cramping

A fetus that presents with anal atresia, ventricular septal defects, and a renal anomaly is likely presenting with which of the following disorders

VACTERL association

If duodenal atresia is diagnosed, what other abnormalities should be investigated for

VACTERL syndrome, Down syndrome, intrauterine growth restriction, and trisomy 18

What complications are associated with a circumvallate placenta

Vaginal bleeding and placental abruption

What technique can be used to help define an abdominal wall hernia

Valsalva maneuver

What sonographic feature gives an adrenal cyst concern for malignancy

Calcified cyst wall

Which of the following tests can only be performed between 11 and 14 weeks gestation

Nuchal translucency

What is the innermost layer of the bowel identifiable by sonography

Superficial mucosa

Which of the following is often associated with chromosomal abnormalities and ascites


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