AGRI 61 - MOD. 4.7
- a process which is evolved a document which determines if not prescribes the courses of actions - bridges the gap from where we are to where we want
development planning
a deliberate, rational, continuous effort by the government to accelerate the process of development and to channel it into desired directions by means of comprehensive and detailed choice of objectives and the determination and allocation of resources necessary for their achievement
designing a physical framework plan for a community based on the existing and potential resoures of the community as bases
document which includes strategies and tactics with an investment program
planning from below
farmers with extension agents make plans for developing local agriculture on the basis of local needs
part of plan and often prepared before the plan is finalized
planning from above
plans are made from the top as the agent is simply expected to implement plans made at the national level
well defined range of activities which lend themselves to precise specification of objectives of planning