Brain and behavior Exam 1

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A motor neuron, with its soma in the spinal cord, receives excitation through its ____.


A(n)____ conveys an impulse toward other neurons, an organ, or a muscle.


Adenosine is an example of the ____ category of neurotransmitters.

sodium channels close

At the peak of the action potential, ____.

choroid plexus

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by cells called the ____.


Chromosomes are contained in the cell ____.

spatial summation

Consider a wiring arrangement of neurons in which the two neurons (A and B) stimulate a third neuron (X). Neither neuron A nor B can stimulate neuron X on its own, but can excite neuron X in combination. This is an example of ____.

on Dot's back

Dot is a cat with a huge brown spot on her dorsal side. The rest of her fur is white. Where is the spot located?


Dr. Chiarella's lab studies the primary somatosensory cortex, located in the ____ lobe.


Dr. Kerr's lab uses a procedure called ____ that uses light to control a small population of neurons.

adrenal medulla

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced in the ____.


Following a stroke, Mr. Smith suffered damage to his ____. His doctors warned his family that he might now have alterations in motivated behaviors like hunger, thirst, and sex.


Frederick is interested in using his diet to elevate his mood. His doctor suggested that he try to increase the amount of ____ in his diet, because it controls the amount of serotonin in the brain.


Gordon is having trouble sleeping and decides to take a supplement containing a hormone that is manufactured in the pineal. What is he most likely taking?

nerve cells remain separate rather than merging into each other

In his studies of infant brains, Santiago Ramón y Cajal demonstrated that ____.

Schwann cells

In the periphery of the body, ____ build the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate certain vertebrate axons.

amino acids

In which neurotransmitter category does GABA belong?

reflex arc

Karin just burned her finger on a hot pan. What is the circuit from sensory neuron to muscle response called that transmitted the message that she should remove her finger from the pan?


Local neurons lack ____.


Many hallucinogenic drugs are chemically similar to ____.

concentration gradient

Maryanne and Felix are studying action potentials in class. During one lab session, they were exploring the difference in distribution of ions across the neuron membrane (which is called the ____).


Most of the brain's excitatory ionotropic synapses use the neurotransmitter ____.


Mr. Garcia has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. As it progresses, the ____ cell(s) lining his brain's blood vessels will shrink, and harmful chemicals will enter the brain.

being released mostly from dendrites

Neuropeptides are characterized by ____.


Nitric oxide is an example of the ____ category of neurotransmitters.


On the Fourth of July, Charlie was startled by some loud fireworks. As such, his____ axons prepared his body for fight or flight.

They based conclusions on large numbers of people with similar bumps on the skull.

Phrenology (relating skull anatomy to behavior) is invalid for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?


Primary visual cortex is located in the ____ lobe.

more social contacts

Research using contemporary imaging methods have shown that people with a larger amygdala tend to have ____.

slower than predicted speed of conduction

Sherrington inferred the presence of a gap between neurons based on ____.


Stimulant drugs, including amphetamine and cocaine, decrease reuptake and prolong the effects of various neurotransmitters. Which of the following is not one of those neurotransmitters?


The ____ controls vital reflexes including breathing, heart rate, vomiting, salivation, coughing, and sneezing.

superior colliculus

The ____ is a part of the brain that is very important for vision.


The ____ lobe contributes to complex aspects of vision, including perception of movement and recognition of faces.


The ____ system consists of the cranial nerves and nerves from the sacral spinal cord.


The brain uses active transport to move ____ across the blood-brain barrier.


The brain's primary source of energy is ____.

dorsal root ganglia

The cell bodies of the sensory neurons are in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord called ____.


The cerebral cortex is organized in six layers of cell bodies called ____, which are parallel to the surface of the cortex.


The jumping of action potentials from node to node is referred to as ____ conduction.

voltage difference across the membrane

The permeability of the proteins that allow sodium and potassium to cross a neuron's membrane depends on the ____.


The primary motor cortex is in the ____ lobe of the cerebral cortex.

binding problem

The question of how various brain areas combine to produce integrated behavior and experience is referred to as the ____.


The slightly negative electrical potential of the inside of a resting neuron relative to the outside is called a resting ____.

selective permeability

The sodium-potassium pump is effective only because of the membrane's ____.

plasma membrane

The surface of a cell is called the ____.


The surfaces of ____ are lined with synaptic receptors that receive information from other neurons.

inhibitory postsynaptic potential

The temporary hyperpolarization of a membrane is a(n) ____.


Tommy is addicted to smoking cigarettes and says he really enjoys smoking. Smoking cigarettes feels rewarding in part because it triggers the release of ____.


Transmission of the action potential down an action is called ____.

transcranial magnetic stimulation

What procedure enables researchers to study behavior with some brain area active, then inactive, and then active again?

basal ganglia

What structure(s) is/are implicated in movement disorders like Parkinson's and Huntington's?


What technique measures the faint magnetic fields generated by brain activity?

spontaneous firing

What term describes periodic production of action potentials, even without synaptic input?

temporal summation

What term is used for the cumulative effect of repeated stimulation over a brief period of time?


Which of the following classic researchers is credited with demonstrating the existence of chemical synapses?


Which type of glial cell wraps around the presynaptic terminals of a group of functionally related axons?

Radial glia

____ guide the migration of neurons and their axons and dendrites during embryonic development.


____ is thought to help control appetite by decreasing it.


____ refers to bursts of release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic neuron.

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