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Now Kerry wants to take her blanket to day care with her every morning. She calms faster and seems happier when allowed to keep her blanket after her mother leaves. The blanket serves as

a transitional object.

Individual languages are variations on a single pattern. This is referred to as

a universal grammar.

The strengths perspective does NOT

advocate for considering the helper to be an expert.

The term life course is defined as

age-differentiated life patterns embedded in social institutions and subject to historical changes.

At the end of the second week after fertilization (fourth week of gestation) when the fertilized ovum implants in the uterine lining, the fertilized ovum becomes

an embryo.

The perspective of this textbook is

an integrative multidimensional approach.

Protective factors are

any well-known event, experience, or circumstance that is associated with a positive developmental outcome.

Fear, nightmares, and night terrors in preschool children

are a normal part of development

Assumptions about the client's functioning as a result of influences from the autonomic nervous system, physical dependence on a drug, or a biological reaction to an environmental event are all considered when making ______ hypotheses.


The following statements about breastfeeding are true EXCEPT

breastfeeding should stop after 6 months of age.

The average 3-year-old

can build tall towers; solve large-piece puzzles; and conquer snaps, zippers, and scissors.

Lack of oxygen to the brain during birth can result in

cerebral palsy.

Fahlbery (1991) offered the following guidelines for children placed in foster care EXCEPT

children should participate in their own placement decision.

Piaget proposes that play

promotes social, cognitive, and language skills.

Adjustment refers to

the processes involved in how a person copes with the demands and challenges of everyday life, including changes in the social environment.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about open adoptions?

More problems are associated with open adoptions.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of a baby who has an opening in the spinal column through which part of the spinal cord bulges?

The baby has spina bifida.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about quality day care?

The child-to-adult ratio is high.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about separation and loss in infancy?

There appear to be more problems for children who fail to form an attachment than for those who lose their primary caregiver.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about parents with a history of developmental delay?

They may lack the capacity to love an infant.

Which of the following is NOT a goal of the Head Start program?

To increase family community development

Which of the following is NOT true about childbirth?

Use of medication during labor and delivery is always a safe option. Correct Answer.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about normal preschool aggression?

Younger children tend to demonstrate aggression with peers while older children tend to act aggressively in response to parental limits.

The McDonaldization of social life is

a characteristic and consequence of globalization.

Rh incompatibility occurs when

a mother is Rh negative and her partner is Rh positive.

From a multidimensional framework, the following statements are true EXCEPT

a single factor can be solely responsible for causing a behavioral response. Correct Answer.

Following the birth of their child, ________ of women will experience debilitating symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, anorexic behavior, feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, guilt, emotional disconnect from their child, and difficulty with self-care.


Referring to the information on home environment in the text, which of the following would NOT necessarily be a component of a quality home environment for an infant?

A play pen to keep the baby in a small, safe area

Which of the following behaviors is NOT assessed by the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale?

Ability to fall asleep without intervention

The strange situation procedure for measuring attachment was developed by


Which of the following statements is FALSE about infant communication?

Babies prefer adult speech to baby talk.

Which of the following is NOT a result of high maternal stress during pregnancy?

Birth defects

Which of the following statements about birth mothers is TRUE?

Birth mothers are often ignored and feel invisible.

Attachment theory is most closely identified with


9. Which of the following statements is TRUE about gender in infants?

Children tend to label themselves as boys or girls when they are 2.5 - 3 years old.

Which of the following behaviors would NOT be a possible indicator of attachment problems?

Clinging to the caregiver when approached by a stranger

Which of the following scenarios is an example of goal-directed behavior?

Deborah sees her favorite toy on the counter top out of her reach. Her mother put it there when she was cleaning up the kitchen. Deborah pushes a chair over to the counter, climbs up, and retrieves her toy.

When David cries, he cries out loud. His mother has always had a hard time taking him anywhere. Crowds upset him. He hates changes in his routine. He spits out new foods. His mother has a hard time planning her day because she never knows when she will be able to get him down for his nap. He is so vigorous and demanding, she needs the nap more than he does. Which temperament type does David most likely have?


. ______ is the science that studies the relations between organisms and their environments.


Which of the following is NOT a physical characteristic of a child with fetal alcohol syndrome?

Enlarged head

In order to select the appropriate intervention, it is important to adhere to the following steps in this order:

Establish hypotheses for the 4P's in each dimension, provide a succinct summary of your analysis, and determine how your assessment of the person's problem and your case formulation inform your intervention plans.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about failure to thrive infants?

Failure to thrive is often an interaction between biologic and environmental factors.

Which of the following approaches has NOT been shown to remediate social skills problems in children?

Grouping shy and under-socialized children together

Perinatal transmission is one of the most frequent modes for transmitting


In the United States, infant mortality rates are lowest among


Which of the following problems is NOT associated with prematurity?


Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the effects of illegal drugs on prenatal development?

Illegal drug use results in developmental disabilities and birth defects.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about Native American adoptions?

In order to reduce time in foster care for Native American children, Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, which prohibits adoption decisions based solely on race, color, or national origin.

. Piaget referred to children's how and why questions as typical of which substage of development?

Intuitive thought

Which of the following is NOT a serious complication of pregnancy?


Parents who are very involved in their child's life, encourage creativity and confidence, and place few demands on their child are labeled as using what type of parenting style?


Physical development refers to what two processes?

Physical growth and motor skills development

According to Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development, what stage characterizes children between the ages of 2 and 7?


Which of the following is FALSE about depression in children?

Prevalence rates are greater for pre-pubertal girls than boys.

During the last 2 months of gestation, what is a key aspect of the fetus's development?

Rapid weight gain

The assumption that the causes of crime and delinquency can change over time is consistent with which theorists?

Sampson and Laub

Which of the following statements is an example of potential ethnocentrism?

The Japanese are unreasonable to sleep in the same bed as their children so much.

Ron and Sue had a baby in the hopes of saving their marriage. The baby, however, is fussy and demanding. Lack of sleep has intensified the tension between the couple. The more they fight, the more demanding the baby becomes. The more the baby demands, the more the couple argues. This is an example of

circular family influences.

In ______, the therapist demonstrates and provides the rationale for particular socially desirable behaviors. The child then practices the behavior with the therapist.


Domestic violence is a risk factor for both a pregnant woman and her fetus. All of the following are complications of physical abuse of a woman during pregnancy EXCEPT

congenital defects.

The ability to transfer information gained from one sense to another sense is referred to as

cross-modal transfer

All of the following are results of early intervention programs with families EXCEPT

decrease in sexually transmitted diseases.

The predisposing P factor in the 4 P case formulation model focuses on conceptualizing ________ contributions to client concerns.


. The pattern of myelinization of a baby's nerve cells gives a baby control over its body

ending with the feet.

Bobby is very proud of his culture. He knows that other people have different belief systems but his is the right one. This is an example of


Hypotheses are used by the social worker to

examine possible etiology and explanations of client functioning.

Goodness of fit refers to

how well the demands of the environment match the child's temperament style.

Shils assumed that

human action is determined or limited by their social environment.

The funnel theory

hypothesizes that people have declining capacity for change over time.

The medical approach does NOT

ignore the illness.

When conducting a detailed case analysis, it is important to back up the statements contained in the initial hypotheses by

including a comprehensive study of strengths and weaknesses based on the questions systematically covered in the multidimensional framework.

An example of practicing from the strengths perspective is

incorporating a client's existing religious activities into a case plan as an informal suppor

Most children have little or no memory for specific events before the age of 3. This phenomenon is known as

infantile amnesia.

Seth's mom hides the bear under a shoe box and then puts the box under a cloth while Seth watches. She then takes the box off the bear and sets the box beside the cloth. Seth can see the bear through the cloth and picks up the cloth to get the bear. Seth now understands

invisible displacements.

The psychological dimension does NOT

involve social relationships that a person interacts with individually or in a group.


is a heritable disorder.

The following statements are true about Babywearing EXCEPT

it is a new practice that is primarily done in the United States.

The 4 P's stand for

predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protective factors.

Lack of folic acid can lead to

neural tube defects.

In order to avoid ethnocentrism, practitioners should

not impose a value judgment from one's own community on the practices of another culture.

Mikey has a pet cat that he refers to as kitty. He visits a friend's house where they have a rabbit. Mikey points to the rabbit and says, "Kitty." Mikey is demonstrating


The following are examples of risk factors across the environment EXCEPT

participation in community networks, strong family values, and easy temperament.

All of the following are psychological strengths EXCEPT

positive school connectedness.

The client's negative and positive perceptions of self, view of self with others, comparison of self with expectations of others, and perception of what others think about the person are represented on the ________ dimension.


Preschool children CANNOT identify themselves and others in terms of ____________.

psychological attributes

Social functioning does NOT

refer to the client's ability to fulfill the roles as defined by the social worker.

Lethargy, crying, and vomiting are visible signs of

shaken infant syndrome.

Family patterns of communication, including the process of interaction, patterns of conflict, and verbal and nonverbal expressions of affects are all considered part of the ________ dimension.


Kerry has always been a happy, friendly baby. At six months of age though she all of a sudden turns her head away and hides her face in her mother's shoulder when someone approaches her in public. Kerry is exhibiting

stranger anxiety.

To encourage a baby to play, it is important to

swaddle the baby if it needs soothing.

The learning approach assumes

that people learn adaptive and maladaptive functioning.

When the bottom of a baby's foot is stroked, the baby will fan out the toes of the foot, exhibiting

the Babinski reflex.

The multidimensional framework includes

the biophysical dimension, the psychological dimension, and the social dimension.

The Apgar test helps determine

the general condition of the newborn immediately after birth.

Examples of elements of the social environment do NOT include

the house you grew up in.

The social environment includes

the people, families, groups, and organizations within which a person's biography unfolds

The following is true about cesarean births EXCEPT

they are not a viable lifesaving solution to a birth complication.

Friendship networks in early childhood are needed for the following reasons EXCEPT

they can compensate for poor parenting.

The following statements about biophysical, psychological, and social systems are true EXCEPT

they do not interact with other living systems or with other nonliving components of the system's physical environment.

Life transitions are NOT


Caspi and colleagues found that

when exposed to stressful life events, persons with two short alleles (SS) for 5-Htt were at the highest risk for depression.

37-41 weeks is

when the fetus is ready for life outside the uterine environment.

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