Leadership Development 1 & 2

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Select all the options that correctly complete this sentence: Defining leadership as a process means that...

it is a transactional event & the leader affects and is affected by followers. Defining leadership as a process means that it is not a trait or characteristic that resides in the leader, but rather a transactional event that occurs between the leader and the followers. Process implies that a leader affects and is affected by followers.

Power that any elected official has is..

legitimate. Legitimate power is a form of position power—power derived from a particular office or rank in a formal organizational system. It is the influence capacity a leader derives from having higher status than the followers have.

Leaders' use of physical force to get their way is which kind of power?

Coercion involves the use of force to effect change and means influencing others to do something against their will.

T/F According to Burns, followers should remember that their leaders are above them and act accordingly.

False As Burns (1978) pointed out, discussions of leadership are viewed as elitist because of the people discussing leadership often ascribe implied power and importance to leaders in the leader-follower relationship. Leaders are not above or better than followers. Leaders and followers must be understood in relation to each other. They are in the leadership relationship together and are two sides of the same coin.

T/F The process definition of leadership states that certain individuals have inborn qualities that differentiate them from non-leaders.

False The process viewpoint suggests that leadership is a phenomenon that resides in the context of the interactions between leaders and followers and makes leadership available to everyone.

t/f The trait approach failed to identify a definitive set of specific leadership traits.

In the mid-20th century, the trait approach was challenged by research that questioned the universality of leadership traits. In a major review, Stogdill (1948) suggested that no consistent set of traits differentiated leaders from non-leaders across a variety of situations.

Select all of the options that correctly describe the trait approach.

It emphasizes leader personality. The trait approach emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership. It is the leader and the leader's personality that is central to the leadership process. Trait theory focuses on innate or inborn characteristics in individuals rather than behaviors which can be learned.

Mary has managed the mailroom for two years. Management views Mary as a person with special leadership talents, such as intelligence, sociability, and determination. Management is using which of the following approaches?

The trait approach ..emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership. It is the leader and the leader's personality that is central to the leadership process.

Emotional intelligence has to do with two different domains and the interplay between them. Those two domains are..

affective and cognitive. As the two words suggest, emotional intelligence has to do with our emotions (affective domain) and our thoughts (cognitive domain), and the interplay between the two.

Which of the following are examples of positive communication behaviors that account for successful leader emergence?

being informed, initiating new ideas Some of the positive communication behaviors that account for successful leader emergence include being verbally involved, being informed, seeking others' opinions, initiating new ideas, and being firm but not rigid.

Which of the following refers to the power Bill Gates had when he and Paul Allen started the Microsoft company?

expert Expert power is based on followers' perceptions of the leader's competence

t/f The "great person" approach stresses that leaders' traits are learned.

false "Great man" theories focus on identifying the innate qualities and characteristics possessed by great leaders. It was believed that people were born with these traits and that only the "great" people possessed them.

T/F Men and women are perceived as equally capable leaders in mixed-sex groups.

false A study of 40 mixed-sex college groups found that women, while equally successful at leading the group to achieve its goal, were rated significantly lower on leadership and likability than men.

T/F Followers are usually responsible for maintaining the relationship with leaders.

false Although leaders and followers are closely linked, it is the leader who often initiates the relationship, creates the communication linkages, and carries the burden for maintaining the relationship.

T/f The Big Five & Leadership meta-analysis found that the factor most strongly associated with leadership was conscientiousness.

false Extraversion was the factor most strongly associated with leadership. It is the most important trait of effective leaders. Extraversion was followed, in order, by conscientiousness, openness, and low neuroticism. The last factor, agreeableness, was found to be only weakly associated with leadership.

t/f The trait approach determines the most important traits in a highly objective way.

false One weakness in the trait approach is its failure to delimit a definitive list of leadership traits. Although an enormous number of studies have been conducted over the past 100 years, the findings from these studies have been ambiguous and uncertain at times. Furthermore, the list of traits that has emerged appears endless.

T/F An individual perceived by other group members as influential can only be an assigned leader, not an emergent one.

false Some people are leaders because of their formal position in an organization, whereas others are leaders because of the way other group members respond to them. These two common forms of leadership are called assigned leadership and emergent leadership.

T/F Kotter argues that managerial and leadership functions are really quite similar.

false The overriding function of management is to provide order and consistency to organizations, whereas the primary function of leadership is to produce change and movement.

T/F The research on leadership generally has found it to be a relatively simple process.

false The research findings on leadership provide a picture of a process that is far more sophisticated and complex than the often-simplistic view presented in some of the popular books on leadership. Leadership is a complex process with multiple dimensions.

t/f Whereas the skills approach emphasizes the personality characteristics of the leader, the trait approach emphasizes the behavior of the leader.

false The trait approach emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership. It is the leader and the leader's personality that is central to the leadership process.

Select all of the traits that are associated with effective leadership...

sociability intelligence self-confidence There is an extended list of traits that individuals might hope to possess or wish to cultivate if they want to be perceived by others as leaders. Some of the traits that are central to this list include intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability.

t/f The trait approach emphasizes that leadership resides within the individual.

true The trait approach focuses exclusively on the leader.

Select all of the options which represent strengths of the trait approach..

A century of research backs it up. It emphasizes the leader in the leadership process. It is intuitively appealing. The trait approach fits clearly with our notion that leaders are the individuals who are out front and leading the way in our society. It is built on the premise that leaders are different, and their difference resides in the special traits they possess. People have a need to see their leaders as gifted people, and the trait approach fulfills this need. Also, the trait approach has a century of research to back it up. No other theory can boast of the breadth and depth of studies conducted on the trait approach, giving it a unique measure of credibility. The trait approach focuses exclusively on the leader, not on the followers or the situation. By focusing exclusively on the role of the leader in leadership, the trait approach has been able to provide us with a deeper and more intricate understanding of how the leader and the leader's personality are related to the leadership process.

Which of the following is not one of the classifications for a definition of leadership?

An artistic process All other classifications for a definition of leadership are given as examples in the text except "an artistic process."

t/f A major strength of the trait approach is that it is quite useful for training.

false Trait theory focuses on innate or inborn characteristics in individuals rather than behaviors which can be learned. A criticism of the trait approach is that it is not a useful approach for training and development for leadership. Even if definitive traits could be identified, teaching new traits is not an easy process because traits are not easily changed. Traits are largely fixed psychological structures, and this limits the value of teaching and leadership training.

t/f In his early studies, Stogdill found that leaders in one situation would almost always be leaders in another situation.

false Traits that leaders possess must be relevant to situations in which the leader is functioning. Leaders in one situation may not necessarily be leaders in another situation.

Select all of the options that correctly complete this sentence: According to the trait approach, leaders should..

have determination have integrity. There is an extended list of traits that individuals might hope to possess or wish to cultivate if they want to be perceived by others as leaders. Some of the traits that are central to this list include intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. However, although it is good to be bright, the research also indicates that a leader's intellectual ability should not differ too much from that of the subordinates. If the leader's IQ is very different from that of the followers, it can have a counterproductive impact on leadership. Leaders with higher abilities may have difficulty communicating with followers because they are preoccupied or because their ideas are too advanced for their followers to accept.

Select all of the options that correctly complete this sentence: Researchers agree that leadership..

is influenced by the situation. An individual does not become a leader solely because that individual possesses certain traits. Rather, the traits that leaders possess must be relevant to the situation in which the leader is functioning. Findings showed that leadership was not a passive state but resulted from a working relationship between the leader and other group members. This research marked the beginning of a new approach to leadership research that focused on leadership behaviors and leadership situations. Both personality and situational factors were determinants of leadership. Research in this course provides ample evidence that leadership is learnable in at least some areas and not simply an inborn trait.

Select all of the options that correctly complete this sentence: In a major review in 1948, Stogdill suggested that..

no consistent set of traits differentiated leaders from non-leaders. In a major review, Stogdill (1948) suggested that no consistent set of traits differentiated leaders from non-leaders across a variety of situations. Traits that leaders possess must be relevant to situations in which the leader is functioning. Leaders in one situation may not necessarily be leaders in another situation. An individual does not become a leader solely because that individual possesses certain traits. Rather, the traits that leaders possess must be relevant to the situation in which the leader is functioning.

Select all of the options that correctly complete this sentence: The trait approach to leadership is appealing because...

people have a need to see their leaders as gifted people. it has been in existence for over 100 years. The trait approach fits clearly with our notion that leaders are the individuals who are out front and leading the way in our society. It is built on the premise that leaders are different, and their difference resides in the special traits they possess. People have a need to see their leaders as gifted people, and the trait approach fulfills this need. Also, the trait approach has a century of research to back it up. No other theory can boast of the breadth and depth of studies conducted on the trait approach, giving it a unique measure of credibility. The fact that trait theory is based on subjective determinations of the important leadership traits is true; however, it is a weakness rather than an appealing point.

The primary functions of management are..

planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling. The primary functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling.

Leaders' power to provide pay raises and promotions is..

reward. Reward power is derived from having the capacity to provide rewards to others

Select the behaviors that social intelligence includes..

self-monitoring appropriate public behavior Social intelligence is having such capacities as social awareness, social acumen, self-monitoring, and the ability to select and enact the best response given the contingencies of the situation and social environment. It is not associated with acquiring status within a social context.

Select all of the traits associated with charismatic leadership..

self-monitoring, impression management While all the traits listed in the question are associated with leadership in some situations, they are not consistently tied to charismatic leaders. Charismatic leaders consistently possess traits of self-monitoring, engagement in impression management, motivation to attain social power, and motivation to attain self-actualization.

Select all of the options that correctly describe trait research.

shows that successful leaders tend to have certain identified traits. The trait approach emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership. The term "outcome" implies behaviors and trait theory focuses on innate or inborn characteristics in individuals rather than behaviors which can be learned. A criticism of the trait approach is that it is not a useful approach for training and development for leadership. Even if definitive traits could be identified, teaching new traits is not an easy process because traits are not easily changed. Traits are largely fixed psychological structures, and this limits the value of teaching and leadership training.

Select all of the options that correctly complete this sentence: Emotional intelligence includes our ability to perceive and..

to express emotions. to use emotions to facilitate thinking. to manage emotions within one's self. to reason/understand emotions. Emotional intelligence is concerned with our ability to understand emotions and apply this understanding life's tasks. Specifically, emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to perceive and express emotions, to use emotions to facilitate thinking, to understand and reason with emotions, and to effectively manage emotions within oneself and in relationships with others.

t/f The "great person" approach focuses on important political leaders.

true "Great man" theories focus on identifying the innate qualities and characteristics possessed by great social, political, and military leaders like Catherine the Great, Mohandas Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, and Napoleon Bonaparte.

t/f In application, the trait approach can help individuals pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.

true Although the trait approach does not provide a definitive set of traits, it does provide direction regarding which traits are good to have if one aspires to a leadership position. By taking personality tests and other similar questionnaires, people can gain insight into whether they have certain traits deemed important for leadership. They can pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses with regard to leadership.

T/F Leaders who use coercion are generally more interested in their own goals than those of subordinates.

true Coercion involves the use of force to effect change and means influencing others to do something against their will. Genuine leadership, on the other hand, involves influencing a group of individuals toward a common goal that all desire

T/F Leadership occurs in both large and small groups.

true Groups are the context in which leadership takes place. Leadership involves influencing a group of individuals who have a common purpose. This can be a small task group, a community group, or a large group encompassing an entire organization.

t/f The trait approach has a century of research to back it up.

true In the early 20th century, leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great leaders. The theory was challenged in the mid-20th century as not providing a consistent set of leadership traits. In the 80s and 90s, several researchers revisited trait theory and identified distinct traits found in leaders in combination with situational factors.

T/F Over 60 different leadership classification systems have been developed.

true In the past 60 years, as many as 65 different classification systems have been developed to define the dimensions of leadership.

T/F A factor common to the leadership classification systems is the view of leadership as a process of influence.

true Leadership is concerned with how the leader affects followers. Without influence, leadership does not exist.

t/f Some studies have suggested that masculinity is a leadership trait.

true Mann suggested that personality traits could be used to distinguish leaders from non-leaders. His results identified leaders as strong in the following six traits: intelligence, masculinity, adjustment, dominance, extraversions, and conservatism. Lord et al. found that intelligence, masculinity, and dominance were significantly related to how individuals perceived leaders.

T/F A boss, by definition, usually has position power over subordinates.

true Position power is the power a person derives from a particular office or rank in a formal organizational system. It is the influence capacity a leader derives from having higher status than his or her followers.

T/f the trait approach focuses primarily on the leader, not on the followers or the situation.

true The trait approach focuses exclusively on the leader, not on the followers or the situation. By focusing exclusively on the role of the leader in leadership, the trait approach has been able to provide us with a deeper and more intricate understanding of how the leader and the leader's personality are related to the leadership process.

t/f Based on results from later studies, Stogdill argued that personality and situational factors were both determinants of leadership.

true Whereas his first survey implied that leadership is determined principally by situational factors and not personality factors, based on the second survey, he argued more moderately that both personality and situational factors were determinants of leadership. In essence, the second survey validated the original trait idea that a leader's characteristics are indeed a part of leadership.

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