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Appropriate and conforms to expectations and effective with sticking to our achieved goals.

Spontaneous Messages

Messages spoken without much conscious thought

High Context Culture

Asian and Latin cultures are very high context driven. Ambiguous and indirect.


20 person group

Long Term

25% efficiency.

Small group

3-20 people group

Short Term

50% efficiency.


A body of symbols and the systems for their use in messages that are common for people of the same speech community.

Speech Community

A group of people that speak the same language. 3000-4000 speech communities in the world with less than 10,000 people that speak a language.

Vocalized Pauses

Aahs, uhms and so.

Linguistic Sensitivity

Adapt vocab to listener, use jargon sparingly, use slang appropriate to listeners and situation, use inclusive language, non-offensive language.

Receiver Apprehension

Afraid of being the listener to something. For example trying to listen to a foreigner speak to you which causes you to not comprehend what the speaker is saying. A freight we cannot comprehend so we stop listening.

Low Context Culture

America and low European are low high context driven. Direct and open.

Active Strategy

Asking others about the person.


Balanced on both sides.


Brain arranging stimuli and preparing it for interpretation.

Nonverbal Messages

Communicate feelings and attitudes. Are more believable and or trusted more than verbal messages. 65% of meaning of a message comes nonverbally.

Interactive Strategy

Communicating directly with the person.


Communication environment: Physical, Social, Historical, Psychological, and Cultural.

Communication Principles

Communication has a purpose, Communication is continuous, Communication messages vary in conscious thought, Communication is relational, Communication is guided by culture, Communication has ethical implications, Communication is learned

Language and Meaning

Connotative- Subjective meaning of a word, "shoots"=yes Denotative- Literal meaning of a word "shoots" =fire Language changes over time

Feminine Language

Described as being empathetic and polite.

Masculine Language

Described as being problem solving and assertive.


Different mixtures of pitches and volumes.


Distinguishes their voice from others.


Doing multiple things at once and view schedules more flexible and value relationships over their schedules.


Easiest way to determine if someone is lying. One of the few auditory cues that makes you able to determine what the person is saying.


Enduring concepts of reality and how we view right and wrong.


Eye behavior, such as direct or indirect eye contact, during communication.

Media Images

If a person is exposed to celebrity pictures all the time, than their self esteem takes a toll because they constantly feel that they have to reflect the image of the celebrity that they idolize.

Appreciative Listening

For enjoyment such as listening to music.


Gestures that augment a verbal message such as the peace sign. Certain hand gestures can have different meanings based on the country. The hand gesture for "okay" means "*******" in Brazil.


Gestures with explicit meaning & dictionary definitions and can substitute for verbal communication and don't need any verbal communication in order for you to know what they mean.


Goal is to be likeable and we do this by doing favors for other people or might say nice things to these people so that we will be like able to others.


How hard or how soft you touch somebody.


How high or low.


How long you are touching the person for.


How loud or soft.


How quickly they speak.


How we structure our reality and the way we view the world and how it works in our eyes as well.

Self Concept

How we view ourselves and develop it through personal experiences and feedback responses from others.

Processing Rate

Humans can only speak at 100-150 words per minute, but brains can process at 400 words per minute so the indifference between the two causes you to day dream.

Fundamental Attribution Error

Individuals overestimate dispositional factors. Individuals underestimate situation factors.

Proxemic Spatial Zones

Intimate is 0-1.5ft. Personal is 1.5ft-4ft. Social is 4-12ft. Public is 12ft and beyond.


Involves the use of touch. Most powerful use of non verbal communication.


Irregular in shape.

Six Primary Facial Expressions

Joy, Surprise, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Language alters our perceptions. We see the world through our language.

Discriminative Listening

Listening to understand meaning of a message by looking at both verbal and non-verbal cues. Such as a physician listening to a patient to better understand them.

Filtering Messages

Looking for a bias message that you are looking for.


Media used to send messages.

Constructed Messages

Messages put together with careful thought when we recognize that our known scripts are inadequate for the situation

Effects of self perception on communication

Moderates how we talk to ourselves, influences how to talk about ourselves to others, and affects communication apprehension.

Direct Body Orientation

More engaged in the interaction with the other person.


Moving with purpose and public speakers are encouraged to do this.


Moving without an aim or purpose.


Muscular and angular.


Noise; Physical, Psychological, and Semantic.

Passive Strategy

Observing the person from afar without being noticed.

Indirect Body Orientation

Off to the side and less engaged and less intimacy in the interaction.


One person group

Leakage Hypothesis

Our feelings are exposed by our facial expressions and reactions.

Halo Effect

Our overall impression of somebody shapes how we feel about and think about his or her character.


People involved in study.


People who are wearing formal attire are seen as being more compliant and credible.

Scripted Messages

Phrasings learned from past encounters that we judge to be appropriate to the present situation

Factors Influencing Perceptions of Others

Physical characters, Social behaviors and the Halo Effect.


Physiological Process.

Object Adaptors

Playing with an object such as clicking a pen when anxious.

Self Esteem

Positive and negative evaluation of our self concept, shaped by how we perceive our abilities, skills and appearance. Gender also shapes our self perception.


Positive quality to be taller especially in men.


Pre-dispositions and how we feel.


Process of observing and regulating your own behavior.


Process of selectively attending information and assigning meaning to it.

Better Listeners

Prone to get better jobs or more promotions. Listening work shops that teachers take help to improve listening proficiency.


Psychological Process. Most people are poor listeners.

Improving Accuracy of Social Perceptions

Question accuracy of perceptions, seek more information to verify, know that perceptions are dynamic, and check your perceptions.


Repetition or amount of times you touch them.


Responses in a message


Short round and closer to the ground.

Functions of eye contact

Signals that you are ready to communicate with that person. Monitors the feedback you receive from them based on the conversation. Signals that your mind is thinking. Expresses interest in the other person by keeping eye contact and their pupils will dilate or get bigger. Increases intimidation.


Specific and direct to the point.


The interpretation of what and how body motions communicate.

Perceiving Others

Structured by our own experiences and can differ based on what we choose to observe.


Supportive; very common in therapy.


Tall skinny and lanky.

Self fulfilling Prophecy

Tend to have weaker self esteem because they constantly feel that they have to live up to expectations that they set for themselves.

Uncertainty Reduction Theory

The exchange and collection of information that allows us to predict another's attitudes and behaviors.

Feedback and Response From Others

The feed back that we get from our parents and family members as a young child shape who we want to be later on in life.


The gap between inaccurate perceptions and reality.


The idea that you are the center of the universe.


The part of your body that you touch somebody with.

Perception Process

The process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environment


The process of creating or sharing meaning in informal conversation, group interaction, or public speaking.


The symbols that we use to represent objects, ideas, and feelings.


The system that guides the use of language and words.


The way that we utilize time.

Impression Management Theory

Theory that suggests that we are all actors on a stage and try to change how other people see us. It is our individual attempt to influence the way that we are seen by others.


Things that signal your space but not claiming but more decorative.


Things that you have more interest in are more likely to get your attention than things that you are less interested in.

Territorial Markers

Things we use to indicate that this is your space.


To be intimidating and trying to do this by displaying power to appear this way.

Purpose of Language

To designate, label, define, and limit. Also to evaluate and discuss things outside of your immediate experience and talk about language.


To figure out the truth of a message; a lawyer listening to their client or listening to a politician to gain and understand their message.


To learn or remember, such as trying to figure out how to solve a problem.

Other Adaptors

Touching another person such as picking lint or dandruff off the other person.


Touching behaviors that reveal internal anxiety.

Self Adaptors

Touching yourself or dusting yourself off to reveal emotions.


Trying to appear competent and we often tend to over exaggerate our self accomplishments.


Trying to appear dedicated and within this we are exceeding our own expectations.


Trying to appear vulnerable and by doing this we are highlighting our own short comings.

Internal/external noise

Trying to drown out internal voice from external voices or vice versa.

Information Overload

Trying to process too much information at one time causing you to lose grasp of key information.


Two people group


Use of space communicates the relationship that a person has with another.


Verbal utterances, visual images, and non-verbal behaviors to which meaning is attributed.

Specific Words

Very important in low context cultures because they prefer direct contact.

Attribution Theory

We attribute certain characteristics to others based on their overt actions, personality, and the situation at the moment.

Personal Experiences

We tend to remember bad experiences over good experiences which affects our perception a whole lot.


When you are just looking at someone or something.


Where we assign meaning to what we are perceiving.


Where you are touching the person.


Words that appeal to our senses.


You are more likely to do things one at a time. More likely to adhere to a rigid schedule such as appointments and preferred over relationships.

Criticism of Others

You hear something that you don't like or they hear something from you that they don't like.

Communication Characteristics

inescapable, irreversible, complicated, emphasizes content and relationship, governed by rules

Causes of Poor Listening

listening too hard, jumping to conclusions, focusing on personal appearance, and not concentrating.

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