Chrystal's Psychology Study Plan

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fundamental attribution error

Mrs. Parker visits a neighbor's home for the first time. The house is cluttered and poorly kept. Mrs. Parker does not consider that her neighbor may be juggling two jobs, a lengthy commute, and the demands of childcare. Instead, she simply concludes that her neighbor is a slob. Mrs. Parker is illustrating the:


Nick is typically relaxed, patient with others, and has few difficulties dealing with stress in his life. Nick has a typical Type _____ personality.


One is more likely to fall for the girl or boy "around the corner," rather than the girl or boy across town. This example supports the role of _____ in interpersonal attraction.

just-world hypothesis

People are often surprised when bad things happen to good people. This reaction BEST supports the:


People develop _____ when they generate an explanation for human behaviors and characteristics, as well as situations.


People may be more willing to grant a large favor if they have already granted a smaller one. This phenomenon is known as the _____ technique.


People reflect the self-serving bias when they make _____ attributions for their failures.


People reflect the self-serving bias when they make _____ attributions for their own successes.


People who suffer from _____ disorder are so preoccupied by unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions that they are unable to function in their daily lives.

prejudice; discrimination

Racist attitudes are an example of _____, while negative treatment toward others based on race is an example of _____.

reciprocal altruism

Sid believes in the idea of "paying it forward", meaning that if he helps someone now then he will receive help when he needs it in the future. This follows the _____ explanation for helping behavior.

attributions and attitudes.

Social cognition includes the study of:


Stan is focused on cleaning his home, which he does for several hours each day. In particular, the fringe on his rugs must be straight on both sides in all five rooms. This takes considerable time, and Stan often repeats his rug-straightening behavior 10 to 12 times each day. This behavior is an example of a(n):


Sternberg's triangular model of love does NOT include:


Tacitus has moved from Norway to Japan. He has adopted some elements of the Japanese culture but still holds on to his Norwegian heritage and is proud to discuss his culture with those who are interested. In this example Tacitus is demonstrating:


The "3 Ds" of psychological abnormality do NOT include:


The DSM-5 lists about _____ disorders.


The _____ conflict is when you face a choice or situation that has both favorable and unfavorable characteristics.

rest and digest

The activity of our _____ response helps us overcome a stressful situation once the emergency has ended.

fight or flight

The activity of our _____ response to stressful situations is the result of a coordinated effort of the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine system.

parasympathetic system

The activity of our _____ system helps us overcome a stressful situation once the emergency has ended by decreasing our heart rate and blood pressure.


The hallmark of _____ personality disorder is an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

social psychology

The study of human cognition, emotion, and behavior in relation to others is called:

panic disorder

The symptoms of _____ resemble those of a heart attack.

the bystander effect

The tendency for people to avoid helping in an emergency is called:

cognitive dissonance

The tension that results when a behavior contradicts with an attitude is known as:

stressor; stress

The term "_____" refers to a specific stimulus, whereas the term "_____" refers to an individual's response to it.


The top source of stress is:

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Ben is a firefighter who is constantly exposed to deadly situations. After a recent house fire where he was unable to rescue a woman before the building collapsed, Ben has experienced disturbing nightmares and flashbacks, along with feeling extremely hot and having difficulty breathing. Ben is MOST likely experiencing:

just-world hypothesis

Blaming a victim for the crime, such as blaming rape victims for how they dressed or acted, is due to the:

major depressive disorder

Carrie has had trouble sleeping for the past 2 weeks. She has no energy and feels "blue." Carrie may be suffering from:

autism spectrum

Cassandra is a child who has difficulty communicating and interacting with other people. She often exhibits repetitive patterns of behavior such as rocking or making loud noises. When she finds a topic or activity that she is interested in, it is hard to get her to stop focusing on it. Cassandra suffers from _____ disorder.

voluntary changes in one's behavior at the request of an individual without true authority

Compliance refers to:


Consummate love = Romantic love + _____.

mostly genetic

Contemporary psychologists believe that the origin of schizophrenia is:

generalized anxiety disorder

Darren is always worried and uneasy. He also suffers from tension headaches and muscular stiffness. Darren may suffer from:

the bystander effect

Diffusion of responsibility may help explain:


Elise has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She has recently demonstrated significant social withdrawal symptoms. This is a _____ symptom of schizophrenia.


Emotional intensity and instability are associated with _____ personality disorder.


Enduring, rigid, and disabling patterns of unusual behavior are characteristic of _____ disorders.


Erin has returned home from a root canal procedure at her dentist's office. The stressful situation she had dreaded is over. Erin's _____ nervous system is now taking over as her body returns to a normal, relaxed state.

psychological disorder

A _____ is a set of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing and disabling in terms of social functioning, work endeavors, and other aspects of life.


A choice between two unattractive options is called a(n) _____ conflict.


A dating couple who are not yet engaged are MOST likely experiencing _____ love.


A person who regularly engages in criminal behaviors is probably MOST likely to be diagnosed with _____ personality disorder.


A small request is more often granted after a larger one is first refused. This phenomenon is known as the _____ technique.


A telephone sales associate offers a caller two bottles of a workout supplement for $89.00. The caller refuses. The caller agrees when the associate then offers a single bottle for $45.99. The sales associate used the _____ technique.

express kindness and generosity

According to the text, what is the BEST way to increase the uplifts in your life?


After moving to the United States, Aalam avoids spending time with his family or doing things that demonstrate his cultural norms and Muslim faith. Instead, he has tried to adopt a "typical" American teenage lifestyle. In this example Aalam is demonstrating:


Agoraphobia is an example of a(n) _____ disorder.


An Internet retailer finds that customers are more likely to make big-ticket purchases if they can first be induced to make a smaller purchase. This example demonstrates the _____ technique.

deceitful, remorseless, and aggressive.

An individual with antisocial personality disorder is often:

an uplift

Ann's mother compliments her on her school grades. Ann is experiencing:


As the amount of time one spends with an individual rises, one's liking for that person tends to:


Baron drinks alcohol every night after his shift as a police officer. He is having trouble sleeping and gets stressed just thinking about a job he used to love. Baron may be experiencing:


Beliefs about people who differ from oneself that are based on group membership are called:

major depressive disorder

Feeling worthless, having difficulty concentrating, and changes in appetite are symptoms of:

an uplift.

Henry's girlfriend has sent him a sweet text, which ends with a smiley face emoji. This puts a smile on Henry's face. Henry is experiencing:


In terms of Sternberg's triangular model, a couple in a long-standing, "loveless" marriage is experiencing _____ love.

daily hassle

In the 1990s, Alanis Morissette sang that "a traffic jam when you're already late" is ironic. While it actually may not be ironic, this situation is indeed a(n):

hallucination; delusion

Irene hears voices inside her head, which are referred to as a _____. She believes they are the voices of FBI officials attempting to monitor and record her thoughts. These beliefs are referred to as a _____.


Jerome is experiencing _____ conflict when he is trying to decide between two possible career paths he is equally passionate about.

posttraumatic stress disorder

Kal lost his daughter to cancer when she was only 6 years old. For the last several years he has frequent recurring memories and nightmares about her, and extreme emotional distress when he drives by the hospital where she had her treatments. It is likely that Kal has:

mindful meditation

Kristi is using _____ to help her "be more in the moment" and reduce her stress levels.


Laura is experiencing _____ conflict when she realizes the only time her favorite yoga teacher's class is now available is at 6 a.m., which is when Laura is usually waking up to start her day.


Laxmi is a mother. The responsibilities and expectations associated with this position constitute a social:


Looking for the "silver lining" in a challenging situation is an example of _____ coping.

binge-eating disorder

Maddie binge eats. However, she neither purges nor engages in excessive exercise. Maddie may have:


Madison always gives money and food to homeless people because she is deeply saddened by their situation. This follows the _____ explanation for helping behavior.

passive behavior

Martin Seligman suggested that when people are depressed they often demonstrate learned helplessness, which tends to produce:


Max is troubled by his intrusive, obsessive thoughts and frustrated by his behavioral compulsions. Moreover, his behavioral compulsions are interfering with work. His boss has become frustrated with the frequency with which Max is late in completing projects, and Max is in danger of losing his job. Max's case illustrates the _____ associated with psychological abnormality.


Walter and Iris have been happily married for 40 years, and the passion has only decreased slightly. They are experiencing Sternberg's _____ love.


When Ross Szabo returned to his school after being hospitalized due to his bipolar disorder, other students stared and spread rumors about him. Some of Ross' friends stopped hanging around him. When a psychologist came to the school to give a presentation on psychological disorders, students thought the topic was funny and laughed. The reactions of the other students indicated that Ross was facing _____ associated with his disorder.


When bad things happen to him, Joe lists all the good things in his life for which he is thankful. Joe's practice exemplifies _____ coping.


When experiencing _____ symptoms, Ross Szabo felt energetic, excited, and "high on life." Unfortunately, he also found it impossible to focus on anything. He stated, "My brain was a television, and someone was just flipping the channels."


When one decides how to respond to a stressor, one is making a(n) _____ appraisal.


When we have more perceived control over a situation, our stress hormone levels tend to be _____.

bipolar disorder

Which disorder is NOT one of the anxiety disorders listed in DSM-5?

That guy is an idiot. Everyone thinks so!

Which statement is a summary of the false consensus effect?

did not study for an exam because he believed that he would receive a failing grade whether he studied or not

Youssef suffers from major depressive disorder and is exhibiting signs of learned helplessness. An example of learned helplessness was when Youssef:


Yu Yan has moved from China to the United Kingdom. She tries to interact only with other Chinese immigrants, and she avoids practicing English or adopting elements of British culture. She is finding it more and more difficult to stay employed or make friends. In this example Yu Yan is demonstrating:

Compulsions; obsessions

_____ are actions, while _____ are thoughts.

emotion focused

_____ coping may best help Ricardo cope with the death of his father.

Learned helplessness

_____ is a tendency for people to believe they have no control over the consequences of their behaviors, resulting in passive behavior.

Rusbult's investment model of commitment

_____ may help explain why people stay in destructive relationships.

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