New Nation: George Washington

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Hamilton also had a plan for "Protective Tariff". What is a tariff?

A high tax on imports designed to encourage consumers to purchase the lower priced goods produced in America to protect America's new industries.

Who was the first President to live in the White House?


What "government power" did Federalist want? (Hamilton/Adams) & what was their view on Constitution?

Strong "national" government ; loose view on constitution

First President & his Cabinet: VP ?, Secretary of State ?; Secretary of Treasury ?; Secretary of War ?; Attorney General ?

VP: John Adams Sec. of State: Thomas Jefferson (served as ambassador to France) Sec. of War: Henry Knox (helped Washington run the Continental Army) Sec. of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton (gifted economic planner) Attorney General: Edmund Randolph

What kind of people should rule and what was the ideal economy for Democratic Republican?

all people (including lower class) should rule; supported farming

What did the Elastic Clause do?

allowed the government to make new laws

Differences between Hamilton & Jefferson..."Hamilton" was ....?

loose on constructionist; wanted to keep money with people who can most help the government; create & help businesses / industries. Issue new bonds & pay old bonds; keep wealthy involved in new gov't; he was Northerner for National govt.; wanted the capital in North, but wanted states dept paid off so he compromised.

"Sedition Act"....stated?

-U.S. citizens couldn't join any plots against the U.S. government -stirring up rebellion against a government -under this law, citizens could be jailed for just criticizing the government; Republican newspaper writers were jailed for expressing their opinions

"Alien Act "....stated?

-president could remove foreign residents if it were believed they were against the government -Took longer for a non-citizen to become a citizen (14 years) -most immigrants supported Jefferson (Democratic Republicans) & this prevented then from voting

The end of Washington's Presidency he set precedent to serve 2 terms & wrote a farewell address with the help of Hamilton & Madison. He said the country must...

-stay "united" under one central government -warned against forming "political parties" due to conflict -stressed education was important -warned against forming alliances with other countries -stated the government should not borrow money

Problems Washington faced during presidency?

1. financial debts: due to domestic & foreign war 2. Rival factions: disagreements between T. Jefferson (Democratic-Republican Party) & A. Hamilton (Federalist Party) 3. Foreign Policy Issues: Washington was leery about foreign entanglements; he didn't think the country could afford another war or go into another war

Where was the 1st U.S. Capital?

Federal Hall in New York City

Who was America's first president?

George Washington 1789 (unanimous- only one in history). He recieved 69 electoral votes! He was a hero, favorite son of Virginia (largest state), served in French & Indian War, and Commander-In-Chief of Continental Arm in Am. Revolution; President of 1787 Constitutional convention in Philadelphia.

Hamilton feelings about National Bank & Protective Tariffs...?

He supported the National Bank; he thought the government needed one place to keep all of its money. He also supported tax on imports (would make those goods more expensive) & people would buy American goods (would help industry, jobs, & money)

Hamilton felt the National Bank was necessary & proper to Congressional powers to establish a national currency & regulate trade. So how was it allowed?

If was allowed by the "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution. President Washington signed into law a charter to establish the first Bank of the United States. The charter was for 20 years, & he asked that each state establish its own bank.

Article II game each elector 2 votes & the candidate with majority was elected president & the 2nd most votes became Vice President (VP). Who became the VP in 1789?

John Adams

Where did the capital move?

Moved from New York south to a location on the Potomac River between Maryland & Virginia...southerners believed that having the capital closer to the South would decrease Northern influence

Did Washington want to be president initially?

No. He wanted to live a quite life at his Mount Vernon home. He said, "I feel very much like a man who is condemned to death does when the time of his execution draws nigh."

Is it mandatory in the Constitution or law to have a presidential Cabinet?

No. Washington chose cabinet members from different regions of the country & set a precedent for later presidents after him

Hamilton also had a plan to pay off states debts. He wanted to free the states up from dept so they could use it fort business & trade. How did the north & southern states feel about it?

North - supported it because they had unpaid debts South - (except South Carolina) they objected it because they had already paid their debts.

What "government power" did Democratic Republican want? (Jefferson & Madison) & what was their view on Constitution?

Strong "STATE" government; strict view on constitution

What kind of people should rule and what was the ideal economy for Federalist?

elite & well educated people should rule; more factories/industries

April 30, 1789 Washington took presidential oath of office in New York City. There was no White House; so, where did he live?

3 Cherry Street; it was nicknamed the Palace (not glamorous)

Jefferson's feelings about National Bank & Protective tariffs...

Against them both! He argued the bank was not specifically given in the Constitution, & the tariff would not help farmers...only industries. He wanted farmers to be helped more than anything.

How was the 1st president chosen?

Each state chose electors; February 4, 1789 10 states cast their votes. New York didn't-- they had not picked electors. North Carolina & Rhode Island weren't allowed--they hadn't ratified the Constitution.

What was the place they made coins (money) called?

National Mint is where the government could issue its own money

Who disagreed with Hamilton?

T. Jefferson & James Madison agreed with Jefferson

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