Office Suites mid term

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A negative indent causes lines of text to be indented more than the first line in the paragraph


Andrea needs to remove all the comments from a document. The most efficient way for her to do this is by manually deleting each comment in the document.


If you add a footer to all of the slides including the title slide, you can add slide numbers to all of the slides except the title slide


If you click the Slide Show button on the status bar, the presentation will appear in Slide Show view with Slide 1 displayed no matter which slide is currently selected.


If you don't like the speed of a transition that you applied, you cannot change it


If you want to align an object on a slide with the other objects on the slide, you should ignore the Smart Guides that appears as you drag the object


If your slides contain colors other than black and white, you cannot print them in grayscale or black and white


In Slide Show view, you can see the next slide, speaker notes, and a timer, while your audience sees the current slide fill the screen on another monitor.


Inspect a document to locate graphic objects in the document.


It is not necessary to look over a presentation for contextual errors if you use the Spelling command to check the spelling in a presentation


It's impossible to resize a shape to exact dimensions.


Jasmine needs an indent at the beginning of each paragraph in her document. The best way for her to achieve this is by entering eight spaces at the beginning of each paragraph


Jordan consistently misspelled a name in a document. The most efficient way to correct his error is to manually locate each instance of the misspelled word, and then retype the word with the correct spelling.


Karen needs to add a shadow to a picture. She can do this by compressing the picture.


Karen wants a reference to appear at the bottom of a page. To do so, she should insert an endnote.


Maria wants to change a shape with text so that it faces left instead of right, so she rotated the shape so that the text stays right-side up


Normal, No Spacing, and Heading 1 are examples of Themes.


Press ALT+P to print a document.


Press CTRL+W to save the document.


Text that you delete by pressing DELETE or BACKSPACE is placed on the Clipboard.


To find a word in a document, use the Smart Lookup feature.


To find the number of words in a document, press the Language button.


To move text, press and hold the right mouse button over selected text, then drag the text to the desired location


To remove the spelling change indicator under a word, you must accept the suggested change.


To start PowerPoint, you must click a tile on the Start menu.


Tom took a photo using his webcam and saved it to his desktop. To insert the file in a word document, he can use the Online Pictures button


When the insertion point is at the beginning of a new line in a content placeholder, you can press SHIFT+TAB to indent the item


When you close a document, your work is automatically saved


When you use the Duplicate command to duplicate a shape, a copy of the shape is placed on the Clipboard


You can format an object even when it is not selected.


You cannot change a shape to a different shape.


You cannot change the levels of items in a list in a content placeholder.


To display another slide in Normal view, you can click its thumbnail in the pane on the left.


To find a word in a document, use the Go To command.


To locate a tab character in a document, use the Find and Replace dialogue box and search for the appropriate special character.


To modify the color palette of a document, you can change the theme colors.


To open a presentation, you can click File on the ribbon, and then click Open.


To provide emphasis to text, you can apply bold


To reverse the last change you made in a presentation file, you click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar


To start Word, press the Windows key and then select Word 2019.


Use Print Layout view to adjust the document margins


Use the Tell Me box in the ribbon to perform a desired action in Word, such as increasing the font size.


When a presentation includes slide numbers on all of the slides, it is often appropriate to prevent the slide number from appearing on the title slide.


When you use the Redo command, you redo the action that was just completed


You can change a slide's layout after the slide is created.


You can create a new presentation when PowerPoint is running.


John needs to start a new page in a document. The best way for him to achieve this is by pressing ENTER until a new page is created.


You cannot print more than one slide on a piece of paper.


You must select the text or the text box before you change the font


You should carefully edit notes you add to a slide because your audience will be able to see them.


When the ruler is displayed, the location of the pointer is shown on the ruler by a dotted red line.


You can choose a layout before you insert a slide.


You can use Page Width view to resize a document to fit the width of the window.


You enter text in the document window.


Alan is working on a draft document. He wants the document to have more white space. He can do this by changing the line spacing.


Alejandro needs text to appear as if it were written in cursive. He can change the font of the desired text to achieve this


Although you can apply sound effects to transitions, you should consider whether the sound effect will enhance your presentation or act as a distraction


Amy works for a company called Conicore. Many of the documents she creates include the word Conicore. In order to prevent Word from identifying Conicore as a misspelled word, she can add Conicore to the dictionary


Click Save As in the File tab to save a document with a new name.


Dan is writing a novel that contains the nonsense word "Zerphron", which Word identifies as a spelling error. To prevent Word from identifying "Zerphron" as a misspelled word, he can select the Ignore All option.


If Word suggests a grammar change that you do not want, you can ignore the change


If a word is marked as misspelled, you can right-click it to open a menu of suggested spellings, and then click the correct spelling on the menu


If you don't change the default transition, each slide disappears and the next slide immediately appears.


If you want to move a sentence from one paragraph to another paragraph, you can use the Copy and Paste commands


In order to enter text in a shape, you must select it first.


In order to format all the text in a text box at the same time, you must select the text box first.


Jorge is reading a document that he knows contains comments, but he is unable to see them. In order to view the comments, he can press the Show Markup button on the Tracking group of the Review tab and then ensure that the Comments option is selected


Most transitions have an effect that you can modify, such as the direction of the transition.


To change several format attributes of a shape at the same time, you can apply a shape style.


To change the color of a shape, you change the shape fill.


One reason to apply one transition to one slide and a different transition to all of the other slides in the presentation is to draw attention to the slide that has a different transition applied to it.


One way to insert a picture on a slide is to click the Pictures button in a content placeholder.


One way to make a list on a slide more interesting is to convert the list to a SmartArt graphic


Press CTRL+N to create a new blank document.


Pressing DELETE removes the character after the insertion point


Shauna is preparing a newsletter that will be widely distributed. While checking the document for spelling and grammar errors, she notices that she consistently misspelled the word "disappear". She can correct all instances of the misspelled word by selecting Change All in the Spelling pane.


Sherri is trying to remember the word "tremendous". She knows "excellent" is similar to the word she's trying to remember. To help her remember, she can enter the word "excellent" in the document and then search for synonyms using the Thesaurus button in the Proofing group of the Review tab.


Susanne accidentally deleted an important paragraph in her document. She can recover the paragraph by selecting the appropriate autosaved version of the document in the Info screen of the File tab.


Text entered in the Footer box on the Slide tab in the Header and Footer text box can appear anywhere on the slides, not just at the bottom of the slides.


The Fit to slide button on the taskbar changes the size of the slide in Normal view so that the slide fits in the window.


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