BarSmarts Distillation & Fermentation

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What are the two main types of oak barrels used to age spirits and what flavors do they impart?

American Oak: tighter grain; qualities of coconut, tropical fruit, butterscotch, toffee French Oak: looser grain; qualities of nutmeg, spices, vanilla, ginger, cocoa bean

Difference between European and American barrels

American whiskey barrels are severely burnt (charred) on the inside European barrels, and wine barrels in general, are only lightly toasted

Where did the name "spirit" come from?

Aristotle, 327 B.C. Hinted at wine and gave the name "spirit" (he though drinking beer or wine put "spirits" into the body of the drinker)

What is the approximate "Angel's Share" for a spirit aging in a temperate climate?

Around 2% - 5% evaporation

When was the first metal (copper) pot still created?

Around 700 A.D. in Iraq

What is the approximate "Angel's Share" for a spirit aging in a tropical climate?

As much as 15% evaporation

What is the true judge of a spirit's quality?


List the main methods of softening spirits

Barrel aging Honey Cocktails Filtration


The alcohol-bearing liquid being distilled

Alcohol boiling point

173 degrees, Fahrenheit

When was the first column (continuous) still created?

1818, three men are credited with collectively creating the column still distillation method


A purification process whereby intense heat is used to separate alcohol from water, creating alcohol vapor, which is then cooled to turn the vapors back into higher-alcohol liquid through condensation.

Other names for Column Still

Continuous Still Patent Still Coffey Still (after Aeneas Coffey)

How much flavor can a barrel impart on a spirit?

Depends on the type of barrel it is and how long the spirit spends in the barrel. However, Scottish distillers claim up to 60%.

Column Still Distillation

Efficient, high-volume distillation method that produces a lighter almost 100% pure spirit


Flavors found in the "tails" that are sometimes good or even delicious. Distillers will sometimes keep some of these in the cut to add character and depth of flavor.

Elephant's Head

Oldest believed style of pot still uncovered in what is now Pakistan. Dated between 500 and 300 B.C.

The Cut

Selection of spirit to keep between the "heads" and "tails" - also known as the heart. (Single most important factor in determining a spirit's quality)

Pot Still Distillation

Single batch distillation method that produces a spirit with a lot of character

What are the three main acids found in oak that affect wine and spirits?

Tannin: a preservative Lignin: adds body and texture Vanillin: adds caramel, toffee, vanilla, etc.

Angel's Share

the amount of spirit that evaporates during the maturation process

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