Bio Ch 6- Cellular Respiration

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In the Citric Acid Cycle...Before each pyruvate enters the citric acid cycle, it must be _______


"grooming"- start & ending molecule

2 3-C pyruvate, acetyl CoA

How many ATP molecules are produced by the citric acid cycle for every glucose molecule metabolized?


What happens in Phase 1 of Glycolysis?

2 Phosphate groups are added to glucose and consumes 2 ATP

What is the overall net ATP production from glycolysis?

4 molecules of ATP per glucose; net 2 ATP per glucose

In the Citric Acid Cycle...Series of ___ reactions. Energy is transferred from the bonds of __________ to ____ & _____________

8,acetyl-CoA, ATP & electron carriers

In the Citric Acid Cycle...Each acetic acid is transferred to _______________, which carries it to the next set of reactions

coenzyme A (CoA)

Equation for Cellular Respiration :

glucose + oxygen ---> CO2 + H2O + energy

Glycolysis-start & ending molecule, aerobic or anaerobic, and location

glucose, 2 3-C pyruvate, anaerobic, cytoplasm

Where does energy come from in Cellular Respiration ?

glucose---> ATP (stored in b/w phosphate bonds)

What does the citric acid cycle complete?

the breakdown of glucose

Fermentation in Plants & Fungi

undergo fermentation, but do NOT produce lactic acid Instead, their waste product is ethyl alcohol

Fermentation (anaerobic respiration)

when your muscles must work anaerobically, when muscles spend ATP faster that O2

3 stages and locations of Cellular Respiration

1.Glycolysis (cytoplasm) 2. Citric acid cycle (mitochondria) 3. Electron Transport Chain (mitochondria)

Electron Transport Chain-start & ending molecule, aerobic or anaerobic, and location

10 NADH 2 FADH2 ATP aerobic mitochondrial inner membrane

In the Citric Acid many pyruvate are there to start ?


Reactants of Cellular Respiration

oxygen and glucose

In The Electron Transport Chain...The build up of energy from electrons in the mitochondrial matrix, that is released through ________________

ATP synthase

In the Citric Acid Cycle... Part of pyruvate splits off to form____. Electrons lost here are donated to ____(becomes _______). The remainder of the molecule is ________________

CO2, NAD+, NADH, acetic acid

What happens in Phase 2 of Glycolysis?

Cleavage & For each molecule of glucose, 2 3-carbon molecules are made

Which molecule is oxidized (loses electrons), and what does it become?

Glucose-it loses its electron in H to become CO2

Electron Carriers of Cellular Respiration

NAD+/NADH FADH/FADH2 (notice that both exist in an energized and unenergized form0

In the The Electron Transport Chain...what carrier transfers electrons?


Which molecule is reduced (gains electrons), and what does it become?

O2- it gains electrons plus protons to become H2O


Organisms that make their own food

Final electron acceptor of Cellular Respiration


Which molecule 'catches' the "spent" electrons? What else does it interact with and what is formed?

Oxygen because its highly electronegative and accepts the electron and interacts with 2 protons to become water

Why are 2 Phosphate groups are added to glucose?

Prevents glucose from exiting cell• & Prepares the molecule to be broken apart (this consumes 2 ATP)

Fermentation in Animals

Relies on glycolysis The product of glycolysis (pyruvic acid) collects the extra electrons, instead of them going to the electron transport chain This forms lactic acid - the chemical that makes your muscles sore Does NOT require oxygen

Input, Output, & net ATP gain in Fermentation in Animals

Requires : 2 ATP Produces: 4 ATP Net ATP gain: 2 ATP

What happens in Phase 3 of Glycolysis?

The "Payoff" phase 4 ATP are produced (2 from each 3-carbon molecule) 2 NADH is produced Final product: 2 pyruvate

Define Cellular Respiration

The aerobic harvesting of chemical energy from organic fuel molecules

What happens to the electrochemical gradient of protons? Where do the protons want to move?

The build-up of electrons makes a very high density of H+ between the mitochondrial membrane and the H+ don't like to be crowded. So they want to move or cross through the membrane to diffuse. Their only way is to go through ATP Synthase

Chemical cycling

The process of photosynthesis creates glucose and O2 from sun energy and CO2

What happens to the protons (H+ ) around the electron transport chain? Where do they go? How do they get there?

The protons are pumped out into the intermembrane space because the ETC proteins are excited to do work when the electrons are passed to them.

How is the proton gradient established by the ETC used to do work? What work is done (i.e., what is made and how)?

The protons can only flow back across the membrane through ATP synthase, thus making it turn like a turbine and giving it the electromotive force to produce ATP from ADP and Pi.

Citric Acid Cycle- start & ending molecule, aerobic or anaerobic, and location

acetyl CoA, (after it runs twice) 4 CO2 2 ATP 6 NADH 2 FADH2, aerobic, mitochondrial matrix

Types of cellsCellular Respiration occurs in?

all cells (aerobic or anaerobic)

Products of Cellular Respiration

carbon dioxide, water

Location of Cellular Respiration


In The Electron Transport Chain...The ____________ collects the energy from these transfers and turn it into ____. ______ is released as a waste product

mitochondria , ATP, Water


organism that cannot make its own food, must eat organic material to get nutrients/energy

In The Electron Transport Chain...This transferring of electrons happens between ______ located in the _________________________________

proteins, inner mitochondrial membrane

Electron Transport Chain

the system that transfers electrons along a series of membrane -associated proteins from an electron donor molecule to the final electron acceptor

Goal of Cellular Respiration

to convert the chemical energy in food (glucose) to chemical energy stored in ATP

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