PSC: Quiz 11, Public Opinion
The optimum sample size is ____ people. Beyond this, the increased accuracy of the survey does not generally justify the added cost of conducting a survey that size
The person who started the first professional polling firm the United States was
George H. Gallup
_____ exists when a political opinion exists as potential, but not yet formed or crystallized. It is unmeasured opinion and not measurable at that moment.
Persons born between 1982 and 2003 are part of a generation known as
____ is the extent to which people believe the government acts in their best interests.
Political trust
A survey poll that is intended to affect public opinion rather than accurately measure it is called
a push poll
A proper survey sample is based on selecting the appropriate set of people from a chosen population. When every individual in a chosen population has a known and equal chance of being included in the sample, it is called
a simple random sample
A type of survey, or poll, that involves asking people how they voted as they leave a voting station (during an election) is called
an exit poll
_____ is a conception of the ideal social order. It represents a set of consistent political beliefs
an ideology
When opinion does not differ much from the typical response to a question (a substantial percentage of a sample agree on an issue), it suggests that there is _____ on that opinion.
____ is the extent to which people believe their actions can impact public affairs and the actions of government
The political opinions of the most politically active and wealthy members of a community is known as
elite opinion
_____ are socialization patterns in which a generation of adults who grew up during a certain decade or period appears to have its own political and social outlook and thereby differentiating itself from the previous generation
generational effects
How strongly people hold their beliefs, values, attitudes, or opinions is an indication of
____ are sources of error in public opinion polls in which individuals feel obligated to give opinions when they are unaware of the issue or have no opinions about it.
_____ is the condition in which differences between parties and/or the public are so stark that disagreement breaks out, fueling attacks and controversy
Asking the same question across various points in time gives an indication of the _____ of opinion
_____ were ballot polls by nineteenth-century newspapers to predict the outcome of elections
straw polls
The percent of people chosen and contacted to participate in a survey that actually do so (complete the survey and return it) is called
the response rate
____ are polls used by the media to track the support levels for candidates over time
tracking polls