ISYS 321

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What is Structured Query Language?

- (SQL) is used to communicate with RDBMS and DBMS - Used mostly to ask the database questions but can also be used to create tables, delete tables, update records, add attributes (fields), etc.

What is the Chen Model?

- Each entities name appears in the rectangle and is expressed in the singular, as in customer - each attributes name appears in ovals - each relationship is represented with diamonds for relationships - each line with arrows to show the type of relationship between entities

What is a data model?

- contains the logical data structures that detail the relationships among data elements using graphics or pictures - allows us to design a database that is independent of the DBMS

What is the waterfall method?

1. Analysis 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Testing 5. Deployment 6. Maintenance

What are the 3 types of data?

1. Analytical data - any information used within the organization to help manage and support the business processes or tasks - managers use and analyze the transactional data to help manage these processes - Examples include; Sales Reports, Employee turnover reports, Inventory reports, etc 2. Decision Support Systems (DSS) - used to collect and analyze the data - can be analyzed using existing models that can find the "best" solution for the situation or help you create a new model - examples include; what-if analysis, sensitivity analysis, goal-seeking analysis and optimization analysis 3. Artificial Intelligence - stimulates human intelligence - includes the ability to reason and learn - Data mining and AI tools can help analyze the data, using newer analytical methods

What are the 3 connectivity terms?

1. Broadband - is a general term to indicate very fast network 2. Bandwidth - theoretical amount of how much data you can download at one time 3. Latency - measures the speed of a packet that is sent to the destination and returned

Provide 4 examples of business processes that exist within the Distribution ERP Systems

1. Checking inventory 2. Order more inventory 3. Pricing the product 4. Marketing

What are 2 benefits of Database Management Systems? (DBMS)

1. Classifies and stores transaction data in a structure way in order to avoid redundancy, inconsistency, and/or incompleteness 2. Provides better organization, sorting, searching, and reporting the data

What are 2 risks of differentiation?

1. Competitors Imitate 2. Bases for differentiation become less important to buyers

What are the 3 risks of cost leadership?

1. Competitors Imitate 2. Technology changes 3. Other bases for cost leadership erode

What are Porters 3 Generic Competitive Strategies?

1. Cost Leadership - a firm sets out to become the low-cost producer in its industry - examples: Walmart, McDonalds, IKEA 2. Differentiation - A firm sets to unique in its industry along some dimensions that are widely valued by buyers -Examples: Apple, Bose, Nike, Godiva, Neiman Marcus 3. Focus * This strategy has 2 variants * - cost focus = firm tries to seek a cost advantage in its target market (Aldi, Checkers, Payless, Supercuts) - Differentiation = differentiation in its target market (Rolls Royce, Tiffany's, BMW)

What are the 6 barriers to entry?

1. Economies of Scale - forces of a company to either come in on a LARGE scale or accept a cost disadvantage 2. Product Differentiation - Brand Identification (advertising, customer service, being first in the industry, and product differences) forces new entrants to spend heavily to overcome customer loyalty. 3. Capital Requirements - New companies may need large financial investments in order to compete. 4. Cost Disadvantages - steep learning curve for new businesses 5. Access to Distribution Channels - not as many wholesalers or retailers 6. Government Policy - License requirements, limits on access to raw materials, creates indirect and direct challenges

What are the 5 features of AI?

1. Expert Systems - automated help desk, CaDet (clinical support system that could identify cancer in its early stages in patients) 2. Neural Networks - hand writing, facial recognition, etc. 3. Genetic Algorithms - Simulate the process of natural selection 4. Intelligent Agents - special purposed knowledge based information systems that accomplishes a specific task on behalf of its users - self driving cars - personal assistant on your phone 5. Fuzzy Logic - Another term that is a mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective information

What are 4 examples of support actives within the value chain:

1. Firm Infrastructure: financing, planning, investor relations 2. Human Resource Management: recruiting, training, compensation system 3. Technology Development: Product design, testing, process design, material research, market research 4. Procurement: Components, machinery, advertising, services

What are 5 examples of the primary activities in the value chain?

1. Inbound Logistics: Incoming materials storage, data collection, Service, Customer Access 2. Operations: Assembly, component fabrication, branch operations 3. Outbound Logistics: order processing, Warehousing, report preparation 4. Marketing & Sales: Sales force, promotion, advertising, proposal writing, website 5. After-Sales Service: Installation, customer support, complaint, resolution, repair

What 5 factors may influence the competitiveness within an industry?

1. Industry Growth 2. Differentiation or Switching Costs 3. Fixed Costs 4. Capacity 5. Exit Barriers

What are the 3 requirements that must be met when designing a database?

1. It must guarantee data integrity, avoid all forms of duplication and eliminate the possibility of anomalies and inconsistencies 2. Data must be modified (changed, deleted, added) easily 3. Finally, it must be easy to extract the necessary information

What are 3 kinds of data?

1. Master Data - doesn't change that often - person, place or thing 2. Transactional Data - any information used in a single business process or 'task' - primary function is to support daily operational or structured decisions - examples like POS or online checking account 3. Schema - acts like a skeletal structure representing a logical view of a whole database. It devises all the constraints applied to the data in a particular database. Whenever organizations engage in data modeling it leads to schema. - Design of the database (tables, fields, relationships?)

6 examples of database management systems

1. Microsoft Access 2. Microsoft SQL Server 3. MySQL 4. Oracle 5. IBM DB2 6. SAP HANA

What are the 3 relational databases?

1. One-to-one (A relationship between two entities in which an instance of entity A can be related to only one instance of entity B) 2. One-to-many (A relationship between two entities, in which instance of entity A, can be related to zero, one, or more instances of entity B) 3. Many-to-many (Relationships between two entities in which an instance of entity A can related to zero, one, or more instances of entity B)

Give 4 ways that the value chain can help companies develop a successful business strategy

1. Puts the idea into reality 2. Help increase a business's efficiency, the business can deliver the most value for the least possible cost 3. The end goal is to create a competitive advantage for a company while increasing productivity and keeping costs reasonable 4. The value-chain theory analyzes a firm's five primary activities and four support activities

What are the 4 types of attributes?

1. Simple & Composite - a simple attribute cant be broken down any further (email addresses) - a composite attribute could be broken down further (address) 2. Single-valued & Multi-valued - Single-valued attribute means that there is just one value entered in the attribute (blood type) - Multi- Valued attribute means that multiple pieces of data are entered (phone number) 3. Stored & Derived - stored attribute is not calculated (birthdate) - derived attribute is calculated (age computed using the entered birthdate) 4. Null-valued - no data has been stored in that attribute - attributes can contain a null values or be required to always have a value

What are the 7 kinds of features available in an EIS?

1. Visualization- software used to produce graphics 2. Digital Dashboards - compile information from multiple sources and can be customized 3. Granularity - decision maker can search through data at various levels 4. Consolidation - For example, the executive might want to see the number of sales for all products at the state and regional level 5. Drill-down - goes down to deep levels and levels of information 6. Slice-and-dice - looks at information from different perspectives 7. Pivot - rotates the data to display alternative presentations of the data

What 4 kinds of analysis can a DSS provide?

1. What-If Analysis: Determines the impact of a change on the proposed solution 2. Sensitivity Analysis: Determines the impact that a change will make in one or more parts of the model 3. Goal-Seeking Analysis: Looks at the solution to identify the inputs needed to achieve that solution 4. Optimization Analysis: looking to find the best value for one of the variables

What are Porter's Five Forces?

1. threat of new entrants

What percentage of households in the state with school-age children lack access to broadband


Out of the 1,773 municipalities in Michigan, how many have no broadband access at all?

367 (21%)

How many households have access to a computer which includes smartphones and broadband internet subscriptions?


What is a data warehouse?

A logical collection of information - gathered from many different operational databases - that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks

What is a foreign key?

A primary key of one table that appears an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship among the two entities (tables)

What is a Relational Database Management System? (RDMS)

A program that allows you to create, update, and administer a relational database. Most relational database management systems use the SQL language to access the database.

What is a record?

A record is a set of related attributes in a database. Usually associated as a row in a database

What is Entity Relationship Diagram? (ERD)

A technique for documenting the relationships between entities in a database environment

What is an entity?

Also called a table, stores information about a collection of persons (customers, employees) places (warehouses, stores) things or events (transactions)

What is the impact on buyer power if the buyer has high switching costs?

Buyer power is low

What is a CPU?

Central Processing Unit; the brain of the computer.

What does CRUD stand for?

Create, Read, Update, Delete

What is CRM? What are the benefits?

Customer Relationship Management Can help better provide: - better customer service - make call centers more efficient - cross sell products more effectively - Simplify marketing and sales processes - close deals faster Common problems can be identified early and solutions can be put in the FAQ / chat bots

What is a DSS?

Decision Support System Analyzes data to find the "best solution" More complex than excel

What does ERP stand for? What does it mean?

Enterprise Resource Planning end to end process integration, employees can see many different areas of business. it has developed over the years and includes almost industries

What is ERP? What are the benefits?

Enterprise Resource Planning Referred to as the end-to-end process integration Benefits: - employees can look into other parts of the organization and how decisions might affect the work of others - management team benefits because they are able to make better decisions based on more accurate and timely information - ERP systems have evolved over the years and supports almost all industries

What is an EIS?

Executive Information System Specialized DSS to support senior level executives so that they can look at the entire organization

What does ETL stand for?

Extract, Transform, Load

Why is value, instead of product cost used to analyze the competitive position of a firm?

Firms have the ability to raise their cost to provide a premium via differentiation

What household incomes are most likely to not have broadband and no computer?

Household incomes less than $25,000

What age group is most likely not to have broadband and no computer?

Households over 65 years and older

What are the benefits of a diverse workplace?

Increased Productivity Improved Creativity Increased Profits Improved Employee Engagement Reduced Employee Turnover Wider Range of Skills Improves Cultural Insights

What does it mean when an organization is said to "function as a silo"? What are the consequences of "functioning as a silo"?

It is said to be focused solely on the work that has to be done for the entire unit. Little consideration for the overall process Long delivery time, poor product and service quality, and productivity problems

What is TPS used for?

It stores all the information in a single business. Receipt = Source Document Help with daily operations or structured decisions Example: POS System

What is KMS? What are the benefits?

Knowledge Management Systems manage an organizations collective knowledge and expertise Benefits: - used as a reference for employees - extremely helpful for new hires / transfer employees

How can large volume purchasers and loyalty programs impact buyer power?

Large volume purchasers: High buyer power Loyalty Programs: Reduce buyer power

How many households have high connectivity?

Nearly half of all households (48%)

What does RAID stand for?

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (used to back up data on servers)

What's the difference between a spreadsheet program and a DBMS?

Spreadsheet is a computer application that helps to arrange, manage, and calculate data. Database is a collection of related data that is organized in a way to access the data easily.

What are data marts?

Subsets of data warehouse that typically focus on single subject or a line of business (for example, the marketing data mart might need data from production to gauge what products they need to push)

What is SRM? What are the benefits?

Supplier Relationship Management Manage information about suppliers such as material quality, delivery lead time and historical cost Benefits: - Customer - Supplier Relationship strengthens - Suppliers can better manage their own inventory

What is the impact on supplier power if the company has high switching costs?

Supplier power is high

Why are integrity rules important?

They ensure the data is valid.

What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse?

To aggregate information throughout an organization into a single repository in such a way that employees can make decisions and undertake business analysis activities.

What part of the value chain is considered upstream and downstream?

Upstream (suppliers) Downstream (distribution channels)

What is a Relational Data Model?

a collection of data organized in tables. Tables consisting of rows and columns. All tables are logically related

What is a database management system (DBMS)?

a database application that is used to create, read, update, and delete data in the database files.

What is a primary key?

a field (or group of fields) that uniquely identifies a given entity (row) in a table

What is an ETL process?

a process that extracts information from internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions, and loads the information into a data warehouse

What is a business process?

a set of tasks performed in a particular order to achieve some result. Depending on the nature of the organization, one can identify certain essential processes

What does Cardinality?

a term used to express the specific number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity

What is a Relational Database?

a type of database. It uses a type of structure that allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data. Often times organized into tables.

What is a data lake?

a vast pool of raw data, the purpose for which is not yet defined

What is a Business Process Reengineering? (BPR)

an approach that helps organizations rethink how to carry out their work (business processes) and restructure themselves in order to achieve operational excellence (cut costs, improve customer satisfaction, increase service speed, etc.)

What is an attribute?

an attribute is a data element associated with an entity. Also called a field and are usually shown as columns in a database.

What is a database?

an organized collection of structure information, or data typically stored electronically in a computer system

What does TPS stand for?

transaction processing system

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