Period 6

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A more intense literary response than mainstream realism to the social dislocations and scientific community of the late-nineteenth-century.


A movement sought to chronicle the peculiarities of local ways of life before teh coming wave of industrial standardization.

13 Amendment (1865)

Abolished slavery

Civil Rights Bill of 1866

African Americans as citizens with equal protection under the law.

Horizontal Integration

Allying with other competitors to controla market

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Almost eliminated any and all immigration from China.

Tuskegee Institute

An ideal place for slave-born George Washington carver to teach and research.

American Federation of Labor (1886)

Association of smaller, more specific unions. Only skilled laborers. Very effective.

World's Columbian Exposition

Barnham's first major project. Symbolized the City Beautiful movement. held in Chicago in 1893.Pavillion and fountains honored Columbu's 400 year anniversary.

Economic Opportunities

Building, railroads, mining, farming, and ranching

Vertical Integration

Combining into one organization all phases of production, from mining to marketing

American Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

Created in 1866 after its founder had witnessed brutality to horses in Russia.

Pullman Strike of 1894 (Chicago)

Cut wages by 1/3. Workers overturned rail cars and stopping railroad traffic.Crushed by federal troops. Strikers punished, and led to outeries from all over the country.

Compromise of 1877

Deal that settled the 1877 presidential election contest between Rutherford Hayes (Rep) & Samuel Tilden (Dem.); Hayes was awarded presidency in exchange for the permanent removal of fed. troops from the South--> ended Reconstruction


Decline of open-range ranching

Dawes Severalty Act (1887)

Dissolved tribes and tribal ownership of land.


Dominated post-Civil War American literature.

Closed Shop

Employs would only hire people who were members of the AF of L.

Hutch Act of 1887

Extended Morrill Act provided federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land-grant colleges.

Force Acts of 1870 and 1871

Federal troops attempted to stop the violence and intimidation factors that were happening in the South against African Americans.

Homestead Act of 1862

Gave settlers 160 acres of land for a small fee if they lives and improved on the land for 5 years.

Battle of Little Bighorn

In 1876, Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who tried to force them back on to the reservation, Custer and all his men died

Settlement Houses

Jane Addams's Hull House

Social Darwinism

Justify those who are at the top.

Robber Barons

Made their fortunes through unethical business practices.

Haymarket Square in Chicago (May 4, 1886)

Police went to a meeting protesting brutality by authorities. Bomb thrown. 8 people convicted. Beginning of the end for Knights of Labor.

Land Grant Colleges

Provide certain services such as military training.

Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

Put limits and regulations on railroad

Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

Put limits on trusts and big corporations

15th Amendment of 1869

Right to vote

Ku Klux Klan

Secret organization who made it their mission to suppress African Americans, usually through means of violence.

Against Gospel of Wealth

Social Darwinism

Reconstruction Act of 1867

South divided into 5 military zones, to be commanded by a union general and Union soldiers.

Homestead Strike

Steelworkers on strike in Homestead,Pennsylvania, (1892)

Jim Crow Laws

Systematic state laws to further separate blacks and whites.

Sharecropping System

Tenant rents land from a rich landowner, and pays for the land by giving the landowner a portion of their crops.


The truth of an idea was to be tested, above all, by its practical consequences.

Morrill Act of 1862

This law provided a generous grant of public lands to the states for support of education.


Thought America was becoming a "dumping ground"

Panic of 1873

Too many loans and led to the collapse of the credit system

Knights of Labor

Tried to include all trades. Campaigned for economic/social reform and better safety/health for employees. Did not get involved in politics.

Battle of Wounded Knee

US soldiers massacred 300 unarmed Native American in 1890. This ended the Indian Wars.

National Labor Union (1866)

Unified workers all across all trades, from skilled laborers and farmers.Excluded Chinese, African American, and women.

Captains of Industry

Use their fortune to contribute positively to society.

Gospel of Wealth

Wealth had a moral obligation to help the poor and improve society.

Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

Women entered the alcoholic area, it was organized in 1874.

National American Women Suffrage Association(NAWSA)

Women fought to vote because they believed they were equal to men.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

a case that was brought to supreme court by black lawsuits to challenge the legality of segregation. The court ruled that segregation was legal as long as it was "equal"

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