Geology Final Exam

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What are ventifacts? How do they form?

(Wind-sculped stones) are often the result of prolonged periods of sand blasting.

Which four statements are true regarding this image? Look at question 9 quiz 14

1.) 'A' is showing a wave-cut platform. '2.) B' is showing a marine terrace. 3.) 'B' used to be an 'A'. 4.) 'A' and 'B' are both produced by wave erosion.

Which four items below are possible traps for oil and gas? Look at question 13 quiz 15

1.) Anticline 2.) Salt dome 3.) Fault 4.) Pinchout

Which three statements below are correct regarding beach nourishment?

1.) Beach nourishment is an alternative to hard stabilization methods. 2.) Beach nourishment requires large quantities of sand. 3.) Beach nourishment may actually have detrimental environmental effects such as harming coral reefs.

Which three statements are true regarding breakwaters?

1.) Breakwaters are hard stabilization structures. 2.) Breakwaters are build to block wave energy and create a quiet water zone near shore. 3.) Whether desirable or not, sand often accumulates in the area behind a breakwater

What are the two major environmental concerns regarding the burning of coal?

1.) Burning coal, like any fossil fuel, produced CO2, a known greenhouse gas. 2.) Coal typically has some sulfur in it and burning the coal may result in acid rain (precipitation)

Which three statements below are correct regarding this map? Look at question 1 quiz 13

1.) Deserts and steppes are both considered "dry regions" of the Earth. 2.) The dry regions cover approximately 30% of all land. 3.) The Sahara and Arabian are low-latitude deserts.

Which three statements below are true regarding the coastal zone?

1.) Foreshore is located between low and high tides. 2.) The foreshore is exposed during low tide. 3.) The backshore is affected by waves only during storms.

Which three statements are true of groins?

1.) Groins are hard stabilization structures. 2.) The longshore current and beach drift in this photo are in the direction of the pink arrow. 3.) Groins interrupt the flow of longshore currents and beach drift.

What are headlands, sea arches, and sea stacks? What is the relationship between them?

1.) Headlands-are resistant rocks landward 2.) Sea Arch- an opening in a narrow headland that has been undercut by wave action attacking its sides. 3.) Sea Stack- is an isolated rock that was once part of a headland

Which four statements are true regarding jetties?

1.) Jetties are a form of hard stabilization. 2.) Jetties are usually built in pairs. 3.) Jetties help to keep entrances to many harbors and rivers from becoming chocked with sand. 4.) Jetties may act as a barrier to the sand migration produced by longshore currents and beach drift.

Which two statements are correct regarding this image? Question 7 quiz 14

1.) Longshore currents and beach drift move sediment parallel to the shoreline. 2.) Beach drift is the result of waves moving sand up the beach face at the angle of the incoming wave, yet the backwash moves the sand straight back perpendicular to the shoreline.


1.) May result in the build up and formation of desert pavement. 2.) Is the lowering of the land surface by the removal of sediment by wind. 3.) May produce a blowout.

Which two statements are true regarding sand migration in a desert?

1.) Most windblown sand travels in a jumping fashion called saltation. 2.) Most windblown sand travels close to the ground.

Which three below are regarded as fossil fuels?

1.) Natural gas 2.) Coal 3.) Petroleum

Which three statements are true regarding rainshadow deserts?

1.) Rainshadow deserts are a common type of desert in the middle latitudes. 2.) The Great Basin is a rainshadow desert. 3.) The Sierra Nevada Mountains serve as a barrier for moist Pacific air traveling any further east because as the air lifts going over the mountains, it cools and the moisture is "expelled".

Which two statements are correct regarding this image? Look at question 8 quiz 14

1.) Rip currents are dangerous currents that flow away from the shore. 2.) If caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shoreline until you are out of its pull.

Which two statements below are correct regarding seawalls?

1.) Seawalls are built along the shoreline to protect the coast from wave energy. 2.) Seawalls may inadvertently heavily erode the beaches in front of them.

Which answers below are renewable sources of energy?

1.) Solar 2.) Wind 3.) Flowing water

Which four statements are true regarding tides?

1.) Spring tides are very high high tides and very low low tides. 2.) Spring tides occur during a new and full moon. 3.) The east coast has a semidiurnal tidal pattern with two high tides and two low tides each tidal day. 4.) There is typically a high tide on the side of the Earth facing the moon, and also on the opposite side of the Earth away from the moon.

Which three statements are true regarding emergent and submergent coasts?

1.) Submergent coasts are often highly irregular. 2.) Chesapeake and Delaware Bays are the result of a submergent coast. 3.) Chesapeake and Delaware Bays are estuaries.

Which three statements are correct regarding this image? Question 13 quiz 14

1.) The "drowned" river valleys shown in this image are called estuaries. 2.) The narrow strips of land paralleling the mainland are barrier islands. 3.) The much quieter waters between the narrow strips of land and the mainland may be referred to as lagoons or sounds.

Which three statements below are correct regarding hurricanes?

1.) The deadliest hurricane to every hit the U.S. was in Galveston in 1900. 2.) In the western Pacific hurricanes are called typhoons. 3.) In the Indian Ocean hurricanes are called cyclones.

Which four statements are true regarding this image? Look at question 6 quiz 13

1.) The image is showing a alluvium (stream deposited sediment) collecting along the mountain front. 2.) The alluvium is being deposited in "fans" (semi-circular deposits) at the mouth of the stream valleys. 3.) The sediment was brought down and deposited by ephemeral streams in the mountains. 4.) Where the alluvial fans coalesce they form a blanket of sediment along the mountain front referred to as a "bajada".

Which four statements about this image are correct? Question 11 quiz 14

1.) The isolated rock in the distance is a sea stack. 2.) These rocks were probably once part of a headland. 3.) These rocks have been shaped by erosion from waves. 4.) The rock with the 'opening' is called a sea arch

What are the two main reasons humans use more and more of Earth's resources each year?

1.) The population is growing rapidly 2.) The standard of living is increasing for much of the world

Which three statements are correct regarding this image? Look at question 10 quiz 14

1.) The sand deposit is a tombolo. 2.) The waves refracting around the small island have allowed the sand to accumulate. 3.) The sand deposit connects the island to the mainland.

Which three answers are correct regarding waves?

1.) The size and speed of the waves are affected by wind speed, the length of time the wind has blown, and the fetch (distance that the wind has traveled across the open water). 2.) In open water waves transfer energy by the water moving in a circular orbital motion. 3.) The dashed line in the image is showing the depth that the orbital motion is negligible. This depth is approximately 1/2 the wavelength and known as wave base

As waves advance into shallower water near shore:

1.) The wavelength decreases because the waves in shallow water are "dragging the bottom" and slow down while the waves in deeper water are still traveling fast. 2.) The wave height increases because the waves are "bunching up". 3.) The rising height of the wave causes the wave to collapse creating "breakers". 4.) The turbulent water created by breaking waves is called surf.

Which three statements below are true regarding this image? Look at Question 17 quiz 13

1.) These are longitudinal dunes. 2.) This type of dune can grow to heights of several hundred feet. 3.) These dunes may grow many tens of miles in length.

Which three statements below are true regarding this image? Look at Question 18 quiz 13

1.) These are parabolic dunes. 2.) These dunes are commonly found along coasts. 3.) Unlike barchans, these dune tips point into the wind.

Which two statements below are true of these dunes? Look at question 16 quiz 13

1.) These dunes are barchans 2.) These dunes form on a hard ground with limited sand supply

Which three statements are true regarding this rock? Look at question 13 quiz 13

1.) This rock has been wind-sculpted and is called a ventifact. 2.) This rock has been polished and sculpted by sandblasting. 3.) If the rock has never rotated, it is apparent that the wind has blown from three different directions.

Which three statements are true regarding this image? Look at Question 14 quiz 13

1.) This sliding sand may produce cross-bedding. 2.) The sand is sliding to the angle of repose. 3.) This is the slip face of the sand dune.

Because of wave refraction:

1.) Wave impact is concentrated on headlands. 2.) Because of wave refraction, most wave fronts approach nearly parallel to the shoreline. 3.) Headlands are worn back, while bays fill with sediments. 4.) An irregular shoreline will tend to straighten out as the headlands are worn down and the bays are filled with sediment.

Which four statements below are true about loess?

1.)Loess is a deposit of windblown silt. 2.) Loess is easily eroded sediment. 3.) Loess is principally derived from deserts or glacial outwash. 4.) Loess produces some of the most fertile soil in the world.

As good stewards of the earth, we should all do these three things.

1.)Recycle 2.) Reduce 3.) Reuse

Which four statements are correct regarding this aerial photograph? Question 7 quiz 13

1.)The green areas in this image are playa lakes. 2.) The smaller white linear band to the left is snow cap on the mountain peaks. The long white linear band is a series of salt flats on the valley floor. 3.) The salt flats form as playa lakes evaporate and the dissolved salts in the water are precipitated out. 4.) Immediately to the left of the salt flat are a series of coalescing alluvial fans forming a bajada.

On average, _______ of a barrel of oil is converted into gasoline.


Water tends to transfer energy by moving water in a circular motion until you go down its depth. What is the depth of the wavelength:

1/2 Wavelength

Wave base is a depth of approximately:

1/2 wave height

How many gallons are in a barrel of oil


There are______ gallons in a barrel of oil.


How much oil is converted to gas:


How much of the atmosphere is comprised of CO2?


What is global warming? How does it occur? What by-product of burning fossil fuels is believed to be generating global warming? Why are we currently so concerned about global warming?

A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. We are concerned because it will increase in sea levels.

What is a tombolo?

A sand deposit that builds behind and connects a small island or large sea stack to the mainland.

Americans make up 6% of the world population so if everyone in the world used the same amount of energy and mineral resources, we would use 6%. But in reality Americans use 30% of the energy and mineral resources each year. This means that the average American uses _________ of the energy and mineral resources compared to the world average.

About five times as much

A(n)________ sand dune migrates by erosion on the windward side and deposition on the leeward side.


Stream deposits that form at the mouth of a desert mountain valley

Alluvial Fan

Semicurcular landform that forms in the mouth of a valley

Alluvial fan

What landform might commonly form at the mouth of a desert mountain valley?

Alluvial fan

Bauxite is the primary ore of this metal


What are flood and ebb currents? When do they occur?

An incoming tidal flow is known as a flood current or flood tide; an outgoing flow is an ebb current or ebb tide. They occur when tides rise and fall

As far as BTU's per pound, _______ is the highest grade of coal.


Which type of coal generates the greatest amount of BTU's per pound?


This upfold is a common structural trap for oil and gas


What are some common oil traps? What is a reservoir rock?....... a cap rock?

Anticlines faults, salt domes, and strati-graphic pinch-outs. A reservoir rock is a place that oil migrates to and is held underground. A cap rock is a layer of hand, impervious rock overlying and often reeling in a deposit of oil, gas, or coal.

What are tides? What causes them?

Are a daily rise and fall of sea level due to the gravitational pull of the moon, and to a lesser extent the sun.

Where are most dry land deserts located?

Around 30 degrees north and south of the equator

Rip currents are strong water currents flowing ______ the shoreline

Away from

The______ generally only affected from storm waves.


Sloping skirt of sediment along mountain front formed from coalescing alluvial fans


Alluvial fans form _________ when they coalesce at the skirt of the alluvial fans


When alluvial fans coalesce along a mountain front they form a:


Dune with horns (tips) pointing in the direction the wind is blowing


When you have a dune horns pointed upwind it is a:


A crescent-shaped dune with the slip face on the inside of the crescent is called a:

Barchan dune

Shale formation under metroplex producing natural gas


A major gas field in North Texas is the:

Barnett Shale

If you have a map of North Texas a gas bill is located where?

Barnett Shale

What is the name of the geologic formation containing vast amounts of natural gas in the Fort Worth area?

Barnett Shale

42 gallons equals one of these

Barrel of oil

Padre is a good example of this

Barrier Island

Common coastal features along much of the gulf and Atlantic shorelines are:

Barrier islands

A ridge of sand that completely crosses a bay

Baymouth bar

If a spit builds completely across a bay, it is called a:

Baymouth bar

What is an alternative to hard stabilization methods?

Beach nourishment in which sand is brought in and deposited in an area where beach drift will dispose it into the desired region.

Water motion is unaffected by waves_____ wave base


The U.S. has currently what percent of crude oil exported from foreign countries:

Between 30 and 60

The #1 form of renewable energy used in this country is:


The most abundant form of renewable energy currently used in the U.S


The most abundant type of coal in the U.S


Deflation in an area may result in a


Deflation often results in the formation of a:


____ are hard stabilization structures built offshore and parallel to the shoreline


What are seawalls, and what are they used for?

Built along the shoreline to prevent further inland coastal erosion.

Where does this "global warming" gas come from?

Burning fossil fuels

Most coal is mined:

By strip mining

Which atmospheric gas does man generate by burning fossil fuels that is proposed to be largely responsible for global warming?


In _____, a major source of crude oil production comes from the strip mining of tar sands.


This part of an oil trap is often the rock shale


An increase in this atmospheric gas may be causing global warming

Carbon Dioxide

What gas is thought to be largely responsible for "global warming"?

Carbon Dioxide

Because structural traps are often destroyed through time, the greatest production of oil and gas comes from rocks of this era.


What is the name of the desert located in West Texas?


Which country currently produces the most CO2?


How waves travel in the open ocean

Circle Orbital Motion

A "dust storm" is typically comprised of ______-sized material.

Clay, silt, and fine sand

Over 50% of the electric generation in this country is produced from:


This fuel fueled the Industrial Revolution.


Which energy source below fueled the industrial revolution?


How is coal formed? What is coal mainly used for in the United States? What are some environmental concerns regarding coal production and usage?

Coal forms from plant debris that accumulates in a anox (low oxygen) environment. It is mainly used as electric generation in the U.S.

What are barrier islands, and where are most located in the U.S.?

Common coastal features along much of the gulf and Atlantic shoreline.

The chain reaction within a nuclear reactor is slowed by using ______ to absorb free neutrons.

Control rods

In the U.S. what crop is grown to produce most of the ethanol we manufacture?


Most ethanol in the country is made from:


When sand is deposited at an angle to horizontal, it results in a sedimentary feature called:


Sloping layers commonly formed in migrating sand dunes


In the U.S. oil production is currently:


Erosion of sand and silt by wind


The lowering of the land surface by wind erosion is termed:


Gravels coating the desert floor when finer-grained particles have been removed by wind

Desert Pavement

If you have a concentration of gravel in the desert is called

Desert Pavert

A dark stain found on many rocks in desert regiions

Desert Varnish

The accumulation of gravel on the desert surface due to removal of the finer-grained materials is termed:

Desert pavement

The dark staining common on many desert rocks is called:

Desert varnish

The driest of the dry climates


The world population is expanding most rapidly in______ countries


What is fetch?

Distance wind travels over the water.

The movement of sand along the beach is termed beach:


What is an estuary?

Drowned river channels that are a common characteristic of a submergent coastline.

Why are the most desert streams ephemeral?

Due to the lack of soil and plant growth in arid regions, there is more runoff and less infiltration than in more humid regions. The quick downpours on the barren land also stimulates runoff. The net result is rapid runoff through normally dry desert stream channels. These streams are referred to as ephemeral (short lived) since they typically only flow during or shortly after a rain event.

The SEER rating of an appliance defines its:


In this country where do most of our "global warming" emissions come from?

Electric generation

Coal is used primarily to generate this


An emergent ___ shoreline would tend to be relatively straight.


Water waves transfer:


Most desert stream are this type


Most stream valleys in deserts only carry water during rain events they are referred to as?


Most streams in deserts only carry water occasionally. These streams are referred to as ______ streams.


_____ are drowned river valleys, and tend to be common on submergent shorelines


Drowned river valley from rising sea level or subsiding coastline


If sea level rises it may form a drowned river channel called


Perennial streams that flow through desert regions are referred to as _____ streams.


The center of a hurricane


If global warming continues, the temperature rise will help prevent further coastal erosion. True or False


Nuclear energy is the most expensive way to produce electricity. True or False


The number one erosional agent in a desert is wind. True or False


True or False: All structural traps contain either oil or gas.


True or False: Desertification is a natural phenomenon that man has no control over.


True or False: The U.S. gets the largest percentage of its oil from Saudi Arabia.


True or False: Because the desert floor is dry when it rains it soaks up more than a humid region

False, it runoff

Nuclear power is created by the ________ of U-235


Which process below explains how energy is derived in a nuclear reactor?


Tidal current flow advancing onto land


Three different beds that go to crossbeds of a sand dune:

Fore set Top set Bottom Set

The ____ is located between the normal low and high tides.


What is called the area between high and low tides:


Zone between low and high tide


Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are collectively referred to as _______ fuels


These include oil, coal, and natural gas

Fossil Fuels

Gas production from this "tight" formation requires both horizontal drilling and:


In time a (n) _______ may turn into a barrier reef.

Fringing reef

What phase of the moon do you have spring tides

Full and moon

How would you describe the world population growth in the last 200 years? What reasons do you think account for most of this growth?

Global population is increasing exponentially. Energy and materials have become more available which accounts for this growth.

What is the name of the largest desert located in the western U.S.?

Great Basin

In the United States the _______ Oil Shale formation is a potential reserve of crude oil if costs and environmental issues can be satisfied.

Green River

This formation contains roughly half of the world's oil shale

Green River

In the U.S. what is the oil shale located in Utah, Colorado


Barrier build at right angle to shoreline to trap the sand moving by beach drift


Hard stabilization structures built perpendicular to the shoreline:


_____ are hard stabilization structures built perpendicular to the shoreline to prevent beach erosion due to beach drift and longshore currents.


This mineral is used in wallboard


What are breakwaters, and what are they used for?

Hard stabilization structures built offshore and parallel to the shoreline.

On an irregular coastline refracting waves use their energy to create:


Refracting waves tend to attack the _____ of an irregular-shaped shoreline.


Geothermal energy taps_______ within the Earth to produce electricity.


What is the most energy used for in the American home?

Heating and A/C

Atmospheric condition where most deserts are located

High pressure

Why are so many deserts in the 20 degree and 30 degree area north and south of the equator

High pressure

Where are tides typically located in regards to the moon's location?

High tides face the moon, and on the backsides as well.

One major concern about generating electricity with nuclear power is:

How to store the radioactive waste

Where are the terms hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone used?

Hurricanes are called (typhoons in the West Pacific; Cyclones in the Indian Ocean)

Dams are often build on rivers to generate this type of energy


What are spits and baymouth bars? What is the relationship between them?

If the shoreline changes direction, a finger of may build out into the water this sand deposit is called a spit. If a spit builds completely across a bay, it is called a baymouth bar.

What is deflation, and how does deflation produce blowouts?

If thick deposits of sand, silt, and clay cover the desert floor, the removal of this material by wind often results in a slight lowering of the land elevation, a process called deflation. A blowout is an area that has undergone deflation.

A(n) _______ caprock is typically found atop a structural trap


The tips of a barchan point:

In the direction the wind is blowing

Natural gas production in the U.S. has been ____ over the last twenty years or so.


Erosional remnants protruding through accumulations of sediment


Mountain tops projecting through the accumulation of sediment built up around them in a desert setting are termed:


What are alluvial fans and bajadas? How do they form?

Inselbergs are stream deposits that accumulate at the mouth of a mountain valley. As alluvial fans grow they often coalesce into a skirt of sediment along the base of the mountain. This skirt of alluvium is called a bajadas. They form when the water leaves the confined channel, it slows and sediment is dropped out. After sediment builds too high in one region, the stream will change course and begin building in another part of the fan.

Most streams in the Great Basin Desert have____ drainage, meaning they do no flow out of the area.


Because of this condition water seldom flows out of a desert region

Interior Drainage

What happens to the wave speed when a wave enters shallow water and "feels the bottom"?

It Decreases


It between normal low and high tides

What happens to the wavelength when a wave enters shallow water and "feels the bottom"?

It decreases

As water moves to shallow water what happens:

It feels the bottom, slows down, waves get closer together, waves get higher and they break over, and it forms a surf zone.

What happens to the wave height when a wave enters shallow water and "feels the bottom"?

It increases

What percentage of the world's population lives in the United States? How much of the energy and mineral resources do we use?

It is about 4.4% of the worlds population. We use about 94% of nonrenewable energy and 6% of renewable energy?

What portion of the U.S energy consumption comes from renewable sources?

It is about 6% or 7%


It is affected by waves only during storms


It is between the offshore and the shore, and it reaches up to the low-tide shoreline.

What is desert pavement, and how does it form?

It is the accumulation of gravel on the desert surface due to removal of the finer-grained materials.

What is the suspended load of wind? What it is commonly called?

It is wind blown particles of silt and clay and it is commonly called dust storms.

Through time what effect does refracting energy have on a sloping shoreline

It straightens it out

Walls built perpendicular to the shoreline to prevent deposition of sand in a navigational channel


____ are hard stabilization methods often used to keep channels open.


Tidal deltas often form at a tidal inlet in the _____ located behind a barrier island.


What are some benefits to using renewable energy sources?

Little to no global warming emissions, improved public health and environment quality, a vast and inexhaustible energy supply, jobs and other benefits, stable energy prices a more reliable and resilient energy system.

Deposit of wind-blown silt


Wind blown silt deposits are referred to as


Windblown dust deposits are referred to as:


Straight dune with crest parallel to major wind direction


Currents running parallel to the shoreline in the surf zone


Name for deserts located in the 20 degree and 30 degree north or south of the equator

Low latitude

What are the deserts in these regions collectively called?

Low latitude

Describe the effect of the equatorial low pressure belt?

Low pressure belts occur where air masses rise. Rain is frequent in low pressure zones because as warm, moist air rises, it expands and cools. Cold air cannot hold moisture like warm air so the moisture is removed by precipitation.

Collective name for deserts located around the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn


A wave-cut platform that has been elevated above sea level is referred to as a _____.

Marine terrace.

An uplifted wave-cut platform

Marrine Terrace

The _____ has the strongest gravitational pull on Earth.


As man becomes more industrialized and technological he tends to use _____ energy


What sedimentary feature may be commonplace on a playa lake bed due solely to the evaporation of the water?

Mud cracks

Star dunes form from _____ wind direction(s).


These tides result in the least amount of tidal fluctuation


When you have the moon and the sun at a right angle which tide do you have:

Neap tide

The largest desert on Earth is the Sahara. Can you name an exotic stream that flows through it?


Approximately 90% of energy comes from


Ninety four percent (94%) of energy use in the USA come from ______ resources.


This process is controlled with neutron-absorbing rods in a nuclear reactor

Nuclear Fission

Organization of petroleum exporting countries


In the open ocean waves travel in a(n) _____ fashion


OPEC stands for:

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Spring tides occur approximately ever:

Other week

The tips of parabolic dunes point into the wind, and the slip face is on the ____________ of the crescent.


The Middle Eastern countries possess ____ 60% of the world's proven oil reserves.


Where would you least likely find a barrier island:

Pacific Coast

Dune with horns (tips) pointing into the wind


_________ dunes are commonly found along shorelines.


. Longitudinal dunes have relatively straight crests that run __________ to the prominent wind direction.


In the surf zone longshore currents move sand ______ to the shoreline.


If you get caught in a rip current, swim ______ the shoreline to escape the current.

Parallel to

Long shore currents tend to move sand:

Parallel to shoreline

What are the different varieties of coal? Which do we have the most of in this country? Which has the highest BTU value per pound?

Peat, lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. Anthracite has the highest BTU value per pound.

Transverse dunes have relatively straight crests that run __________ to the prominent wind direction


In 2005-2006 the U.S. imported 60% of its ______ from foreign countries


Coal form s from

Plant debris

Where desert stream water pools, a ____ lake may form.


Where are and how do playas and playa lakes form?

Playa lakes are often very shallow and commonly dry up. A dried up playa lake is simply called a playa.

Dry climates are regions where the potential for evaporation exceeds the actual amount of:


Desert found on the leeward side of a mountain range


Deserts located on the leeward side of a mountain range are referred to as ____ deserts.


After strip mining has occurred, the land is ____________ by bringing back and reworking the overburden that had previously been removed.


What we should do with aluminum, plastic, metal, gas, etc.


To save energy, we should all:

Recycle Reuse Reduce

The bending of waves as they approach the shoreline


The bending of waves is called:


These resources can be replenished over a relatively short period of time


What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? What three nonrenewable energy sources account for most of America's energy supply? Why are they referred to as "fossil fuels"?

Renewable resources can be replenished after a short period of time. Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to recover. Petroleum, natural gas, and coal account for most of America's energy supply.

When sand cascades down the slip face, it will finally stop moving as soon as it reaches a stable angle. The stable angle is called the angle of:


List some things you do as an individual to help save energy

Riding a bike and recycling

Dangerous currents flowing seaward

Rip currents

Much of the loess deposits in North America probably came from_____ created during the last ice age.

Rock flour

What mountains are located to the east of the Great Basin Desert?


What is the number one erosional agent in a desert?

Running Water

The #1 erosional agent in a desert is:

Running water

The number 1 erosional agent in deserts

Running water

This country has the largest natural gas reserves


What country has the largest natural gas reserves?


Largest desert in world


What is the largest desert on the planet?


If a playa lake dries up and salts precipitate out, a _______ may form.

Salt flat

If a playa lake dries up what do they form

Salt flat

Much wind-blown sand travels in a jumping fashion in a process called:


The process of jumping grains common during sand migration by wind


Most wind blown __________ is traveling mainly by saltation:

Sand sized

A ____ is an opening in a narrow headland that has been undercut by wave action attacking its sides.

Sea arch

This may rise if global warming continues and the glaciers melt

Sea level

Wave energy predominantly attacks the land at:

Sea level

A ______ is an isolated rock that was once part of a headland.

Sea stack

An isolated remnant of rock produced by wave erosion

Sea stack

Which hard stabilization structure was built on the Galveston shoreline:

Sea walls

Rock wall built on land to prevent erosion of the shoreline


One way to locate structural traps in the ground

Seismic Surveying

One way to help locate structural traps is by:

Seismic surveying

The east coast of the North America has _____ tidal pattern with two high and two low tides each day.


Which rock type below is impermeable and therefore typically forms a cap rock overlying the reservoir rock of a structural trap?


What mountains prevent moist Pacific air from entering the desert southwest?

Sierra Nevada

What's the name of the mountains that prevent pressure from entering the southwest basin?

Sierra Nevada

A dust storm, suspended sediment is comprised of

Silt and clay

The leeward side of a sand dune is referred to as the:

Slip face

The steep side of a sand dune


This energy comes directly from the sun


In this country solar power could best be generated in the:


Where in the U.S. would solar power be most beneficial?


Before a baymouth bar became a baymouth bar it most likely was a:


If the shoreline changes direction, a finger of sand may build out into the water. This sand deposit is called a:


When you have a shoreline that is irregular to the bay. The sand is in this shape


Elongated ridges of sand that project out from the land into the mouth of an adjacent bay


Tides that occur when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned


_____ tides occur whenever there is a new moon or full moon.


_______ tides occur when tidal fluctuation are at a maximum. High tides are very high, and low tides are very low.


What creates tidal fluctuations:

Spring tides

Dune formed from multiple wind directions


Through time refracting wave energy tends to _____ an irregular-shaped shoreline.

Straighten out

The most common way to mine coal

Strip mining

Most coal in the U.S. is either bituminous or:


Describe the differences between an emergent and submergent coast.

Submergent coasts may be the result of global sea level rise, or regional subsidence. Emergent coasts are the result of global lowering of sea level or regional uplift. They expose the relatively uniform sediments that have been deposited offshore and therefore have a relatively straight shoreline.

What are the belts around Earth called that contain these deserts?

Subtropical high pressure

What season of the year is typically dominated by storm waves that erode the beach?


Zone of turbulent water created by breaking waves


Silt is generally carried by wind in this fashion


What is the bed load of wind? What is saltation? What common desert feature forms from deposits of bedload?

Suspension and saltation is the bed load of windClay, silt, or sand-sized material. Saltation is the jumping, fashion of coarse grained sand travels closer to the ground. Dust storm is the common desert feature.

Coal forms from plant debris that accumulates in a(n) _____ environment.


Environment where coal typically forms


Which sedimentary environment would coal most likely form in?


What should you do if you are caught in a rip current:

Swim parallel to it

The #1 oil-producing state in the nation is:


What state is #1 in generating electricity via wind power?


What is geothermal energy? What is required for energy produced from his source?

Taps the heat within the Earth and uses it to generate electricity.

Approximately 15% of the price you pay at the pump is for:


Which "man" uses more energy?


Number one wind and oil producing state


Which state has developed, and continues to develop more wind power than any other state?


What other factor besides population growth helps explain the huge increase in resources needed for today and future populations?

The advancement in industry and technology (predominantly in less developed nations), world energy consumption is projected to keep increasing well into the future.

How does the average American rate in regards to energy consumption when compared to the rest of the world?

The average American uses much more energy than most other people of the world. (Over 5 times the worlds average.)

What are sand dunes? How do they develop?

The buildup of sand may eventually result in the formation of a sand dune.

What is desert varnish, and how does it develop?

The dark staining common on many desert rock is desert varnish. They are dark red to black colored.

What is interior drainage, and why is this common in many deserts?

The lack of moisture has most streams simply flowing into the lowest portions of a valley where the water pools.

What is the slipface of a sand dune? Why is it called this?

The leeward side of a sand dune is referred to as the slip face.

The sun is much larger than the moon, but the moon is closer to earth. Which has a stronger gravitational pull?

The moon has a stronger gravitational pull

What is, and how does beach drift occur?

The net result is an overall movement of sediment along the beach, a process called beach (or littoral) drift.

How does resource consumption compare between a "technological" society and a more "primitive" society?

The primitive society all they had to think about and use was hunting. The technological man however uses energy for different things such as transportation, industry and agriculture, home and commerce, and even food.

Why is flash flooding common in many deserts?

The rapid downpours and runoff often produce flash flooding along these stream channels.

What is the shore?

The shore is the combination of both the foreshore and the backshore

What is the greenhouse effect?

The tapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.

Hydroelectric power is renewable, but:

There are often environmental concerns to deal with.

What are longshore currents, and how do they develop?

There is also a water current created parallel to the shoreline in the surf zone (the longshore current) as the water swashes onto and backwards off the beach face. This current also moves sediment in the same direction as the beach drift.

Parabolic dunes form.....

These dunes are common along many coastlines where there is abundant sand, a strong prevailing wind, and a moderate amount of vegetation. Look at parabolic dunes

Where are the low-latitude deserts located? Why?

They are around the 30 degrees north and south of the equator.

What are rip currents? If caught in a rip current, what should you do?

They are dangerous stretches of water along the shoreline. If caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shoreline to escape the current.

What are jetties, and what are they used for?

They are hard stabilization methods often used to keep channels open.

What are groins, and what are they used for?

They are hard stabilization structures built perpendicular to the shoreline to prevent beach erosion due to beach drift and longshore currents.

What are dry climates?

They are roughly defined as regions where the annual precipitation is less than the potential for evaporation.

Star dunes form...

They are the result of multiple wind directions. Look at picture for star dunes.

Describe the effects of the surbtropical high pressure belts located about 20 degrees to 30 degrees north and south of the equator?

They contain many dry land deserts. most deserts are located around 30 degrees north or south of the equator (where the subtropical high pressure belts exist). Deserts in these regions are referred to as the low latitude deserts.

Most desert streams are ephermeral because:

They exist only during and shortly after a rain event.

How are petroleum and natural gas formed? How are these energy sources typically concentrated?

They form from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals. They are typically concentrated from drilling into the earth.

Transverse dunes form..

They form in similar climatic regions as barachans and barachanoidal, but sand is more abundant. Note the crests of the dunes is perpendicular to the wind direction. Look at picture of transverse dunes.

Barchans dune form.....

They form when there is limited sand, little to no vegetation, and the region is relatively flat with a hard base. Look at picture of the barchan.

Where do most ocean waves get their energy? What three factors determine the height and length of the waves?

They get their energy from wind. The three factors are 1.) Wind Speed 2.) Duration of wind 3.) Distance wind travels over the water (fetch)

How do waves travel in the open ocean?

They travel through an orbital fashion

Where does much of Canada's oil production come from? What is the organic material called? How would you describe it viscosity? How is steam used in the mining operation?

They typically come from oil reserves. Biomass is organic material.

Why are storm surges so damaging? Which side of the eye has the worst surge in the Northern Hemisphere? Why?

This rise in water level can cause extreme flooding in coastal areas particularly when storm surge coincides with normal high tide, resulting in storm tides reaching up to 20 feet or more in some cases.

For____ energy to be productive you need a restricted bay and a large tidal fluctuation.


This energy can be tapped in some coastal areas


A break in a barrier island where tidal waters surge in and out is called a:

Tidal inlet

Daily changes in the elevation of the ocean surface


This pie chart shows the major uses of coal. What is the number one use (88%) of coal?

To generate electricity

A sand deposit that builds behind and connects a small island or large sea stack to the mainland is called a:


A sand deposit that connects a small island to the main island


Ridge of sand that connects an island to the mainland


Since 1950 the largest increase in U.S. oil demands has been from what sector of the economy?


Since 1960, what sector of the economy has used the most from crude oil


Dune with crest perpendicular to the direction the wind blows


As running water does most of its work during floods, so too do waves accomplish most of their work during storms. True or False


Because the Basin and Range Province has interior drainage, the valleys are filling up with sediment weathered from the surrounding mountains. True or False


Due to the lack of moisture, the dominant type of weathering in a desert is mechanical. True or False


There are 42 gallons in a barrel of oil


True of False: Nuclear power is a cost-effective way to generate electricity in the U.S.


True or False: A typical person in the USA uses more than five times the amount of energy than the average person in the world.


True or False:Crude oil and natural gas are typically found concentrated in a structural trap.


True or False:Typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes are the same thing


Yardings are wind-sculpted landforms that generally contain sharp, elongated ridges. True or False


Along most coastlines there is/are_____ high tides(s) and _____ low tide(s) each tidal day.


In most regions in the world, how many low and high tides do they have each day?

Two high and two low

What is the typical frequency interval between high and low tides? Why?

Two high and two low tides per day.

What hurricanes are called in the western Pacific


Thhis country has the largest coal reserves

United States

What country has the greatest proven reserves of coal

United States

Which country below has the largest proven reserves of coal?

United States

This element is used to create nuclear energy


U-235 is an isotope of:


What one non-Middle East country was an original founder of OPEC?


A sandblasted (wind sculpted) rock


When you have a rock that has been wind sculpted it is called a


What is surf? How does water travel landward of the surf zone?

Water motion becomes translational rushing up onto the shore (swash) and then back of (backwash)

A flat bench-like rock surface left behind by a retreating sea cliff

Wave Cut Platform

As waves enter into shallow water the ____ begins to grow.

Wave height

As waves near the shoreline the _____ gets shorter

Wave length

Wave base is approximately 1/2 of:

Wave length

Resistant rock planed off to sea level by wave erosion is called a:

Wave-cut platform

What are wave-cut platforms and marine terraces? What is the relationship between them?

Wave-cut platforms they are the result of wave energy eroding resistant rocks (head lands) landward. Marine terraces are old wavecut platforms that have been elevated above sea level (by either a drop in sea level or uplift of the land)

The vertical distance between the crest and trough of a wave


Distance from crest to crest


The #1 erosional agent on a shoreline is:


Which way does the currents flow

West to east

The ______ U.S. is best suited to produce energy from geothermal sources.


What portion of Texas is best suited for generating energy via wind?


How does a rainshadow desert form?

When air is lifted over a high mountain range it cools and the moisture is squeezed out. They cool, dry air descending on the leeward (back) side of the range warms as it sinks. As the air warms it is able to hold even more moisture, therefore precipitation is very unlikely. The result is a rainshadow desert.

Longitudinal dunes form.....

When barachan dunes become highly elongated, they may form into longitudinal dunes, also known as linear dunes. In other parts of the world such as in Africa, great fields of longitudinal dunes can dominate the landscape for hundreds of miles. Look at picture of longitudinal dunes

What is cross-bedding, and how does it develop?

When sand is deposited at an angle to horizontal, it results in a sedimentary feature.

What are inselbergs, and how do they form?

When sediment has filled into the valleys to the extent that only the highest elevations of the mountains are showing, these mountain tops are called inselbergs.

What are neap tides? When do they occur in relation to the moon's phases?

When the moon and sun are at right angles to the earth, neap tides form. Neap tides produce minimal tidal fluctuations with low high tides and high low tides.

What is nuclear fission? What fuel is used? What are some of the pros and cons of nuclear reactors?

When the neutron hits the U-235 nucleus it causes it to split into two smaller atoms

What are spring tides? When do they occur in relation to the moon's phases?

When the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned (during full and new moon), spring tides form. They produce the maximum tidal fluctuations with high tides and low tides.

Most water waves are created by:


Ventifacts are stones faceted by:


What is the fastest growing renewable energy source? Which state is number one in production?

Wind power and the state is Texas.

What is loess? Why is loess important agriculturally?

Windblown dust deposits. It is important agriculturally because it can make very fertile soil.

The gentle slope of a sand dune is on the _______ side.


Sandblasted bedrock formations are called:


Current produced as the tides goes out


Which below is the correct order of coal formation as temperatures and pressures are increased?

lignite > subbituminous > bituminous > anthracite

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