AP Art History mid term

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The pyramid of Giza was constructed during what date?

2500 BCE

Terracotta sarcophagi showing life-sized reclining figures are most typical of which century?

6th century BCE

Byzantine centrally planned structures often contained

A dome

Both San Vitale and the Pantheon contain which similar feature? Characterized by what plan?

A dome. A central plan

The buiding complex of the citadel of Sargon II was

A fortified palace

In the statue of Arthena Parthenos, what did she hold that made an overt reference to the athenian victory over the persian in 479 BC

A winged nike figure

A dramatic change in Egyptian art took place during the armana period under the reign of


The pergamon altar was designed to parallel the gods victories with those of

Alexander the great

The geometric krater would most likely be found in what?

An athenian cemetery of the geometric period?

The use of guardian figures on the lion gate is reminiscent of

Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

Who is usually given credit for the invention of the red figure technique as seen in the amphora of "achilles and Ajax playing a dice game"?

Andokides painter

The motifs are typical of which style prevalent in the art of northwestern europe in the early middle ages?

Animal style

What was one of the first statues to represent a female nude?

Aphrodite of Knidos

What best describes and distinguished the "fourth style" of Roman painting?

Architectural illusionism

when event is chronicles on the frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike detailing victory over the Persians

Battle at Marathon

The patron of the two doors with lions as doorknobs is

Bishop Bernard of Hildeshiem

the aristocratic taste for courtly medieval art finds expression in which of the following works/

Blanche of Castile and Louis IX

The purse lid is found where?


The throne of wisdom, sedes sapientiae is the western european freestanding version of which of the following?

Byzantine Theotokes

The image of the gold cross with jesus on the front is created from which art period?


A female figure used as an architectural support was known as a


The early medieval emperor who united Europe and began a revival of the ideals of imperial Rome was


Aachen, Germany was

Charlemagnes capital

One factor contributing to the differences of the pantheon and the San Vitale is the rise of


What historical event ushered the beginning of the classical period

Defeat of the persians

The coming of a new religion to Jerusalem, a city sacred to both Jews and Christians, is marked by a monument known as the

Dome of the Rock

The column used on Etruscan temple resembles which type of Greek column?


The first surviving example of the use of rib vaults occurs in

Durham cathedral

The swirling drapery and heaving landscape of St. Matthew from what represents the expressionistic mode of Carolingian art.

Ebbo gospels

The funerary practic of the Mycenaeans, covering the faces of the dead with gold masks, recalls what other culture?


During the Greek orientalizing period, Greek vase decoration, which consisted of rows of composite creatures and exotic animals was influenced by which two period of artworks?

Egyptian and Mesopotamian Art

The Hagia Sophia was built under the patronage of

Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora

Which structure from the Athenian Acropolis has four sides of very different character with each side resting on different ground levels


What was the economic system that was gradually replaced by the growth of towns and cities during the Romanesque period?


An ogee arch is a characteristic of which of the following styles of architecutre?


Hiberno-saxon refers to art produced in


In the Early Christian Middle Ages, animals were used as symbols for

Gospel Writers

The independent spirit and relative freedom Etruscan women enjoyed horrified who?

Greco-Roman male authors

The plan of San Vitale is similar to what other building structure?

Hagia Sophia, because it contains a central plan

In which of the following period was the statue of the dying gaul made?


Portrayals on Christ primarily emphasize

His triumph over death

What led the German amateur archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann, to uncover Troy?

Homer's iliad

How did the Etruscans bury their dead?

In subterranean rooms arranged along a network of streets in a city of the dead.

Where was the citadel of Sargon II located?


The Malwiya minaret in Samarra was too tall to have been used to call the faithful to prayer and was clearly visible for a considerable distance. what was a possible explanation

It announced the prescence of Islam

The somber expression of Lars Pulena on his sarcophagus distinguishes it from earlier sarcophagi? What would account for it?

It illustrated the decline in Etruscan fortunes

The hypostyle mosque, such as Kairouan, most closely reflects the mosque's supposed origin. What best supports this statement?

It is Muhammad's house in Medina

Critical of the polytheistic religion of his fellow arabs, Muhammas had all the idols destroyed, however he preserved the Kaaba. Which of the following supports the reason for this preservation?

It is the islamic world's symbolic center

Who was the first to break tradition and use his portrait on roman coinage

Julius Caesar

The patron of the Hagia Sophia was


Sir Arthur Evans was an archaeologist who uncovered the ruins at


What is a palace found on crete?


The earliest known example of the use of contrapposto is the sculpture know as the

Kritios boy

Egyptian columns come in forms such as

Lotus palm and papyrus

What best describes and distinguished the "First Style" of Roman painting?


The architects of the Hagia Sophia were also


The positioning of all mosques, no matter period or country, must be oriented towards which of the following cities?


The minoans followed the Egyptian figure style except that the

Minoans have some figures in true profile

Which type of Etruscan funerary monument had no parallel in Greece?

Monumental Sarcophagi

Sinan was born a christian, converted to Islam, then trained in engineering and the art of building while still in the army. He was also court architect to Suleyman the Magnificent. What was his greatest achievement?

Mosque of Selim II

The dome of the rock marks the site where

Muhammad ascended to heaven

The lion gate is the gateway to


The fibula excavated from the Regiolini-Galassi Tomb illustrated motifs borrowed from the


The two doors with lions as doorknobs comes from which art historical period


What was a procession held in Athens every four years?

Panathenaia or Panathenaic Procession

what was a tool used by archaeologists to explore tomb interiors at Tarquinia without the expensive and time-consuming excavation?


What describe the Temple of "Fortunas Virilis"


San Vitale is located in


Both the Pantheon and the San Vitale are closely associated with

Roman emperor

What art historical period did not influence the san vitale?


After the fall of the Byzantine empire, artistic production continued in


Roman temple design during the republican period reflected the colossal design of the Greek Hellenisitc style. What temple can this be seen in?

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, Palestrina

What would describe the "baroque" style of the 2nd century CE tomb nicknames Al-Khazneh, the Treausury, located at Petra?

Studied disregard for classical rules

The earliest known Greek temple with sculptural decoration is

Temple of Hera, Paestum

What material did the Etruscans prefer for their sculptures?


the Apulu of Veii is made up of what material?


Which group of barbarians invaders became firmly established in regions known today as France, Switzerland, the Netherland, and part of Germany?

The Franks

The mosque of Selim II was inspired by

The Hagia Sophia

What mythical scene decorated the Ficoroni Cista

The argonauts

The citadel of Sargon II was built by

The assyrians

Unlike Greek temples, Etruscan temples were not meant to be seen as sculptural masses. What architectural element would exemplify this?

The entrance was centered at the front of the structure

The Hagia Sophia was constructed in

The sixth century

Which near eastern society built the white temple?

The sumerians

The column of Trajan contains a winding band of reliefs that depict?

Trajans military campaigns

What was the typical tomb type found at the Etruscan cemetery at Cerveteri?


The plan of San Vitale differs from that of the pantheon by the inclusion of what

a Narthex

The highest calling for an islamic artist it to be

a calligrapher

Tiryins was

a fortified citadel

The atrium courtyard space functioned as a place for

a place for catechumens to gather during a christian ceremony

The treasury of atrus is an excellent example of

a tholos tomb

A key characteristic of Carolingian architecture is

a westwork

In egyptian art, hippopotami are often seen as

agents of evil

The pantheon is dedicated to

all the god

The depiction of the battle between the knight and the dragons from the Moralia in Job was viewed by the clergy as

an allegory of the struggle of monks against the devil for the salvation souls.

What contributed to the transformation of Etruscan society in the orientalizing period?

an alliance with greek colonies in the South

What is the function of mihrab

an indicator of the direction to mecca

Pages from medievel books are made from

animal hide

What is a buon fresco?

applied to a wet wall

Typical depictions of jesus in the catacombs show him

as a good shepeard

Where would an oculus be found?

at the center of a dome

Hildegard von Bingen was a


Double tiered columns did not allow

barrel roof vaulting

What would be located in a forum and would house the law court for the city?


Unlike Romanesque sculptures, Gothic works

become more three dimensional

A trumeau is located

between the doors of a portal

The image of the gold cross with jesus on the front functioned as a

book cover

Covering a surface with white lime plaster that required rapid execution and great skill was what painting method

buon fresco

How is interior architectural space defined in the muslim world?

by having no interior walls

minarets are used to

call people to prayer

The mihrab decorations features which 23 main things

calligraphy, stylized designs, ceramic tile

Many works of Egyptian sculpture were carved in situ, meaning they were

carved on the spot where the stone was found

The arch of titus shows the military triumphs of Titus, returning after the successful conclusion of the Jewish wars in 70 CE. Which of the following was also included in the sculptural program for the Arch of Titus?

celebration of imperial virtues

What was one of the main changes that took place in the representation of the female figure in High Classical period, exemplified by the Three Goddesses?

clingy drapery that follows the controus of the body

The technique used in creating the purse lid involves a multistep enamel process called


Freed slaves often ordered portrait reliefs for their tombs. Which of the following is the best reason for this?

commemorate their status as roman citizens

The Bayeux tapestry celebrates the

conquering of England by William the conquerer

a metope

contains sculpture

Evident in the abscence of a pediment and a roof, the Temple of Apollo, Didyma, reflected the ability of Hellenistic architecture to

copy the partheneon

What form of arch is above the lintel of the lion gate?

corbelled arch

The citadel of Sargon II's building complex was organized around


The guardian figure design of the lion gate can be found in minature on

cretan seals

Minoan culture was centered on


The difference between a reserve column and an engaged column is that the reserve column is

cut out of rock

Viking works are typically applied art, meaning that

decoration was added to utilitarian items

The old palace period in Minoan Art came to an end around 1700 BCE. What was the probable cause?


In Etruscan iconography, what symbolized regeneration?


The citadel of Sargon II was constructed when?

eighth century BCE

Arabesques are based on

floral designs

what architecutral innovation does not take place at the hagia sophia

frescoes covering the wall space

The gigantomachy of the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon alludes to a victory of the Pergamese over who in the 3rd century BCE


This selection from the pergamon altar shows the

gods dragging the giants up the stairs

A tumulus marks a


What conclusion could be drawn regarding the Athenians perception of themselves based on the panathenaic festival frieze from the parthenon

had high opinions of their own worth

Who or what was the minotaur

half man, half bull

Characterisically icons were

handled and kissed by the faithful

The queen hatshepsut temple is meant to

harmonize with its landscape

Etruscan temples resemble Greek temples in that they both

have pediments

Pilgrims believed that relics could

heal body and soul

Coffering was a useful architectural device in that it performed what function?

helped lighten the weight of a dome or arch

The arch of titus functions as a

historic document

Voussoirs are used to form

horseshoe arcs

An atrium can have a


The frescoes at dura Europos show Jewish scenes

in a random order

A spandrel is the part of a building that

is defined by the space between two arches

What purpose did Gislebertus's image of the Last Judgement on the portal of Saint-Lazare serve?

it displace the saint to whom the church was dedicated

The minoan painting called the spring fresco is unusual for a landscape because

it has no human activity

The byzantine panel is made of


A standing nude figure of young man is known in greek art as which of the following?


The image of saint matthews holding a book shows the influence of Byzantine art in the

letters in greek

Etruscan temples are unusual in that they

look like a domestic interior

A tapestry is made on


Naram sin was the first ancient ruler to

make himself a god

An example of a veristic portrait is

man of the roman republic

the virgin and child in majesty, depicts mary and jesus in a relationship that stresses

mary's poisition as the throne of wisdom

Romanesque architecture is characterized by its

massiveness and solidity

The pinched waist took place during what period


The close in english gothic architecture was inspired by

monastery cloisters

Ottonian art started a revival in

monumental works of sculpture

When compared to the Classical style, greek hellenistic art could be characterized as:

more realistic and emotional

Byzantine church interiors are typically deocrated with


In ancient Mesopotamia the material most often used for building was


Pedimental sculpture is extremely rare in Etruscan temple architecture. Where did the Etruscans usually place their narrative statuary?

on the peaks of the temple roof

How might of cycladic figures been presented in a tomb?

on their backs

The Alhambra was a


It is common in ancient near east art to have figures that are

part animal and part human

What is tempera

pigment mixed with egg yolk

what is encaustic

pigment mixed with wax

The rise of monumental stone sculpture in France and Spain in the eleventh and twelth centuries is generally associated with the decoration of

pilgrimage churches

One aspect of Etruscan society that contributed to their downfall was the lack of...

political cohesion

Orant figures


Pilgrimages account for the architectural development of

radiating chapels

the exterior and interior of the pantheon is a contrast of

rectangles and circles

In the archaic period the black-figure style of vase painting was replace by what style?

red figure

The white temple was used for what function

religious rituals

Persian manuscripts are unusual in Islamic art because they

resist the ban on images

Byzantine churches have artistic programes that feature Jesus as the central figure in the role of Pantocrater, meaning he is the

ruler of the world

An iconostasis was used to

separate the apse from the transept and the nave of a church

Icon images took place around what centuries

sixth and seventh

The object is typical of its time and place in having been

small and portable

Pinnacles were used for

stabilizing stuctures against the wind

The pedimental sculptures of the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina were better adapted to its traingular shape than those of earlier archaic temples due to what?

statues of equal size but in different poses

The difference between an embroidery and a tapestry is that an embroidery is

stitched on a premade background

Fears of idolatry cause the Byzantines to

stop the production of ions

Cycladic figures are known for their


Minoan columns are distinguished by

tapering shape and bulbous capitals

Etruscan sculpture is different from Greek sculptures in that in Etruscan art

terra-cotta is favored

The wall painting in the Tomb of the Leopards portrays what?

the Banqueters and musicians

Caryatids were figures that can be found on

the Erechtheion

You can identify the figure of Saint Matthew by

the angel in the artwork which symbolized Matthew

What was iconoclasm

the banning or destruction of religious figurative images

The work that should be characterized as having horror vacui would be

the book of kells

The reuse of pagan columns in Christian churches symbollically means the

the christians were making pagan objects do service to a new god

Significant numbers of small marble figurines representing naked women with arms folded over abdomens have been found in

the cyclades islands

The image of the gold cross with jesus on the front is evidence of

the flourishing of a codex production

The republican portraits are usually of older men. Which of the following explains the life-life verism of these portraits?

the hellenistic tradition of portraiture

Glazed brick tile was used at what monument?

the ishtar gates

The two doors with lions as doorknobs pairs scenes from

the old testament with scenes from the new testament

Pompeian wall paintings of the second style are characterized by what?

the wall seemingly opening up into an illusionistic landscape

The etruscan temple differed from the geek temple because it had?

three cellas

What was one of the purposes of the portrait bust of the Flavian Woman

to show idealized beauty

Mastabas are an early form of an egyptian


During the Mycenaean Period, large scale figural art on the Greek mainland was

very rare

Polykleitos's Doryphorus reflects the artist's belief that a perfect statue

was constructed according to a mathematical formula

What type of material did the Etruscans prefer for their temples?

wood and mudbrick

Polykleitos was a famous sculptor of the spear bearer, but he also

wrote a canon of human proportions

The white temple is a


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