Medical Term chapter 9 Nervous system

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The brain is divided into _____ major regions

3 * cerebrum, brain stem, and cerebellum

The abbreviation for a short-term, small stroke is


Pain in the distribution of a nerve


The covering of nerve cell around the myelin sheath is


A medical specialist in the disorders of the nervous system is called a


Myasthenia gravis is a type of _____ disorder

neuromuscular junction

What cell receives stimuli and transmits impulses to neurons or to receptors in other organs?


The chemical agent that relays messages from one nerve cell to the next is


What is the third cranial nerve?


What is the first cranial nerve?


The connective tissue call of the central nervous system that forms a myelin sheath is


Cranial nerve II that is responsible for vision is called the ______ nerve


The root in the term peripheral means

outer part

The division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body


division is involved in stimulating digestion


The _______ nervous system includes all of the neurons, nerves, ganglia, and plexuses outside the CNS


The nervous system has two major subdivisions: the central nervous system and the _______ nervous system


A disorder affecting many nerves is


The abbreviation PET means

positron emission tomography

The disorder that arises after significant trauma like a life-threatening incident, loss of a love done, abuse, or combat in war is called

post-traumatic stress disorder

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain


Infection of the peripheral nerves arising from a reactivation of the chickenpox (varicella) virus is


The _______ motor division of the peripheral nervous system carries signals to the skeletal muscles


What division of the peripheral nervous system serves the skeletal muscles?


An agent that excites or strengthens functional activity


The groove that separates gyri is called


The part of the autonomic nervous system operating at the unconscious level is the the


The two divisions of the ANS are the _______ and the ______ divisions

sympathetic and parasympathetic

The posterior two-thirds of the cerebral hemispheres is the

temporal lobe

An agent that can cause malformation of an embryo or fetus


pertaining tot he chest


Hypoglossal refers to structures that can be found under the


What does the abbreviation TIA mean

transient ischemic attack

The _______ nerve contains three branches supplying the face


Patient complains of intermittent, shooting pain in the area of the face and head

trigeminal neuralgia

What is the fourth cranial nerve?


How many subdivisions does the ANS contain?


A cavity of the heart or brain is a


What is the eighth cranial nerve?


Which of the following roots means sensation or perception?


The medulla oblongata controls vital visceral activities, such as

-vasoconstriction of blood vessels -breathing rate -heart rate

A condition a child is born with the caused by his/her mother's consumption of alcohol. The child has a small head, narrow eyes, and a flat face and nose


A method to remember common warning signs of a stroke is to used the acronym


What structures help prevent foreign substances, toxins, and infections from reaching the brain?

-tight junctions of capillaries -astrocytes

Examples of disorders affecting a single nerve

-ulnar nerve plasy -carpal tunnel syndrome

The three major brain regions are

- cerebellum - cerebrum - brainstem

The neuroglia that are responsible for forming myelin sheaths are

- oligodendrocytes - Schwann cells - neurolemmocytes

Match the following Epidural hematoma Meningitis Meningioma Subdural hematoma

- pooling of blood in the epidural space outside the brain - inflammation of the layering covering the brain and spinal cord - a tumor originating in the arachnoid cells of the meninges - bleeding into the subdural space outside the brain

Which of the following disorders are caused by demyelination?

-Guillian-Barre syndrome -Multiple sclerosis -Tay-Sachs disease

Match the following Antagonist Addiction Marijuana Psychedelic Psychoactive

-an opposing structure, agent, disease, or process -habitual psychologic and physiologic dependence on a substance or practice -dried, flowering leaves of the plant Cannabis sativa -agent that intensifies sensory perception -able to alter mood, behavior, and/or cognition

An epidural involves injecting an ________ into the area surrounding the pain-generating nerve

-anesthetic -anti-inflammatory agent

The hypothalamus regulates which of the following?

-body temperature -hunger -blood pressure

Which disorder is a neuromuscular junction disorder?

-botulism -myasthenia gravis

The plexuses that run along the spinal cord include

-cervical -lumbosacral -brachial

Match the following Gyrus Sulcus Efferent Cerebrum Pons

-circle -ditch, furrow -away from -brain -bridge

Matching the following combining form with its meaning Pathy Cephalo Algesia Syringo Audit Trophy My Pleg Somn Angio

-disease -head -sensation of pain -tube, pipe -hearing -development -muscle -paralysis -sleep -blood vessel

During a ___________, an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory agent is injected into an area surrounding the pain-generating nerve

-epidural -nerve block

The sympathetic division of the ANS ________

-increases oxygen delivery to the brain and skeletal muscles -increases the heart rate

Match the following Quadriplegia Diplegia Hemiplegia Monoplegia Paraplegia Triplegia

-involves all four limbs -involves all four limbs, but legs are more affected than the arms -involves the arm and leg of one side of the body -involves only one limb -involves both lower extremities -involves three limbs

Types of cephalgia is

-migraine -trigeminal autonomic -tension-type

The two main divisions of the peripheral nervous system are

-motor division -sensory division

Match the following Spastic Athetoid Ataxic

-muscles become tight and resistant to being stretched, resulting in clonic movements -difficulty controlling and coordinating movements, resulting in involuntary writhing movements -poor sense of balance and depth perception, resulting in a staggering walk and unsteady hands

tumor that arises from neuroglia

-neuroglioma -glioma

The glial cells that form myelin in the peripheral nervous system are

-neurolemmocytes -Schwann cells

What neuroglia are found in the CNS?

-oligodendrocytes -ependymal cells -microglia -astrocytes

The two main areas of the brainstem are the

-pons -medulla oblongata

Spina bifida occurs in mostly what regions?

-sacral -lumbar

Match the following Acetylcholine Serotonin Dopamine Endorphins

-stimulates skeletal muscles to contract -involved with mood, anxiety, and sleep -involved in movement, memory, pleasurable reward -body's natural pain relievers

An acute clinical event caused by impaired cerebral circulation is known as

-stroke -cerebrovascular accident

The peripheral nervous system consists of the

-sympathetic nervous system -autonomic nervous system -parasympathetic nervous system

The disease characterized by the degeneration of neurons in the basal ganglia is

Parkinson disease

The facial nerve innervates the

mouth, nose, and forehead

Removal of tissue to destroy its function is called


A person with a psychologic or physical dependence on a substance or practice


Which neurons conduct impulses towards the spinal cord or brain?


For mild pain, ___________ and _________ (use abbreviation) are used

analgesics and NSAIDs

The absence of the cerebral hemisphere within the brain is


A pharmocological agent capable of preventing or arresting epilespsy is called


An agent capable of preventing or arresting epilepsy is called an


Weblike middle layer of meninges


Cerebrospinal fluid is contained in the subarachnoid space between the ___________ mater and the __________ mater

arachnoid and pia

An abnormal communication between an artery and a vein is

arteriovenous malformation

Which of the following terms means not voluntary?


The sympathetic and parasympathetic are two division of the ________ _______ system

autonomic nervous

Implantation of radioactive pellets directly into a tumor is called


Patient had very bad dental infection that resulted in bloodborne pathogens lodging in her brain

brain abscess

The central nervous system consists of

brain and spinal cord

The cerebral hemispheres are covered by a thin layer of gray matter called the

cerebral cortex

Infant has motor impairment resulting from brain damage at brith

cerebral palsy

The watery substance that circulates through the ventricles and around the brain and spinal cord is called

cerebrospinal fluid

The major portion of the brain divided into two hemispheres is the


The disorder in which the discs and vertebrae in the neck have degenerated, the spinal canal has narrowed, and the spinal cord and/pr the spinal nerve roots have become compressed is

cervical spondylosis

regions of the spinal cord from superior to inferior

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral

A squeezing together so as to increase the density and/or decrease a dimension of a structure is called a


A mild head injury is


Having present knowledge of oneself and one's surroundings.


pertaining to the skull


The branched extension of the neuron that receives nervous stimuli is the


Impulses travel along the ________ toward the cell body


The parasympathetic division of the ANS slows the heart beat and stimulates


Parkinson disease is caused by a lack of production of the neurotransmitter __________


layers of meninges from outermost to innermost

dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

Uses ultrasound in the diagnosis of intracranial lesions is


Which neurons conduct impulses away from the spinal cord or brain?


a device used to record electrical activity in the brain


The ability to place yourself into the feelings, emotions, and reaction of another person is


Patient has inflammation of the parenchyma of the brain


Name the seizure that is triggered by a fever in infants age 6 months to 5 years


The right and left cerebral hemispheres are further divided into ________ lobes that are visible from the outside


What ventricle is found in the brainstem between the pons and cerebellum?


The anterior lobe of the brain is the

frontal lobe

A collection of blood that has escaped from the blood vessels into tissue is known as a


Paralysis of one side of the body is


What is the twelfth cranial nerve?


The medical term that means pertaining to or caused by a seizure is


cerebral palsy causes delay in the development of normal milestones in

infancy and childhood

The inability to sleep is termed


Patient has had a hemorrhagic stroke. Another name for this is

intracranial hemorrhage

A technique that obtains a specimen of CSF is called

lumbar puncture

protrusion of the spinal meninges


protrustion of the meninges and the spinal cord


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