Asaan Nahw

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Word has only one meaning.

Fail majhool

Word with object. No subject. E.g: 'Done upon'

Huroof shart

'If you do, I'll do' kind of sentence. Always 2 sentences. E.g: If you hit me, I'll hit you.


Verb: meaningful & with tense

3 types of noun

Waahid, Tathnya, Jama.

Harfay aatfa

Use as a connective, WOW = And

Ism tafzeel

Used as comparison Afaloo, Afalaaney.

Wazne fa'il

When a noun is on a scale of verb. If it goes in Isme tafzeel. Joining 2 words with nothing in between.

Markab Gayr Mafeed

e.g: My house

Markab Mafeed

e.g: My house is new


When Zabr/ zeyr/ peysh change

Qualities of Particle

When there is no qualities from verb and noun. 3 types of noun : 1) Byself, Can't make it from a word or can't make a word with it(Jamid) 2) Rootnoun (Musdar), 3) Made by rootnoun (Mushtaq).

Markab Azaafey

Posesive pronoun (to join 's or of)



Huroof istifhaam

Question words. E.g: Hal = what Ayna = where



Ilm nahw

Subject name and finding the last Harf of the sentence.

Fail laazim

Subject, no object. No helping words. E.g: 'I sat'

Qualities of Noun

1) Has to have 'al' (the) at the beginning, 2) Harfe jaraaey ( e.g: baa'o, taa'o, kaafo), 3) Has a Tanween, 4) Possessive pronoun, 5)Given info about noun.

Qualities of Verb

1) Qad, Seen, Sawf. e.g: qad daraba, 2) When there is a Jazm on it, 3) Pronoun joint with verb.


1st word isn't as important so we use the 2nd word


2 nouns or more is joint to make 1 word (e.g: Frenchwood)

Asmaayistaa mukabbar

6 Marfoo' Wow if possessive pronoun Mansoob is Alif and Majroor is Yaa


A noun depends on a noun (Dependent noun) Singular = Taabey 5 types: 1) Sifat 2) Taakeed 3) Badl 4) Atf bay harf 5) Atf bayaan




Adjective - Sifat depends on noun


All harakats in one word. Has tanween / zeyr


All pronoun. 5 types of pronouns: 1) Marfoo' muttassil = Joint pronouns with verb in ending 2) Marfoo' munfassil = Subject separate pronouns 3) Mansoob muttassil = Object pronoun with verb 4) Mansoob munfasil = Object pronoun separate 5) Majroor muttassil = Joint with pronouns


Always peysh

Maand saheeh

Has Alif, Wow and Yaa, and has a middle Saakin

Sifat mushabaa

Has continued quality. Faa'eelaan


Any words which are on the mafaa'al or mafa'eel scale.

Huroof tafseer

Ay = meaning

Huroof nidaa

Calling verbs. So when you use a certain verb to call someone. E.g: 'Yaa'



Gayr munsarif

Doesn't have zeyr and tanween. 9 types: 1) Adla 2) Wasf 3) Taaneeth 4) Marafaa 5) Ajmaa 6) Jama 7) Tarkeeb 8) Wazne fa'il 9) Alif, Noon zaayid taan


Double e.g: 2 men


The noun that accepts jarr. Has 2 types: 1) Mazaaf alaih 2) Majroor bay harfay jar


End doesn't change

Fail maroof

Everything after the word affects the word. Subject = Peysh Object = Zabr

Jama mu'anath saalim

Female, plural. Add Taa with peysh or zeyr E.g: Jaa'a muslimaatin, Ra'ayta muslimaatin and Marartu bi muslimaatin.


Female. 1) Round taa. 2) Alif maqsoorah (without Madd and without Hamzah) 3) Alif mahmoodah (with Madd and with Hamzah) 2 types: 1- Mu'anath Qayaasey 2- Mu'anath Samaa'ey


Fixed 1) All pronouns are fixed/ specific, 2) Fixed names (countries & names), 3) Pointing noun (this and that), 4) Address noun (Who / which) fixed noun, 5) 'Al' to make fixed on a common noun, 6) When you put possessive with fixed it becomes fixed, 7) Adding on 'oh'= yaa


Fixed name for female. The noun which is female

Jama Mu'annath Salim

For female add Alif and Tara at the end.

Jama Muzakar Salim

For male you add Wow or Noon at the end.

Huroof taakeed

For strong meaning

Fail ta'chab

For wonder (for good). For object.

Jamla Khabryah

Full sentence. Info given about the noun is either right or wrong. 2 types: 1)Asmiya, 2)Fa'eela.

Maa aur Laa mushaaba laysa kaa ism

If it's negative add peysh on a noun. Noun = Marfoo Kabr = Mansoob

Gayr munsarif

Majrooraat = Zabr

Nawaasib mazaaray

Make root noun, add Zabr and take Noon away.



Jama muzakar saalim

Male, plural. Add Wow and Noon or add Yaa and. Noon. E.g: Jaa'a muslimoona, Ra'aytu muslimeena and Marartu bi muslimeena.


Must put Zabr on these 12 places: 1) Mafool bay 2) Mafool mutlaq 3) Mafool Lahoo 4) Mafool ma'a 5) Mafool feeh 6) Haal 7) Tameez 8) Huroofay mushabba bil fa'il kaa ism 9) Maa wa Laa mushaba ba laysa kee khabr 10) Laayay nafee jins kaa ism 11) Ifaalay naa qissa kee khabr 12) Mustathnaa

Markab Tawsfey

Incomplete sentence with quality



Alif, Noon zaayid taan

Name with Noon or Alif

How to make Double(Tathnya) ?

Join Alif and Noon zeyr= ni to Single

Naayib e faa'il

Object in a place of subject.

Jawaazim mazaari'

Laam - e - amr, Laayay nahee. In, Lam and Lammaa

Ism Mafool

Like majhool verb . Object in place of the subject. Mafulun


Like verb effect. It will become possessive noun so subject will have a zeyr. ROOTNOUN.

Ism fail

Like verb. Subject = Peysh Object = Zabr Fa'ilun

Lafze mawzoo'

Meaningful words 2 types: Mufrad, Kalma.

Lafze Mahmool

Meaningless words


More than 1 word together 2 types: 1) Markab Mafeed (Complete), 2) Markab Gary Mafeed (Incomplete).


Plural e.g: lots of men Has 2 types: 1) Jama Mukassar (Broken plural), 2) Jama Salim ( Safe plural).

Ismay isharah

Point nouns Haathaa, haathaaney, haathihee,




No Wow, Alif or Yaa at the end.


Non Arabic fixed names

Jamla Inshaayit

Not right or wrong

Laayay nafee jins

Noun = Mansoob Kabr = Marfoo

Huroof e mushaba

Noun = Mansoob (Has Zabr) Kabr = Marfoo' (Has Peysh) 1) Inna = indeed 2) Anna = indeed 3) Ka'anna = As if 4) La Kinna = But 5) Layla = If only / I wish 6) La'alla = Maybe

Ifaalay naa qisa

Noun = Marfoo kabr = Mansoob Kaana = Was Saara = Became Zalla = In the afternoon Baata = In the night Asbaha = In the morning Amsaah = In the evening Adahaa = In the evening Laysa = No Maa-daa-ma, Maa-zaa-la, Maa-bureyha, Man-fak-ka, Maa-fatey-a} As long as (continuous)


Noun that strengthens the meaning. 2 types: 1) Taakeed lafzee = Double the words/ noun to strengthen the sentence. 2) Taakeed maanwey = Use words only once but as a pronoun or a fixed name


Noun which is a name


Noun: meaningful & without tense.

Fail muta'ady

Only objects. Helping words ( need to use) E.g: ' I sat on a chair'


Original form which is a quality


Particle: doesn't make sense on it's own / needs support

Jama Salim

Safe plural. To make singular letters plural, add letters at the end or at the beginning of the word.


Same as mufrad. Has 3 types: Isam, Fa'al, Harf.

Jamal Asmiya

Sentence starts with a noun

Jamal Fa'lya

Sentence starts with a verb

Ifaal madah

Sentence used for praise (on something or someone) Ni'am, Habbathan = Good

Jama Mukassar

Separate the singular and plural with a letter in the middle.


Singular e.g: man


The harakats and vowels. Six altogether


Things that causes the change

Ism mawsool

Things that don't change. Fixed / specific. 1 position only. i.e: Which ( is specific)

Harfay ayjaab

To answer positively. Na'am = Yes Balaa = Why not Eyy = Yes ...

Ifaalay zam

To degrade someone or something. Bi'sa, Saa'a = Bad

Huroof tahdeed

To exaggerate the question. E.g: Hallaa

Atf bayaan

To use an infamous name and then use a famous word to understand.

Mu'anath Samaa'ey

When there is no sign to call it a female noun, but it is anyway. No rules, just listened by other people. 1) Female names, 2) Femal relations, 3) Female city or tribe name, 4) Double body parts e.g: 2 eyes.


When word changes without rule. No tanween / zeyr

Mu'anath Qayaasey

When you know the reason to call a noun female


When you write and speak Arabic you will prevent yourself from making mistakes.

Mahle i'raab

Where the harakat at the end changes (Place)

Huroof ziyadat

Without meaning but it is used.




You can't use zabr zeyr in this place, only peysh. Every object has Zabr. Every subject has peysh. 1) faa'il 2) Naayib e faa'il 3) Mubtada 4) Khabr 5) Huroofay mushabba bil fa'il key khabr 6) Ifaal naa qisa kaa ism 7) Maa aur Laa mushaaba laysa kaa ism 8) Laayay nafee jins key khabr

Atf bay harf

You join the 1st and 2nd together by using 'and' / 'wow' (letter)

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