Bible Doctrine: Unit 10

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Before Moses wrote the Torah, God's Word was communicated from family to family ______


God has _____ man through natural and specific means.

revealed Himself to

According to the outline of Romans, Chapter 11 discusses the ___________ of the __________.

salvation Gentiles

People of noble birth and substantial wealth in the Roman Empire belonged to the _______________ aristocracy class.


When did Christ achieve the most significant victory over sin?

when He died a sacrificial death for man on the Cross

Select the first three kings of Israel.

1. Saul 2. David 3. Solomon

Why did God use written revelation? (More than one answer possible).

1. To provide Israel a record of laws and regulations 2. To communicate what Natural Revelation could not, salvation by Jesus Christ

Select the three divisions of the Hebrew Old Testament.

1. Torah/Law 2. Writings 3. Prophets

Why did God wait for many generations before He had man record His revelation? (More than one answer possible).

1. Written communication was slow in evolving 2. Israel needed to emerge as a nation

Match these items. 1. to make a speech in defense of the Christian faith 2. received an heir, land, and an eternal blessing 3. God-breathed 4. a name for Jesus Christ 5. wrote Miracles 6. work of Holy Spirit 7. when Christ became a man 8. a reed used as a measuring rod 9. the Torah 10. study of ancient things 11. the recognition of the Scriptures by man 12. an example of faith in God 13. a substitute 14. A. D. 1948 15. appearance of God as a man or angel 16. friendship

1. apologetics 2. Abraham 3. inspiration 4. Son of Man 5. C. S. Lewis 6. illumination 7. Incarnation 8. kanon 9. Pentateuch 10. archaeology 11. canonicity 12. Job 13. atonement 14. Israel became a state 15. the angel of the Lord 16. Jonathan and David

Match these items. 1. a substitute 2. the Torah 3. Acts, Chapter 7 4. name of Jesus 5. the attempted destruction of the Jews 6. study of ancient things 7. represents an idea 8. received twice as much as before 9. Jews endured much suffering 10. June 5 through June 11, 1967 11. God-breathed 12. appearance by God as an angel or man 13. unchangeable 14. Israel became a state 15. Moses Mendelssohn

1. atonement 2. Pentateuch 3. Stephen's defense 4. Son of man 5. holocaust 6. archaeology 7. ideograph 8. Job 9. Middle Ages 10. Six-Day War 11. inspiration 12. the angel of the Lord 13. immutable 14. May, 1948 15. Jewish philosopher

Match these items. 1. God-breathed 2. ancestor of Christ 3. study of ancient things 4. Acts, Chapter 7 5. A.D. 1654 6. A.D. 1948 7. Syrian ruler who desecrated the temple in Jerusalem 8. June 5 through June 11, 1967 9. led revolt against the Roman government 10. Torah 11. the attempted destruction of the Jews in World War II 12. Jewish philosopher 13. introductory studies 14. represents an idea

1. inspiration 2. Esther 3. archaeology 4. Stephen's defense 5. Jewish settlement in New Amsterdam 6. Israel became a state 7. Antiochus Epiphanes 8. Six-Day War 9. Bar Kochba 10. Pentateuch 11. holocaust 12. Moses Mendelssohn 13. isagogics 14. ideograph

Match these items. 1. God-breathed 2. capital center of the Roman Empire 3. governor 4. theme of Romans 5. Romans, Chapter 13 6. identification with Christ 7. leads us to depend on Christ for salvation 8. represents the nation of Israel 9. base for evangelism 10. Romans, Chapter 12 11. critical analysis of a word 12. Romans, Chapter 7 13. Roman emperor 14. received God's blessings 15. rejected by the Jews

1. inspiration 2. Rome 3. procurator 4. Romans 1:16-17 5. submission 6. baptism 7. the Law 8. olive tree 9. Spain 10. service to God 11. exegesis 12. warring struggle 13. Nero 14. Abraham 15. Jesus

Three activities of Christ in His present ministry include:

1. mediator between God and man 2. the High Priest 3. the Righteous one

Select the three means through which God has revealed Himself to man.

1. nature 2. conscience 3. Scripture

Two reasons why God waited until the time of Moses to have His Word recorded are:

1. so man can easily write down his Word 2. he wanted to wait until Israel emerged

Match these items. 1. an appearance by God as an angel or man 2. represents an idea 3. an ancient writing pen 4. book of the Prophets 5. a reed used as a measuring rod 6. the first five books of Hebrew Bible 7. introductory studies 8. God-breathed 9. critical analysis of a word 10. Greek, hieroglyphic, and demotic writing 11. from the patriarchal era 12. an Essene community 13. work of the Holy Spirit 14. Hurrian city 15. scientific study of ancient people

1. the angel of the Lord 2. ideograph 3. calamus 4. Nabhiim 5. kanon 6. Pentateuch 7. isagogics 8. inspiration 9. exegesis 10. Rosetta Stone 11. Mari Tablets 12. Khirbet Qumran 13. illumination 14. Nuzi 15. archaeology

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in A.D. ______


The reference of the theme of the book of Romans is found in Romans


The theme of the book of Romans is found in ________


The inter-Testament period lasted _________ years.


The Bible contains _______ books written over a period of _______ years.

66 1500

According to Romans Chapter ___, the Christian is free from condemnation by God.


The nation of Israel was instituted when God called ___________.


Why was the Apocrypha not accepted into the Hebrew canon?

Because it is not consistent Biblically with the Old Testament

The Persian king _________ allowed the people of the southern kingdom to return from Babylon and to rebuild Jerusalem in _____ B.C.

Cyrus 536

The title of Jesus that means God with us is _____.


Arabs were in agreement with the United Nations General Assembly decision concerning Israel in 1947.


God's purpose for marriage changed after the Fall of man.


Jesus' death and suffering are foretold in the New Testament but not in the Old Testament.


The Council of Laodicea confirmed all of the books of the Canon.


The Council of Laodicea confirmed all of the books of the canon.


The Dead Sea Scrolls were a major archaeological discovery of the nineteenth century.


The Dead Sea scrolls contain inscriptions of Greek and Aramaic writing.


The Hebrew Scriptures were recognized in their entirety shortly after the Resurrection.


The word sin means to be corrupt.


When God became man He did not limit the use of certain divine attributes.


The ________ text was translated into ________ by the _________ of Alexandria, Egypt and is known as the ____________.

Hebrew Greek Jews Septuagint

The following questions were asked of the books to be included in the _______________ Is it prophetic? Is it authoritative? Is it dynamic? Is it authentic? Was it received by God's people?

Hebrew Canon

Paul uses the illustration of the olive tree in Romans Chapter 11 as a symbol for ____________


The Bible tells us that __________ possessed all the attributes of God.


According to the outline of Romans, Chapter 10 talks about ___________ unbelief.


The Hebrew text was translated into Greek by the ___________ of Alexandria, Egypt.


According to Romans Chapter 11, God hardened the hearts of the ___________ to Jesus Christ so that the way of salvation would be opened to the ____________

Jews Gentiles

Paul wrote to the Roman believers to fortify them against the ____________


__________ the act of being set free from the penalties of sin, was obtained by God's grace through the redemptive work of _________

Justification Jesus Christ

The persecution of the Jews, the destruction of copies of the Scriptures, and attempted destruction of the orthodox Jewish faith by the Syrian ruler Antiochus Epiphanes led to the _______________ revolt.


The last division of the ___________ was finally organized and completed when the Jews returned from the Babylonian Captivity.

Old Testament



The Jews experienced persecution and intolerance during the ____________. They experienced peace under the ___________.

People's Crusade Muslim rule

The first king of Israel was __________


Besides nature and man's conscience, God has revealed Himself in ____________


Why did God decide to reveal Himself to man in natural and specific ways?

So that man may know about God through nature, so man may understand that an absolute standard of right and wrong exists because man cannot receive eternal life until he realizes he needs Jesus Christ. Man needs to have a personal relationship with God.

The book of Ecclesiastes tells of _________________'s search for happiness apart from God.


List three things through which Solomon sought happiness. What can Christians learn from the example of Solomon's search for happiness? Use complete sentences.

Solomon searched happiness through education, money, and reputation. We can learn that everything else is vain and empty compared to happiness through God.









What do Romans 5:1 and 5:8 teach us?

That since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ died for us even though we are all sinners and this is God's love.

What is the major significance of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls?

The scrolls were the oldest Old Testament manuscripts yet found

According to Romans 1:29-31, what are the effects of sin on those who do not honor God?

They have become filled with every king of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing eveil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

The first division of the Old Testament to be accepted by God's people was the _____.


Christian young men are to treat their dates as sisters.


God has revealed Himself to man through natural and specific means.


God used Esther to save His people from destruction.


God waited for Israel to emerge as a nation before having His Word recorded.


God waited until His people had emerged as a nation to have His revelation recorded in written form.


God's righteousness is closely linked with His faithfulness.


Muslims and Jews both affirm the unity of God.


Paul used Habakkuk 2:4 as a basis for his theme in Romans.


Romans 5:1 says that Christians are justified by faith.


Romans Chapters 2 and 3 say that everyone is affected by sin which causes a spiritual separation from God.


The Abrahamic Covenant was sealed with a sacrifice.


The Bible contains sixty-six books written over a period of fifteen hundred years.


The Hebrew Scriptures were recognized in their entirety before the Resurrection.


The first division of the Old Testament to be recognized as Scripture was the Pentateuch.


The institution of marriage was established by God.


The lives of the patriarchs represent God's faithfulness.


The lives of the patriarchs represent faithfulness in God.


The study of the doctrine of interpretation is referred to as hermeneutics.


Those who are not in Christ are condemned by God.


A covenant is _____ between two or more parties.

a binding or solemn agreement

Complete the theme of the book of Romans 1:16-17. "For I am not ____________ of the __________ of Christ: for it is the power of ________ unto __________ to every one that _________; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God ________ from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall _______ by ________."

ashamed gospel God salvation believes believeth revealed live faith

A covenant is a _____ between two people.

binding agreement

Paul talks about the _______ nature versus the _______ nature in Romans Chapter 7.

carnal spiritual

Abraham's blessing from God was based on his ________


According to the outline of Romans, Chapter 16 includes the:

greetings and doxology

The study of the doctrine of interpretation is referred to as _____________.


Those in Christ Jesus are not condemned because God looks at those in Christ Jesus as being _____________ His Son.

identified with

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