Art Appreciation Exam 3 CH 8,9,10

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Artemisia Gentileschi was one of the followers of


Bernini's David represents the moment before, during, or after his confrontation of Goliath?

He eliminated isles

For Sant' Andrea in Mantua, Alberti deviated from the traditional basilca plan, which was

Deflation of the status of the court artist

From the artists perspective, what was the subject of the Las Meninas?

Poetic Themes

Giorgione's paintings are known for their

An exacting rendering of pain

Grunwalds Isenheim Altarpiece is characterized by

Illusionistically continuing the church's architecture

How did Fra Abadrea Pozzo create the illusion of Heaven opening above the ceiling for Sant'Ignazio?

Light source from outside picture

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his fingers in the Tribute Money?

Depicting animals in variety of angles, esp. foreshadowing

How does Gentile da Fabriano reconcile the Adoration of the Magi w/ trends in Florentine?

He places Peter behind the gospel writers

How does the Durers Four Apostles reveal his Lutheran sentiments?

At the foot of the cross

In Masaccio's Holy Trinity, the vanishing point can be found

Gothic Intricacy

In Riemenschneiders Assumption of the Virgin, he successfully incorporated


In the Jan Van Eycks Giovanni Arnolfini & His Bride, which of the following is an allusion to God?

Seasonal tasks

In the calendar pages of Les Tres Riches Hueres scenes of courtly life alternate with

Harmonic proportions achieved beauty in architecture

Leon Batista Alberti believed that


Leonardo da Vinci's paintings are characterized by

Annibale Carracci

Poussin's painting is most like the work of (Hint: He has a school.)


The classical principle of contrapposto was reintroduced by the sculptor


The development of linear perspective during the Renaissance is credit to

A triumphal arch and a temple front

The facade of Alberti's Sant' Andrea combines

Caterina Van Hemessen

The first known Northern European self-portrait by a woman


The term terribilitia is most often used to refer to

Caravaggio, Tintoretto, and Michaelangelo

The work of which three artists influenced Rubens' Elevation of the Cross?

Mathematical Application to pictorial organization

Trinity, embodies 2 principal Renaissance interest, 1. realism based on observation & 2.

Concave and Convex

What types of shapes did Borromini employ at San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane?


What was Claude Lorrain is known for?

Camera Obscura

What was Vermeer known to use to get the exacting details in his paintings?

Humility of civic pride and responsibility

Which Renaissance traits are evident in the 1401 competition in Florence?


Which artist displayed Mannerist characteristics?

English King Charles I

Which famous and power individual did Can Dyck paint?

Presenting several episodes in a single frame

Which of the following describes the Medieval narrative method?

A book of hours

Which of the following is a manifestation of the commitment to private prayer?

Jean, Duke of Berry

Who was the noble patron who commissioned Les Tres Riches Hueres?

Balance and worldly and spiritual concerns

Quinten Massy's Money-Changed and his Wife warns viewers to

Figures that appear in encorche, the representation of figures in actions, his work for the Medici (all)

The Florentine Pollaiulo is known for

The fear of empty space

The Latin term horror vacui refers to

Nobility, please try, seasonal tasks

The calendar in Les Tres Riches Hueres de Duc berry depicts


What is the best description for Annibale Carraci's style?

Deaths head as momento mori

What anamorphic element appears in Holbeins French Ambassadors?


What appears on the ground floor of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi?

Vanitas and momento mori

What are some terms associated with still-life painting?

Lighter tonalities, subtle modeling and chiaroscuro, pyramidal composition

What are the characteristics of Raphael's style?

Mousetrap, sword, water basin & Towel (all)

What are the elements of the iconographical program in the Merode Alterpiece?

Violets, Roses, Lillie's

What are the flowers associated with the Virgin?

Painting in the dark matter

What does tenebrism mean?

Power to the absolute monarch

What does the palace at Versailles symbolize?

The naked figure of Isaac

What is a classical reference on Ghibertis 1401 competition panel?


What is a definitive characteristic of the 17th century Italian architecture?

Masterful use of light and shadow, Protestant interpretations of scripture, and penetration images of the human soul (all)

What was Rembrandt known forever what were the characteristics of his paintings?


Which of the following architects wrote influential treatises on painting and architecture?


Which painter created dynamic compositions, often by means of swirling clouds and Fitful light?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who said that he could "contrive various and endless means of offense and defense"?


Who was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery?


Who won the 1401 competition to design the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence?

To encourage self-sacrifice in the face of potential war

Why did the Florentine leaders select the Sacrifice of Isaac as the theme of the 1401 contest?

Committed to silence

Why is it unlikely that the Well of Moses by Claud Sluter spouted water?

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