MGMT Chapter 13

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The manager's role as monitor is essential to which step in the comprehensive approach to change? a. Recognizing the need for change b. Understanding how to implement change c. Setting goals for change d. Selecting a change technique e. Planning change implementation


Morgan Stanley started requiring financial planners to print reports in colors that are easier for older eyes to read. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. a. product b. managerial c. radical d. application e. process


19. Desiree is reluctant to take a promotion because it involves moving. She knows little about the area she would be living in. According to the text, the most likely reason for such employee resistance to change is a. uncertainty. b. threatened self-interests. c. different perceptions. d. feelings of loss. e. facilitation.


AIG went through a crisis and the federal government stepped in to keep it from failing. With the government intervention came new scrutiny of the actions and pay of top executives. The executives earned negative headlines repeatedly because they did not change their behavior. Politicians, tax payers and news media called for change. This is an example of an organization change attempt focused on influencing a. people. b. technology. c. operations. d. culture. e. social responsibility.


AT&T frequently asks its employees to measure such things as workers' job satisfaction. This is an OD technique known as ____. a. surveys b. team building c. process consultation d. diagnostic activities e. third-party peacemaking


All of the following are reasons to use coaching and counseling as an organization development intervention technique EXCEPT a. to provide an evaluation of current performance. b. to help people see themselves as others see them. c. to teach behaviors that will help people to work with others. d. to help workers focus on how to perform better in the future. e. to provide nonevaluative feedback.


As Americans get older, more stores are ensuring parking spaces are bigger, closer, and plentiful. What kind of changes are they making? a. Mechanical b. Managerial c. Radical d. Technical e. Process.


Ingersoll-Rand Company learned that half of the people using wrenches on an auto assembly line were women, and it recognized a need for a wrench that would fit in a wide range of hand sizes. In terms of the innovation process, this is an example of innovation a. development. b. application. c. launch. d. growth. e. maturity.


Many companies bring together managers from various divisions to have them participate in a weekend of team-building exercises. These exercises are intended to iron out problem areas and to encourage more company-wide communications. Such exercises are one of the interventions used in organization a. development. b. theory. c. behavior. d. evaluation. e. structure.


Organization ____ is a planned effort that is organization-wide and managed from the top. It is intended to increase organizational effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organization's processes using behavioral science knowledge. a. change b. design c. development d. theory e. behavior


Organization change by means of change in technology and operations occurs when an organization a. implements ERP. b. changes managerial scope. c. trains people to give them new skills and abilities. d. redesigns jobs. e. outsources nonessential functions.


Produce grown organically is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. a. incremental b. radical c. diversified d. functional e. differentiated


Reengineering is needed when an organization a. recognizes entropy. b. is dominant in its market. c. is in the early stages of the business life cycle. d. wants to improve employee morale. e. wants to implement a diversity program.


The CEO retired abruptly. Her replacement will not be announced until a thorough search is completed. In the meantime, managers are playing it safe. As a result of ____, the managers are resistant to change. a. uncertainty b. a high level of risk propensity c. threatened self-interests d. different perceptions e. feelings of loss


The United Food and Commercial Workers Union has been trying to organize labor at more than 90 Wal-Mart stores. The union is an example of a. an external force for organization change. b. a change in the general environment. c. a change agent. d. an internal force for organization change. e. None of these choices


The average age of Americans is getting older. Baby boomers are starting to turn 65. Morgan Stanley installed lighting that is friendlier to older eyes. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. a. process b. product c. radical d. managerial e. instrumental


The first stage of the organizational innovation process is a. developing. b. applying. c. launching. d. growing. e. managing.


The first step in the reengineering process involves a. developing goals and a strategy for reengineering. b. creating a sense of urgency. c. recreating the organization. d. using top management to play a major role in the effort. e. unfreezing.


The idea that organization change may have substantial effects extending far beyond the area in which the change actually takes place relates to one of the integrative management theories presented earlier in the text. What is that theory? a. Systems theory b. Contingency theory c. Scientific management theory d. Theory Z e. Theory Y


Unions appeal to many workers because they feel that if a change is coming the union will represent them and be involved in the change process. This is an example of a. participation. b. communication. c. repetition. d. education. e. facilitation.


Wal-Mart introduced self check out lanes in their stores. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. a. incremental b. radical c. diversified d. functional e. differentiated


When the Army's top general decided to change Army hats from a camouflage cap to a black beret, there was great resistance. Veterans' groups protested because the black beret traditionally had been earned by rangers after significant hardship. The beret was also less practical, providing no sun protection. The decision came as a surprise to most of the Army. The general failed to use ____ to reduce resistance to change. a. force-field analysis b. facilitation c. education and communication d. participation e. institutionalizing the change


Which of the following exemplifies a people change that would result in an organization change? a. Training programs b. Job redesign c. Financial partnerships d. Change in reporting relationships e. Change from standard assembly line to autonomous work groups


Which of the following is NOT one of the major areas in which organization change takes place? a. Social responsibility b. Organization structure and design c. Technology and operations d. People e. All of these choices


35. When organization change involves the planned alteration of the control systems or work activities, the change primarily involves the area of a. people. b. technology and operations. c. social responsibility. d. culture. e. organization structure and design.


Frito-Lay switched the oil used to make Ruffles potato chips to sunflower oil because it is healthier. This is an example of a ____ change. a. functional b. planned c. line management d. reactive e. hierarchical


GE determined it could better service its customers by implementing a quality initiative called six-sigma. Its first step in this process would be to a. get top management support for the plan. b. develop goals and a strategy for this reengineering. c. create a sense of urgency among its employees. d. optimize the availability of potentially necessary reengineering resources. e. hire a change agent.


Global positioning systems went from military use to hand-held, affordable, individual use. In terms of the innovation process, this is an example of a. innovation development. b. application launch. c. innovation application. d. innovation maturity. e. innovation decline.


IBM has an internal program called Master Inventor that provides great recognition and reward to potential entrepreneurs from any level of the organization who propose a new product idea. The Master Inventor program supports a. sponsorship. b. intrapreneurship. c. venture capitalists. d. only radical innovation. e. participative innovation.


Kimberly-Clark offers a training program where store managers wear glasses to blur their vision, simulating older shoppers. What kind of innovation is this? a. Mechanical b. Managerial c. Incremental d. Technical e. Process


Managers should make changes only when they are absolutely necessary, should announce them well in advance, and should implement the changes gradually. This is referred to as a. force-field analysis. b. facilitation. c. education and communication. d. participation. e. institutionalizing the change.


Metavante Corporation is a provider of data processing for banking companies. In a ____ change, it decided to buy Derivion Corporation, a company that allows organizations that bill consumers⎯utilities, insurance firms, and telecommunications companies⎯to outsource electronic billing functions. Metavante has a long-term growth strategy that it has been implementing in an orderly fashion, and the purchase seemed appropriate to further its strategy. a. functional b. planned c. line management d. reactive e. hierarchical


One of the most hated weeks at the college's alumni office was the week in which the alumni newsletters were prepared for mailing. The process of folding, stapling, sorting, and affixing labels was all done by hand and required the assistance of everyone who worked in the alumni office. Then the alumni director purchased a machine that would perform all of the tasks that had once been done manually. The director decided to purchase the machine to improve group relationships and to remove the cause of much of the organization's stress. This is an example of an organization development intervention technique known as a. diagnostic activities. b. technostructural activities. c. third-party peacemaking. d. team building. e. process consultation.


The focus of the organization development intervention technique known as technostructural activities is on a. the patterns, processes, and methods of conflict resolution in the organization. b. the design of the organization, its transformation processes, and how they interrelate with people. c. helping people to formulate their own goals and integrate them with the goals of the organization. d. enhancing the overall effectiveness of the group through understanding of other people's points of view. e. improving the relationship between two or more groups.


The primary change required to convert to making pipe out of plastic rather than steel or copper is in the area of a. information systems. b. work process. c. work sequences. d. control systems. e. enterprise resource planning.


The steps in the reengineering process do NOT involve a. developing goals and a strategy for reengineering. b. changing the attitudes of workers. c. creating a sense of urgency. d. recreating the organization. e. using top management to play a major role in the effort.


Wachovia announced plans to buy Golden West Financial to improve Wachovia's banking position in the western states. This is an example of a. reactive change. b. planned change. c. organizational development. d. the innovation process in operation. e. the influence of radical innovation.


Weather forecasts give a few days notice for when and where a hurricane is expected to travel. Businesses try to shift from reactive change to ____. a. functional b. planned c. operational d. managerial e. hierarchical


When Jerre Stead took over as the CEO of Ingram Micro, a wholesale business that distributes computer parts to manufacturers and computers to retailers, he was following a CEO who was strongly authoritarian. Stead immediately removed all office doors, renamed his managers "coaches," and began describing himself as "head coach." This organization change was an example of change in a. social responsibility. b. organization structure and design. c. technology and operations. d. people. e. organization mission.


When the retailer Talbot's opened its website and made most of the items that it sells through its stores and retail outlets available at its web store, this was an example of organization change through a change in a. people. b. technology and operations. c. social responsibility. d. culture. e. structure and design.


Which of the following actions exemplifies the first step in the comprehensive organization change model? a. Setting standards for a new absenteeism control procedure b. Gathering employee complaints and noticing a trend c. Determining the probable causes of a recently detected drop in the level of employee job satisfaction d. Determining different techniques for enhancing employee job satisfaction e. Planning a set of meetings to help employees understand the procedures in the company's new MBO program


Which of the following is NOT a reason why employees are resistant to change? a. Uncertainty b. A high level of risk propensity c. Threatened self-interests d. Different perceptions e. Feelings of loss


During the Lewin model's second step in the change process a. people resist change because of self-interests. b. managers select a change technique. c. the change is implemented. d. those who adapt well to the change are rewarded. e. the organization automates obsolete work practices.


Google announced plans to make its search engine more accessible through "widgets" and online notebooks. This is an example of a. organization development. b. organization evolution. c. organization change. d. organization implementation. e. organizational structure.


Microsoft and Sony improved the graphics on their video game platforms. But Nintendo chose to make the new control for the Wii game console similar to a TV remote instead of filling it with buttons and triggers that intimidate nongamers. Nintendo chose a. reactive change. b. unfreezing. c. planned change. d. refreezing. e. a change agent.


Microsoft announced it would start giving employees stock shares instead of stock options and that it would record the stocks as expenses on its books. It was undergoing a. organization development. b. organization evolution. c. organization change. d. organization implementation. e. organizational structure.


Studies of the organization change process found that participation a. reduces the need for communication. b. encourages employees to adopt differing perceptions. c. increases productivity and cooperation. d. increases productivity but has no effect on cooperation. e. leads to higher training costs.


The intervention technique called ____ has organization development consultants observe the communication patterns and methods of cooperation and conflict resolution in an organization. a. technostructural activities b. team building c. process consultation d. diagnostic activities e. third-party peacemaking


The process by which the manager identifies and then tries to eliminate as many of the negatives⎯factors that will make the job of change more difficult⎯as possible is called a. facilitation. b. implementation. c. force-field analysis. d. participative development. e. communication and education.


When managers let people who will be affected by an impending change know the reasons for the change, the ____ stage of the Lewin model of organization change has been reached. a. implementing b. recognizing c. unfreezing d. transforming e. refreezing


Which of the following factors is an internal force for change? a. Increases in the prime lending rate b. Increased attempts by unions to organize new companies c. A change in attitude of workers toward unannounced layoffs d. The development of new technology that makes your factory obsolete e. A foreign competitor introducing a product similar to yours⎯but less expensive⎯into the U.S. market


Which of the following is NOT an example of an organization change produced as a result of changing people? a. Changing skill levels b. Installing a new incentive system c. Changing organizational culture d. Informing and educating the workforce e. Trying to eliminate adversarial relationships


____ is defined as substantive modification of any part of an organization. a. Organization development b. Organizing c. Organization change d. Organization implementation e. Organizational structure


A force-field analysis identifies a. management potential in existing employees. b. differing perceptions among future employees. c. differing perceptions among managers regarding structural change. d. factors that facilitate or hinder organization change. e. the appropriate span of management for an organization.


A(n) ____ is usually a middle manager who learns about a new product or service idea and becomes committed to it. This manager helps the inventor overcome resistance to change and convinces others to take the innovation seriously. a. sponsor b. venture capitalist c. informational leader d. product champion e. transformational leader


Andrea had worked in the marketing department for 27 years. She knows the history and successes of the office better than any other employee. When change is suggested, she is reluctant because she remembers accomplishments related to the current way of doing things. As a result of ____, she is resistant to change. a. uncertainty b. a high level of risk propensity c. threatened self-interests d. different perceptions e. feelings of loss


Maytag is not a company known for its secrecy, but when it began developing what it considered to be a revolutionary high-efficiency washing machine, it needed to make sure that no word of its innovation got to its competitors before the product was introduced. Employees were asked to plan how the company could maintain this needed secrecy. Once plans were created, employees were involved in their implementation. This change in organization culture was made acceptable to its employees through the use of a. force-field analysis. b. facilitation. c. education and communication. d. participation. e. institutionalizing the change.


The Oyster Creek nuclear power plant was briefly shut down after a problem with a drain was discovered. This is an example of a ____ change. a. functional b. planned c. line management d. reactive e. hierarchical


The members of the various boards of a church annually hold a retreat at which they discuss actual or potential problems as well as various issues of concern to the members. This is an example of an organization development intervention technique known as a. diagnostic activities. b. intergroup activities. c. third-party peacemaking. d. team building. e. process consultation.


Which of the following represents organization change by means of a change in people? a. A change in the use of computers b. Adopting a new main basis of departmentalization c. Installing a new information system d. Implementing a new performance appraisal system e. Making decisions by team work


Which of the following statements is NOT a fundamental assumption of organization development? a. Employees have strong social needs. b. Management-employee cooperation/collaboration is needed. c. Organization design affects individual and group behavior. d. Employees normally take an adversarial stance with respect to the organization. e. Employees have strong growth needs.


American food companies invested heavily in low-carb foods. Then questions arose about the health consequences of the high-protein diets. The market for low-carbs foods dropped significantly. In terms of the innovation process, low-carb foods are an example of a. innovation development. b. application launch. c. innovation application. d. innovation maturity. e. innovation decline.


Before he can delegate, Manuel needs to train a subordinate. But Manuel believes that he will lose too much time if he teaches the subordinate, so he keeps doing the work himself. As a result of ____, Manuel refuses to train the subordinate. a. uncertainty b. a high level of risk propensity c. threatened self-interests d. different perceptions e. feelings of loss


During which phase of the organizational innovation process do most organizations have access to an innovation and apply it in the same way? a. Development b. Application c. Launch d. Growth e. Maturity


The reengineering of an organization involves a. business process change. b. potential major gains in service capabilities. c. changing all aspects of a business. d. the expenditure of cost and/or time. e. All of these choices


Walgreens plans to install call buttons near heavy items in their stores. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. a. mechanical b. managerial c. incremental d. product e. process


Which of the following is NOT a force in the task environment that requires an organization to change? a. Competitors b. Suppliers c. Unions d. Regulators e. Technology


Which of the following is NOT a type of intervention or activity commonly used in organization development? a. Third-party peacemaking b. Coaching and counseling c. Process consultation d. Technostructural activities e. External recruitment


Which of the following is a type of intervention or activity commonly used in organization development? a. Education b. Survey feedback c. Intergroup activities d. Life and career planning e. All of these choices


Which of the following statements describes a problem associated with the Lewin model of organization change? a. It is too complicated for many people to comprehend. b. It fails to highlight the importance of planning change. c. It fails to communicate the value of change. d. It does not deal with reinforcing change after it has been made. e. It lacks operational specificity.


Which of the following would be classified under the broad heading of organization change by means of technology and operations? a. A company that makes battery-powered flashlights decides to replace the metal cases with lighter-weight plastic ones. b. A manufacturer change replaces final inspections with periodic inspections. c. An insurance company alters the process of logging and verifying claims. d. A company consolidates its offices to take advantage of PC networking. e. All of these choices


____ is a method for overcoming resistance to organization change. a. Centralization b. Automation c. Management by exception d. Departmentalization e. Force-field analysis


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