Human Growth & Development Test:1

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In addition to cultural influences, what is a compelling reason that causes parents to choose to co-sleep with their infant? ____ A) Co-sleeping makes nighttime feedings easier. B) Co-sleeping allows the infant to sleep more deeply for longer periods. C) Co-sleeping helps the baby's digestion. D) Co-sleeping infants become more independent.

Co-sleeping makes nighttime feedings easier.

Research has found that the own-race effect is the result of innate prejudice against those who look unfamiliar. A) True B) False


Sociocultural theory states that human development results from the dynamic interaction between a person's genes and his or her unconscious drives. A) True B) False


Studies show that there are no significant differences between mother-child play and father-child play with infants under 12 months of age. A) True B) False


The cells that result from the early duplication and division processes are called stem cells, which are able to produce any other specialized cell. A) True B) False


The first 22 chromosomes contain hundreds of genes in the same positions and sequence. If the code of the gene from one parent is exactly like the code of the same gene from the other parent, the gene pair is heterozygous. A) True B) False


The general term for the techniques designed to help an infertile couple conceive and then sustain a pregnancy is in vitro fertilization (IVF). A) True B) False


The most common extra-chromosome condition is fragile X syndrome. A) True B) False


The mother's ovum determines whether the fetus will become a boy or a girl. A) True B) False


The speed of physical growth in the first year is continued during the second year. A) True B) False


The thick, high-calorie fluid secreted by the mother's breasts soon after childbirth is known as "callosum." A) True B) False


There are five stages of sensorimotor intelligence. A) True B) False


When the effects of genes add up to make the phenotype, they are called dominant-recessive genes. A) True B) False


From birth until age 2, dendrites in the cortex increase about _____. A) threefold B) fivefold C) sevenfold D) tenfold


The ____ has two halves and four lobes. A) cerebellum B) hypothalamus C) amygdala D) forebrain


Adriana and her mother have been playing patty-cake, but her mother is now trying to engage Adriana in a picture book. Adriana wants to play patty-cake again, so she grabs her mother's hands and puts them together as if in a clap. Adriana is clearly in stage ____ of sensorimotor development. A) one B) two C) three D) four


An infant's anger is usually triggered by _____. A) sadness B) fear C) frustration D) shame


All the following affect vision EXCEPT _____. A) genes B) age C) culture D) gender


A small section of a chromosome that is the basic unit for the transmission of heredity is a _____. A) chromosome B) gene C) genotype D) zygote


Synapses are _____. A) intersections where the axons of one neuron meet the dendrites of another neuron B) where neurons make direct contact with one another C) chemical structures that allow dendrites to send their messages to axons D) the area where neurons determine whether a stimulus exceeds the absolute threshold or not

intersections where the axons of one neuron meet the dendrites of another neuron

The neonate's vision _____. A) is clearest when objects are 4 to 30 inches away B) is clearest when objects are about 10 feet away C) does not improve until about age 1 D) is the most developed of the baby's senses

is clearest when objects are 4 to 30 inches away

When a person inherits a recessive gene that is not expressed in the phenotype, he or she is a carrier of the gene. A) True B) False


When the 23 pairs of chromosomes duplicate and form two complete sets of the genome, this process is referred to as "duplication." A) True B) False


Freddy has been sucking his thumb for a few weeks. His parents would prefer him to use a pacifier, so they begin to offer one, but Freddy rejects it and continues to suck his thumb. Freddy is at stage _____ of Piaget's theory of sensorimotor development. A) one B) two C) three D) four


On the 23rd pair of chromosomes, females have _____. A) two X chromosomes B) two Y chromosomes C) an X chromosome and a Y chromosome D) just a Y chromosome

two X chromosomes

At approximately what age will a child begin to combine three words? ____ A) 10 months B) 12 months C) 16 months D) 24 months

24 months

Currently in the United States, newborn mortality is about 1 in ___. A) 100 B) 150 C) 200 D) 250


James and Claire have been trying for several years to get pregnant but have not been successful. They understand the procedures required for in vitro fertilization, but they have not looked into the cost. If James and Claire were to move forward with IVF, they should expect to pay about _____ for all the drugs, the monitoring, and the procedure itself. A) $5,000 B) $15,000 C) $20,000 D) $50,000


A typical child at 24 months weighs about _____ pounds. A) 14 B) 28 C) 42 D) 56


Each gene directs the formation of specific proteins made from a string of _____ amino acids. A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40


On average, children begin to walk well at approximately _____ of age. A) 6 months B) 1 year C) 18 months D) 2 years

1 year

The average newborn triples his or her weight by _____. A) 6 months B) 1 year C) 1.5 years D) 2 years

1 year

Nicolette, pregnant for the first time, wonders how long it will take to deliver her son. You can tell Nicolette that for first births, the average baby is born after ____ hours of active labor. A) 7 B) 11 C) 14 D) 20


Sally is born with 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Sally's chances of survival are about 1 in _____. A) 16 B) 166 C) 316 D) 456


Abed is a typically developing toddler. By age ____ months, Abed should be able to combine two words, such as, "Daddy bye-bye." A) 9 B) 12 C) 15 D) 18


Researchers placed a dot of rouge on babies' noses and then had them look into a mirror. On average, at what age did most babies touch their own noses when they saw their reflection? A) 3 months B) 6 months C) 9 months D) 18 months

18 months

In _____, the first IVF baby was born. A) 1964 B) 1978 C) 1986 D) 2001


The American Association of Pediatricians suggests no screen time for children under age ____. A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 7


Binocular vision appears between _____ months of age. A) 2 and 4 B) 6 and 8 C) 10 and 12 D) 14 and 16

2 and 4

The germinal period ends approximately _____ after conception. A) 2 days B) 3 months C) 2 weeks D) 12 weeks

2 weeks

Clara's weight is in the 30th percentile. This means that _____ percent of all babies her age weigh less than she does and _____ percent of all babies her age weigh more than she does. A) 29; 69 B) 25; 75 C) 70; 30 D) 81; 19

29; 69

In the study comparing children in rural Cameroon with children from urban Greece, which children were observed spending the greatest time being held by their mothers? A) 3-month-old Cameroonian children B) 3-month-old Greek children C) 18-month-old Cameroonian children D) 18-month-old Greek children

3-month-old Cameroonian children

Baby Sam can grab objects, but sometimes he closes his hand too early or too late. Sam is probably around _____ months old. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8


On average, fetuses gain about _____ pounds during the last trimester of pregnancy, which brings the average birth weight to about 7.5 pounds. A) 1.5 B) 2.5 C) 4.5 D) 6.5


Each human body cell contains _____ chromosomes. A) 46 pairs of B) 46 C) 23 D) 20 pairs of


Between 13 and 18 months, infants master their first _____ words. A) 25 B) 50 C) 100 D) 200


By _____ months of age, around 50 percent of babies can usually sit up unsupported. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8


Andrew has recently begun to display the emotion of anger. Andrew is most likely ____ A) 3 weeks old. B) 3 months old. C) 6 months old. D) 9 months old.

6 months old.

Amy spontaneously says things such as "mamamamamama" and "dadadadadadada." About how old is Amy likely to be? A) 2 months B) 3-6 months C) 6-10 months D) 10-12 months

6-10 months

By ___ months, an infant will imitate a behavior that he or she watched a day before. A) 3 B) 5 C) 7 D) 9


According to international rates of co-sleeping, which baby is most likely to sleep in his or her parents' bed? A) Asher, who is from New Zealand B) Felipe, who is from Canada C) Dinh, who is from Switzerland D) Althea, who is from the Philippines

Althea, who is from the Philippines

Which statement about infants' emotional development is true? A) The social smile in response to another person first appears at about 12 weeks old. B) Very young infants seem incapable of expressing distress and contentment. C) A 5-month-old baby is likely to display fear of strangers and separation anxiety. D) An 11-month-old baby may show separation anxiety when her mother goes into another room.

An 11-month-old baby may show separation anxiety when her mother goes into another room.

Lin, in labor with her first child, is in a great deal of pain and has been experiencing strong contractions for nearly 12 hours with little progress toward birth. Although Lin was hoping for a natural birth, her doctor has urged her to use an epidural. Which of the following problems occurs most often following an epidural? A) Newborns are at high risk for birth complications like cerebral palsy. B) An epidural slows down the labor process. C) An epidural speeds up the labor process. D) The mother loses consciousness prior to delivery.

An epidural slows down the labor process.

_____ is experience-expectant; all babies engage in it. A) Sign language B) Waving C) Babbling D) The use of holophrases


A typical 11-month-old baby is likely to display both fear of strangers and separation anxiety. A) True B) False


An abusive caregiver shakes an infant to get her to stop crying. The infant stops crying. Why? A) The infant is so startled by the shaking that she can't cry. B) Blood vessels in her brain rupture and neural connections break. C) Experience has taught her to stop crying. D) The infant's airway is damaged.

Blood vessels in her brain rupture and neural connections break.

Chris is helpful and cooperative and takes care of his family and friends. Aaron is selfish and arrogant and puts his needs before those of his family and friends. Whose traits are likely to be selected for future generations in order to meet the evolutionary goals of humans? A) Chris's B) Aaron's C) Both Chris's and Aaron's D) Neither Chris's nor Aaron's

Both Chris's and Aaron's

Ann-Marie started walking when she was 10 months old; Cynthia is just beginning to take steps by herself at 13 months. Which conclusion is MOST likely true? ______ A) Ann-Marie is more intelligent than Cynthia. B) Cynthia is malnourished. C) Cynthia is physically handicapped. D) Both girls are developing normally.

Both girls are developing normally.

Why are breast-fed babies less likely to contract infectious diseases than bottle-fed babies? A) They are less likely to come in contact with viruses and bacteria. B) Breasts are more sterile than bottles. C) Breast milk contains antibodies. D) Most breast-fed babies don't leave the home often.

Breast milk contains antibodies.

Four-month-old Tammi and 13-month-old Dawn are left with a babysitter. How will they react? A) Tammi will be more upset than Dawn. B) Dawn will probably show more distress than Tammi. C) Both Tammi and Dawn will be experiencing separation anxiety. D) Neither girl is likely to show distress.

Dawn will probably show more distress than Tammi.

The most common extra-chromosome condition is _____. A) Down syndrome B) nearsightedness C) fragile X syndrome D) Tourette syndrome

Down syndrome

Which of the following statements about parent-infant bonding is true? _____ A) Early skin-to-skin contact is essential for human nurturance. B) Fathers report that bonding usually occurs in the second half of the first year. C) Mothers have a more difficult time bonding with their babies than fathers. D) Early skin-to-skin contact is not essential for human nurturance.

Early skin-to-skin contact is not essential for human nurturance.

Which statement about emotional development in toddlers is true? A) Toddlers will universally feel proud of themselves. B) Emotions like pride and humility are dependent on cultural values. C) Toddlers are naturally humble. D) Toddlers are no longer distressed when separated from their parents.

Emotions like pride and humility are dependent on cultural values.

The Western value of independence is clearly exhibited in _____. A) Erikson's stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt B) Freud's oral stage C) Piaget's sensorimotor stage D) Bandura's social-learning theory

Erikson's stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt

_____ is required for normal brain maturation to occur. A) Experience-expectant growth B) Experience-dependent growth C) Self-righting D) Head-sparing

Experience-expectant growth

_____ is a condition that may be caused by poor nutrition, allergies, the microbiome, or other medical conditions. A) Dwarfism B) Obesity C) Failure to thrive D) Head-sparing

Failure to thrive

_____ are more likely to be carriers of X-linked traits, and _____ are more likely to express them. A) _____ are more likely to be carriers of X-linked traits, and _____ are more likely to express them. A) Females; males B) Females; females C) Males; females D) Males; males

Females; males

Greg is 10 months old, and he refuses to crawl across the visual cliff even though his mother is encouraging him to do so. When he was 6 months old, he squirmed across it without hesitation. What has changed for Greg? ____ A) He has matured into understanding that crawling over an edge may lead to falling. B) His visual system has matured sufficiently to detect depth. C) He has developed an insecure attachment with his mother. D) He must have fallen from an elevated height since his last test on the visual cliff.

He has matured into understanding that crawling over an edge may lead to falling.

Eight-month-old Tiffany's parents often fight and scream, which has escalated to physical violence on multiple occasions. What effect might this environment have on her brain development? A) Her hypothalamus may grow more slowly than normal. B) Her prefrontal lobes will be overdeveloped. C) Her dendrites will likely overdevelop. D) Her anterior cingulate gyrus will be damaged.

Her hypothalamus may grow more slowly than normal.

A fatal central nervous system disorder caused by a copy number variation—more than 35 repetitions of a particular set of three base pairs—is _____. A) Down syndrome B) nearsightedness C) fragile X syndrome D) Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease

Which of the following is an example of a single-gene disorder that is dominant? A) Down syndrome B) nearsightedness C) fragile X syndrome D) Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease

Which young boy is MOST likely to be strongly affected by his mother's responsiveness? A) Kim, who is anxious and difficult B) Jerry, who is easygoing C) Trenton, who is a hard-to-classify child D) Ko, who is a slow-to-warm-up child

Kim, who is anxious and difficult

Which statement describes the brain's cortex? ______ A) It is found in the center of the brain and is responsible for primitive emotions and reflexes. B) It makes up a small percentage of the outer brain and is responsible for movement. C) It makes up the outer layers of the brain and is responsible for thinking, feeling, and sensing. D) It is the gray matter of the brain where the intersections of dendrites and axons form.

It makes up the outer layers of the brain and is responsible for thinking, feeling, and sensing.

Statistically, which woman is at greatest risk for having a low-birthweight baby? A) Ashley, who is 27 years old and middle-class B) Jody, who has been diagnosed with diabetes C) Kate, who regularly misses meals D) Delfina, who is a Hispanic immigrant

Kate, who regularly misses meals

According to a longitudinal study on temperament, which followed participants into adulthood, which infant is most likely to change from infancy to age 4? A) Yolanda, who is exuberant and easygoing B) Michaela, who is inhibited and fearful C) Nellie, who is fussy and unpredictable D) Paulette, who is sometimes positive and sometimes fearful

Michaela, who is inhibited and fearful

_____ refers to a trait that is affected by many factors, both genetic and environmental, that enhance, halt, shape, or alter the expression of genes, resulting in a phenotype that may differ markedly from the genotype. A) Polygenic B) Nonadditive C) Multifactorial D) Monozygotic


Which of the following women is most likely to conceive dizygotic twins? A) Ashleigh, who is 20 B) Brenda, who is 27 C) Paige, who is 30 D) Nora, who is 35

Nora, who is 35

Jeremy spoke Ukrainian in early childhood, but stopped speaking it when he was about 4 years old. He no longer explicitly recalls any Ukrainian words and says he can't speak the language. Which of the following situations might reveal his implicit knowledge of Ukrainian? A) Administer a test of Ukrainian language comprehension, and compare his results to others who have never spoken Ukrainian. Jeremy will score higher than lifelong nonspeakers. B) Administer a test of Ukrainian language comprehension, and compare his results to others who have spoken Ukrainian all of their lives. Jeremy will score just as well as lifelong speakers. C) Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will pick up the language more quickly than lifelong nonspeakers. D) Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will quickly realize that he does not need lessons.

Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will pick up the language more quickly than lifelong nonspeakers.

_____ theories have reminded us that development is embedded in a rich and multifaceted cultural context that is evident in every social interaction. A) Psychoanalytic B) Cognitive C) Sociocultural D) Evolutionary


Shirley returned to full-time employment six weeks after her baby's birth. She exclusively breast-fed during her maternity leave, and then pumped her breast milk when she returned to work. Now her baby is 3 months old and drinks some formula when at daycare. Shirley wants to stop breast-feeding. If you were a pediatric nurse, what would you say to her? ______ A) She can quit breast-feeding since all of its benefits are achieved within the first three months. B) She should quit breast-feeding since it is only beneficial if the baby doesn't drink any formula. C) She should keep breast-feeding until the baby begins to eat solid foods, which is the point at which breast milk loses its nutritional value. D) She should keep breast-feeding as long as possible since breast-fed babies are less likely to get sick.

She should keep breast-feeding as long as possible since breast-fed babies are less likely to get sick.

_____ learning takes place by observing others. A) Cognitive B) Psychoanalytic C) Social D) Developmental


Which of the following statements about temperament and personality is true? A) They are different terms for the same concept. B) Personality is biologically based, while temperament is shaped by the environment. C) Both temperament and personality are present at birth. D) Temperament is not the same as personality.

Temperament is not the same as personality.

In which of the following countries are home births most common? _____ A) The United States B) Canada C) England D) The Netherlands

The Netherlands

Which of the following statements about international rates of low birthweight is true? A) The U.S. rate is higher than that of virtually every other developed nation. B) Japan has the lowest rate of low-birthweight babies in the world. C) Germany, Denmark, and Australia have higher rates of low birthweight than the U.S. D) Canada, Sweden, and the U.S. have the lowest rate of low birthweight babies in the world.

The U.S. rate is higher than that of virtually every other developed nation.

Which of the following statements about prenatal neural development is true? _____ A) The central nervous system is the last body system to begin development. B) During the germinal period, neurogenesis contributes to short peaks in brain activity. C) The final three months of pregnancy are likely the best time for normal cell death. D) The human brain is fully connected during the fetal period.

The final three months of pregnancy are likely the best time for normal cell death.

How do people become "fixated" in a Freudian stage? A) They experience excessive emotions. B) Their normal developmental urges are frustrated. C) Their mother is not their primary caregiver. D) They fail to undergo a normal cognitive metamorphosis.

Their normal developmental urges are frustrated.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding rates for cesarean sections and epidurals? _____ A) They have been relatively steady over the past three decades. B) They are the same in the United States as in most other developed nations. C) They vary by doctor and by hospital. D) They are higher for births attended by midwives.

They vary by doctor and by hospital.

Janie is a 3-month-old infant participating in an experiment. She's lying in her crib with one end of a ribbon tied to her foot and the other end tied to a mobile dangling over her crib. She quickly learns that she controls the movement of the mobile with her kicking. One week later, the researchers return, tie the ribbon to her foot and hang the mobile above her crib. Immediately, Janie starts vigorously kicking her leg. What does this experiment demonstrate? A) Three-month-olds can remember actions for at least a week. B) Three-month-olds can relearn the kicking strategy very quickly at the second test. C) Kicking behavior is very easy to learn. D) Mobiles are very interesting to 3-month-olds.

Three-month-olds can remember actions for at least a week.

Which statement supports the sociocultural perspective of language learning? ____ A) Toddlers learn new words best by hearing an adult say a new word as they play with an unrelated object. B) Toddlers learn new words best when they are taught in person. C) Toddlers learn new words best in a group setting. D) Toddlers learn new words best by watching others talk.

Toddlers learn new words best in a group setting.

Which theorist stated, "Failure to bring up a happy child, a well-adjusted child—assuming bodily health—falls squarely upon the parents' shoulders"? A) Erikson B) Skinner C) Freud D) Watson


Allen learned in his college biology class that, with respect to the sex chromosomes, the _____. A) Y chromosome is larger than the X chromosome and has more genes B) X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome and has more genes C) X and Y chromosomes are the same size, but the X chromosome has more genes D) X and Y chromosomes are the same size and have the same number of genes

X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome and has more genes

Which of the following children is illustrating characteristics of a secure attachment? A) Xu is willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver. B) Morgan refuses to let other children play with his toys. C) Valerie clings to her mother in a new environment. D) Chad mimics his mother's expressions in a familiar environment.

Xu is willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver.

Research indicates that alcoholism is caused by _____. A) nature only B) nurture only C) a combination of nature and nurture D) poor moral character

a combination of nature and nurture

Anoxia refers to _____. A) cerebral hemorrhaging B) signs of cerebral palsy C) a lack of oxygen D) toxic substances in the bloodstream

a lack of oxygen

If an individual needed an organ donation, which organ donor would be the best match for this individual? A) a grandparent B) a younger sibling C) a dizygotic twin D) a monozygotic twin

a monozygotic twin

Which is NOT an essential characteristic of high-quality day care? A) encouragement of language development B) experienced, professional caregivers C) cleanliness routines and accident prevention D) a ratio of one adult to three infants

a ratio of one adult to three infants

A parent and a toddler meet someone who makes the parent nervous. If the toddler observes the parent's face, she will probably _____. A) act anxious B) smile and reach for the person C) start crying and hit the person D) not show any reaction

act anxious

Holly learned from her science teacher that her height resulted from about 180 genes, each contributing a tiny amount of genetic information. Holly learned that her height was due to _____. A) additive genes B) dominant genes C) recessive genes D) nonadditive genes

additive genes

Newborn babies do NOT have reflexes designed to _____. A) maintain oxygen supply B) maintain a constant body temperature C) adjust to the difference between day and night D) manage feeding

adjust to the difference between day and night

The ______ is the age at which a fetus might survive outside the mother's uterus if specialized medical care is available. A) germinal period B) embryonic period C) fetal age indicator D) age of viability

age of viability

When Birgitta gave birth, her mother moved in with the young family to help care for the newborn. This sort of caregiving by someone other than the baby's parent is called _____. A) kangaroo care B) allocare C) kinship D) humanism


Experience connects the ____ and the ____, and it helps infants connect their feelings with those of other people. A) hippocampus; limbic system B) frontal lobes; brain stem C) amygdala; prefrontal cortex D) brain stem; amygdala

amygdala; prefrontal cortex

On the 23rd pair of chromosomes, males have _____. A) two X chromosomes B) two Y chromosomes C) an X chromosome and a Y chromosome D) just a Y chromosome

an X chromosome and a Y chromosome

Geraldo loves to climb, and there are many opportunities for him to do so around his home: on the bookshelf in the living room, the decorative rocks in the front yard, and the ladder for the slide at the park. Each of these opportunities is _____ for climbing. A) suitable B) habituating C) an affordance D) a motivator

an affordance

Cooper sees his mother come through the door after work. He squeals, "Mama!" According to information-processing theorists, Cooper's reaction to his mother is an example of _____. A) a linguistic supplier B) habituation C) an output D) a calculation

an output

According to Freud, the second stage of psychosexual development is called the "____ stage." A) phallic B) anal C) trust versus mistrust D) oral


Baby Chang participated in a research study in which the researcher restrained Chang's arms for two minutes. Which emotion did Chang likely experience? A) sadness B) fear C) anger D) shame


In terms of visual acuity, newborns _____. A) possess 20/20 vision B) are legally blind C) have binocular vision D) exhibit organized visual scanning

are legally blind

Sanjay has a small dog at home, so he knows about dogs. He is walking down the street and sees an animal walking toward him. The animal is very large; has four legs, fur, and a tail; and is barking. Sanjay knows that these are characteristics of a dog, given his knowledge of dogs. He quickly concludes that this animal is a dog. This example illustrates Piaget's concept of "_____." A) operations B) assimilation C) equilibrium D) accommodation


"Proximity-seeking" and "contact-maintaining" behaviors are displays of _____. A) love B) fear C) attachment D) friendliness


The lasting emotional bond that an infant forms with a caregiver is called "_____." A) temperament B) attachment C) unionization D) synchrony


Studies show that the timing of pregnancy may increase the risk of negative developmental outcomes. In one study, researchers found that second-born children are twice as likely to have _____ if they are born within a year of the first-born child. A) autism spectrum disorder B) ADHD C) a learning disability D) cerebral palsy

autism spectrum disorder

A toddler in Freud's anal stage would also be at Erikson's _____ stage. A) autonomy versus shame and doubt B) oral C) trust versus mistrust D) object permanence

autonomy versus shame and doubt

In 22 of the 23 pairs of chromosomes, both members of the pair are closely matched. Each of these 44 chromosomes is called a(n) "_____." A) allele B) gamete C) autosome D) blastocyst


Freud argued that the goal of a healthy life is to _____. A) connect spiritually with another person B) follow moral codes set by society C) avoid conflict and promote social harmony D) love and to work

avoid conflict and promote social harmony

Britta has begun repeating syllables such as "da-da-da-da" and "me-me-me-me-me." Britta is in the _____ stage of language development. A) cooing B) holophrasing C) gurgling D) babbling


Chantal and her husband are considering having a baby. Chantal's obstetrician recommends that she stop using alcohol and update her immunizations _____. A) before she gets pregnant B) as soon as she knows she is pregnant C) anytime during the first trimester of pregnancy D) as soon as the baby is born

before she gets pregnant

Jill is 5 years old. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and shows signs of learning problems. Her pediatrician suggests that Jill's problems could be the result of prenatal exposure to _____, though he stresses that the link is not straightforward at this time. A) caffeine B) aspirin C) cell differentiation D) behavioral teratogens

behavioral teratogens

Reading to infants has no impact on language learning, since babies do not yet understand the words being read to them. A) True B) False


Piaget believed children begin to develop cognitively at _____. A) birth B) 3 months C) 1 year D) 18 months


The central nervous system includes the ____ and _____. A) spinal cord; heart B) brain; lungs C) prefrontal cortex; heart D) brain; spinal cord

brain; spinal cord

Studies comparing breast-feeding to bottle-feeding show that _____. A) breast-fed babies have fewer allergies and stomach aches B) breast-feeding is recommended for about half of all mothers C) recent improvements in formula make bottle-feeding more nutritious than breast milk D) breast-feeding should end as soon as a baby gets a tooth

breast-fed babies have fewer allergies and stomach aches

When it comes to research on prenatal development and teratogens, scientists _____. A) always agree on the interpretation of research B) can disagree on the interpretation of research C) have not yet started to analyze the data D) tend to disagree with doctors

can disagree on the interpretation of research

A surgical birth, in which incisions through the mother's abdomen and uterus allow the fetus to be removed quickly, is also referred to as a(n) "_____." A) epidural B) cesarean section C) induced labor D) doula

cesarean section

Analysis of umbilical cord blood confirms that fetuses exposed to ______ have lower intelligence test scores and more behavior problems than other children. A) folic acid B) chlorpyrifos C) vitamin D D) gluten


Each molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is stored on a(n) _____. A) chromosome B) RNA C) gene D) zygote


Humans have 23 pairs of _____, which contain the instructions to make the proteins needed for life and growth. A) chromosomes B) alleles C) genotypes D) zygotes


Twelve-month-old Emily has slept in her parents' bed since she was born. This custom is called "_____." A) co-bedding B) shared sleep C) sleep accommodation D) co-sleeping


A state of mental balance in which people are not confused because they can use their existing thought processes to understand current experiences and ideas is called "_____." A) social learning B) conflict resolution C) cognitive equilibrium D) information processing

cognitive equilibrium

Genes with various repeats or deletions of base pairs are referred to as "_____." A) polymorphic B) autosomes C) polygenic D) copy number variations

copy number variations

Paternal experiences of pregnancy and birth are called ______, expected in some cultures, a normal variation in many, and considered pathological in others. A) shenkui B) Saora disorder C) biological paradox D) couvade


The foundation of cognitive theory is _____. A) observable behaviors B) inner drives and motives C) a person's thoughts and expectations D) cultural influence

cultural influence

Epidurals, often used in hospital births to manage pain during childbirth, have been shown to _____. A) help prevent unnecessary c-sections B) encourage breast-feeding from the beginning C) decrease the newborn's readiness to suck D) induce labor

decrease the newborn's readiness to suck

The behavior of an infant in sensorimotor stage four might best be described as _____. A) deliberate B) experimental C) creative D) anxious


Within Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, each of the developmental stages is characterized by a particular challenge, or a _____. A) conflict negotiation B) developmental conflict C) developmental crisis D) resolution

developmental crisis

Adults who were low-birthweight babies have higher rates of _____. A) diabetes B) malnutrition C) normal-range weight D) obesity


After about the eight-cell stage within the zygote, cells start to _____, meaning that they take different forms and reproduce at various rates, depending on where they are located. A) divide B) duplicate C) differentiate D) detach


When Caitlin falls and hurts herself, she cries and runs to her mother. Rather than comforting Caitlin, her mother offers her a toy to distract her. Her mother is probably a(n) _____ parent. A) proximal B) distal C) authoritative parent D) slow-to-warm-up parent


Fraternal twins are also called _____ twins. A) monozygotic B) dizygotic C) zygotic D) gamete


Most of the known single-gene disorders are _____. A) recessive B) dominant C) difficult to identify D) additive


A person who supports a mother through the birth process from early labor at home through delivery at home or in a hospital is called a _____. A) humanitarian B) doctor C) postpartum nurse D) doula


Tina went into labor at her home. Joan arrived soon after and began to time her contractions and give gentle massages. She assisted Tina and her partner when it was time to leave for the hospital and accompanied them through the birth process. Joan was Tina's _____. A) postpartum nurse B) doctor C) couvade D) doula


Today, ______ are likely to arrive at a pregnant woman's home during early labor and later work alongside hospital staff. A) doulas B) birthing coaches C) physicians' assistants D) neonatal support teams


What are the four categories of temperament suggested by the New York Longitudinal Study? A) easy, difficult, unregulated, hard-to-classify B) easy, insurgent, slow-to-warm-up, hard-to-classify C) easy, difficult, slow-to-warm-up, hard-to-classify D) mellow, tense, shy, indeterminate

easy, difficult, slow-to-warm-up, hard-to-classify

Contemporary researchers believe that there are three dimensions of temperament, each of which affects later personality development and school performance: ____ A) easy, slow-to-warm-up, unclassified B) secure, insecure, disorganized C) easy, secure, difficult D) effortful control, negative mood, exuberance

effortful control, negative mood, exuberance

Jenny just learned that she is 6 weeks pregnant. She is in the _____ period of prenatal development. A) germinal B) embryonic C) fetal D) second


Regarding biological sex (XX or XY), women become drunk on more alcohol than men. A) True B) False


If separation anxiety remains intense after age 3, impairing a child's ability to leave home, go to school, or play with other children, it is considered a(n) ______. A) red flag for maltreatment B) normative, as anxiety is common up until the age of 7 C) emotional disorder D) indication of severe cognitive impairment

emotional disorder

Unlike Freud, Erikson _____. A) only described development in childhood B) believed that adult problems reflect childhood conflicts C) emphasized family and culture in his stages D) leaned toward the behaviorist perspective

emphasized family and culture in his stages

When playing with their children, fathers are more likely than mothers to _____. A) read stories B) engage in physical play C) show them how to play with their toys D) give them food rewards

engage in physical play

Dr. Garcia studies how environmental factors affect gene expression—enhancing, halting, shaping, or altering the expression of genes. Dr. Garcia studies _____. A) atypical longevity B) sociobiology C) human pathogenesis D) epigenetics


Antonia has always had a difficult time remembering things. She visited a psychologist and underwent tests that concluded that the way she senses input and then stores the information is interfering with her ability to recall the information. This explanation for Antonia's memory difficulties is consistent with _____ theory. A) psychoanalytic B) evolutionary C) social learning D) information-processing


According to Erikson, if a child develops a sense of trust, he or she will ______ as an adult. A) explore the social world B) become dependent on others C) overcome a difficult temperament D) not experience any mental health problems

explore the social world

A child's first word combinations—for example, "More cookie" or "My toy"—are called "holophrases." A) True B) False


All humans have about 100,000 genes. A) True B) False


An individual's collection of genes is called a "phenotype." A) True B) False


An individual's phenotype is dependent entirely on his or her genes. A) True B) False


An insecure attachment in infancy means that the child is destined for lifelong problems with relationships. A) True B) False


At birth, the brain contains more than 100 trillion neurons. A) True B) False


Babies whose caregivers use child-directed speech learn language more slowly than babies whose caregivers use adult patterns in their speech. A) True B) False


Cognitive theory utilizes modeling. A) True B) False


Contrary to popular belief, child abuse has few long-term consequences for a child's emotional development. A) True B) False


Deaf babies do not babble. A) True B) False


Dizygotic twins originate from the same zygote; therefore, they have the same genotype. A) True B) False


Evolutionary theory is based on the idea that thoughts and expectations affect actions. A) True B) False


Fearful babies invariably grow into fearful adults, as destined by their genes. A) True B) False


Genes and alleles for alcoholism have been found exclusively on the Y chromosome. A) True B) False


Habituation research is a technique that Piaget developed for testing his theories. A) True B) False


Henry is demonstrating his gross motor skills when he picks up small pieces of cereal from his high-chair tray. A) True B) False


Immunizations are useful in protecting children from diseases but not from the serious complications that result from childhood illness. A) True B) False


In operant conditioning, an individual follows a modeled behavior. A) True B) False


In order for sensation to occur, one must be able to understand and comprehend the incoming stimuli. A) True B) False


In-home day care is always preferable to out-of-home day care. A) True B) False


It has been shown that babies are often unaffected by and immune to parental stress. A) True B) False


A woman carrying dizygotic twins drinks alcohol. The twins' blood alcohol levels are equal, yet one twin may be more severely affected than the other because their alleles for the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol differ. This is evidence that the _____ influence the effects of teratogens. A) age of the embryo/fetus B) genes of the parent C) genes of the embryo/fetus D) doses of teratogen

genes of the embryo/fetus

Cindy is doing a presentation on prenatal development. Cindy's presentation will focus on the following three periods, in the order of ______. A) embryonic, germinal, and fetal B) fetal, embryonic, and germinal C) germinal, embryonic, and fetal D) germinal, fetal, and embryonic

germinal, embryonic, and fetal

The use of prefixes, suffixes, intonation, verb forms, pronouns, and other parts of speech is known as _____. A) grammar B) sentence structure C) speech patterns D) syntax


Large movements that coordinate many parts of the body are known as "_____ motor skills." A) athletic B) fine C) primitive D) gross


Sally is helping her mom make a cake. Her mom helps her pick out the right ingredients, measure them, and mix them together. According to Vygotsky, Sally is engaging in _____. A) modeling B) guided participation C) operant conditioning D) selective adaptation

guided participation

Adam is playful but sometimes moody; fussy but generally tolerant; and sometimes quiet and at other times boisterous. His temperament would be categorized as "_____." A) easy B) challenging C) difficult D) hard-to-classify


The human body is equipped to protect the brain when malnutrition temporarily affects body growth. This protective feature is known as "_____." A) the blood-brain barrier B) brain-override C) head-sparing D) caudal protection


The statistic that indicates how much of the variation in a particular trait can be traced to genes is called "_____." A) a correlation B) heritability C) the mean D) probability


The first 22 chromosomes contain hundreds of genes in the same positions and sequence. If the code of the gene from one parent differs from the code on the same gene from the other parent, the gene pair is _____. A) homozygous B) heterozygous C) monozygotic D) dizygotic


James uses the word "more" to mean "I want another cookie." In this case, "more" is a(n) _____. A) holophrase B) preverbal communication C) overextension D) reflexive communication


The first 22 chromosomes contain hundreds of genes in the same positions and sequence. If the code of the gene from one parent is exactly like the code on the same gene from the other parent, the gene pair is _____. A) homozygous B) heterozygous C) monozygotic D) dizygotic


An individual's inherited biochemistry reacts to alcohol in different ways, causing various reactions in humans, including all the following EXCEPT _____. A) sleepiness B) nausea C) hunger D) relaxation


Victor and Rosa want to enhance their synchrony with their 6-month-old daughter. They can best do this by _____. A) imitating her vocal and facial expressions B) watching her imitate their mouth movements and smiles C) listening to her vocalizations D) including her in their conversations

imitating her vocal and facial expressions

Bruno and Juliana moved to the United States from Mexico two years ago and just had their first baby. Although Bruno and Juliana's SES is lower than that of their native-born peers, their baby was born at a healthy weight. This phenomenon is called the "_____ paradox." A) immigrant B) refugee C) native-born D) SES


Newborns born to immigrants are generally healthier in every way, including birthweight, than newborns of U.S.-born women. This phenomenon is called the "______." A) sociocultural paradox B) immigrant paradox C) ethnic anomaly D) cultural enigma

immigrant paradox

When the immune system is primed to resist a particular disease, the process is called "_____." A) exuberance B) immunization C) pertussis D) head-sparing


Rita is one month pregnant and consults with her doctor about the different categories of teratogens. The doctor tells her that all of the following are categories of teratogens EXCEPT _____. A) drugs B) pollutants C) immunizations D) viruses


During the germinal period, the first task of the zygote's outer cells is _____. A) differentiation B) duplication C) germination D) implantation


When an ovum is surgically removed from an ovary, fertilized in a glass lab dish, and then inserted into the uterus, this process is referred to as "_____." A) in vitro fertilization (IVF) B) unassisted reproductive technology (URT) C) intra-cytoplasmic injection (ICSI) D) multifactorial conception (MC)

in vitro fertilization (IVF)

With respect to prenatal development, teratogens _____ prenatal abnormalities. A) increase the risk of B) decrease the risk of C) always cause D) do not cause

increase the risk of

The frequency of low birthweight in the United States is _____. A) increasing B) stabilizing C) among the highest in the world D) decreasing


Holly was two weeks over her due date. The doctor decided it was best for Holly to _____ labor due to the increasing size of the fetus. A) postpone B) induce C) forego D) decrease


Labor that is started, speeded, or strengthened with a drug is referred to as "_____." A) a home birth B) induced labor C) a cesarean section D) an epidural

induced labor

The fact that 3-month-olds do not spontaneously remember a kicking strategy that they learned two weeks earlier suggests that _____. A) infant amnesia is a valid term B) infants cannot remember anything for very long C) infant memory is fragile D) mobiles do not induce very durable memories

infant memory is fragile

Which theory compares human cognition to the workings of a computer? A) behavioral theory B) information-processing theory C) adaptive theory D) Piaget's theory of cognitive development

information-processing theory

Epigenetics means that a trait _____. A) is determined by genes alone B) is determined by the environment alone C) is determined by genes and the environment D) is determined by genes more than the environment

is determined by genes and the environment

Gwen is the mother of newborn Taylor. For the majority of the day, Gwen holds Taylor between her breasts, skin-to-skin. This allows Taylor to listen to Gwen's heartbeat, as well as feel her mother's body heat. Gwen is utilizing ____. A) swaddling B) neonatal care C) contact comfort D) kangaroo care

kangaroo care

Susan is a 21-month-old who has just begun to make two-word sentences. Her sentences already reveal the grammar of her native language, as she orders her nouns and verbs in the order that mature speakers of her language use. Chomsky would attribute Susan's quick acquisition of grammatical rules to her _____. A) intelligence B) parents' correct use of grammar C) language acquisition device D) receiving reinforcement for proper language use

language acquisition device

Gross motor skills are _____. A) head motions B) small movements C) large movements D) feet motions

large movements

Developmentalists have found that social learning takes place through _____. A) early childhood B) middle childhood C) adolescence D) life


When you experience pleasure or pain, you are likely activating your _____. A) prefrontal cortex B) hippocampus C) pituitary gland D) limbic system

limbic system

An example of stage-three sensorimotor behavior is _____. A) thumb sucking and self-soothing B) looking for a smile and smiling back C) searching for a teddy bear hidden under a blanket D) trying to dress like Mommy or Daddy

looking for a smile and smiling back

Individual A's 23rd pair of chromosomes is XY. Individual A is _____. A) male B) female C) neither male nor female D) both male and female


In China, a "one-child" policy implemented around 1979 cut the birth rate in half. Although the intended goal of reducing poverty was achieved, several unintended consequences were identified. All the following were unintended consequences EXCEPT for _____. A) far more unmarried men in China than women B) millions of newborn girls being placed up for adoption C) males living longer than females D) increased abortions of female fetuses

males living longer than females

Lyrissa lives in Africa. She is 9 months old and does not weigh enough due to malnutrition. Her tissues are wasting away. Lyrissa suffers from _____. A) rickets B) hypoglycemia C) kwashiorkor D) marasmus


Veronica is a speech and language therapist. When conducting an assessment on a child with speech or language concerns, she first records the average number of words in the child's typical sentence. She also uses this technique to monitor a child's language progress over time. Veronica is relying on _____. A) subjective data B) biofeedback C) mean length of utterance D) the language acquisition device

mean length of utterance

Piaget's sixth stage of sensorimotor intelligence is known as the stage of "_____." A) mental combinations B) interesting observations C) primary reactions D) new adaptation and anticipation

mental combinations

Geoffrey enjoys spending time with his 1-year-old son. Compared to his wife, Geoffrey's interaction with their son is likely to be _____. A) more actively playful B) less noisy and boisterous C) more involved with basic care D) less active and energetic

more actively playful

Elaine communicates with her new baby using child-directed speech, which is also referred to as "_____." A) motherese B) echolalia C) holophrastic speech D) telegraphic speech


The ability to move and control some parts of the body is referred to as "_____." A) instinct B) facilitation C) motor skill D) reflex

motor skill

James was born with genes to be a professional athlete, but his environmental experiences never supported the development of his potential athletic ability, so he never became a professional athlete. This example illustrates the concept of a trait being _____. A) polygenic B) nonadditive C) multifactorial D) monozygotic


What three factors contribute to the ability to walk? A) muscle strength, parental teaching, practice B) brain maturation, parental teaching, muscle strength C) parental teaching, practice, brain maturation D) muscle strength, brain maturation, practice

muscle strength, brain maturation, practice

The crucial aspect of synchrony is _____. A) infants observing adults B) infants imitating adults C) mutual interaction D) unilateral imitation

mutual interaction

Eyeballs change shape at typical stages of development, including puberty and middle adulthood. This makes it more likely that _____ will increase at puberty, and _____ will decrease during middle adulthood. A) nearsightedness; farsightedness B) farsightedness; nearsightedness C) nearsightedness; nearsightedness D) farsightedness; farsightedness

nearsightedness; nearsightedness

Low folic acid during pregnancy can result in _____. A) heart defects B) lung defects C) limb deformities D) neural-tube defects

neural-tube defects

Knowing that nature and nurture affect every human trait and disorder means all the following EXCEPT _____. A) no one should be blamed or punished for inherited problems B) prevention efforts may decrease the occurrence of the trait or disorder C) ignoring the nature-nurture influence on human traits and disorders can be lethal D) nurture can always override the potential influence of nature

nurture can always override the potential influence of nature

Baby Hugh enjoys playing with his dad's keys, but when his dad takes them away, Hugh does not search for them. Piaget would say that is because Hugh does not understand _____. A) conservation B) object permanence C) egocentrism D) affordances

object permanence

Social learning theory indicates that learning occurs from _____. A) the association between one stimulus and another B) past reinforcement C) observing and imitating others D) responding to a particular stimulus

observing and imitating others

Information-processing theory asserts that development _____, and Piaget's theory asserts that development _____. A) occurs in stages; occurs in stages B) occurs in stages; occurs daily C) occurs daily; occurs in stages D) occurs daily; occurs daily

occurs daily; occurs in stages

Most recessive genetic disorders are _____. A) on the autosomes B) X-linked C) additive D) polygenic

on the autosomes

When 1-week-old Justine feels too warm, she reflexively cries. According to Piaget, Justine is in stage _____ of the sensorimotor period. A) one B) two C) three D) four


In the United States, more than _____ of births occur via c-section. A) one-third B) one-half C) two-thirds D) three-fourths


Freud would attribute an adult's fingernail biting and overeating to problems during which childhood developmental stage? A) sensorimotor B) oral C) anal D) phallic


Cooperation between a mother and a father based on their mutual commitment to their children is called _____. A) co-parenting B) bonding C) parental alliance D) parental synchrony

parental alliance

Allocare refers to the care of children by _____. A) their biological parents B) foster parents C) siblings D) people other than their biological parents

people other than their biological parents

A visual cliff is used to assess infants' _____. A) visual acuity B) perception of depth C) kinesthetic awareness D) gross motor skills

perception of depth

Which of the following is a development that requires understanding another person's perspective? A) babbling B) cooing C) naming D) pointing


Almost every trait is _____, which means it is affected by many genes. A) polygenic B) nonadditive C) X-linked D) monozygotic


Jackie rushed into the house after school and announced to her parents, "My personality is _____! So many genes make me who I am!" A) polygenic B) nonadditive C) multifactorial D) monozygotic


Julia had a baby three weeks ago. She has been feeling sad and inadequate as a mother, which has made caring for her newborn difficult. Julia may be experiencing _____. A) post-traumatic stress disorder B) postpartum depression C) generalized anxiety disorder D) separation anxiety

postpartum depression

Aram's mother has been helping him to walk by holding his hands and supporting him. Aram's legs are strong enough to hold him up, and he's able to move his legs in a coordinated way as long as his mother supports him. What else does Aram need in order to walk on his own? A) muscle strength B) brain maturation C) practice D) fine motor skills


A baby born three or more weeks early is called "_____." A) premature B) preterm C) low-birthweight D) small for gestational age


The new emotions that appear toward the end of a child's second year are _____. A) joy, distress, fear, and anger B) pride, shame, embarrassment, and guilt C) joy, fear, shame, and guilt D) pride, shame, joy, and anger

pride, shame, embarrassment, and guilt

Breast milk _____. A) is deficient in iron and vitamin C B) is more likely than formula to produce allergies C) provides antibodies to fight diseases D) upsets the baby's digestive system more than formula

provides antibodies to fight diseases

The ____ growth trend means "center-out." A) cephalocaudal B) proximodistal C) experience-dependent D) experience-expectant


The process through which unused dendrites atrophy and die is called "_____." A) pruning B) degeneration C) transitional exuberance D) myelination


Transient exuberance is the _____. A) rapid growth of dendrites during the first few years of life B) high energy that toddlers experience following a nap C) friendliness that infants display prior to the onset of stranger wariness D) rapid growth of axons during the first few years of life

rapid growth of dendrites during the first few years of life

Michael is color-blind. His gene for color blindness is most likely a _____. A) dominant gene on his X chromosome B) dominant gene on his Y chromosome C) recessive gene on his X chromosome D) recessive gene on his Y chromosome

recessive gene on his X chromosome

A father's presence at a child's birth _____. A) has no impact on birth complications B) only has an impact on birth complications if the mother and father are married C) reduces the likelihood of birth complications D) increases the likelihood of birth complications

reduces the likelihood of birth complications

The usual order of the development of spoken language in an infant is _____. A) cooing, babbling, reflexes, and spoken words B) reflexes, cooing, babbling, and spoken words C) babbling, cooing, spoken words, and reflexes D) cooing, reflexes, babbling, and spoken words

reflexes, cooing, babbling, and spoken words

The process of methylation can do all the following to genetic instructions EXCEPT _____ them. A) alter B) connect C) remove D) transcribe


Fine motor skills are those that _____. A) develop as a result of brain damage B) require practice C) require small body movements D) use three or more muscles

require small body movements

Synchrony depends on _____. A) attention span B) stable mood C) responsiveness and timing D) breast-feeding

responsiveness and timing

Dr. Lopez is a researcher who focuses on teratology. Teratology is the science of ______. A) risk analysis B) pediatric neurology C) prenatal health D) obstetrics

risk analysis

When infants turn their heads and suck in response to a touch on the cheek, they are demonstrating the _____ reflex. A) Moro B) rooting C) sucking D) thrashing


Increased levels of cortisol are associated with an infant experiencing _____. A) sadness B) anger C) well-being D) secure attachment


Josh is 15 months old. His parents are happy in their marriage and financially stable. Most likely, Josh's attachment type will be _____. A) insecure-resistant/ambivalent B) insecure-avoidant C) disorganized D) secure


Nine-month-old Taran explores new environments when his mother is present but shows distress when his mother leaves the room. However, when she returns, Taran stops crying and greets her with a hug. Taran is exhibiting characteristics of _____ attachment. A) secure B) insecure-resistant/ambivalent C) insecure-avoidant D) disorganized


Harry's mother left him for a few minutes. When she returned, Harry climbed into her lap and then resumed playing. Harry is probably a(n) _____ attached child. A) insecurely B) securely C) timidly D) disorganized


Couples can select the sex of a child by all the following methods EXCEPT _____. A) inactivating X or Y sperm before conception B) selecting only X eggs for fertilization C) aborting XX or XY fetuses D) undergoing in vitro fertilization and then inserting only male or female embryos

selecting only X eggs for fertilization

Distal parenting tends to produce children who are _____. A) compliant B) cooperative C) clingy D) self-aware


An infant's inborn drive to remedy deficits is called "_____." A) self-efficacy B) experience-expectant brain functions C) experience-dependent brain functions D) self-righting


Learning how to play a musical instrument or how to paint on a canvas results from ________. A) experience-expectant growth B) experience-dependent growth C) self-righting D) head-sparing


Whenever the eyes, ears, tongue, skin, or mouth detect a stimulus, a(n) _____ has occurred. A) perception B) interpretation C) sensation D) response


When a baby acts upset because a caregiver is leaving, the baby is exhibiting _____. A) general anxiety B) separation anxiety C) solitary fear D) fear of isolation

separation anxiety

A life-threatening condition that occurs when infants are violently moved back and forth sharply and quickly is called "_____." A) self-righting B) head-sparing C) shaken baby syndrome D) transient exuberance

shaken baby syndrome

The distinct language form known as "baby talk" is a _____. A) verbal collection of facts and myths about having and caring for babies B) teaching technique used to accelerate language acquisition C) simplified language that adults use when talking to babies D) preverbal sound (like "gaga" and "goo goo") that mothers often make

simplified language that adults use when talking to babies

A baby whose birthweight is significantly lower than expected given the time since conception is referred to as "_____." A) preterm B) premature C) low-birthweight D) small for gestational age

small for gestational age

Jenny has never seen a pear before today. As her mom hands it to her, she says that it is a fruit. Jenny knows that apples and bananas are fruits and that she likes eating them, so she has a reference for this new experience. Jenny is experiencing _____. A) social learning B) operant conditioning C) guided participation D) cognitive equilibrium

social learning

A baby searches the faces of her parents to see how to respond in unfamiliar situations. The baby is illustrating the concept of " _____." A) separation anxiety B) social referencing C) stranger anxiety D) uncertainty checking

social referencing

Abed is 12 months old, and his uncle Frank is visiting for the first time in 6 months. Frank is delighted to see his nephew, so as he enters the room, he booms, "There's my little man!" Abed looks to his mother, who is smiling broadly at her brother Frank, and crawls to her to be picked up. Abed is demonstrating _____. A) attachment disorder B) social referencing C) a slow-to-warm-up temperament D) insecure attachment

social referencing

"Language acquisition device" is a term Chomsky used to refer to the infant's inborn ability to learn language. A) True B) False


For centuries, men have needed women to be sexually faithful to ensure that her children are also his offspring. Which theory is most consistent with this explanation for faithfulness among romantic partners? A) eclectic theory B) evolutionary theory C) behaviorism D) sociocultural theory

sociocultural theory

Research has found that child-directed speech is _____. A) a feminine, rather than an masculine, approach to language acquisition B) spoken in a high pitch with simple vocabulary and short sentences C) unique to English-speaking parents D) spoken in a low pitch with the use of nonsense words

spoken in a high pitch with simple vocabulary and short sentences

On average, which skill does an infant develop last? A) pulling up onto feet B) standing alone without holding on C) sitting without support D) standing while holding on

standing alone without holding on

An infant's distress at seeing an unfamiliar person is called "_____." A) stranger wariness B) extrafamilial fear C) fear of the unknown D) separation anxiety

stranger wariness

Evolutionary theory stresses two needs: ____. A) survival and reproduction B) food and socialization C) food and shelter D) familial and social

survival and reproduction

Neurons in the brain meet at "intersections" called _____. A) synapses B) cortexes C) axons D) dendrites


Jimmy's dad comes home from grocery shopping, sees Jimmy sitting on the sofa, and says, "Where's that boy of mine?" Jimmy gives his dad a smile that spreads across his entire face, and his dad responds with an exaggerated surprised look. This is an example of _____. A) psychosocial scaffolding B) symbiosis C) polarization D) synchrony


Drugs, viruses, pollutants, malnutrition, and stress during pregnancy are referred to as "______." A) threshold effects B) risk factors C) teratogens D) vulnerability factors


Males have one X and one Y on _____. A) each sperm B) on the 43rd chromosome C) the 23rd pair of chromosomes D) each stem cell

the 23rd pair of chromosomes

Mary hides Ramy's favorite toy under a blanket while Ramy watches. Ramy removes the blanket and squeals when he sees the toy. Mary again hides the toy, but this time under a different blanket. Even though Ramy saw where Mary hid his toy, he still looks under the first blanket before removing the second blanket and retrieving the toy. Ramy has displayed _____. A) lack of centration B) lack of object permanence C) habituation D) the A-not-B error

the A-not-B error

By 10 months of age, Alan has a vocabulary of a dozen words. B. F. Skinner would have attributed Alan's rapid speech development mainly to _____. A) exposure to child-directed speech B) an unusual language-acquisition talent C) the amount his parents talk to him D) rapid physical development

the amount his parents talk to him

A child who begins walking independently at 12 months is close to the average age for accomplishing this skill. A) True B) False


A toddler in stage five of sensorimotor development is a "little scientist." A) True B) False


The term holophrase is used to denote _____. A) a word that is empty of meaning B) the infant's use of one word to express a whole thought C) the relationship of object permanence to language development D) the use of two words to take the place of one

the infant's use of one word to express a whole thought

Newborns prefer _____. A) their mother's language more than any other language B) animal sounds more than speech C) normal speech more than baby talk D) traffic noises more than music

their mother's language more than any other language

A common reason that couples do not seek genetic counseling is that _____. A) they have never been exposed to teratogens B) they already eat a well-balanced diet C) their pregnancy is unplanned D) they are well over the age of 35

their pregnancy is unplanned

The brain develops extremely quickly in the first few years, but not all of this growth is permanent. Rapid and temporary dendrite growth is called "_____." A) dendritic proliferation B) pruning C) cortex multiplication D) transient exuberance

transient exuberance

At birth, the human brain can be characterized as having _____ of neurons. A) thousands B) millions C) billions D) trillions


Down syndrome is also called "_____." A) trisomy-12 B) trisomy-13 C) trisomy-21 D) trisomy-31


According to Freud, preventing sucking or weaning too early during infancy may have long-lasting effects on personality development. A) True B) False


According to John Watson, psychologists should only study observable behavior. A) True B) False


According to Skinner, a grandfather who smiles whenever the baby says "pa-pa" is providing reinforcement for talking. A) True B) False


According to cognitive theorists, values and thoughts determine one's perspective on the world. A) True B) False


According to evolutionary theory, every species has two long-standing, biologically based drives: survival and reproduction. A) True B) False


According to the results of cross-cultural research, distal parenting often results in toddlers who are self-aware but less obedient than those whose parents engage in proximal parenting. A) True B) False


Almost every trait is polygenic, which means it is affected by many genes. A) True B) False


An example of a fine motor skill is transferring an object from one hand to the other. A) True B) False


Around age 1, an emerging sense of "me" and "mine" leads to a new consciousness of others. A) True B) False


Babies in the stage of tertiary circular reactions explore the world, actively experimenting on their environment. A) True B) False


Binocular vision is the ability to focus both eyes in a coordinated manner in order to see one image. A) True B) False


Brain maturation is one factor that influences an infant's sleep patterns. A) True B) False


Chomsky argued that babies are born to learn language. A) True B) False


Colic is likely the result of immature digestion in infants. A) True B) False


Dendrite growth is the major reason that brain weight triples in the first two years. A) True B) False


Developmentalists who subscribe to the eclectic perspective select what they consider to be the best aspects of each theory to explain development. A) True B) False


Every ovum a woman creates contains an X chromosome. A) True B) False


Genes affect such disorders as alcoholism and nearsightedness, but research indicates that the environment plays a role as well. A) True B) False


Genes, culture, and age all affect vision. A) True B) False


Habituation research has revealed that babies are more advanced than Piaget believed. A) True B) False


Heritability indicates how much of the variation of a trait can be traced to genes. A) True B) False


If the 23rd pair of chromosomes contains one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, then the individual is male. A) True B) False


In classical conditioning, a meaningful stimulus becomes linked to a neutral stimulus. A) True B) False


Infants usually triple their birth weight by the end of their first year. A) True B) False


Modern mating patterns have been explained from an evolutionary perspective. A) True B) False


Motor skills are used to control actions. A) True B) False


Newer theories on development tend to be multicultural and multidisciplinary. A) True B) False


One word plus expression, tone, loudness, and cadence make up a holophrase. A) True B) False


Perception requires experience in addition to normal brain functioning. A) True B) False


Sensation begins when an outer sense organ detects an incoming stimulus. A) True B) False


Shaking a baby causes neural connections to break and ruptures blood vessels in the brain. A) True B) False


Some herbs and plants contain natural substances that are medicinal, and thus the foods a particular culture eats may aid human survival. A) True B) False


Stunting is a disease directly caused by malnutrition. A) True B) False


Temperament is influenced by biology. A) True B) False


The New York Longitudinal Study suggested that children as young as 3 months old manifested nine inborn temperamental traits. A) True B) False


The cells that result from the early duplication and division processes are called stem cells, which are able to produce any other specialized cell. A) True B) False


The child's abdomen typically swells with fluid with the disease called "kwashiorkor." A) True B) False


The sequence of early language development is universal. A) True B) False


The space between neurons in the brain most likely contributes to complex thinking in humans. A) True B) False


The stage of tertiary circular reactions is when infants begin experimenting with thought and deed. A) True B) False


The temporary increase in the number of dendrites in the first two years of life is known as "transient exuberance." A) True B) False


Jose and Keta recently learned that they were pregnant. The couple is very excited about the pregnancy and are eager to know the sex of the fetus. The doctor explains that she will be able to determine the sex by the end of the third month using _____. A) an X-ray B) amniocentesis C) ultrasound D) the Apgar scale


Based on many decades of research, attachment appears to be _____. A) based on cognitive theory B) stronger in mother-son pairs than father-son pairs C) universal around the world D) limited to Western cultures

universal around the world

Pruning is the process by which _____. A) brain centers are rewired following localized brain damage B) the left hemisphere specializes for language processing C) the frontal lobe disengages from the prefrontal cortex D) unused connections between neurons are eliminated

unused connections between neurons are eliminated

Infants in the sensorimotor stage _____. A) learn to use language to express sensations B) think of past and future events C) use senses and motor skills to understand the world D) think logically and critically

use senses and motor skills to understand the world

The sense that is the least functional at birth is _____. A) hearing B) taste C) vision D) smell


To test an infant's depth perception, a mother might attempt to lure her infant to cross a(n) _____. A) bridge B) visual cliff C) elevated platform D) crowded room

visual cliff

Secure attachment makes a toddler _____. A) willing to explore B) self-centered C) cling to the mother D) want to talk a lot

willing to explore

Every human begins life as a single cell, which is called a _____. A) chromosome B) zygote C) genotype D) genome


Dr. Furth wonders whether a specific brain chemical can be suppressed if a patient is given a large dose of vitamin E. Dr. Furth has just demonstrated the _____ step in the scientific method. A) first B) second C) third D) fourth


Hannah theorized that sleep helps people behave in safer ways. She tested her theory by conducting an experiment. She manipulated the amount of sleep participants got and then tested their driving ability. Hannah learned that participants who got more sleep were safer drivers. In this example, Hannah's theory led her to _____. A) replicate research B) solve a developmental problem C) generate a discovery D) change the behavior of many people

generate a discovery

Li, age 11, is a recent Chinese immigrant. Li's new teachers have noticed that he rarely talks, does not make eye contact, and seems very shy. When they speak to Li's parents, they are surprised, as these characteristics are valued in Li's culture. The perception of Li's behavior reflects the concept of a(n) "_____." A) microsystem B) exosystem C) social construction D) social phobia

social construction

Bobby did not learn to read until he was an adolescent. When he did learn to read, it was much harder for him than it was for his peers. If Bobby had learned to read during the early and middle childhood years, he would have acquired literacy skills much more efficiently. Bobby's difficulty learning to read as an adolescent demonstrates the concept of a(n) "_____ period." A) critical B) early C) late D) sensitive


Piaget's four stages of cognitive development, in order, are _____. A) formal operational, concrete operational, preoperational, and sensorimotor B) preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, and concrete operational C) sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational D) sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, and concrete operational

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational

Socioeconomic status refers to an individual's _____. A) culture B) ethnicity C) social class D) race

social class

Travis and Marcus, close friends, grew up in the same neighborhood. Both were exposed to chronic poverty, gang violence, and family dysfunction. By the time they were in high school, Travis was flunking most of his classes, had a child, and had been arrested numerous times for drug-related crimes and theft. Marcus, on the other hand, was a good student, played football, and had aspirations to attend college. These different developmental trajectories, despite similar environmental influences, illustrate the concept of _____ A) "epigenetics." B) a "critical period." C) a "sensitive period." D) "differential susceptibility."

"differential susceptibility."

The life-span perspective takes into account development from _____. A) birth to death B) childhood to middle age C) birth to adolescence D) conception to death

conception to death

According to the dynamic-systems approach, human development is a static process. A) True B) False


Dr. Tucker and his research team are interested in how aggression changes as we age. The team will recruit 100 3-year-old children and assess their levels of aggression every three years until the participants turn 21. This is an example of cross-sectional research. A) True B) False


Most of our development occurs during critical periods. A) True B) False


Nature is more important than nurture in how a trait or behavior is expressed. A) True B) False


Race and ethnicity are different terms for the same thing. A) True B) False


Scientists believe that race is a genetic construct. A) True B) False


The primary goal of the scientific method is to generate data that support the researcher's hypotheses. A) True B) False


The science of human development examines how, but not why, people change over time. A) True B) False


The term cohort refers to individuals born in the same geographical region and within the same social class. A) True B) False


Which statement about scientific observation is true? A) It requires a large number of participants. B) It requires specialized equipment, such as video recorders. C) It involves recording behavior systematically and objectively. D) It must take place in a lab setting.

It involves recording behavior systematically and objectively.

Dr. House is a neurologist who evaluates individuals who have experienced brain injuries or have suspected brain damage. Dr. House often has his patients undergo testing that allows measurement of myelin, neurons, and fluid in the brain. Dr. House utilizes _____ with his patients. A) PET B) DTI C) EEG D) MRI


Which of the following is a limitation of survey research? A) Participants often drop out of the research. B) It is expensive and time-consuming. C) It requires experimental control. D) Participants may be dishonest in their answers.

Participants may be dishonest in their answers.

_____ emphasizes unconscious drives and early experiences with respect to development, whereas _____ emphasizes learning by association, reinforcement, or observation with respect to development. A) Psychoanalytic theory; behaviorism B) Psychoanalytic theory; cognitive theory C) Behaviorism; psychoanalytic theory D) Cognitive theory; psychoanalytic theory

Psychoanalytic theory; behaviorism

_____ research can be categorized, ranked, or numbered. A) Quantitative B) Qualitative C) Correlational D) Observational


Zachary is a part-time construction worker. Noah is an attorney. These occupations reflect Zachary and Noah's _____. A) SES B) political values C) cohorts D) family values


_____ is when genes for traits that aid survival and reproduction are selected over time to allow the species to thrive. A) Reinforcement B) Conditioning C) Selective adaptation D) Cognitive equilibrium

Selective adaptation

Which of the following statements about norms is correct? A) A norm always represents a usual practice within a culture. B) Norms tend to highlight deficits in development rather than strengths. C) The terms "theories," "norms," and "facts" are used interchangeably. D) Sometimes a norm in an expected behavior, even if it is not the usual practice.

Sometimes a norm in an expected behavior, even if it is not the usual practice.

"_____ research" is a quick way to study the development of a large group of people. A) Experimental B) Survey C) Cohort-sequential D) Longitudinal


A research question becomes a hypothesis when it is stated as a prediction that can be examined. A) True B) False


Dr. Hide is a nutritionist, Dr. Sparrow is a sociologist, and Dr. Anderson is a psychologist. They meet to discuss the rising rates of obesity among children, adolescents, and adults. Each offers a different perspective for the increasing rates. This example illustrates how development is multidisciplinary. A) True B) False


Jenny learned to play the piano as a child and played very well until she stopped practicing in her late teenage years. In her 40s, Jenny decided to start playing the piano again. She quickly realized that she had lost most of her ability to play, so she took lessons to relearn how to play the piano. After several years of lessons, Jenny plays the piano very well. This example illustrates the multidirectional nature of development. A) True B) False


The cohort-sequential design combines cross-sectional and longitudinal research. A) True B) False


Using careful analysis of evidence gathered in the research, investigators are able to conclude whether the hypothesis is supported. A) True B) False


When two variables are unrelated, the correlation between them is zero. A) True B) False


Which cognitive theorist emphasized the cultural context? A) Piaget B) Vygotsky C) Maslow D) Erikson


Which example best illustrates a sensitive period? A) a child who is born blind B) an egg being fertilized C) a fetus developing fingers and toes D) a child learning to speak a second language

a child learning to speak a second language

Which of these is the BEST example of plasticity? A) a child who experiences a traumatic brain injury and relearns how to walk and talk B) a teenager who spends a summer in Chile as part of his church youth group C) a woman who leaves her job to stay home with her newborn D) a man who is in a serious car wreck and remains in a coma five years later

a child who experiences a traumatic brain injury and relearns how to walk and talk

Which example best illustrates a critical period? A) a child learning to walk B) a child learning a second language before age 4 C) a human fetus developing fingers and toes between 28 and 54 days in utero D) a child learning to ride a bike between 5 and 6 years of age

a human fetus developing fingers and toes between 28 and 54 days in utero

A correlation indicates that there is _____ between two variables. A) a causal link B) validity C) reliability D) a relationship

a relationship

With respect to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the more difficult cognitive adaptation is _____. A) assimilation B) accommodation C) sensorimotor behavior D) equilibrium


Sociocultural theory is _____. A) active B) passive C) unidirectional D) outdated


The purpose of an experiment is to find out whether _____. A) an independent variable affects the dependent variable B) a positive correlation can be established C) the dependent variable can be manipulated D) the hypothesis is flawed or influenced by researcher bias

an independent variable affects the dependent variable

Vygotsky used the term _____ to describe how cognition is stimulated and developed in people by more skilled members of society. A) zone of proximal development B) guided participation C) apprenticeship in thinking D) selective adaptation

apprenticeship in thinking

According to Piaget, when new experiences are interpreted to fit into old ideas, it is called "_____." A) learning B) assimilation C) equilibrium D) accommodation


If a researcher finds that there is a correlation between secondhand smoke and children's asthma, he knows for SURE that _____. A) secondhand smoke causes children's asthma B) secondhand smoke does not cause children's asthma C) prenatal exposure to smoking leads to asthma D) asthma and secondhand smoke have some connection

asthma and secondhand smoke have some connection

The three domains of development are _____. A) genetic, environmental, and cultural B) nature, nurture, and SES C) biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial D) physical, social, and emotional

biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial

According to Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development, a mentor must avoid two opposite dangers: _____. A) fear and anger B) boredom and failure C) shame and doubt D) competition and punishment

boredom and failure

According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological-systems approach, the historical context that affects other systems is called the "_____." A) ecosystem B) chronosystem C) mesosystem D) macrosystem


Dorothy was born during the Great Depression. Within the context of the ecological-systems approach, Dorothy's experience of growing up during this time period falls within the _____. A) chronosystem B) exosystem C) microsystem D) macrosystem


Due to findings from the Framingham Heart Study, _____. A) childhood obesity rates have soared since the early 1980s B) cigarette smoking is down, exercise is up, and doctors routinely monitor blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol C) cigarette smoking and obesity rates are up, but cancer risk has decreased dramatically D) more parents are monitoring their children's use of harmful substances, such as alcohol and drugs

cigarette smoking is down, exercise is up, and doctors routinely monitor blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol

A balloon popped and made Bobby cry. It happened again when he was at a friend's birthday party. Now when Bobby sees a balloon, he starts to cry. According to the behaviorist perspective, Bobby cries in response to the balloon because of _____. A) operant conditioning B) observational learning C) classical conditioning D) modeling

classical conditioning

When a person or animal learns to associate a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus, gradually responding to the neutral stimulus in the same way as to the meaningful one, he or she is exhibiting _____. A) classical conditioning B) observational learning C) operant conditioning D) modeling

classical conditioning

Maria believes that it is her choice whether she wants to breast-feed her infant daughter. Maria has decided that breast-feeding will be too difficult once she returns to work full-time, so she plans to use formula instead. Maria's beliefs are consistent with the _____ perspective. A) psychoanalytic B) cognitive C) sociocultural D) universal


_____ theories have brought an understanding of intellectual processes and how our thoughts and beliefs affect every aspect of our development. A) Psychoanalytic B) Cognitive C) Sociocultural D) Eclectic


Bettie grew up in the Great Depression, while her granddaughter is part of the millennial generation. Bettie and her granddaughter belong to different _____. A) socioeconomic groups B) microsystems C) cohorts D) cultural groups


Psychoanalytic theory, behaviorism, and cognitive theory are considered "grand" because they are _____. A) comprehensive, enduring, and widely applied B) comprehensive, well developed, and universally correct C) enduring, widely applied, and universally correct D) comprehensive, widely applied, and unchallenged

comprehensive, enduring, and widely applied

The third step in the scientific method involves _____. A) posing a question B) conducting research C) sharing the results D) developing a hypothesis

conducting research

A woman in Honduras worked in a field treated with pesticides during her pregnancy. Her son was subsequently born with no arms or legs. Her pesticide exposure likely occurred during a(n) _____ period of prenatal development. A) critical B) early C) late D) sensitive


Which type of research design combines the cross-sectional design with the longitudinal research design? A) cross-sequential B) cross-sectional C) meta-sequential D) quasi-experimental


Experiments allow researchers to _____. A) study the natural environment B) study the complexity of an individual C) use the scientific method in a cost-effective way D) determine a cause-and-effect relationship

determine a cause-and-effect relationship

The second step in the scientific method involves _____. A posing a question B) conducting research C) developing a hypothesis D) sharing the results

developing a hypothesis

The term plasticity reminds us that _____. A) human development is linear B) critical and sensitive periods predict developmental outcomes C) developmental change is possible D) human traits are mostly inborn

developmental change is possible

With respect to the concept of multidirectional development, when change is rapid and dramatic, such as when a larva becomes a mosquito, it is an example of _____. A) continuity B) discontinuity C) genetics D) nurture


The idea that human development is an ongoing, ever-changing interaction between the body, mind, and every aspect of the environment reflects the _____. A) dynamic-systems approach B) theory of evolution C) concept of universality D) domino effect

dynamic-systems approach

According to the text, social learning is particularly noticeable in _____. A) infancy B) early adolescence C) late adolescence D) early adulthood

early adolescence

Genes alone do not determine development; environmental forces also shape development. This information has led to the understanding that many human characteristics are _____. A) plastic B) epigenetic C) static D) diverse


In Bronfenbrenner's ecological-systems model, a hospital in the community is an example of the _____. A) ecosystem B) microsystem C) chronosystem D) exosystem


When a researcher wants to determine the cause of a particular behavior, the appropriate research method to use is a(n) _____. A) case study B) meta-analysis C) experiment D) survey


Baby Elijah is participating in a study in which scientists are examining areas of the brain that are activated when they are exposed to music, speech, and random noise. This test, called _____, requires the individual to be fitted with a special cap connected to electrodes. A) fNIRS B) DTI C) fMRI D) PET


The science of human development seeks to understand _____. A) the meaning of life B) the accuracy of new theories C) the works of Freud, Piaget, and Erikson D) how and why people change over time

how and why people change over time

With regard to cognitive development, Piaget argued that _____ is more revealing than _____. A) what children know; how they think B) how children think; what they know C) the cultural context; what children know D) what children know; their cultural context

how children think; what they know

Operant conditioning is also referred to as "_____ conditioning." A) classical B) instrumental C) observational D) reinforcement


Critics of behaviorism argue that the theory _____. A) is too subjective B) is too mechanistic C) neglects individuals D) undervalues emotions

is too mechanistic

Behaviorism has also been referred to as "_____ theory." A) conditioning B) learning C) modeling D) operant


An example of a dependent variable in an experiment might be _____. A) gender B) blood type C) eye color D) level of depression

level of depression

Differential sensitivity means that certain people have genes that _____. A) make them more vulnerable to particular experiences B) interact and coordinate to influence developmental outcomes C) determine their social interactions and intellectual outcomes D) have an unknown impact on their long-term development

make them more vulnerable to particular experiences

Dr. Kolbe is studying the impact of exosystems on human development. Which of the following would Dr. Kolbe be MOST interested in examining? A) cultural values and economic processes B) family and peer groups C) medical centers and religious institutions D) the development of the skeletal structure in children

medical centers and religious institutions

Dwayne was born to a single mother living in Chicago. According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, Dwayne's experience in this social context is an example of the _____. A) chronosystem B) exosystem C) microsystem D) macrosystem


A person observes the actions of others and copies them. Social learning theorists would call this an example of "_____." A) classical conditioning B) operant conditioning C) modeling D) cognition


The effects of climate, noise, population density, family size, and multiethnic communities illustrate that development is _____. A) linear B) multidirectional C) multicontextual D) multicultural


Dr. Towne believes that heredity is primarily responsible for personality traits. Dr. West believes that environmental influences are primarily responsible for personality traits. They are on different sides of the _____ debate. A) nature-nurture B) intelligent design-evolution C) genes-development D) traits-conditioning


A _____ is an average or usual event or experience. A) norm B) theory C) hypothesis D) median


Parents who spend a great deal of time and money trying to find the best school for their children believe in the importance of _____ as it relates to development. A) nurture B) replication C) nature D) classical conditioning


Any consequence that follows a behavior and makes a person likely to repeat that behavior is called a(n) "_____. A) punishment" B) condition C) reinforcement D) observation


The final step in the scientific method involves _____. A) testing a hypothesis B) posing a question C) conducting research D) reporting the results

reporting the results

Empirical evidence is based on _____. A) theories and speculation B) observation, experience, or experiment C) inferences based on personal biases D) opinions generated by focus groups

observation, experience, or experiment

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, many scientists believed that bumps on the head reflected intelligence and character, a theory known as _____. A) neurology B) phrenology C) anthropology D) ethology


A hypothesis is a(n) _____. A) experiment B) prediction that can be tested C) conclusion drawn from research D) replication of a scientific study

prediction that can be tested

Neuroscientists have discovered that the _____ is not completely connected to the rest of the brain until about age 25. A) hippocampus B) prefrontal cortex C) amygdala D) brain stem

prefrontal cortex

In class, Sam learned that some theorists link happiness to productivity. From this, he developed the idea that happy employees in a factory will produce more products per hour. In this example, Sam's theory led him to _____. A) produce a hypothesis B) solve a developmental problem C) generate a discovery D) gain practical guidance

produce a hypothesis

Da'Shay believes that breast-feeding her infant son is crucial for developing a close bond with him and facilitating favorable development. Da'Shay's belief is consistent with the _____ perspective. A) psychoanalytic B) cognitive C) sociocultural D) universal


Approaches to toilet training have changed over time. At one point, it was suggested to parents to postpone toilet training until the child was at least a year old to avoid serious personality problems later on. This view is most consistent with _____. A) psychoanalytic theory B) cognitive theory C) behaviorism D) information-processing theory

psychoanalytic theory

In the first half of the twentieth century, which two opposing theories dominated the discipline of psychology? A) humanism and cognitive theory B) behaviorism and sociocultural theory C) psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism D) cognitive theory and sociocultural theory

psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism

In the science of human development, nature refers to _____. A) the influence of the genes that people inherit B) environmental influences C) patterns of development D) developmental differences

the influence of the genes that people inherit

2. A dependent variable is _____. A) the measured variable that may change depending on manipulation of an independent variable B) any unmeasured variable that is uncontrolled within the context of the experiment C) the variable that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher D) an external variable that cannot be controlled by the researcher

the measured variable that may change depending on manipulation of an independent variable

Epigenetics is _____. A) the study of defective human genes B) the study of how the environment affects which genes are expressed C) a theory that emphasizes nature over nurture D) a theory that explains how motivation can alter biological traits

the study of how the environment affects which genes are expressed

An independent variable is _____. A) the measured variable that may change depending upon manipulation of a dependent variable. B) any unmeasured variable that is uncontrolled within the context of the experiment. C) the variable that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher. D) an external variable that cannot be controlled by the researcher.

the variable that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher.

According to Vygotsky, the skills, knowledge, and concepts that the learner is close to acquiring but cannot yet master without help is referred to as "_____." A) the zone of proximal development B) guided participation C) operant conditioning D) selective adaptation

the zone of proximal development

An explanation of facts and observations defined by a set of concepts and ideas that organize phenomena is called a "_____." A) hypothesis B) theory C) conclusion D) development


A correlation is considered to be zero if _____. A) one variable increases while the other decreases B) both variables decrease C) both variables increase D) there is no relationship between the variables

there is no relationship between the variables

A developmental perspective requires consideration of _____. A) time B) one's birthday C) observer bias D) scientific conclusions


Which of Erikson's stages did he regard as particularly crucial for later development? A) initiative versus guilt B) intimacy versus isolation C) trust versus mistrust D) autonomy versus shame and doubt

trust versus mistrust

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