APUSH Unit 5 Chapters 16-19

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Why was the Battle of Wounded Knee historically significant?

"Final indictment of decades of relentless U.S. expansion, white ignorance and greed and conflicting policies, and bloody mistakes".

Describe the 13th, 14th ,and 15th Amendments

13 It got rid of slavery 14 rights of citizens 15 sufferage of black men

Why did families have children work in factories?

All skilled men had gotten better jobs so jobs in the factory were needed to be filled plus children and families didn't have to be paid as much. Also families needed more money.

What was the Comstock Act 1873? What was its effect?

Comstock Act 1873:prohibited circulation of almost any information about sex and birth control. The effect was that most people thought it would be safer and decency of the community. It didn't really make a lot of success in stopping the lucrative and popular trade in contraceptives-a device or drug serving to prevent pregnancy.

What role did tariffs play in paying off the federal governments Civil War Debt?

Congress raised the protective tariff on a range of manufactured goods, from textiles to steel, and on some agricultural products, like wool, and sugar. The tariff mostly funded the government completely from the war.Tariffes erased the debt of $2.8 billion and created a huge budget surpluses.

What was the purpose of the National Grange?

Country rising power of corporate middleton through cooperation and mutual aid; it brought farm families together for recreation and conversion. They also created their own banks, insurance companies, and grain elevators, and a farm implement factory in Iowa. They also created their own political party.

Similarities and differences between Great Railroad Strike 1877 and Homestead Strike 1892?

Great Railroad Strike- Steep Wage Cuts. Walked off job. State militia had to stop the fight. Destroyed property (people did). Do not hire list was created. Both- Jobs were lost. Against government. Both Strikes. People lost against the government. Homestead Strike- Owner of land, not workers repealed. War started because of this.

Discuss B.T. Washington's thoughts on education and racial change in the US

He agreed for industrial education instead of book education because he had deep poverty and mostly used self-help for education. He approved racial segregation because then the races could remain socially detached. He wanted whites to join him for working for "the highest intelligence and development of all."

What was the Homestead Act? Did it fulfil its promise? Why or why not?

Homestead Act:160 acres of federal land to any applicant who occupied+improved the property. Work on land for 5 years; It did not fulfil its promise because the land was terrible and most people would leave before the 5 years were even over.

What is horizontal integration? Who used it? What was its benefit? Drawbacks?

Horizontal Integration:Owning all other companies that make your product. Who used it:Companies.Benefits- monopoly, control prices, no competition.Drawbacks:monopoly, no competition

What was the purpose of the petticoat rule?

If women were allowed to vote, some believed they would cancel out men votes which would cause men to have petticoat rule which means men won't have more power than women.

What was the purpose of the Indian Rights Association?

It was Americans thinking Indians as savages and working on the idea of fixing them. With "kinder treatment" to natives, and offer them to join us and use our ways.

What was the impact of the Plessy case?

It was that the Fourteenth amended wasn't violated when Plessy was removed out of a car because she refused to move and sit in the back. It wasn't violated because blacks and whites were "separate but equal". Blacks were not allow to have first class anything anywhere because of this court case.

What was "muscular Christianity?" Who implemented the idea? Why?

Muscular Christianity-It combined evangelism with gyms and athletic facilities where men could make themselves "clean and strong". Basically combining religion and fitness.The YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) put this idea into place because they wanted to improve the fitness of people since jobs had started because less and less labor work. They also believed it would help work on teamwork, and company pride.

Who created the settlement houses? What was the purpose of settlement houses?

Page 627-628 Settlement houses were created by urban reformers. The purpose was to help the poor, raise funds to address urgent needs, and help neighborhood residents advocate on their own behalf.

What was predatory pricing and trusts? Who used it? How was it used?

Predatory pricing:control prices of your product caused by vertical integration. Trusts:allowing horizontal integration. Used it:companies. It was used by a company would own all other companies that make their product (horizontal integration) and then control the prices of it because they are the only one who sells it so people have to buy it at whatever price they sell it at.

Discuss romanticism, realism, naturalism, and modernism. How did each one influence the next in chronological order?

Romanticism- a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual. Realism- writing about real things, usually didn't have happy endings. Naturalism-human beings not rational agents+shapes of their own destinies as blind victims of forces beyond their control. Modernism- Modern. Romanticism was the first, but then authors wanted something more realistic, so realism was created. Then authors believed realism didn't go far enough so they started to turn to overcome sentimentalism even more with naturalism. Then authors wanted something that rejected the traditional way of writing so modernism was created. It focused on questioning the whole idea of progress and order.

What was the Sand Creek Massacre? What was the controversy surrounding the event?

Sand Creek Massacre:November 29, 1864, massacre of more than 100 peaceful Cheyennes, largely women+children by John M. Chivington's Colorado militia. The controversy was peaceful people were attacked by Colorado for no reason; Indians were just trying to protect their land, but Americans wanted it. Chivington was murdered during the battle.

What was scientific management? Benefits? Drawbacks?

Scientific Management:system of organizing work made by Fred W. Taylor. Designed to coax maximum output from one worker, increase efficiency+ reduce production costs. Basically it timed people and if they could make the number of products needed then they got a promotion. Benefits:made people work faster, more profit. Drawbacks:Hard to keep up, stress

What was the Social Gospel? Why was it used by Protestant Churches?

Social Gospel-movement to renew religious faith though dedication to public welfare+social justice, reforming both society+ self through Christian services. It was used by Protestant Churches because of the flow of immigrants and the fear of losing their religious faith.

Who was not allowed to be in the Knights of Labor? Why?

The Chinese because the Chinese Exclusion Act. Chinese were not skilled workers and did not help increase wages.

Why did the US for a period of time encourage Chinese immigration?

The chinese laborers were helping clear out farmland, and build railroads in the USA, plus we signed the Burlingame Treaty with China which allowed us to have USA missionaries there.

What was the intention of the Dawes Act?

The intention was dividing Indian Lands into Homesteads to help natives become more like white people. It was also to help take over more of west and to place natives into a defined area. It was also to encourage more Indians to be like whites.

What was the point of Stanton's "solitude of self" speech?

The point was to encourage women to depend on themselves and not fathers and husbands. It also was used to increase female leaders.

What was the purpose of boarding schools for Indians in the last 19th century?

The purpose was to educate natives to help them become more like white people; "educating the next generation". The schools were very strict to Indians.

What was the purpose of the Hatch Act 1887?

The purpose was to provide funding for agricultural research and education, meeting farmers' demands for government aid to agriculture. It was to respond to the pressure from farmers, and other lower classes.

What happened to the size of families in cities in the late 1800s? Why?

The sizes of families started to decline because ...Menopause was limiting the number of kids. A key to upward mobility was having less kids. Americans married later also. Women tried to space out their pregnancies. Condoms. Diaphragms.

How did the settlement of the Great Plains after the Civil War impact women's rights and opportunities?

The success of the farm depended on the women and children so they usually took care of the land. Women could also own their own homestead property, but few did. Some women also got the chance to join state legislate.

Why did the US Government ban Chinese immigration in 1882?

They banned immigration of Chinese immigration because of racist.

How long did the new immigrants from 1880-1920 think they would be in the US? Why?

They expected to work for a few years then go home because they believed they could easily earn a lot money in the US.

Why was the AFL more successful than the Knights of Labor?

Unlike the Knights of Labor, AFL didn't demand as much on electoral policies because it was very unlikely for wins to occur. It also had more skilled and higher class people in it, and was harder to get into than the Knights of Labor. AFL didn't want to challenge the corporate order; they just wanted a larger share of rewards. It also lasted longer than the Knights of Labor. Their strategy matched well with the era when Congress and courts were hostile about labor.

What is vertical integration? Who used it? What was its benefit? Drawbacks?

Vertical Integration:Owning everything used to make the product. Who used it:Companies. Benefits: Get paid by competition to get products to make your product,Drawbacks:Can lead to monopolies, they can control too much of an industry

What were typical jobs of women in the American Labor force in the late 19th century?

Women were given the lowest jobs. Secretarial work was given to women because it was a dead end job. They later also got stenographers and typists. They also got clerking and other office works.

What made the growth of skyscrapers possible?

page 608- the skyscraper was invented because of the inventions of steel girders, durable plate glass, and passenger elevators. A Chicago school sprang up, dedicated to the design of the buildings whose form expressed their structure and function

Who faced more discrimination as they moved to northern cities at the end of the 1800s African Americans or European immigrants? Why?

page 614 - African Americans. They faced an urban danger: the so-called race riot, an attack by white mobs triggered by rumors of crime.

What were tenements? What were the pros and cons of living in these areas?

page 614 - Tenements were buildings that housed twenty or more families in cramped, airless apartments. They fostered rampant disease and horrific infant mortality. They were cheap.Eventually they made the New York's Tenement House Law of 1901 - required interior courts, indoor toilets, and fire safeguards for new ones. However, had no effect on the ones that already existed. Another pro is that immigrants got to be with other immigrants and people were never alone.

How did new forms of entertainment effect dating rituals?

page 618 - Amusement parks and dance halls helped foster the new custom of dating, which like other cultural innovations emerged first among the working class. Gradually it became acceptable for a young man to escort a young woman out on the town for commercial entertainments rather than spending time at home with parents watching.

What was yellow journalism? Effect of it?

page 618 - Amusement parks and dance halls helped foster the new custom of dating, which like other cultural innovations emerged first among the working class. Gradually it became acceptable for a young man to escort a young woman out on the town for commercial entertainments rather than spending time at home with parents watching.

What were muckrakers? How did T. Roosevelt feel about them?

page 619 - Theodore Roosevelt dismissed such writers as muckrakers who focused too much on the negative side of American life. Muckrakers is a critical term, first used by Roosevelt for investigative journalists who published exposures of political scandals and industrial abuse

What was implemented in cities to improve public health by the end of the 1800s?

page 625-626- The "City Beautiful" movement (it made more and better urban park spaces) was started to improve public health. Cities started making sewage and drainage systems, and the cities started to pay more for sanitation. They also started using cleaner gases

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