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The introduction and closure components of your lesson plan must be written as though you are say it. Example of an introduction: Good morning class, today we are going to compare and contrast between healthy and non-healthy snack options.


The requirements for the development of local wellness policies include assembling a committee to develop and implement the policy.


The main purpose of the decision-making instructional strategy is to enable students to

use the best criteria for making choices.

The strength of brainstorming is:

variety of ideas.

Which of the following is a good example of functional information to include in your skills-based curriculum?

A nutrition facts label

Functional information is directly related to intended student outcomes.


Adolescents in grades 9 to 12 are independent thinkers who recognize that future planning is an important skill to learn.


Advocating to a group of parents about changes to the health education curriculum could raise the profile of your program.


An advantage of field trips is that instruction is always very effective regardless of the level of preparation involved.


An assessment measure used to determine whether students have achieved a specific outcome by a predetermined point in the curriculum is known as founndational knowledge.


An assessment of learning at the end of a unit is known as formative assessment.


Benchmark assessments and formative assessments are used to measure the same things.


Construct refers to the level of consistency of results from an instrument orassessment.


Curriculum planning does not affect the learning environment.


Debate teaches students/participants the value of reaching conclusions with partial information.


Educational technologies are used mainly to free instructors' time for other activities.


Every lesson you teach does not need to have an alternative activity.


Holistic rubric weights each item individually


In order for professional development to advance educator practice, it must be taught in a way that keeps teachers in their comfort zone.


Learning how to interpret a nonfiction text in an English language arts class provides a student with the ability to understand and interpret health-related information.


Lobbying a legislator is the best form of advocacy.


Poorer health outcomes later in life are NOT directly related to risk-taking behavior earlier in a person's life.


Reliability refers to the extent to which an instrument actually measures what is intended to be measured.


Role plays are never scripted.


The content development section of the lesson plan should be organized into four columns which include: 1. Timeline, 2. Name of activity, 3. Description of activity ie. organization, and 4. Teaching points/cues


The curriculum design process is strictly linear and should follow a specified order to ensure proper curriculum development.


The family engagement component of the WSCC model works toward a welcoming, safe, and nurturing place for students to learn


The primary purpose of assessment is to determine a student's grade.


The reflection component of your lesson plan should be written before you teach your lesson.


The requirements for local wellness policies include a provision for health education.


The terms standards-based health education and skills-based health education can be used interchangeably.


The theory of human motivation is also known as the Maslow's human needs theory.


There is a positive relationship between adolescent risk behavior and academic performance.


There is currently no technology to permit private, one-on-one online chatting/interaction.


While a scope and sequence maps out the curriculum, a unit plan is used to plan and outline what will be taught in class today.


What is the name of the act that authorized local wellness policies?

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act

Which of the following is NOT a reason that creating a positive learning environment is beneficial to students?

It allows students to set the rules for how class is run.

Which of the following is an example of community-level data?

Police data

Which of the following is a way to select teaching methods to create a positive learning environment?

Serve as a coach who guides students through a learning process.

The ____________________ is a model that examines the role of various sectors of society that can influence public health problems.

Socioecological model

Which of the following is an example of a complex verb used to write learning objective for the psychomotor domain?


A positive learning environment is


A part of goal setting is to develop a plan to reach a goal. Accessing valid and reliable information, products, and services is important to this process because

knowing how to locate accurate and reliable information, products, and services may determine whether you are able to meet your goal

A comprehensive curriculum is one that covers a variety of topics across multiple dimensions of health.


A needs assessment is the process used to better identify strength and areas of improvement within a school/organization, etc.


A person's level of health literacy is fluid and falls on a continuum. Depending on the circumstance or life situation, a person may find oneself moving forward or backward through the levels of health literacy.


A rubric should be used to score performance tasks.


Authentic assessments are meaningful and relevant to students' real-world circumstances and surroundings. Performance tasks are one example


Critical health literacy is the type of health literacy that focuses on broader perspectives of community, national, and global capacity to address health issues.


Examples of safety precautions that should be cited in a Unit Plan would be how to dispose of the face masks when teaching CPR and how to sanitize the manikins.


Functional information is usable, applicable, and relevant. In addition, functional information will provide the context for skill development.


Getting to know your students/participants/audience you are educating is integral to understanding how they will apply a skill or content in their real world.


In order for health curriculum to engage students/participants, be transferred across multiple contexts, and build skills, it must be relevant to the students'/ participants' real world.


___________________ motivation is a person's internal drive or motivation, whereas _____________________motivation is driven by factors outside of oneself. (ANS: Intrinsic (blank 1); extrinsic (blank 2)


Of the following, the best way to make lectures interesting is to

tell stories

Which of the following is NOT an outcome typically used to create school improvement plans?

Discipline rates

An important principle of cooperative learning activities is

careful selection of compatible learning teams.

Provide examples of how you can stay current and relevant in the field of health education. ANSWERS: Join and participate in professional groups on social media platforms and connect with other health and education professionals, read blogs related to emerging topics of interest from organizations and individuals, watch the news, subscribe to journals in the field (and take time to read them), attend community events. Are the answers correct (True) or incorrect (false)


Reward systems work best when they are relevant or viewed as incentives by students.


Self-efficacy is a person's belief that actions can produce the desired outcome.


Skills-based health education instruction is based on the premise that learning occurs in a social context where the teacher serves as a guide or facilitator and students take ownership of their learning.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identify which six categories as the leading cause of death and disability among young people?Answer: 1. unhealthy dietary behaviors, 2. inadequate physical activity, 3. unintentional injury and violence, 4. tobacco use, 5. alcohol and other drug use, and 6. sexual risk-taking behaviors Is the answer provided true or false?


Panel discussions are most useful when

panel members research a topic in advance.

Curriculum design is an ongoing process. Which of the following accurately reflects the four parts of the process?

planning, implementation, evaluation, revision

Which of the following factors is essential to student/participant learning?

safe and supportive

The performance indicators for grades 9 to 12 ask students to be able to access valid and reliable health products and services. This is important for students to learn and demonstrate

students could be harmed or misled by false claims about a product

Establishing clear expectations upfront is important for student/participant learning because:

students/participants perform better when they know what to expect.

Creating a positive physical space in the classroom is important because

students/participants take ownership over classroom space that represents them.

Which of the following is not a component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model?

substance abuse prevention

Which of the following is LEAST important when scheduling a guest speaker?

the speaker's professional credentials

The RACE acronym stands for

Correct answer: reliable, accurate, current, ease of use

The evaluation methods used in determining if a product, service, or information is valid and reliable are the same.


The performance indicators must be presented to students using only the terminology listed in the National Health Education Standards.


One role of a health coordinator is to be a leader in the development and implementation of school health programs


The self-determination theory is driven by three assumptions .1: Human beings have the ability to act on and master inner drives and emotions and external forces that are presented to them. 2: Human beings are always growing and learning, specifically through learning that engages inner thoughts (feelings and beliefs) and outer environments (peers, surroundings, social contexts) in ways that promote positive outcomes. 3: Although human beings are always striving to grow and develop, this does not happen automatically. Growth happens when we are nurtured by our social surroundings.


The skill of accessing valid and reliable information prepares students to become engaged consumers by providing them with the procedural knowledge necessary for successfully performing the skill.


What is the name of a process used in planning curriculum that begins by considering student outcomes? Answer: backward design Is the answer to the question above true or false?


When complete the "Task/Activity" column of the lesson plan you can use one or two word descriptions (i.e Introduction, Closure, Assessment, PowerPoint, Lecture, etc.)


When creating assessments for workshops, seminars, units and lessons, the assessments should measure student/participation achievement of the identified objectives for the workshop, seminar, unit, etc.


When determining the educational objectives for your unit/workshop/seminar on accessing valid and reliable information, you need to consider the intended outcomes before determining what you will teach to students.


When educators require students to practice or apply their learning outside of the classroom, they are fostering connections, building connections to the greater community.


When teaching the skill of advocacy, it can enhance student/participant learning if connections are made to learning that took place during a previous unit/seminar or woprkshop.


You assessment for your lesson must align with your opbjectives. That is, you cannot ask your participants to list and then assess them by having them explain.


The curriculum design process is only the beginning of the process of identifying what students/participants will know and be able to do throughout health education.


When determining the validity of a website, which of the following is NOT an indicator of valid and reliable information?

A site selling a product is supported by their claims on the site.

Describe a few ways in which you could model the skill of accessing valid and reliable information, products, and services to your students or participants. Answer: 1. Set up papers or posters in the room and have each poster or paper have one of the parts of ACCESS written on it. Provide students/participants examples from each part of the model and have them move to the part of the ACCESS model their example fits (i.e., "The author is a doctor and a registered dietitian posting about nutrition tips for teens"). This would go into the "Credible" category. 2. Students/participants read a story about another student/participant trying to implement the RACE model, but there are some errors along the way. Students have to read and identify where the character made mistakes and what they can do to fix it. 3. Students/participants evaluate common sources of information: food labels, prescription labels, news stories, Google. Review the evaluation as a class and discuss implications. The three examples above are true (correct) or false (incorrect)?


Students not only must access information, products, and services, but they also must be able to use the information in a health-enhancing way. Describe what it means for a student to be able to interpret and make judgments about that information, product, or service. The answer to this question is: This component of the skill requires students to understand the context in which the information exists to translate and apply this information to their situation and be able to determine whether or not this information is useful (or to what extent it is useful) and whether or not they should act based on the information. Is this answer true or false?


Participatory methods use interactive strategies that engage students/participants in the material and provide opportunities to practice and apply material. Examples include class discussions, role plays, group work, student presentations, Socratic seminars, partner work, and inquiry-based learning. Participatory methods are important to use because they engage students/participants in their learning. Participatory methods also help students/participants to see the changes in real time and they become able to apply their learning immediately instead of having to find a future time or context where it fits.


Professional learning opportunities that are sequential in nature and build on previous sessions are most likely to advance teacher practice.


Provide an example of how math could be integrated with a health education course. Are all of the answers below true or false? Have students compile statistics from health-related surveys.Students create charts and graphs based on data from youth risk behavior data.Students calculate the cost of regular tobacco use.Use MyPlate to discuss fractions.


To promote creativity, it is best not to have rating criteria for student/participant presentations.


A scope and sequence is a document that outlines the content to be covered and when it will occur. It is often developed at the course level and again for all grades in which health education is taught. This can also be used in health promotion when teaching participants in multi-day workshops and courses.


The health promotion for staff component of the WSCC model considers the health of teachers and staff and encourages the development of programs and policies to support their health.


The following can be used to write learning objectives for the psychomotor domain: Follow, Recreate, Calibrate, and Invent


The following has all components of a behavioral objective? After the lecture and PowerPoint on My Plate, students will list the components of My Plate with 100 percent accuracy.


A well-designed health education program focused on skill development is a prime opportunity to develop health literacy.


Adolescents in grades 9 to 12 are able to take on leadership roles that allow them to critically assess and solve a problem.


An important consideration when developing your lesson is how and the amount of time needed to complete and transition between activities.


Assessing learning is important because it gives students/participants a way to demonstrate how well they have learned the skills and content.


Assessment results should affect teacher practice in the classroom and health promotion professionals in preparation and practice of seminars, workshops, etc.


Explain why it is important to understand your employment policy related to advocacy before engaging in advocacy activities. ANSWER: All school districts and organizations have different policies and may have a different level of permissible activity as a paid employee. Additionally, there is often a difference between what is permissible on employee time and what is permissible on personal time. Having a clear understanding of what is allowable provides the chance to better understand not only the process of advocating for your program/organization but also how best to gain support in an appropriate way.


Formative assessment provides an opportunity for you to evaluate and adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students'/participants'' achievements of intended instructional outcomes.Examples are graphic organizer, think-pair-share, instant activities, "before you leave" prompt, red-yellow-green chips or cups.


How did your prior knowledge of students/participants influence your planned instructional strategies and assessments? - This is an essential component of a lesson plan because prior knowledge of students/participants should greatly impact the lesson you are going to teach.


It is important for teachers/instructors to understand their personal biases so they can determine how it affects their teaching and then determine strategies to ensure the classroom remains bias free.


Normalization of risky behavior can happen in any community. Seeing a risky health behavior as normal and not as a problem is more likely to occur when a majority of students are actually engaging in the behavior.


Provide an example of how social studies could be integrated with a health education course. Are the answers below true or false? Students can explore health issues in certain time periods and focus on how times have changed and why certain health issues don't exist now (and perhaps why we face new ones). Students can explore health practices in other cultures. Students can explore views on health across time periods and cultures. Students can analyze food choices around the globe and how those affect health outcomes.


The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System collects school-level data on student risk behavior and results inform curriculum development, but they can also affect schoolwide policies, programs, and community norms and can be used to build support for programs and services. Trends can be captured so that we can better understand what student behaviors are becoming more prevalent and which ones are less prevalent.


The following are three types of feedback: teacher directed, student or peer feedback, self-monitored feedback.


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