Nursing of Older Adults Exam 1

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the act of detecting early disease and seeking care before the disease progresses or symptoms become apparent such as screening tests for cancer and findings of other diseases.

secondary prevention

Increase in knoweldge, awareness and what are necessary to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care


activities that involve the care of established disease; attempts are made to restore the person to their highest function, minimize the negative effects of disease, and prevent disease-related complications.

tertiary prevention

Although the older person is generally identified as the patient, it is also appropriate to consider who as the patient.

the family

A change in the efficiency of what processes may predispose individuals to disease with advancing age.

the immune

biology, sociology, and psychology are all concepts used in developing aging ____


routine care, back up care, circumscribed care, sporadic care, and dissociation

types and levels of family caregiving

An interpreter decodes the spoken word, whereas a translator decodes the

written word

Car accidents are more dangerous for seniors than for

younger people

Which culture values daily survival, soul food, soul music, get togethers, and Jesus?

Black Culture

Ms. Gomez is not the 82-year-old recent immigrant from Mexico, mother of seven, and grandmother of 30 but is the "fractured hip in 203."In the contrast between high and low


Individuals will respond to aging in the same way they have responded to previous life events. The same habits, commitments, preferences, and other personality characteristics developed during adulthood are maintained in older adulthood. What theory?

Continuity Theory

DenialI know Mom is going to get better. AngerIf he asks me that one more time, I'll scream. Social withdrawalI don't care about getting together with the neighbors any more. AnxietyWhat happens when he needs more care than I can provide?DepressionI don't care anymore. ExhaustionI'm too tired for this. SleeplessnessWhat if she wanders out of the house or falls and hurts herself? IrritabilityLeave me alone! Lack of concentration Health Problems

10 symptoms of caregiver stress

his pattern encompasses the patient's reserve and capacity to resist challenges to self-integrity and his or her ability to manage difficult situations.

Coping or Stress Tolerance Pattern

Older men are much more likely to be married than older women—70% of men versus ___ of women


1 in 7 americans are over the age of


Adults what age or older currently represent about 14.9% of the total population of the United States


a process that occurs when a member of one cultural group adopts the values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors of another group, usually in an attempt to become recognized as a member of the new group.


Havighurst first proposed the idea that aging successfully is related to staying active. What theory?

Activity Theory

This pattern encompasses information related to health promotion that encourages the older adult to achieve the recommended 30 minutes daily of physical activity on most days of the week.

Activity/Exercise Pattern

a higher percentage of what aging races are poor, compared with the percentage of whites?

African american and hispanics

Society consists of groups of cohorts that age collectively. The people and roles in these cohorts change and influence each other, as does society at large. Therefore a high degree of interdependence exists between older adults and society. What theory?

Age Stratification Theory

prejudice against the old just because they are old


Which culture uses home remedies, guards from strangers, and considered the mother the decision maker?

Appalachian Culture

Which culture teaches the Koran, respects cultural differences in genders, prays five times a day, and feels responsible to visit the sick children and elderly?

Arab and Muslim Culture

The most rapid and dramatic growth for the older adult population in the United States to date is occurring now as what generation reaches 65 years old.

Baby Boomers

Theoretical perspective of Health is a state of optimal functioning as well as the absence of disease-causing microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. When microorganisms enter the body, they overpower its natural resistance. Treatment is directed at repair or removal of the damaged part or administration of drugs to kill or retard the growth of the causative organism.

Biomedical (Western)

Which state has the largest Hispanic, White, Asian, Non-Hispanic, and Two or More race population?


what are the Three leading causes of death among older adults?

Cardiovascular disease, cancer, and COPD

Estimates indicate that most adults over 65 have one or more

Chronic Health Conditions

This pattern encompasses self-management of pain, the presence of communication difficulties, and deficits in sensory function. Modes include vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and compensatory assistive devices used when a deficit exists. Pain should be assessed as well as how the older adult treats this pain.

Cognitive or Perceptual Pattern

Persons who share the experience of an event or time in history are grouped together in what is called a "Greatest Generation," born 1900 to 1924; the Silent Generation, born 1925 to 1945; and the Baby Boomers, born 1946 to 1964.


whos lives longer for a variety of reasons, including reduced maternal mortality, decreased death rates from accidents, and increased death rates in men from all chronic diseases except diabetes. The protective effects of estrogen,


the anxiety experienced when people interact with individuals who have beliefs, values, customs, languages, and ways of life different than their own

Cultural Conflict

Beliefs about health, disease causation, and appropriate treatment are grounded in


It is the shared and learned beliefs, expectations, and behaviors of a group of people?


limiting disability caused by chronic symptoms while encouraging efforts to maintain functional ability or reduce any loss of function through adaptation. Quaternary prevention also includes actions to protect from unnecessary medical treatment

Quaternary prevention

Explanation Treatment Healers Negotiate Intervention Collaboration

ETHNIC culturally sensitive model

This pattern encompasses bowel and bladder excretory functions.

Elimination Pattern

refers to an individual's identification with a group of persons who share similar beliefs and values. It cannot be assumed by appearance, language, or other outward features. The author once asked an older black woman, "May I assume you identify yourself as an African American?" To which she replied, "Well, no—I have always thought of myself as just an American and don't think in terms of 'African American.'"

Ethnic Identity

defined as a social differentiation of people based on group membership, shared history, and common characteristics. For example, the term Hispanic or Latino is often applied to persons who speak the Spanish language and practice the Catholic religion.


The belief that one's own ethnic group, race, or nation of origin is superior to that of another's.


Loss of hearing acuity • Loss of visual acuity • Limited mobility and increased reaction time • Medications • Dementia or mental impairment

Factors contributing to increase risk when older adults drive

Patients are likely to be labeled as noncompliant for failure to keep appointments or for failure to participate in preventive measures such as immunizations or even a turn and positioning schedule to avoid pressure ulcers.

Future Oriented

What theory: functional changes do occur within cells and are responsible for the aging of the cells and the organism. The study further supported the hypothesis that a cumulative effect of improper functioning of cells and eventual loss of cells in organs and tissues are therefore responsible for the aging phenomenon.

Hayflick and Moorheads

Designates a surrogate decision maker for health care matters that takes effect on one's incompetency.

Health Care Proxy/ medical power of attorney

This model tries to compare how a person perceives the value of attaining a health goal or service, and how likely a specific action will help to attain that goal. The three key elements include modifying factors such as demographics, sociopsychologic variables (social class, peer pressure), structural barriers (knowledge about the disease, prior experience with the disease), and cues to action (guidance, media advertisements, individual perceptions (susceptibility, the impact of illness, perceived threat), and the likelihood of action (perceived benefits versus barriers)

Health belief model

his pattern encompasses the perceived level of health and current management of any health problems. Determine health maintenance behaviors and the importance the older adult places on these behaviors.

Health perception or health management pattern

Hot foods and treatments are needed for "cold" illnesses, and cold foods and treatments are needed for "hot" illnesses.

Hot and Cold Theory

What religion generally, absolutely opposes transfusions of whole blood, packed red blood cells, platelets, and fresh or frozen plasma, including banking of own blood; individuals may sometimes be persuaded in emergencies

Jehovah's Witness

They suggested that to provide culturally sensitive and competent care, the gerontologic nurse should explore the meaning of the health problem from the patient's perspective.

Kleinman's Theory of Explanatory Models

Listen, Explain, Acknowledge, Recommend, Negotiate

LEARN Culturally Sensitive Model

Which theory used in older adults assists nurses in discovering ways to provide culturally appropriate care to people who have different cultural perspectives than those of the professional nurse. Uses the sunrise model and these three modes of action: (1) cultural care preservation or maintenance, (2) cultural care accommodation or negotiation, and (3) cultural care repatterning or restructuring.

Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality.

Directs that extraordinary measures not be used to artificially prolong life if recovery cannot reasonably be expected. These measures may be specified

Living Will

About 3.1% of persons older than 65 live in what kind of facilities


Health, illness, and effectiveness of treatment are believed to be caused by the actions of a higher power (e.g., God, gods, or supernatural forces or agents). Health is viewed as a blessing or reward from a higher source and illness as a punishment for breaching rules, breaking a taboo, or displeasing the source of power.

Magico-Religious Theory

the federal government funds most of health care in the United States for persons aged 65 or older through what health care insurance?


Nurses may want to avoid direct eye contact with patients and physicians of the opposite gender from what culture due to sexual implication.

Middle Eastern

The model focuses on achieving a high level of well-being, eventually resulting in self-actualization. Key elements include: (1) perceived health and control of health, (2) perceived personal decision making (self-efficacy, and (3) benefits and barriers to behaviors that promote health

Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model

This pattern encompasses evaluation of dietary and other nutrition-related indicators.

Nutritional or metabolic pattern

Gerontology from the greek "geron" meaning

Old Man

Geriatrics from the greek "geras" meaning

Old age

who has a poverty rate significantly higher than older men?

Older Women

What part of medicare was ammended due to the affordable care act. Lowering the cost of medications for people.

Part D

This act formalized the concept that the individual, without the help of family or friends, makes all decisions about his or her health care.

Patient Self-Determination Act

Everyone has personal competencies that assist the person in dealing with the environment. These competencies may change with aging, thus affecting the older person's ability to interrelate with the environment

Person-Environment Fit Theory

the outward expression of specific genetically influenced, hereditary traits such as skin color and eye color, facial structures, hair texture, and body shape and proportions.


Having negative beliefs, attitudes, or behavior toward a person or group of persons based solely on skin color.


supported by the sociologic theories and assists older adults in appreciating memories.


Researchers agree that this care could potentially improve the well-being of the caregiver as well as possibly delay the institutionalization of the older person in their care. The two basic premises to this care are (1) shared responsibility for caregiving and (2) caregiver support

Respite Care

This pattern encompasses the sleep and rest patterns over a 24-hour period and their effect on function. Assess rest and sleep patterns of the older adult for usual pacing of activities with consistent energy reserves that do not require immediate rest.

Rest or Sleep Pattern

This pattern encompasses the achievement of expected developmental tasks. Basic needs for communication and interactions with other people, as well as meaningful communications and satisfaction in relationships with others, are examined.

Roles or relationship pattern

This pattern encompasses a sense of personal identity; body image, attitudes toward self, and view of self in cognitive, physical, and affective realms; and expressions of sense of worth and self-esteem.

Self-Perception or Self-Concept Pattern

This pattern encompasses the older adult's behavioral expressions of sexual identity.

Sexual or reproductive pattern

1. The person I want to make health care decisions for me when I cannot 2. The kind of medical treatment I want or do not want 3. How comfortable I want to be 4. How I want people to treat me 5. What I want my loved ones to know

The Five Wishes

what initiative, created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014), provides our country with guidelines and objectives for how to achieve a set of new goals every 10 years to obtain optimal health for the entire population.

The healthy people

What theory was derived from Sr. Calista Roy's Adaptation Model?

The theory of successful aging

A model showing an individual progressing through six stages of behavioral changes, including precontemplation (not ready to take action within the next 6 months), contemplation (getting ready to take action within 6 months), preparation (ready to take action immediately), action, maintenance, and termination. The amount of time an individual takes to complete each stage is variable

Transtheoretical Model

This pattern encompasses elements of values, beliefs, and spiritual well-being that the older adult perceives as important for a satisfactory daily living experience and the philosophic system that helps him or her function within society.

Value or Belief Pattern

Cultural beliefs about what is right and wrong and provide a standard from which judgments are made, are learned early in childhood, and are expressed throughout the life span are known as


When a person is in balance, he or she experiences a feeling of inner and outer peace. Illness represents an imbalance of this. Balance may be restored by herbs, acupuncture, acupressure, or massage to specific points on the body called meridian points

Yin and Yang

Which theory remains popular because it reflects current societal beliefs about aging.


Explains person's wishes about treatment in the case of incompetency or inability to communicate. Often used in conjunction with a Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney.

advanced health directive

In 2015 the most common conditions for noninstitutionalized older adults over the age of 75 were

arthritis and hypertension

ultural knowledge is transmitted from one member to another through the process called


the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health,

health promotion

It has been found that as a person ages, the immune system functions less effectively. The term ______ has been given to this age-related decrease in function.


The AGCNS adult gerontology clinical nurse specialist has the requirement of at least a _____ degree in nursing and must be licensed as an RN.


Families are significant in the lives of older persons and provide 80% of the support to

older adults

the act of seeking out services and education to prevent disease immunization against diseases, receiving health-protecting education and counseling, promotion of the use of automobile passenger restraints, home safety, and fall prevention programs

primary prevention

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