Words of similar meaning - Adjectives

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belligerent (a bull-necked, belligerent old man)

aggressive, militant, hostile (wojowniczy)

irate (Hundreds of irate passengers have complained to the airline.)

angry, furious, livid (wzburzony, zbulwersowany)

valiant (she made a valiant effort to hold her anger in check)

brave, courageous, intrepid (mężny)

destitute (The English aristocracy of the 19th century cared little for the poor and destitute.)

broke, penniless, skint (bez środków do życia)

cumbersome (cumbersome diving suits)

bulky, clumsy, unwieldy (niewygodny)

wily (He had made one mistake, he had not counted on the skill and determination of his wily opponent.)

cunning, artful, sly (sprytny, przebiegły)

perilous (a perilous journey)

dangerous, hazardous, risky (niebezpieczny)

fervent (a fervent supporter of animal rights)

eager, keen, zealous (żarliwy, zagorzały)

frugal (Despite the outside income and a frugal lifestyle, the couple still lacks health insurance.)

economical, sparing, thrifty (oszczędny)

obese (White men are by far the most likely to be obese or overweight and black men are least likely.)

fat, portly, corpulent (otyły)

impetuous (He added that taking the car had been an impetuous and unplanned crime.)

hasty, rash, impulsive (gwałtowny, porywczy)

ravenous (At that spot, they found a dead deer, still steaming, and took hungry, ravenous bites out of it.)

hungry, starving, famished (wygłodniały)

discrepant (discrepant figures)

incongruous, incompatible, incoherent (sprzeczny)

slothful (slothful adolescents)

lazy, idle, indolent (leniwy)

stingy (I work for a real estate firm that is extremely stingy with perks like that, even when it would benefit them.)

mean, tight-fisted, miserly (skąpy)

clamorous (He must hope that after clamorous calls for his resignation, he himself is not placed before the PM's firing squad.)

noisy, boisterous, vociferous (hałaśliwy)

copious (They drank copious amounts of wine.)

plentiful, abundant, bountiful (obfity)

opulent (The town became an opulent centre of a powerful and prosperous state.)

rich, wealthy, affluent (luksusowy, przebogaty)

coy (Nigel's very coy about how much he earns.)

shy, sheepish, bashful (tajemniczy, kokieteryjny)

paltry (a paltry sum of money)

unimportant, petty, trivial (marny, nędzny)

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