ENG 111 Exam

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With what phrase does a working thesis usually start?

"In this paper I will..."

What is the in-text citation that might be used at the end of a sentence for the bibliographic citation you created for question three? Hint: Remember you can find this via CiteFast, and this in-text citation appears in parentheses.


What is the two part structure of arguments and how does it compare to the two part structure of most academic body paragraphs?

* The two-part structure of arguments are a claim and the evidence. * The structure of most academic body paragraphs

What four things go into an MLA Style header and in what order does each appear?

1. name 2. professor 3. class 4. date

What is a working thesis and how does it compare to an actual thesis?

A working thesis is a stand in for the actual thesis while you are drafting a paper. The stand in thesis generally details what the paper will talk about and starts with "In this paper I will..." an actual thesis states an opinion.

When freewriting, brainstorming, or mind-mapping, one of techniques we discussed was that of "turning the inner critic off" during the session. What does this mean?

A- Develop an awareness of my thoughts. B-Stop ruminating. C-Ask myself what advice I would give to the audience. D-Examine the evidence. E-Replace overly critical thoughts with more accurate statements. F-Consider how bad it would be if my thoughts were true.

What are key points to remember about drafts and the drafting stage of the writing process?

A-Prewriting. B-Drafting. C-Revision. D-Proofreading (editing). E-Publish. F-Review.

List and discuss three techniques you can use while drafting to make your drafting more effective and easier?

A-Prewriting: I discover what I should say. B-Drafting: I get my ideas down in sentences, trying to gather my material. C-Revision: I add to and/or cut from my draft, reorganize, and clarify my draft.

What are the techniques or rules you should follow for more productive brainstorming sessions? List as many as you can from our in-class exercise in brainstorming and freewriting.

A-Write down your prompt: write your prompt in a blank sheet of paper or in a new section of a computer file. B-Set a countdown timer. C-Turn off your inner critic. D-Keep a list in short keywords and short phrases. E-Keep writing ideas as long as the timer is running. F-After you have set up everything you need for the session, you sit for thirty seconds or a minute, and you think about possible answers to your prompt.

Write a signal phrase beginning with "According to..." for the source you cited in question number three.

According to Mihir Patkar, a previously expensive course on procrastination is now free and widely available.

Where does the Works Cited section appear in a typical MLA Style academic paper?

At the very end of a paper, starting on the page after the last sentence.

Using the article from question three three, above, answer several of the active reading questions for the article.

Author: Mihir Patkar Title: This Great Course on Beating Procrastination Used to Be Paid, Now It's Free Purpose: Inform Topic: Procrastination course widely available

In MLA Style, what does it mean to cite a source within a sentence? What two methods can you use to cite a source within a sentence?

Citing a source in a sentence means either adding a parenthesis citation at the end of the sentence or signaling that you are citing someone then including their name or the title of the work within the sentence itself.

What are the characteristics of an actual thesis?

Containing the main points the author wants to make, leading into the paper by giving the reader an idea of what they will be discussing.

At what steps of the writing process do successful writers usually employ a working thesis?


What step in the writing process gives you the most trouble? Why?

Drafting because I want to just finish the paper instead of letting it be a draft.

What is ethos, and how do people earn high ethos? Bonus: Why do we say that one of the characteristics you look for in a good source is high ethos?

Ethos is ethics or character - Is this person/source well liked and respected in their field? Has this persons previous work been accurate? Someone with high ethos is generally trustworthy

What is a trick you can use to overcome procrastination when drafting?

Just try to write one sentence, normally that little start is all you need

What aspect of reading causes you the most difficulty? Why?

Not jumping to conclusions with no textual evidence. Sometimes things feel so obvious to me when not only are they not obvious but they also aren't even correct.

Open another tab and the bibliographic generator we have been using in class (citefast.com), and log into your citefast account; then, create a bibliographic citation for the following website: https://lifehacker.com/this-great-course-on-beating-procrastination-used-to-be-1789488362 Paste your bibliographic citation below for your answer to this question. Note: There is no reason to format it in hanging paragraph style.

Patkar, Mihir. "This Great Course on Beating Procrastination Used to Be Paid, Now It's Free." Lifehacker, 8 Dec. 2016, lifehacker.com/this-great-course-on-beating-procrastination-used-to-be-1789488362.

List the six steps of the idealized writing process in the correct order.

Prewrite, outline, draft, revise, edit, publish

What is the structure (that is, what goes into) a typical, informal research note?

Prewriting notes, a general outline of what you need to include, sources as you go

Discuss the concept of rhetorical noise. What is it? What are some sources of rhetorical noise which can crop up in writing? What can you do to reduce rhetorical noise in your own academic papers?

Rhetorical noise is anything that could potentially distract an audience member. Sources of rhetorical noise could be actual noise, poor lighting, inability to focus, etc. By keeping an academic paper on the shorter side, using accessible language, and being well organized it makes the paper easier to read thus reducing rhetorical noise.

What is one definition of rhetoric? Bonus: Provide a second definition we discussed in class.

Someone who studies communication - historically reserved for trained moral professionals

Write three signal phrases using verbs of attribution other than "says" or "to say" for the source you cited in question three.

Stated, writes, details

In what section of an essay does your hook belong? What does the hook come before and what comes after your hook in a typical academic essay?

The hook should generally be the very first thin in an essay, it should come before anything else.

What does an MLA Style Works Cited section contain, and how are bibliographic citations arranged within the Works Cited? Are there any extra lines between each bibliographic citation?

The title "Works Cited" followed by each MLA citation in alphabetical order with hanging indentation and no extra lines

What does it mean to "use" a source in a paper?

To build upon or otherwise incorporate the ideas of another work.

What does it mean to survey a text when reading?

To skim over a text for main ideas and sections before reading thoroughly

What are the main goals for prewriting exercises like freewriting, brainstorming, and mind-mapping, and how do these goals differ from research? In other words, what does research allow you to accomplish that exercises like freewriting, brainstorming, and mind-mapping usually do not?

To start getting words on paper and allowing yourself to expand on ideas without the pressure of making a polished product. Research gives you proper information to help structure your brainstorming.

What four aspects of a paper do you consider when you revise?

add, cut, clarify, organize

When using an in-text citation at the end of a sentence, does the period go before or after the final parenthesis?


Describe how a hanging paragraph is formatted, that is, the kind of paragraph in which bibliographic citations are arranged in MLA 8 Style.

all lines following the first line are indented .5

Between what two steps in the writing process does proofreading fall? Bonus: How does doing proofreading at the right time save you time?

between revision and publication proofreading saves time by creating a more polished product as you go rather than polishing all at once

How can you use Kaizen to become a better reader or writer?

by trying to do better than last time through organization rather than just trying to be perfect without changing much

List and describe at least three techniques you can use when proofreading.

change visual format read sentences from end to beginning reading it aloud

Define the concept of Kaizen.

continuing to improve upon oneself

From David Phillips, provide an example of how contrast can work for you to create more effective presentation slides. Limit your description of your example to three or four sentences.

contrast helps draw the eyes where they need to be. a darker background with bright text can show off the topic without taking away from the speaker.

Discuss two techniques you can use for remembering what you want to remember. [Believe me, I get the irony of asking you to recall these memory techniques this as a part of a midterm]

double note taking, physically writing things down

You know that author's create texts for specific purposes and to influence their audience in specific ways. What are the traditional four purposes (reasons) for which an author creates a text?

entertain, inform, persuade, change relationships

How does the rhetorical triangle help you when you better understand what you are reading? How does the rhetorical triangle help you better understand what to say when you are writing?

for better understanding communication with a visual representation of the flow

What three, general aspects of sentences do you pay attention to when proofreading?

grammar, spelling, usage

What are the five qualities of a good source?

high ethos, current, unbiased, knowledgeable, sources cited

According to David Phillips's design principles, how many messages should be one one effective presentation slide?


What are three techniques you can use when drafting an effective hook?

questions, statements, statistics

What specific resources and tactics can you use to help you build better vocabulary?

reading more often, word a day apps, encyclopedia

Write a google search, that is, what you would enter in a google search bar, in which you look for advice from 2005 to 2019, from university writing centers, on writing a business proposal, but excluding any returns about marriage proposals. In phrasing your google search use the following google search operators: site:edu, -, " ", and ::. Write your proposed google search below.

site:edu 2005-2019 "Business proposal"

What are the four things you take notes on in college class meeting notes?

terminology, repetition, signal/context, anything written down

When speaking of proofreading, what does the concept "breaking set" or "to break set" mean?

to change the way you see or consume the material in order to increase the chance of spotting mistakes

True or false? In MLA Style, you must cite every source you use within the sentence in which you use it and these in-sentence citations must be matched by a citation in the Works Cited.


We've discussed some specific resources and materials you need whenever you read critically. I called it your reading rig. What are the four things you need to have available in your reading rig?

what you're reading, google (for research), encyclopedia, Wikipedia, citefast/quizlet

The rhetorical triangle has what three words or concepts at each corner. In class, we've discussed a number of things each of the words at the corner of the rhetorical triangle get you to think about when reading and writing. What are some of these questions the rhetorical triangle prompts you to think about prior to writing?

who is the audience(expectation/limitation)? what am I trying to communicate(content)? why do I want to communicate that (purpose)?

To avoid plagiarism, when you paraphrase or change the words of a source into your own words, must you cite your source?


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