Ch. 20 CHEM II

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Which of the following changes would result in an increase in the entropy of the system?

- A crystal of sodium chloride is heated from 275K to 290K -An ice cube melts at 273K - A tire is punctured, releasing the gas trapped inside

When a reaction is at equilibrium, the reaction quotient Q is always equal to ___ and deltaG is equal to ___.

K, 0

A particular process results in a decrease in the entropy of the system. If this process is spontaneous, what must be true about the entropy change of the surroundings?

deltaSsurr > -deltaSsys

The first law of thermodynamics states only that the total energy change of the universe is __. However, the first law of thermodynamics __ account for the direction of spontaneous change.

equal to zero; cannot

The Gibbs ___ energy change (symbolized by thetha) is a measure of the spntaneity of a process and of the useful energy available from it.

free, G

The two key factors that influence reaction spontaneity are changes in the ___ of motion of the particles in the system and ___ of the energy of motion of the particles.

freedom, dispersal

In an endothermic reaction

heat is absorbed from the surroundings

In an exothermic reaction

heat is lost to the surroundings

The entropy of the surroundings increases

in an exothermic reaction

The dissolution of a molecular solute in a polar solvent (e.g, sugar dissolving in water) typically results in a(n)___ in entropy because both the molecules in the system and their energies are dispersed in a ___ volume.

increase; larger

non spontaneous process

requires a continuous input of energy specified conditions

The standard free energy change for a reaction is the free energy change for the reaction under ___ state conditions, which assumes that all gases are at ___ atm of pressure and all solutions have a concentration of ___ M.

standard, 1, 1

In which cases do the substances(s) on the left have a higher entropy than the substance(s) on the right?

- 2NO2(g) vs. N2O4(g) -C3H8(g)vs. C2H6(g)

Which statements correctly describe the entropy changes that occur when an ionic solid dissolves in water?

- The dissociation of an ionic solute in water causes the entropy of the system to increase - The mobility of H2O molecules in such a solution is reduced since they are arranged in a specific way around the dissolved ions - The hydration of highly charged ions generally results in a decrease in the entropy of the system

Which of the following statements correctly explain in the increase in entropy that occurs when a substance changes from a solid to liquid, or liquid to gas?

- The energy of the particles increases during theses phase changes. -The freedom of movement of the particles increases in the change solid --> liquid --> gas

Consider the chemical reaction 2SO3(g) --> O2(g)+2SO2(g), for which deltaH= +198.4kJ and deltaS=+187.9J/K. Which of the following statements correctly describe the effect of temperature on the spontaneity of this reaction?

- The reaction is spontaneous only at higher temperartures - The reaction will become more spontaneous as the temperature increases

The third law of thermodynamics states that a perfect ___ of a pure solid substance has ___ entropy at a temperature of 0 K.

- crystal - zero

A reaction is found to be spontaneous only at high temperatures. Which of the following must be true?

- deltaSrxn > 0 -deltaHrxn>0

Which of the following options correctly reflect the relationships between deltaSsurr, deltaHsys, and T(at constant pressure so qsys=deltaHsys)?

- if deltaHsys is negative, deltaSsurr will be positive -deltaSsur is inversely proportional to temperature

Which of the following options correctly describe entropy?

- Entropy is a measure of the energy dispersal of a system - The greater the freedom of motion of particles in a system, the greater the entropy of the system.

Since entropy is typically tabulated in units of __/K and standard enthalpies are typically tabulated in units of ___/mol, it is usually necessary to perform a unit conversion when calculating Gibbs free energy.

J; kJ

Which of the following symbols denotes a standard free energy change?>

deltaG degree

Entropy is a ___ function and the change in entropy for a process therefore depends only on the ___ between the final and initial states, not on the path taken for the process.

state, difference


1 M concentration

What effect does increasing the temperature of a gas have on its entropy, and why?

- The entropy of a system increases as temperature increases -as the temperature of a system is increases, all types of kinetic energies increase


pressure of 1 atm

Calculate the free energy change for the reaction Cu2O(s0--> Cu(s)+ 1/2O2(g) at 375k if deltaH=168 kJ/mol and deltaS=-9.63J/Kmol?


A reaction is known to have deltaH equal to -5kJ and deltaS equal to -100J/K. What is the temperature (in K) at which is the reaction becomes spontaneous?


What is a spontaneous process?

A process that occurs under specified conditions without a continuous input of energy

The first law of thermodynamics states that __ is always conserved


Which of the following correctly describes the first law of thermodynamics?

Energy can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Spontaneous process

Occurs under specified conditions without a continuous input of energy

Solids or liquids

Pure substance in its most stable form

Two unknown reactions (A and B) are analyzed. It is found that reaction A is exothermic, while reaction B is endothermic. Which of these reactions is spontaneous?

Spontaneity cannot be determined from the given information.

A process that can occur without a continuous input of energy is a(n) ___ process.


The ___ of a system, symbolized by the letter S, is related to the number of different possible ways the energy of a system can be dispersed.


The second law of thermodynamics states that the total ___ of the universe will ___ for any spontaneous process.

entropy; increase

The __ molar entropy has the symbol S and is defined as the entropy of 1 mole of the substance at a pressure of ___ atm.

standard, 1

The entropy of the surroundings decreases

in an endothermic reaction

The combustion of glucose, represented by the equation C6H12O6(s)+6CO2(g) --> 6CO2(g)+6H2O(g) is an exothermic reaction. Does this reaction cause an increase or decrease in entropy for the system and surrounding?

- increase in Ssurr - Increase in Ssys

under what conditions will the reaction of graphite shown below be spontaneous? C(s) + 2Cl2(g) -> CCl4(g); deltaH=-106.7kJ

- spontaneous only at low T

Select which phase change, melting or vaporization, will have a greater increase in entropy for a given substance? in addition, select the statements(s) that explain(s) why.

- the mobility of the particles increases much more when this phase change occurs - Vaporization of a substance

A reaction taking place at 100°C has an entropy change of 200J/K and an enthalpy change of -20kJ. Which of the following expressions would be used to calculate deltaG under these conditions?


In the expression deltaG=RT Ln(Q/K), deltaG=__ when Q is equal to K, i.e., when Q/K= ___.


if a given process proceeds spontaneously toward the products, the value of the reaction quotient Q is ___ the equilibirum constant K, and thetaG for the reaction will be ___.

less than; negative

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