Anatomy & physiology Lab 12

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Spongy bone reduces the weight of the bone and provides spaces for ___________

Red bone marrow

The type of bone tissue that contains central canals is

compact bone

Skeletal system

composed of a variety of tissues, including bone (osseous) tissue, cartilage, dense connective tissue, blood, and nervous tissue

Many bones forming the cranial cavity, such as the parietal bones, belong to the _______ bone category.


ribs; scapula; sternum; most cranial bones are what kind of bones?

flat bones

compact (dense) bone

forms diaphysis and epiphyseal surfaces

vertebra; maxillary bone, some facial bones such as sphenoid are what kind of bones?

irregular bones


minute tube containing cellular process

inorganic matter consists

mostly hydroxyapatite, complex salt crystals consisting of calcium phosphate.

organic matter consists

mostly of collagen fibers that provide flexibility and strength to withstand tension

Cartilage is

retained in certain regions of the adult skeleton, such as on the articulating surfaces of movable joints,

There are _____ bones in the human skeleton.


The diaphysis of a long bone is the shaft of the bone that provides _______ for purposes of movement when ______ contract and pull on it.

leverage , muscles

Femur; humerus; and phalanges are what kind of bones?

long bones

Long bones are

longer than they are wide and have expanded ends

Other minerals found in the matrix in lesser amounts include

magnesium, fluoride, and sodium.

interstitial lamella

matrix between osteons composed of the remains of old osteons

circumferential lamella

matrix that runs parallel to the surface of bone

Large space within the diaphysis of bone.

medullary (marrow) cavity

irregular bones

numerous shapes and often have articulations with more than one other bone.

yellow bone marrow

occupies medullary cavity and stores adipose tissue

red bone marrow

occupies spongy bone in some epiphyses and flat bones and produces blood cells -becomes a fatty yellow bone marrow in the adult -very prevalent in a child and is a tissue that produces blood cells (hemopoietic tissue)

articular cartilage

on ends of epiphyses

A bone represents an

organ of the skeletal system

Areas of spongy bone surrounded by blood cell-forming tissue within the epiphyses

red bone marrow

The type of bone tissue made up of trabeculae is

spongy bone

Type of bone tissue characterized by trabeculae and found within the epiphyses

spongy bone

the marrow in the spaces of __________ of some bones is red marrow.

spongy bone

Compact bone provides _________ and _______in the shaft and bone surface regions.

strength and support


strong membrane around bone (except articular cartilage) of dense irregular connective tissue

The epiphysis of a long bone is an expanded portion at the ends that provides greater _________ for tendons and ligaments to attach.

surface area


thin membrane of reticular connective tissue that lines the medullary cavity

Bones with expanded ends that are longer than they are _____ are classified as ______ bones.

wide , long

The osteocytes of spongy bone are located

within a lattice of bony plates known as trabeculae

spongy (cancellous) bone

within epiphyses trabeculae—a structural lattice of plates in spongy bone

spongy bone can be found

within the epiphyses of long bones

Composed of adipose tissue and located in the medullary cavity of adult

yellow bone marrow

During embryonic and fetal development, much of the developing skeleton is _____


Canaliculi allow for diffusion of substances between

cells and the marrow that is positioned between the trabeculae.

epiphysis of long bone

enlarged ends

Area previously composed of hyaline cartilage; replaced by bone tissue after growth is complete

epiphyseal line

The enlarged end of a bone is called the


trabeculae are structural characteristics of compact bone


Between the vertebrae, ______ comprises the intervertebral discs.


within a long bone, what does the presence of an epiphyses plate indicate ?

growth in height is not yet complete

epiphyseal plate

growth zone of hyaline cartilage

Flat bones

have wide surfaces, but they are sometimes curved, such as those of the cranium

medullary (marrow) cavity

hollow chamber in diaphysis; contains bone marrow

Bones are classified according to their shapes as

-long -short, -flat, -irregular.

The extracellular matrix of living bone is a combination of about

-one-third organic matter -two-thirds inorganic matter.

Functions of bones

-support -protect softer tissues, -provide points of attachment for muscles, -house blood-producing cells, -help buffer the blood from extreme fluctuations in pH, -store inorganic salts.

The periosteum is the tough outer sheath that covers the surface of bone, except at the _________

Articular ends

Spongy bone

Layer of bone tissue having many small spaces and found just inside the layer of compact bone.

The marrow in the ____________ of an adult is yellow marrow

Medullary Cavity

inorganic material of bones is primarily composed of

calcium salts

Spongy bone has large spaces between thin bony plates called __________, giving it a sponge-like appearance.


A femur includes both compact and spongy bone tissues.


Chicken bones, with both organic and inorganic components, possess the quality of tensile strength.


Bone marrow is

a soft tissue located within spaces of bones

Provides a smooth covering on the outside ends of the epiphyses

articular cartilage

The type of cartilage that remains at the surface of movable joints is called _____

articular cartilage

The proximal epiphyses of a humerus and a femur retain functional red bone marrow in order to produce _______ in the adult skeleton.

blood cells

Exposure of the articular cartilage to the lubricating synovial fluid of the joint, and its function in preventing ______ contact is important to the _________ and health of the joint.

bone on bone, ease of movement

Each osteon contains a

central canal that includes blood vessels and nerves in living bone and is encircled by concentric lamellae. The cells or osteocytes are located in concentric circles within almond-shaped cavities known as lacunae.

Compact bone has osteons that look like onion-like rings _________

closely packed together

bone extracellular matrix

collagen and calcium phosphate

Articular cartilage

composed of hyaline cartilage, is avascular and depends upon highly vascular bone tissue to obtain nourishment indirectly -functions to provide a smooth, articulating surface that secretes a lubricating fluid to reduce friction and allow freer movement at a joint

concentric lamella

concentric ring of matrix around central canal of osteon

costal cartilage

connects the ribs to the sternum, and intervertebral discs are between the vertebrae

central canal (Haversian canal; osteonic canal)

contains blood vessels and nerves

compact bone structure

contains cylinder-shaped units called osteons

Osteon (Haversian system)

cylinder-shaped unit of compact bone

The long, slender central portion of a long bone


Membrane composed of bone cells lining the medullary cavity of long bones.


cellular processes of the osteocytes

pass through microscopic canaliculi, which allow for the transport of nutrient and waste substances between cells and the central canal. The extracellular matrix occupies most of the area of an osteon.

an example of a sesamoid bone is


The outer fibrous connective tissue covering of long bones


Organic material of bones is primarily composed of


perforating (Volkmann) canal

runs perpendicular to central canal; contains blood vessels and nerves

Bones embedded within a tendon are classified as ______ bones.



shaft between epiphyses

Cube-shaped bones are classified as _____ bones.


carpals; tarsals; sesamoid bones are what kind of bones?

short bones

epiphyseal line

site of original epiphyseal plate that has completely ossified


small chamber for an osteocyte

Short bones are

somewhat cube shaped, with similar lengths and widths

Sesamoid bones are

special type of short bone, are small and embedded within a tendon near joints where compression often occurs

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