Chapter 9 Marketing

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manufacturer brand

A brand owned by a reseller or retailer

private label brand

A brand owned by a reseller or retailer.

intellectual property

A collection of non physical assets owned by an individual or company that are the result of innovation and are legally protected from being copied or used by unauthorized parties.

strong brand

A distinct position in consumers' minds based on relevant benefits and creates and emotional connection between businesses and consumers.


A promise to deliver specific benefits associated with products or services to consumers.

brand alliances

A relationship short of a merger that is formed by two or more businesses to create market opportunities that would not have existed without the alliance.

digital brand strategy

A set of marketing activities that uses digital mediums to connect consumers to brands


A system with few or many steps in which products flow from businesses to consumers while payments flow from consumers to businesses.

line extension

An addition to an existing product line that retains the currently utilized brand name.

brand personality

Characteristics that make a brand unique much like human personality.

channel switching

Creating new product distribution or moving the distribution flow of products from one distribution channel to another.

brand stretching

Extending a brand to new products, services or markets.


Procuring certain services from a third party supplier

brand protection

Securing the brand's inherent value, including its intellectual property.

co branding

The collaboration of multiple brands in the marketing of one specific product.

customer based brand equity

The differential effect that brand knowledge has on the customer response to marketing efforts.

brand loyalty

The extent to which a consumer repeatedly purchases a given brand.

brand positioning

The location that a brand occupies in the marketplace relative to the competitors.


The loss of sales of an existing product within a portfolio to a new product in the same portfolio.

category management

The management of multiple brands in a product line.

brand architecture

The naming and organizing of brands within a broader portfolio.

brand management

The overall coordination of a brand's equities to create long term brand growth through overseeing marketing mix strategies.

category manager

The person responsible for managing a product line that may contain one or more brands.

brand manager

The person responsible for managing the marketing activities associated with brand.


The practice of a company receiving fees or royalties from partner firms for the right to use a brand, manufacturing process or patent.


The practice of marketing two or more products and/or services in a single package.

brand valuation

The process of quantify the financial benefit that results from owning a brand.

brand strategy

The process where the offer is positioned in the consumer's mind to produce a perception of advantage.

brand knowledge

The set of associations that consumers hold in memory regarding the brand's features, benefits, users, perceived quality, and overall attitude as a result of prior brand marketing activities.


The unauthorized copying of products, packaging, or other intellectual property of a registered brand.

flanker brand

This is created to expand an organization's portfolio into a new segment of an existing market category while retaining relevance with current customers.

brand extension

This takes an existing brand into a new category.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

USPTO, A federal agency responsible for assigning rights for limited times to individuals or companies to use innovations.

price war

When businesses cut prices to take sales from competitors.

brand equity

the power of a brand, through creation of a distinct image to influence consumer behavior.

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