Exam 4 Development - Ch 15-18

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Which are reasons for the positive-mood effect in older adults' memories?

- Cognitive control mechanisms weaken negative information. - Cognitive control mechanisms improve positive information.

Xavier is studying for an exam in developmental psychology. He knows that some cognitive skills begin to decline in middle adulthood, while others actually improve. Select the cognitive abilities that tend to improve in middle-aged adults.

- Crystallized Intelligence - Expertise

Which of the following is true about sexual activity in middle adulthood?

- Declining levels of estrogen slow arousal. - Sexual interest does not change after menopause. - Sexual frequency is based more on happiness than age.

Which characteristics are risk factors for developing Alzheimer's disease?

- Down's Syndrome - obesity

Why are hearing aids underused for which of the following reasons?

- High Cost - Stigmatization

Which statements about erectile dysfunction are correct?

- It increases one's risk for stroke. - It impacts cognitive function.

Regarding changes in attention during middle adulthood, which of the following statements apply?

- Middle-aged adults have more trouble following two conversations at once. - Middle-aged adults have more trouble inhibiting irrelevant information. - Practice reduces the effects of age-related declines in attention.

Margaret mentions some of the positive aspects of living in a multigenerational family. Select the benefits that she describes.

- Safety - Being Active - The Choas

Which of the following occupations have mandatory retirement ages?

- air traffic controller - police - pilot

Fluid intelligence would include which of the following?

- comparing two different arguments - finding your way back after getting lost - determining the best way to fix a broken item

Malnutrition in older adults is associated with which of the following?

- depression - age-related declines in taste - medication

What helps middle-aged adults information processing capacities?

- experience multitasking - expertise in focusing attention - practice dividing attention

Which aspects of life do Eastern collectivist cultures emphasize?

- family - self-sacrifice - interdependence

Which of the following is a symptom of diabetes?

- frequent infections - blurred vision - increased thirst

Which characteristics are correlated with subjective age?

- grip strength - life satisfaction - cognitive performance

Crystallized intelligence would include which of the following?

- knowing an algebraic equation - memorizing the periodic table - spelling a word from memory

Which are often listed as reasons for divorce in middle adulthood?

- lack of communication - relationship inequity - abuse

Caregivers who face multiple family and work demands are at risk for which of the following?

- role strain - lower engagement in outside activities -depressive symptoms

Physical activity can improve which cognitive functions?

- stress relief - processing speed - memory

What amount of adults report planning for retirement?


It is recommended that older adults engage in at least ______ minutes of ______ each week.

150; moderate activity

Each year, about ______ percent of older adults in the United States fall.


What percentage of older adults in the United States live in rural areas?


What percentage of older adults in North America live alone?


Parkinson's symptoms appear when what percentage of the nerve cells in the substantia nigra are damaged?


According to Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life in 2008, what percentage of U.S. adults report being "absolutely certain" of the existence of God or a higher power?


Starting a routine of cardiovascular activity can immediately benefit adults as old as ______.


Which age group has the highest rate of death due to injury?

85 and over

Parkinson's Disease

A chronic progressive brain disorder caused by deterioration of neurons in the substantia nigra; characterized by muscle rigidity, tremors, and sometimes dementia.


A clouding of the lens of the eye, resulting in blurred, foggy vision and can lead to blindness.

Cardiovascular Disease

A disease marked by high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, plaque buildup in the arteries, irregular heartbeat, and risk factor for heart attack and stroke.


A disease marked by high levels of blood glucose that occurs when the body is unable to regulate the amount of glucose in the bloodstream because there is not enough insulin produced (Type 1 diabetes) or the body shows insulin resistance and becomes less sensitive to it, failing to respond to it (Type 2 diabetes). Symptoms include fatigue, great thirst, blurred vision, frequent infections, and slow healing.

Cerebrovascular Disease

A disease of the blood vessels that supply the brain, often caused by atherosclerosis

Free Radical

A highly reactive, corrosive substance that forms when a cell is exposed to oxygen. Through chemical reactions, free radicals destroy DNA, proteins, and other cellular materials.

How do older people typically adjust to retirement?

A majority of adults report increased life satisfaction in postretirement.

Alzheimer's Disease

A neurodegenerative disorder characterized by dementia and the deterioration of memory and personality, as well as marked by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral cortex.

Midlife Crisis

A period of self-doubt and stress attributed to entering midlife once thought to contribute to a major reorganization of personality in midlife. Now thought to occur in a small minority of adults and to be related to history more than age.

Which of these are dementia risk factors?

A person's risk for developing Alzheimer's disease varies with gender, age, and ethnicity. Women are at greater risk than men. There are also genetic influences with Alzheimer's often running in families. Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, is another a risk factor.

Proactive Interference

A phenomenon that occurs when information that has previously been remembered interferes with memory for new information.


A progressive deterioration in mental abilities due to changes in the brain that influence higher cortical functions such as thinking, memory, comprehension, and emotional control and are reflected in impaired thought and behavior, interfering with the older adult's ability to engage in everyday activities.

Seasons of Life

A set of life phases that Levinson concluded adults progress through in which life structures are constructed, tested, and modified, based on experiences and opportunities.

Macular Degeneration

A substantial loss of cells in the center area of the retina (the macula), causing blurring and eventual loss of central vision; its onset is influenced by heredity and environmental factors.

Neurofibrillary Tangle

A twisted bundle of threads of a protein called tau that occur in the brain when neurons collapse; found in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.

______ is crucial to maintaining a long and healthy life.



Adults aged 75 to 84, who typically live independently but often experience some physical and mental impairment.


Adults aged 85 and older, who are most likely to depend on others for physical and social support to complete daily tasks.

Which is a current trend of grandparenting?

Adults are becoming grandparents later.

Which group is most likely to be diagnosed with cancer?

African American men

Which demographic group is most likely to remain in their lifelong neighborhoods as older adults?

African Americans


Age-related hearing loss, first to the high-frequency sounds, gradually spreading.

Which of the following individuals would be most likely to do well on attention tasks?

Air Traffic Controller

What is the most common cause of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease


An age-related condition in which the lens becomes less able to adjust its focus on objects at a close range.

Spatial reasoning is which of the following?

An aspect of fluid intelligence

Rheumatoid Arthritis

An autoimmune illness in which the connective tissues, the membranes that line the joints, become inflamed and stiff.

Wear-and-Tear Theory

An early theory of aging stating that aging is the result of the body wearing out from use.


An elaborate and integrated knowledge base that underlies extraordinary proficiency in given area.

What is the relationship between attention and memory decline?

As our ability to tune out irrelevant information decreases it reduces the performance of our memory system.

Which of the following is an example of crystallized intelligence?

Calculating a math problem

What is the leading cause of death in middle age?


What changes in working memory with age?

Changes in working memory are influenced by declines in attention and in the use of memory strategies, such as organization and elaboration, that occur with age. Declines tend to vary with the individual and task. Most healthy adults compensate for declines and, until old age, show few differences in everyday settings.

Lewy body Dementia

Common form of dementia characterized by the formation of spherical protein deposits known as Lewy bodies.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Compensating for reductions in hormones, such as in menopause, by taking hormones.

Henry describes his hearing loss and its impact on his career. Which of the following factors contributed to his hearing loss?

Contextual Factors

Which age-related issues often influence poor driving performance in older adults?

Declines in sensory abilities, such as seeing and hearing, are the primary influencers of poor driving performance in older adults. Additionally, older adults experience deficits in memory and attention, which can reduce reaction times while driving.

What is the base assumption of activity theory?

Declines in social interaction among older people are due to social barriers.

With ______, individuals experience problems with attention and reasoning, but these symptoms are temporary and can be cured.



Dementia-like symptoms caused by psychological and behavioral factors that can be treated.

Successful Aging

Demonstrating high levels of physical, social, and psychological well-being in advanced age.

Which of the following is true about reproductive changes in men during middle adulthood?

Environmental stressors impact the level of testosterone.

Which of the following is an impact of physical activity on stress?

Exercise promotes wellness. Physical activity helps reduce cortisol levels and psychological reactivity, and increases psychological recovery.

A solid knowledge base which underlies great skill is referred to as ______.



Expertise in the conduct and meanings of life, characterized by emotional maturity and the ability to show insight and apply it to problems.

Financial abuse

Exploiting the elder's financial resources by theft or unauthorized use (e.g., withdrawing funds from savings, selling an elder's jewelry or other possessions, charging purchases to the elder's credit card)

Financial resources are not considered in retirement because government programs fully support a high standard of living for the elderly. T or F


Gains in fluid intelligence help aging adults compensate for crystallized losses.


Intelligence scores decreased markedly with age.


Older adults are more rigid and set in their ways than other age cohorts. T or F


Older adults desire sex, but a vast majority are unable to have sex.


Younger adults are inclined toward recalling positive over negative information, while older adults show the reverse. T or F


______ influences the level and types of support family members provide.

Family Duty

Big 5 Personality Traits

Five clusters of personality traits that reflect an inherited predisposition that is stable throughout life. The five traits are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Fluid and crystallized intelligence are interdependent.


The student analyzes the different perspectives and a problem. What type of intelligence is the student using?

Fluid Intelligence

What is an example of fluid intelligence?

Fluid intelligence demonstrates making connections among ideas. Fluid intelligence would be involved in identifying a problem, finding alternate solution, and describing a problem.

Amyloid Plaque

Found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease, deposits of beta-amyloid accumulate along with clumps of dead neurons and glial cells.

Which statement is true regarding friendships in older adulthood?

Friendships among older adults are centered on shared leisure activities.

Which of the following is implicated in declines in fluid intelligence tasks over the adult years?

Frontal Lobe Function

Possible Selves

Future-oriented representations of self-concept into the future; who an individual might become, both hoped for and feared, that guides and motivates choices and behaviors.

Sixty-year-old Carolyn has been married for almost 40 years but has no children. Carolyn wants to do something to benefit the next generation of young people, so she volunteers at various community organizations in her home town. She enjoys opportunities to mentor young people and is proud of the work these organizations do. Carolyn's goals and involvement in various community organizations represents ______.


Although the five adults have each experienced some health problems and/or age-related physical changes, they have found a way to cope and they remain positive, vibrant, and active. These midlifers demonstrate a personal characteristic referred to as ______.


How would a man higher in neuroticism likely react to an upcoming employee review?

He would become very anxious about the results.

What sense does presbycusis impact?


Life Structure

In Levenson's theory, a person's overall organization of his or her life, particularly dreams, goals, and relationships with significant others as well as institutions, such as marriage, family, and vocation.

Which statement is true regarding older adults and self-esteem?

In general, older adults have a multifaceted self-conception that is more complex than younger people.

tip of the tongue phenomenon

In which one temporarily cannot recall a specific word but can recall words with similar meaning


Includes social outgoingness, high activity, enthusiastic interest, and assertive tendencies. This trait is related to positive emotionality. On the opposite pole, descriptors include social withdrawal and constrictedness.

Which Big 5 traits would be important for someone who often entertains others with impromptu parties?

Individuals who often entertain others with impromptu parties would need to be open, extroverted, and agreeable. These individuals would need to be creative, outgoing and have a positive attitude toward others.

Sexual abuse

Inflicting unwanted sexual contact


Innermost layer of skin composed of fat.

Crystallized Intelligence

Intellectual ability that reflects accumulated knowledge acquired through experience and learning.

Fluid Intelligence

Intellectual ability that reflects basic information processing skills, including working memory, processing speed, and the ability to detect relations among stimuli and draw inferences. Underlies learning, is not influenced by culture, and reflects brain functioning.

Psychological abuse

Intentionally inflicting emotional harm through verbal assaults, humiliation, intimidation, or withdrawal of affection

Physical Abuse

Intentionally inflicting physical harm or discomfort through cutting, burning, and other acts of physical force

Which of the following activities are maintained at the same level throughout adulthood?

Isometric strength differs from overall muscle strength. Isometric strength remains throughout adulthood and includes holding a stair rail, doing yoga, and stretching.

How does stress impact testosterone levels in middle adulthood?

It has a cyclical effect as stress impacts testosterone which impacts stress.

What is the purpose of the dermis?

It produces new skin cells.

What is a criticism of Levinson's theory?

It was devised based on a study of one population.

According to research on factors that contribute to the decision to retire, which adult is most likely to work well into old age?

Khandyce, a 60-year-old, low-income African American woman who works in retail

Why is driving at night more of a challenge for older adults?

Less light reaches the eye which creates a larger glare from headlights.

Beyond assessing changes in income, what should retirement planning entail?

Lifestyle Changes

Which group shows the highest rates of religious participation in North America?

Low income minorites

Which statement is true regarding marriage in older adulthood?

Marital satisfaction increases in older adulthood.

Why are women more likely than men to lack a sexual partner in middle adulthood?

Men are outnumbered by women.

Which is true about the generativity versus stagnation stage?

Men who are involuntarily childless have a lower sense of generativity.

What makes it difficult to study middle adulthood?

Middle adulthood is considered the least understood period of life. Study of middle adulthood must cover a large range of developmental milestones, and assess many potential ways to navigate this stage. This stage is also associated with conflicting views and outcomes, which can present problems when studying this life stage.


Middle layer of skin consisting of connective tissue that gives skin its flexibility.

Which of the following is true about middle-aged memory systems?

Middle-aged ability to recall or use memory strategies such as organization and elaboration declines.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between older adults and their middle-aged children?

Middle-aged children support their aging parents emotionally while parents provide financial assistance to their middle-aged children.

Typical longitudinal findings on intelligence proposed that there are ______.

Modest gains through middle age

Reaction time tasks requiring a vocal response show subtle age-related declines in processing speed. This suggests that processing speed may be influenced by ______.

Motor Speed

Vascular Dementia

Neurocognitive disorder in which sporadic and progressive losses occur, caused by small blockages of blood vessels in the brain.

How do changes in the brain impact processing speed?

Neurons are lost forcing the others to take on more.

According to research on retirement planning, which of the following adults is most likely to financially plan for retirement?

Nila, who believes that she can control certain aspects of aging

Why is it difficult to diagnose Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease?

No test can confirm the presence of the diseases.

Do older adults in Western individualistic cultures face more adversity than older adults in Eastern collectivist cultures?

No, because cultural values do not dictate personal values.

Which of the following is associated with better processing speed and middle adulthood workers?

Novel Tasks

Which person is most likely to rely on a sibling for support?

Older Single Women


Older adults aged 65 to 74, who tend to be active, healthy, and financially and physically independent.

How do friendships in late adulthood differ from friendships among young adults?

Older adults have a few quality friendships, and younger people have a larger quantity of friends.

Which of the following is a characteristic of selective optimization with compensation?

Older adults use selective optimization with compensation especially as it pertains expertise. Selective optimization compensation includes the ability to adapt to changes over time, the ability to optimize current functioning, and the ability to compensate for losses.

How does the spousal relationship evolve throughout the life course?

Older people idealize their spouse, and younger people see fewer positive characteristics in their spouse.

Which is true about job satisfaction and age?

Older workers who have intrinsic motivation have higher job satisfaction.

How common is sex in late adulthood?

One third of 75- to 85-year-old men reported having at least one sexual encounter within the past year.

Individuals with Lewy body dementia can show motor symptoms similar to which condition?

Parkinson's disease


Personal qualities, including a sense of control, orientation toward personal growth, and commitment to life choices, that influence adults'ability to adapt to changes and life circumstances.

Who is most likely to experience job burnout?

Police Officer

______ occurs when previously remembered information obstructs the memory of new information.

Proactive interference

Processing speed

Processing speed declines steadily from the 20s into the 90s. The more complex the task, the greater the age-related decline in reaction time. Declines in processing speed with age predict age-related declines in memory, reasoning, and problem-solving tasks, and the relationship between processing speed and performance on cognitive tasks becomes stronger with age.

Which statement is true about occupation and retirement?

Professionals and the self-employed retire later than blue-collar or clerical positions.

Physical neglect

Providing inadequate care and failing to meet an elder's basic needs for food, medication, physical comfort, and health care; leaving an elder with special needs unattended

A couple decides to provide their child with both toys that are traditionally "boy toys" and "girl toys." What are they seeking to do?

Raise a child androgynously.

Which of the following enhances functional intelligence?


Harper and Adelaid are the adult children of 81-year-old Rosemary. Rosemary was active most of her life, but she lost her husband 2 years ago and has withdrawn from her previous life. Harper and Adelaid are worried about their mother, as she has put on weight, no longer visits with her friends, and spends most of her time sitting and reading. They have encourage Rosemary to start an exercise program with the local senior center. How does exercise affect health and well-being in older adults?

Regular exercise is associated with numerous physical, cognitive, and socioemotional benefits. Cardiovascular activity and weigh-bearing exercise benefit adults into their 90s. Physical activity is associated with improved physiological function, a decreased incidence of disease, and reduced incidence of disability. Physical activity also protects older adults from stress and depression, and it is associated with increased brain activity.

______ is a chronic illness that is not related to age or levels of physical activity.

Rheumatoid arthritis

How do Eastern cultures view romantic relationships?

Romantic relationships are more focused on responsibilities to commitment and society as a whole.

Elsie displays characteristics of hardiness. What does this mean?

She tends to have a high level of self-efficacy, feeling a sense of control over her life and experiences.

Margaret lives in a multigenerational family and shares a home with her daughter, three grandsons, and Sonja's goddaughter. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Social support influences health and longevity by enhancing positive feelings and a sense of control.

What is the base assumption of disengagement theory?

Society removes roles and responsibilities as older adults withdraw to live a more solitary life.

A typical person will experience ______ in immune function with age.

Some declines

Which has a large impact on how older adults feel about themselves?


Isometric Strength

Subtle contractions in which the length of the muscle does not change, is maintained through adulthood.

Which is true about midlife crises?

Television and movies can obscure our ideas about midlife crises. The midlife crisis is characterized as transitory, and a time of self-evaluation that does not occur to everyone.

Which of the following helps protect the cells from mutations, but can cause cells to stop dividing if they age and shorten past a critical length?


Which are characteristic of Big 5 personality traits?

The Big 5 personality traits theory is based on research about the characteristics in which people differ. Big 5 personality traits are a reflection of inherited predispositions. They also remain fairly stable throughout life and are the result of empirical research.

Cognitive Reserve

The ability to make flexible and efficient use of available brain resources that permits cognitive efficiency, flexibility, and adaptability; it is cultivated throughout life from experience and environmental factors.

What is meant by subjective age?

The age a person feels as opposed to their actual age.

Working Memory

The component of the information processing system that holds and processes information that is being manipulated, encoded, or retrieved and is responsible for maintaining and processing information used in cognitive tasks.

Which statement is true regarding attitudes toward older adults in Eastern and Western cultures?

The cultural value of individualism does not adversely affect attitudes about older adults.


The degree to which one is open to experience, ranging from curious, explorative, and creative to disinterested, uncreative, and not open to new experiences.


The end of menstruation and a woman's reproductive capacity.

Ego Integrity versus Despair

The final stage in Erikson's psychosocial theory, in which older adults find a sense of coherence in life experiences and conclude that their lives are meaningful and valuable.


The gender identity of those who score high on both instrumental and expressive traits.

What is hypodermis?

The innermost layer of skin

Elsie works with older adults who have been diagnosed with some sort of dementia. According to your textbook, which is the most common cause of dementia?

The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, followed by vascular dementia. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. It progresses from general cognitive decline, to include personality and behavioral changes, motor complications, severe dementia, and death.


The most common type of arthritis; it affects joints that are injured by overuse, most commonly the hips, knees, lower back, and hands, in which the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones where they meet at the joints wears away, and joints become less flexible and swell.


The outer protective layer of the skin that produces new skin cells.

Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

The perspective that as the emotional regulation function of social interaction becomes increasingly important to older adults, they prefer to interact with familiar social partners, accounting for the narrowing of the social network with age.

Continuity Theory

The perspective that older adults strive to maintain continuity and consistency in self across the past and into the future; successful elders retain a sense that they are the same person they have always been despite physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes.

What is known as reminiscence?

The process of reviewing past experiences vocally or silently.


The process of telling stories from one's past, to oneself or others.

Life Review

The reflection on past experiences and one's life, permitting greater self-understanding and the assignment of meaning to their lives.

Which are true about Levinson's developmental model?

The seasons of life model looks at the overall organization of a person's life. This model proposes that adults progress through seasons of life, construct their own life structure by developing a dream, and engage in qualitative shifts based on social forces.

Generativity versus Stagnation

The seventh stage in Erikson's theory in which adults seek to move beyond a concern for their own personal goals and welfare in order to guide future generations and give back to society.


The tendency to be responsible, disciplined, task oriented, and planful. This trait relates to effortful self-regulation. Individuals low in this trait tend to be irresponsible, impulsive, and inattentive.

Disengagement Theory

The view that declines in social interaction in older age are due to mutual withdrawal between older adults and society as they anticipate death.

Activity Theory

The view that older adults want to remain active and that declines in social interaction are not a result of elders' desires but are a function of social barriers to engagement.

What role does workplace play in adult life?

The workplace provides benefits aside from income. The workplace provides structure to people's days, contribute to self-esteem, and provide social interaction.

How do experts maintain their ability and expertise as they age?

They become more adept at using a broader range of strategies and external supports.

Which is a likely outcome for women who successfully transition from a divorce?

They become more self-reliant.

Why do older adults have fewer friends?

They choose quality over quantity.

What does research suggest about how older adults feel about themselves?

They feel younger than their age.

Liz has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for the last 6 years, and now she is in the late stages of the disease. What symptoms is she most likely experiencing?

This individual has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for years so she is most likely experiencing severe memory problems, the deterioration of communication skills, and loss of control over bodily functions.

What is a life review?

This is a more comprehensive version of reminiscence.

What typically happens when middle-aged adults' emerging adult children need them for emotional and financial support?

This need decreases parent well-being when it is perceived as more needy than other young adults.


This trait includes descriptors such as trusting, cooperative, helpful, caring behaviors and attitudes toward others. Individuals low in agreeableness are seen as difficult, unhelpful, oppositional, and stingy.


This trait relates to negative emotionality. Descriptors include moodiness, fear, worry, insecurity, and irritability. The opposite pole includes traits such as self-confidence.

How does parenthood influence gender identity in middle adulthood?

Traditional gender roles tend to take over.


Transition to menopause in which the production of reproductive hormones declines and symptoms associated with menopause first appear, such as hot flashes.


Transparent gel that fills the eyeball

It is common for changes in memory to remain unnoticed until an individual is in their 60s. T or F


Most residential communities for older adults are private facilities that the individual has to pay for.


Older adults who display wisdom are often reflective about their experiences.Older adults who display wisdom are often reflective about their experiences. T or F


Olfactory loss for some individuals could denote declining health. T or F


Retirement planning is positively influenced by one's beliefs of control over their aging. T or F


Retirement planning should begin in early adulthood. T or F



Twisted bundles of threads of a protein that occur when neurons collapse

Where is fat typically deposited in a woman's body during middle age?

Upper Arms

Which form of dementia is caused by a stroke?

Vascular dementia

Deficiencies of ______ can imitate symptoms of dementia.

Vit B12

What is ego integrity?

When a person recognizes that his or her personal experience is important to him or her, but only a small part in the larger context of humanity.

Hazel's 21-year-old granddaughter comes for a visit and shares the many stressors she currently has in her life. She has changed her major once--from social work to education--but in the last year, she has discovered a passion for nursing. She volunteers, attends seminars, and finds classes related to nursing fascinating. She is worried what her parents will think and is nervous about finances, as she will be in college an extra year and a half if she switches. Her grandmother listens patiently and during a quiet moment she says, "Follow your heart. A year and a half will go by at the same rate for you, me, and everyone else. Chase your passion and don't settle for less. You will end up regretting it someday. Hazel's advice to her granddaughter is an example of ______.


Which statement accurately reflects the research findings on divorce?

Women are more likely than men to initiate divorce.

How is job satisfaction influenced by gender?

Women seek both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.

Which statement is true about remarriage and the life course?

Younger people are more likely to get remarried than older people.


a concern and sense of responsibility for future generations and society as a whole

Which diet may protect the retina from macular degeneration?

a diet rich in green leafy vegetables

Men are more likely to experience greater declines in the ability to smell and taste due to ______.

a greater likelihood of working around harsh chemicals


a protein present in the tissue that surrounds neurons in the healthy brain

Job satisfaction is closely associated with ______.

a sense of accomplishment

The type of task that results in less dramatic age-related declines in reaction time is one that requires ______.

a vocal response rather than a motor response

Hardiness refers to an individual's ability to ______.


Which is an example of boomerang children?

adult children who return to live with their parents

Which factor contributes the most to the development of wisdom?

adversity management

Which of the Big 5 personality traits tends to increase with age, especially into older adulthood?


What is the optimal way nursing homes should be designed to promote well-being?

allowing older adults a sense of control over day-to-day experiences

What do middle-aged adults tend to incorporate into their self-descriptions?

autobiographical information

Responses that are well rehearsed and seemingly without thought are referred to as ______.


Libby has worked in the medical profession for nearly 50 years. She has always been in good health and loved her work. However, as she approaches 78, she's starting to think about spending more time with her adult children and grandchildren. She also wants to travel and pursue some leisure activities. If Libby is like most well-educated adults in professional positions, her transition to retirement will ______.

be affected by her sense of control over the decision to retire, timing, and manner of leaving work

Which of the following is a stressor of the sandwich generation?

caring for an older generation and a younger generation

Which can defend against age-related declines in learning and memory?


Damage to DNA and chromosomes causes ______.

cellular mutation

The most common symptom of a heart attack is ______.


A woman is at a luncheon with her friends. The restaurant is very loud and she overhears her name at another table. Despite this, she is able to focus on the conversation with her friends. What is this called?

cocktail party effect

Successful aging entails selective optimization with ______.


Which theory of aging entails remaining active and maintaining a sense of consistency in self across the past and into the future?


The multiple demands that middle-aged adults often face test their sense of ______.


Adults consistently identify with their younger selves to ______.

counteract negative cultural messages associated with aging

An individual remembers a series of vocabulary words. What is this an example of?

crystallized intelligence

In middle adulthood, the more complex the task the greater the age-related ______.

decline in reaction time

Which illness is related to the development of cataracts?


Which demographic group is most in need of formal support after divorce in late adulthood?

divorced fathers

A middle-aged adult is navigating the generativity versus stagnation stage of development. What developmental task is this adult facing?

doing for others versus remaining self-focused

While age-related declines for remembering visual information are common, working memory for ______ is typically ______.

emotion; unaffected

Most middle-aged adults provide ______ support to multiple generations.


Age 30 transition (28-33)

entails a reconsideration of the life structure in which adults may shift priorities from career to family or vice versa.

In women, osteoporosis is typically caused by age-related declines in ______.


According to research on marriage, men generally report ______.

experiencing more happiness than women

What is hard for experts to do as expertise grows?

explaining what they are doing

Research suggests that age-related memory loss is less apparent in ______.

familiar settings

The term for a value that mandates that the relatives come before all else and that relatives have a duty to care for one another at all costs is ______.


What is the primary source of support for people in older adulthood?


Retirees who do not plan how they will spend their time in retirement tend to ______.

feel lost

Generativity in middle-aged adults satisfies a desire to ______.

feel needed and to make contributions that will last beyond their lifetimes

The main factor in determining whether or not an older adult retires is based on ______.

financial state

According to research presented in your textbook, as well as personal accounts of the adults in this clip, older adults are increasingly taking which route to retirement?

gradual retirement

According to Erikson, which need is filled in the generativity versus stagnation stage?

helping others

Which condition may contribute to the risk for Alzheimer's disease?

high blood pressure

The issue most women experience for a longer period of time during perimenopause is ______.

hot flahes

The ability to feed and protect families is referred to as what type of traits?


A description of early onset breast cancer is that it ______.

is largely inherited

Older adults tend to lose weight because they ______.

lose muscle mass

As the brain ages, it physically changes by ______.

losing glial cells

An outcome of exercise in older adults is ______.

loss of muscle mass

With age, the heart becomes less responsive to signals that prompt contraction. This is due to the ______.

loss of pacemaker cells

By using prior knowledge or experiences, older adults tend to be as effective as younger adults at ______.

making decisions

An older adult often fails to brake quickly in response to seeing brake lights flash on cars ahead of hers. This individual is ______.

making errors of omission

Cognitive reserve allows for which of the following?

mental adaptability

Wisdom primarily requires ______.


A woman in her mid-40s feels that she has failed to do anything substantial with her life. After a divorce, she decides to go back to college to earn a nursing degree. What has this woman experienced?

midlife crisis

Which term did Daniel Levinson popularize?

midlife crisis

Adults are increasingly likely to integrate ______ information into their self-descriptions as they grow older.

more complex

Parents who report poorer well-being view their grown children in relation to other young adults as ______.

more needy

Possible selves impacts individuals in middle adulthood by creating ______.


What is responsible for the maintenance of cognitive abilities and advances in psychosocial maturing in the adult years?


Which Big 5 personality trait contributes to decline and increasing facility in older adults?


Older adults tend to eat more salty and sweet foods because ______.

of age-related declines in taste and smell

What is more important than the actual level of social support that older people receive?

perceived level of support

Research examining the cocktail party effect in middle-aged adults found that ______.

performance declines with age

Which can serve as a protective factor in developing Parkinson's disease?

physical activity

According to Elise, and consistent with research presented in your textbook, which of the following improves psychological outlook and emotional health among aging adults?

physical exercise/activity

Age-related changes in the ______ are particularly noticeable.

prefrontal cortex

Kara is a bilingual adult who is experiencing difficulty learning a third language. Kara's challenges are most likely due to ______.

proactive interference

The term for the process of information that has previously been remembered restricting memory for new information is ______.

proactive interference

The most generative adults are ______.

proactive problem solvers

In Levinson's seasons of life model, middle-aged adults tend to ______.

reexamine their dreams

Personality ______ through transitions from young adulthood through middle adulthood to older adulthood.

remains stable

The vocal or silent recall of events in a person's life is called ______.


What aspect of cognitive development becomes more difficult over the adult years?

resisting interference from irrelevant information to stay focused on the task at hand

An older adult finds it increasingly difficult to hold a conversation with his wife while the TV is on. This individual is likely challenged by ______.

response inhibition

The grandparent role provides adults opportunities to ______.

satisfy generative needs

Which type of memory shows the least declines with age?

semantic memory

Research shows that reductions in ______ are associated with impaired cognition in late adulthood.

sensory capacities

Individuals who feel younger than their years are less likely to ______.

show decline in recall tasks

Which physical decline begins to occur before age 40?

skin changes

What do older parents typically find challenging about parenting younger children?


Self-absorption that interferes with personal growth and prevents adults from contributing to the welfare of others is called ______.


If an adult ______ throughout most of her life, then she will have greater mobility in older adulthood.

stayed physically active

What is one of the most common complaints of older parents?


Older adults who tend to be healthier and wealthier tend to live in ______.


Whereas individuals with vascular dementia exhibit a ______ loss of mental ability, individuals with Alzheimer's disease experience a ______ decline.

sudden but mild; slow and steady

What is the cocktail-party effect?

the ability to switch attention back and forth

A man in his early 30s begins to focus more on raising his children instead of getting promotions. According to Levinson, this man is experiencing ______.

the age 30 transition

Who is showing a higher level of extroversion?

the most enthusiastic member of the team who keeps everyone optimistic

According to Levinson, what does life structure refer to?

the overall organization of a person's life

Richard shares that he recently forgot his oldest grandson's name. However, he was able to come up with the name after thinking for a few moments. Richard's difficulty in retrieving his grandson's name is most likely due to ______.

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

A description of cognitive change that occurs in older adulthood is ______.

they tend to remain stable over the life span

Based on current trends, how do adults tend to offer companionship and support to friends?

through social media

What is gradual retirement?

when workers slowly decrease their involvement and work part time

Healthy adults of all ages are able to exert control over ______ once information is programmed into it.

working memory

The transition to retirement begins ______.

years before leaving the workforce

Which life stage has the primary goal of personal growth?

young adulthood

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